School Psychology



November 12, 2008

Meeting Agenda

• Fall Schedule

• Spring Schedule

• Announcements

• School Psychology Presentation

• Class Scheduling Discussion

Fall Schedule

• December 3, 2008 – Holiday Party

• Pizza, soda, and fun

• Create cards for kids

• Bring a toy for donation

• We will provide craft supplies

• Suggestions for the our charity?

Spring Schedule

• All meeting will be held at 7pm

• January 21, 2009

• February, 4, 2009

• February, 18, 2009

• March 4, 2009

• March 25, 2009

• April 8, 2009 – Elections

• April 19, 2009 – Inductions

• April 22, 2009 – Evaluations and Fun!

• May 9 th and 10 th – Graduation!!!!!!!!!!!

2008 Women’s Leadership


• November 23 rd , 2008 at the Union

• Theme: “Leadership Unexercised is

Leadership Forfeited.”

• Keynote Speaker: Dr. Marcellette Williams

• Opportunity to submit a program proposal for the conference

• Contact

for more information

• Registration deadline is November 14 th!

GRE Study Group

Anyone interested?


• Direct Action & Research Training

(DART) Center

• Careers in Community Organizing

• Info session on December 3 at 7pm in the N124 Business College Complex.

Relay for Life

• Kick-off tonight in the Union 7:30-9pm

International Center.

• Need a representative to go!

Undergraduate Research


• April 18 th at Franklin College

• Opportunities for Undergraduates to submit their research for possible presentation.


School Psychology


• My least favorite class was ISP 205 (Visions of the Universe).


Because we were asked very specific questions on quizzes and exams

(names, dates, etc) that were nowhere to be found in the book and were not discussed in lecture. So...even though he gave us a packet at the beginning of the semester with 700+ possible exam questions, the answers were almost impossible to find. The T.A.--an Astronomy grad student--didn't even know the answers to a majority of the questions!!!

What did I like about my least favorite class?

The professor (Capriotti) was absolutely hilarious, and he tried to keep class interesting. Unfortunately, he's now retired.

My favorite class(es) are Health Psychology (Psy 320)and Substance

Abuse (CEP 261).


I'm currently enrolled in both of these courses, and the professors cover some very interesting topics in these classes. Health Psychology deals with issues such as stress and coping, physical illness as it relates to stress, disordered eating, health care policy, health promotion, etc. Substance

Abuse deals with addiction to both legal (OTC medications, Tobacco,

Alcohol) and illicit drugs (Cocaine, Meth, Heroin, Marijuana, etc)and its effects on both physical, psychological, and social well-being


• Favorite Course: WRA 150 with Doc Lar

– He was the coolest prof ever and gave me a whole new perspective on life

– the book list is a bit long, but they're all fantastic reads

• Least Favorite Course: PSY 200

– I thought that I'd be interested in neuroscience, but it turns out that I am not. If you have no interest in the biology side of psychology, or you have a strong interest in a practical field (like clinical, social, or school psychology), you probably won't like this class

Why I liked Psy 235

Instructed by Dr. Navarrete

• Material was interesting

• Instructor was captivating

• Was not that stressful to my delicate nature

• Extra bullet point to round out this


Why I did not like Psy. 209

• I did not have right test book

• Was not particularly entranced in the subject material

• Considered it stressful as I could not follow along with the text book

PSY395 – Research Methods

•Rick DeShon

•If you thought the one day discussing validity and reliability at the beginning of each class was redundant and unnecessary, you will be surprised to find that an entire class is devoted to exploring those concepts.

•More critical thinking than any psychology class I have ever taken.

•Memorizing and recalling information will not help. Success relies on a deep understanding of concepts and the ability to apply them.

•Good for science-oriented people, but no math involved

•Much of the class consists of critically analyzing the validity of experiments and the conclusions drawn from the resulting data. This will help tremendously for the argument analysis section of the GRE.

•You will probably hate this class while you are taking it, but it will be good for you.

–You will learn whether or not you want to be a professor after taking this class.

–You will get better at logic and reasoning and be able to critically examine experiments for their validity.

PSY200 – Cognitive Psychology

• Very dry material

• I enjoy the science aspect of psychology, but this class mostly consists of memorizing and recalling information.

Lots of cool things like explanations behind optical illusions, but I prefer science that is directly applicable to the world around me.

• More challenging than most psychology classes

• Alternatively, you may take PSY209 – Brain and Behavior to satisfy your cognitive psychology requirement. A lot of people seem to like that class.

ISP 203B: Natural Hazards &


• Least favorite class of college

• Took in spring 2007 with Dr. Remke Van Dam

• Extremely unorganized notes made it virtually impossible to follow along

• Strange wording made tests unnecessarily difficult- class average on first test was a 62%

• I think I was less interested in the material presented in this course than I thought that I would be. I would have probably done better in a different section.

PSY 424: Child & Family


• One of my favorite classes of college so far

(although I have others!)

• I took this course in the spring of 2008 with Dr.

Brooke Ingersoll

• Though challenging, I found the information both interesting and useful. We learned about topics that I actually wanted to learn about

• Dr. Ingersoll is a great lecturer and I found her supplementary readings very appropriate and thought-provoking

Least Favorite

Cognitive Psychology - 200

• Too much memorization

• Not a big fan of science

• It was difficult to stay interested in material.

• Great professor though!


Developmental Psychology - 244

• Great information

• Useful both in professional and personal life.

• Easy to stay interested in material.

• Good videos and discussions.
