Skyrise Specification - Otis Elevator Company

Architect’s and Consultant’s
Specification Guide
Otis Elevator Company
Gearless Electric Traction Elevator
Prepared according to
Construction Specifications Institute (CSI)
ELEVATORS 14210 – Guide Specifications for SkyriseTM Gearless Traction Elevator
SECTION 14210 – Electric Traction Elevators
This Section specifies electric traction elevators.
Work Required:
1. The work required under this section consists of all labor, materials and services required for
the complete installation (including operational verification) of all the equipment required for
the elevator(s) as herein specified.
2. All work shall be performed in a first class, safe and workmanlike manner.
3. In all cases where a device or part of the equipment is herein referred to in the singular, it is
intended that such reference shall apply to as many of such devices or parts as are required
to make complete installation.
Related work not specified herein: The following sections contain requirements that relate to this
section and are performed by trades other than the elevator manufacturer/installer.
1. Section 01500 - Construction Facilities and Temporary Controls: protection of floor openings
and personnel barriers; temporary power and lighting.
2. Section 02200 - Earthwork: excavation for elevator pit.
3. Section 03300 - Cast-In-Place Concrete: elevator pit, and elevator machine foundation.
4. Section 04200 - Unit Masonry: masonry hoistway enclosure, building-in and grouting hoistway
doorframes, and grouting of sills.
5. Section 05500 - Metal Fabrications: pit ladder, divider beams, and supports for entrances,
rails and hoisting beam at top of elevator hoistway.
6. Section 07145 - Cementitious Waterproofing: waterproofing of elevator pit.
7. Section 15500 - Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning: ventilation and temperature control
of elevator equipment areas.
8. Section 16100 - Electrical:
a. Main disconnects for each elevator.
b. Electrical power for elevator installation and testing.
c. Disconnecting device to elevator equipment prior to activation of sprinkler system.
d. The installation of dedicated GFCI receptacles in the pit and overhead.
e. Lighting in controller area, machine area and pit.
f. Wiring for telephone service to controller.
9. Section 16610 – Emergency (Standby) Power Supply Systems: emergency generator for
elevator operation.
10. Section 16720 - Fire Alarm Systems: The installation of fire and smoke detectors at required
locations and interconnecting devices; fire alarm signal lines to contacts in the machine area.
11. Section 16740 - Telephone Systems: ADAAG-required emergency communications
Applicable Codes: Comply with applicable building and elevator codes at the project site, including
but not limited to the following:
1. ANSI A117.1, Buildings and Facilities, Providing Accessibility and Usability for Physically
Handicapped People.
2. ADAAG, Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines.
3. ANSI/NFPA 70, National Electrical Code.
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ANSI/NFPA 80, Fire Doors and Windows.
ASME/ANSI A17.7, Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators.
ANSI/UL 10B, Fire Tests of Door Assemblies.
CAN/CSA C22.1, Canadian Electrical Code.
CAN/CSA-B44, Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators.
EN 12016 (May 1998): “EMC Product Family Standards for lifts, escalators, and passenger
conveyors Part 2 – immunity”
10. Local Building Codes
11. All other local applicable codes.
Note: Create separate sections, each containing the following parameters, if a group contains more than one
system configuration.
Equipment Description: SkyriseTM Elevonic Series gearless traction elevator.
Equipment Control: Elevonic® Control System.
Drive: Regenerative
Quantity of Elevators: [Enter appropriate number, 12 max]
Elevator Stop Designations: [Enter Appropriate elevator designations]
Stops : [60 max]
Openings: [Select one, 132 max] In line or Front & rear openings.
Travel (maximum): 650 ft. (200 m) (≤ 4000 lb.) or 500 ft (150 m) (4500 & 5000 lb.)
Rated Capacity: [Select one] 2100 lb (953kg), 2500 lb (1134kg)., 3000 lb (1361kg) , 3500 lb
(1588kg), 4000 lb (1814kg), 4500 lb (2041kg), 5000 lb (2268kg)
Rated Speed: [Select one] 500fpm (2.54m/s), 600fpm (3.05m/s), 700fpm (3.56m/s) or 800fpm
Machine: 15T (2100, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000 lb. passenger) or 30T (4,000 lb. hospital, 4,500 &
5,000 lb. service)
Roping: 2:1 (15 T machine) or 1:1 (30T machine)
Clear Inside Dimensions: [2100 lb (953kg) front] 5’ 9 1/2” W x 4’ 4” D
[2500 lb (1134kg) front] 6’ 9 1/2” W x 4’ 4” D
[3000 lb (1361kg) front] 6’ 9 1/2” W x 4’ 10” D
[3000 lb (1361kg) front & rear] 6’ 9 1/2” W x 4’ 9 1/2” D
[3500 lb (1588kg) front] 6’ 9 1/2” W x 5’ 6” D
[3500 lb (1588kg) front & rear] 6’ 9 1/2” W x 5’ 5 1/2” D
[4000 lb (1814kg) front] 7’ 9 1/2” W x 5’ 6” D
[4000 lb (1814kg) front & rear] 7’ 9 1/2” W x 5’ 5 1/2” D
[4500 lb (2041kg) front] 5’ 9 1/2” W x 8’ 0” D
[4500 lb (2041kg) front & rear] 5’ 9 1/2” W x 9’ 1/2” D
[5000 lb (2268kg) front] 6’ 1/2” W x 8’ 8” D
[5000 lb (2268kg) front & rear] 6’ 1/2” W x 8’ 6 1/2” D
Cab Height: [Select one] 8’, 9’, 10’ or 12’
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Entrance Type and Width: [Select one]: 36” (single slide 2,100lb only), 42” (single slide 2500lb3500lb), 42” (center opening 2500lb – 3500lb), 48” (center opening 4000lb only), 48” (2-speed
4500lb - 5000lb), 54” (2-speed 5000lb only)
Entrance Height: [Select one] 7’ or 8’
Main Power Supply: [Select one] 208, 220-240, 400, 460-480 or 575-600 Volts + or - 5% of
normal, three-Phase, with a separate equipment grounding conductor. Transformer (by Otis)
required for voltages other than 460-480 volts.
Car Lighting Power Supply: 125 Volts, Single-phase, 15 Amp, 60 Hz.
Machine Location: In a machine room above the hoistway
Signal Fixtures: Manufacturer’s standard with metal button targets (exc. CA).
Controller Location: In a machine room above the hoistway
1. Car Speed: + 2 % of contract speed under any loading condition or direction of travel.
2. Car Capacity: Safely lower, stop and hold up to 120% of rated load. (code required).
3. Ride Quality:
Vertical Vibration (maximum): 10 milli-g
Horizontal Vibration (maximum): 10 milli-g
Vertical Jerk (maximum): 4.59  1.0 ft./ sec3 (1.6  0.3 m/ sec3)
Acceleration/Deceleration (maximum): 3.28 ft./ sec2 (1.0 m/ sec2)
In Car Noise: 50 dB(A) (52 dB(A) with fan on)
Leveling Accuracy:  0.2 in. ( 5 mm) max,  0.12 in. ( 3 mm) Typical
[Simplex] Simplex Collective Operation: Using a microprocessor-based controller, operation shall
be automatic by means of the car and hall buttons. If all calls in the system have been answered,
the car shall park at the last landing served.
[Duplex] Duplex Collective Operation: Using a microprocessor-based controller, the operation
shall be automatic by means of the car and hall buttons. In the absence of system activity, one car
can be made to park at the pre-selected main landing. The other (free) car shall remain at the last
landing served. Only one car shall respond to a hall call. If either car is removed from service, the
other car shall immediately answer all hall calls, as well as its own car calls.
[MULTI-CAR] Multi-Car (8 max.) Operation: Using a microprocessor-based controller, the
operation shall be automatic by means of the car and hall buttons. In the absence of system
activity, one car can be made to park at the pre-selected main landing. The other (free) cars shall
park in multiple zones, changing their location with traffic demands.
Car Operating Features
1. Full Collective Operation:
The car shall answer calls in the order in which floors are reached, without respect to the time
sequence in which the calls were registered.
Only car calls and up hall calls shall be answered when the car is traveling in the up direction,
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and only car calls and down hall calls hall be answered when the car is traveling in the down
direction, except in the case of the highest or lowest calls which are answered as soon as they
are reached, regardless of the direction of travel of the car.
When the car reaches the last registered call for the established direction, it shall reverse and
proceed to answer calls in the opposite direction if they are present.
2. Anti-nuisance:
If an excessive number of car calls (quantity to be adjustable) are registered and the
passenger load as determined by the weight sensors is less than a predetermined weight, all
car calls shall be canceled requiring re-registration of calls.
3. Call Parking Recognition:
Car doors shall only open in response to car and hall demand. Cars being parked without call
demand will be parked without door operation.
4. Direction Preference:
At the final stop (highest or lowest call), direction preference shall be given to the hall
passenger whereby, if a passenger registers a car call for the original direction of travel before
the doors close, it shall not be possible for a waiting passenger at another floor to call the car
in the reverse direction.
5. Direction Reversal:
A car without registered car calls arriving at a floor where both up and down hall calls are
registered and the hall call is the last one in that direction, shall first respond to the hall call in
the direction that the car was traveling; and if no car call is registered for further travel in that
direction, the car shall close its doors and immediately re-open them in response to the hall
call in the opposite direction. The hall lantern shall always show the direction the car will travel
when it leaves a floor.
6. Fan and Light Protection:
The cab's fan and light shall automatically turn off if the car is idle for a selectable period of
7. Hall Button Protection:
If the hall button signal system fails, all of the cars in the group
shall enter Hall Button Protection operation. Each car shall answer
all pending car calls. When each car has no further demand, each car
shall travel to the lobby and shut down with the doors open.
8. Landing Passing Tone:
An audible signal located in car operating panel shall sound when the
car passes or stops at a landing.
9. Load Weighing Bypass:
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When a car is loaded to a predetermined percent of capacity, the weight sensing devices shall
operate causing that car to bypass further hall calls. Operation of the weight sensing devices
shall not affect the stopping of the car in response to car calls.
10. Platform Load Weighing:
A device shall measure car load so that proper starting torque is applied to motor.
11. [Special] Rear Openings:
The elevator(s) shall be arranged to serve rear openings at designated floors.
Each car shall be equipped with a power door operator for the rear openings, and the doors
shall be arranged to open only at that entrance for which a car or hall call has been
The front car operating panel shall include illuminated floor buttons for both front and rear
openings served, and if one or more floors has both front and rear openings at the same level,
it shall also contain door open and close buttons for the rear openings. A rear car operating
panel shall also be provided.
[Special]. Select for Cars with at least one set of Front and Rear Openings at the same
level ] Full Selective Operation shall allow the passenger, through car call button operation to
determine whether both front and rear doors will open simultaneously when the car arrives at
that landing, or whether front doors only or rear doors only will open. Front and/or rear doors
will open in response to the appropriate hall call button.
[Special]. Select for Cars with all Front and Rear Openings at the different levels] SemiSelective Operation shall determine which set of doors is to be opened when the car arrives
at that landing. Front and rear doors shall not open at the same time.
12. Independent Service:
Actuation of the Independent Service switch shall remove that car from normal group
operation, permitting it to respond only to calls registered on car buttons and making the door
close operation subject to the Door Close Button. A car operating on Independent Service
shall not respond to hall calls. Car and/or hall lantern operation shall be suspended.
A Call Cancel push-button shall be provided on the car operating panel. When the button is
activated all registered calls shall be canceled and a traveling car will stop at the next landing.
[Include all paragraphs under Group Features unless elevator is operating as a simplex unit.]
Group Operating Features:
13. Zoned Car Parking:
When the cars are parked, they shall be assigned throughout the building to predetermined
zones. The lowest zone shall consist of the Main Floor and adjacent floor, above or below,
as required to suit building design requirements. The remaining floors shall be divided into
nearly equal zones with one car randomly assigned to each zone. The first car entering a
zone shall become assigned to that zone. A car may run through an occupied, assigned
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zone in search of an unoccupied zone in which to park. While there are no calls registered
the cars shall remain parked with doors closed.
14. Delayed Car Protection:
Any car that fails to respond to a demand for service within a predetermined time interval
shall be removed from group operation. This shall allow other cars in the group to pick up
calls previously assigned to the delayed car.
15. Relative System Response Dispatching:
Optimized response to hall calls shall be achieved through use of a relative system response
(RSR) time computed for each hall call registered. The computation of each car's RSR time
to a call shall be based on, but not limited to, such relevant factors as distance, service to
previously assigned car and hall calls, car load, direction, door and car motion status, and
coincidence of car and hall calls. In order to even out waiting times and eliminate particularly
long waits while maintaining optimal system performance, the weighting of the factors shall
vary with system traffic. The car with the least RSR shall have the call assigned to it.
If for any reason the car is unable to respond to a hall call, the call shall be transferred to the
car with the next lowest computed RSR.
16. Moderate Incoming Traffic:
When incoming traffic at the lobby floor increases, as indicated by two cars leaving the lobby
in the "UP" direction filled nearly to capacity within a pre-determined adjustable time period,
cars assigned to upper zones shall be called to the lobby without waiting for a lobby hall call.
Cars shall be automatically dispatched from the lobby when they become loaded nearly to
capacity or if not loaded to capacity, shall be dispatched within a pre-determined time after
the previous car had been dispatched.
The cars shall continue to operate in this manner until the lobby traffic has been reduced to a
predetermined level.
16A. Rotational Selection:
This feature shall provide for the selection of elevators for dispatch at the lobby in a
prearranged sequence in the event more than one car is at the lobby at one time.
16B. Variable Interval Dispatching
The assigned car with higher demand shall be dispatched at the expiration of a time interval
calculated on the basis of the number of cars available at the lobby, the number of car calls
registered in the last three cars to leave the lobby and the estimated round trip time of these
three cars. A car that becomes loaded to a predetermined percentage of capacity at the
lobby shall be dispatched immediately.
16C. Up Peak Clock Operation [optional]:
This feature shall initiate Moderate Incoming Traffic after a designated Up Peak Clock period
begins and one car leaves the lobby loaded to a predetermined percent of capacity. Up
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Peak Clock shall maintain a group of elevators in this mode for the remainder of the
designated Up Peak Clock period.
17. Moderate Outgoing Traffic:
This feature shall provide additional service during periods of heavy down hall call demand
above the lobby. When activated, cars assigned to lobby or basement zones shall be
dispatched to handle hall call demand above the lobby. Moderate Outgoing Traffic shall
commence following the arrival at the lobby of two cars loaded to a predetermined percent of
capacity within a selectable time interval and shall remain in effect for the same interval after
the arrival of the last car loaded to the predetermined level.
17A. Down Peak Clock Operation [optional]:
This feature shall initiate Moderate Outgoing Traffic after a designated Down Peak Clock
period begins and one car arrives at the lobby loaded to a predetermined percent of capacity.
Down Peak Clock shall maintain a group of elevators in this mode for the remainder of the
designated Down Peak Clock period.
17B. Up Hall Call Bypass [optional]:
During Down Peak Clock operation, any car traveling down with a "non-stop" load shall cause
designated cars to bypass up hall calls. The number of cars operating in this bypass mode is
adjustable as a function of building traffic. This operation shall remain in effect for the duration
of Down Peak Clock operation.
Firefighter’s Service Operation Features:
18. Firefighters' Service Phase I:
When a building smoke sensor or a keyswitch located at the designated return landing is
activated, all cars in the group shall perform an emergency return to the designated landing.
The return operation shall be in compliance with applicable codes.
Passengers shall be alerted that the car is returning by a buzzer and a message indicator
showing "Please Exit When Doors Open" and a Fireman's Hat light is also illuminated.
19. Alternate Return Landing for Phase I:
The car(s), while responding to a Phase 1 Firefighters' Service operation, shall return to a
preselected alternate landing if the smoke detector at the designated return landing has been
20. Firefighters' Service Phase II:
This feature shall be activated by the fire fighting personnel using a keyswitch in the car and
shall place the elevator under their control. The operation shall be in compliance with
applicable codes. This feature shall include a Call Cancel push-button. When the button is
activated all registered calls will be canceled and a traveling car will stop at the next landing.
Maintenance Operation Features:
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21. Top of Car Inspection:
Enabling switches in the car operating panel and on top of the car shall make the car and hall
buttons inoperative and allow the controls in a fixture on the top of the car to be used to move
the car at reduced speed for installation, inspection, and maintenance. This operating station
shall include a push-button which must be continuously depressed to permit the elevator to
move in either the up or down direction. The top-of-car inspection station shall include a
125V, 15 Amp convenience outlet with ground-fault-circuit-interrupter protection and a
convenience light with switch. The top of car fixture shall also include an emergency stop
22. Pit Emergency Stop Switch
A switch, accessible from the pit access door, shall be provided for each car. When a switch
is activated, the corresponding car shall stop running.
23. Zoned Access at Bottom Landing [optional]:
This feature, activated by a keyswitch located at the landing, shall permit the operation of the
car at the landing with the hoistway door and the car door or gate open, in order to permit
access to the hoistway pit. Movement of the car away from the landing shall be limited or
"zoned" as required by applicable codes.
24. Zoned Access at Upper Landing [optional]:
This feature, activated by a keyswitch located at the landing, shall permit the operation of the
car at the landing with the hoistway door and the car door or gate open, in order to permit
access to the top of the car. Movement of the car away from the landing shall limited or
"zoned" as required by applicable codes.
Optional Security Features:
25. Anti-Crime Protection [optional]:
Activation of this feature by a keyswitch shall cause each car in the group to stop at a
predetermined floor and open its doors to allow a visual inspection of the passengers of the
elevator before the car completes its run.
26. Car Secure Access [optional]:
This feature shall allow each car call button to be secured or cleared. If a car call button is
secured, it shall not register a call unless a landing access code is correctly entered on the
car operating buttons within a predetermined time period after the secured car button is
Selection and changing of the landing access codes shall be done on each car operating
panel using the Car Secure Access keyswitch. Activation of Car Secure Access shall be done
using the Group Secure Access keyswitch located in the hall or lobby.
When Secure Access is activated for the group, the "Group Secured" lamp in the hallway
shall be illuminated. When a car call to a secured landing is attempted, the "Restricted Floor"
lamp in the COP shall be illuminated. This lamp will remain illuminated for a predetermined
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time period, or until a valid landing access code is entered.
27. Provision for Card Reader in Car (Card Reader Provided and Installed by Others) [optional]:
This feature shall prevent car calls from registering to restricted landings. When a passenger
inserts a valid card into the card reader, he or she shall be allowed to register a car call to a
restricted landing or to several restricted landings.
28. Provision for Card Reader in Hall (Card Reader Provided and Installed by Others) [optional]:
This feature shall prevent hall calls from registering from a restricted floor. A passenger may
register a hall call from a restricted floor by inserting a card reader.
Optional general features:
29. Express Priority Service [Optional]
Express Priority Service shall be initiated by a landing key switch at [Enter landing
designation(s)]. The car able to respond in the shortest time shall answer the registered call
after canceling prior car calls. When the car reaches the landing registering the call, one of
the following shall occur:
1) If no car call is entered within a preset time, the car shall close its doors and resume
normal operation.
2) If a car call is entered and the Door Close Button is pressed, the car will serve the car call
then resume normal operation. This operation shall be adjustable so that more than one car
call may be entered and the car remains in Express Priority Service until no further car calls
are present. When no car call is entered within a preset time, the car will close its doors and
resume normal operation.
This feature shall include a Priority Service Light in Hall and will activate the "Please Exit
When Doors Open" Message Indicator in the car when the car responds to the priority key
switch signal.
30. Executive Priority Service [Optional]:
Executive Priority Service shall be initiated by a landing key switch at [Enter landing
designation(s)]. The car able to respond in the shortest time shall answer the registered call
after answering prior car calls. When the car reaches the landing registering the call, one of
the following shall occur:
1)If no car call is entered within a preset time, the car shall close its doors and resume normal
2) If a car call is entered and the Door Close Button is pressed, the car will serve the car call
then resume normal operation. This operation shall be adjustable so that more than one car
call may be entered and the car remains in Executive Priority Service until no further car calls
are present. When no car call is entered within a preset time, the car will close its doors and
resume normal operation.
This feature shall include a Priority Service Light in Hall and will activate the "Please Exit
When Doors Open" Message Indicator in the car when the car responds to the priority key
switch signal.
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31. [Optional] Car to Lobby Operation:
Provided at the main floor for each elevator shall be a keyswitch which, when actuated, shall
cause the corresponding elevator to make a trip to the lobby (unless it is on a special service
operation, in which case it shall make the trip to the lobby as soon as it is removed from the
operation). While returning to the lobby after actuation of the keyswitch, the car shall make
normal car and hall stops.
Once it has returned to the lobby, the car will park with its doors open, ready to provide
normal service; or, if the car is placed on Independent Service and then the Car to Lobby
keyswitch is held in the CLOSED position to close the doors, the car's drive unit will be shut
down and the car will be locked out of service. It may be returned to normal service by
moving the keyswitch to the OPEN position and then de-selecting Independent Service.
32. ADA Emergency Communications [Optional]:
This feature shall provide an "Alarm Received" message indicator in the car operating panel
and a [Select <hall> or <lobby>] panel fixture having an "Alarm" message indicator,
keyswitch, and buzzer. The message indicator and buzzer in the hall fixture shall be activated
by an Alarm Button in the car operating panel. Activating the keyswitch in the hall fixture shall
illuminate the "Alarm Received" message indicator in the car.
[Use of this feature requires that the hall fixture or intercom be in a position which is
continuously monitored by an attendant who is available to take action when an
emergency signal is activated. See Marketing & Sales Circular Letter CDE3 dated May
3, 1993 for a detailed description of features associated with the Americans With
Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines.]
33. Intercom [Optional]:
Provision shall be made in the [Select <Main> or <Auxiliary>] car operating panel for an
integrally mounted speaker / microphone.
34. Standby Power Operation [Optional]:
This operation shall return each car automatically to a designated landing when the system
is initially switched to standby power. One or more cars are returned at a time. Preference
is given to loaded cars over empty cars in order to reduce passenger waiting times. A car
must respond by beginning to move toward the designated landing within a pre-determined
time. If a car does not respond, it is automatically placed in a "Not Available" mode while
other cars are moved. If a car was not returned to the designated landing on the first try, a
second attempt is made. If the second attempt is not successful, the car will remain in a
"Not Available" mode and can only be moved by manual means. Once each car has
returned to the designated landing, the doors will remain open for a predetermined amount
of time.When all cars have successfully returned to the designated landing or have
attempted to move twice, automatic selection of the car(s to run on normal operation will
If for any reason a car selected for normal operation under standby power is delayed for 60
seconds, the car will be placed in a "Not Available" mode and another car will be selected
for normal operation based on the priorities listed above.
Manual Override of Standby Power Operation is achieved by a manual input for each car
via a strip switch. A manually selected car may be run either in a return operation to a
designated landing or in normal operation under standby power. If a manually selected car
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has not yet returned to the designated landing, it will perform this operation first then
immediately go into normal operation. If a manually selected car is delayed, no other car
can be selected in the group unless it is manually selected.
If car selection is changed by Manual Override while a car is running in return or normal
operation under standby power, the newly selected car will not be permitted to run until the
car that had been running has stopped, opened its doors, and gone into the Standby Power
Wait state.
Door Control Features:
Glide P
Glide P will use position and derived velocity feedback to implement a closed loop door
control. The feedback topology will achieve conformance to the required position and
velocity profiles, with optimum running results at all landings.
The Glide P Door Operator is a closed-loop, self correcting door system, so wind and
temperature or even minor debris in the sill groove won’t hamper the doors.
The system’s closed-loop control constantly monitors the speed and position of the
elevator doors and compared the data to predefined opening and closing profiles.
Closed Loop Control:
The Glide P closed loop control will allow for smooth operation under varying
environmental influences such as, temperature, wind, friction, and component variation. It
will meet the specified door times and required position and velocity profiles, with
consistent running results at all landings.
Opening and Closing Times:
Opening and closing speeds are adjustable. The system will limit closing speed (and
hence the time) based on the code requirement of kinetic energy, which depends on the
door mass. The code may limit the speed of a heavy bronze lobby door, but at another
floor we can move the doors quicker. Glide P has two door closing speed profiles that can
be used to improve the system response The heavy & standard door profiles can both
used to enhance a system performance.
Limited Door Reversal:
After the doors start to close, if a person or object interrupts one or more of the beams of
the Car Door Protective Device, the doors shall stop and reopen to clear the detection
zone. Once the opening is cleared, the doors shall immediately resume closing at normal
Door Noise: Door noise will be 50 dBA.
Door control to open doors automatically when car arrives at a landing in response to a
normal hall or car call.
Elevator doors shall be provided with a reopening device that will stop and reopen the car
door(s) and hoistway door(s) automatically should the door(s) become obstructed by an
object or person.
Primary door protection shall consist of a two dimensional, multi-beam array projecting
across the car door opening. Under normal operation and for any door position, the
system shall detect as a blockage an opaque object that is equal to or greater than 1.3
inches (33 mm) in diameter when inserted between the car doors at vertical positions
from within 1 inch (25 mm) above the sill to 71 inches (1800 mm) above the sill. Under
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degraded conditions (one or more blocked or failed beams), the primary protection shall
detect opaque objects that are equal to or greater than 4” (100 mm) in diameter for the
same vertical coverage. If the system performance is degraded to the point that the 4”
object cannot be detected, the system shall maintain the doors open or permit closing
only under nudging force conditions.
Door Nudging:
Door nudging operation to occur if doors are prevented from closing for an adjustable
period of time.
Adjustable Door Dwell Time:
The time interval that elevator doors stand open after a stop shall be independently
adjustable for car call stops and hall call stops. A separate door time shall be adjustable
for lobby door hall calls.
Advance Door Opening (not available at 350 - 700 FPM):
The car and hall doors shall begin to open while the car is preparing to stop at a landing
to answer a call. The distance from a landing at which the doors begin to open shall
comply with applicable codes.
If the doors are prevented from closing for a fixed time period, the Car Door Protective
Device shall be rendered inoperative, a buzzer shall sound on the car and the doors shall
close at approximately half speed and torque. Normal operation shall resume at the next
landing reached by the car.
Door Time Open Protection:
If the car doors do not open completely within a predetermined time, the car shall
extinguish its hall and car direction lanterns (if provided), sound the in-car alarm
buzzer, and shall if part of a group, remove itself from group operation. Then the car shall
proceed to the next landing in its
direction of travel (or reverse direction from a top
or bottom landing) and again attempt to open its doors fully. If the car moves to three
consecutive landings without being able to open its doors fully, it shall shutdown with the
doors closed.
Door Time Close Protection:
If the Nudging Operation does not completely close the car doors within a predetermined
time, the car will extinguish its hall and car direction lanterns (if provided), sound the incar alarm buzzer, and shall, if part of a group, remove itself from group operation. Then
the car shall open its doors fully and again attempt to close them. If the car cannot fully
close its doors after three attempts, it shall shutdown with the doors open. Every two
minutes the car shall retry closing its doors.
Car & Hoistway Doors
Doors on the car and at the hoistway entrances shall be power-operated by means of an
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operator mounted on top of the car. The motor shall have positive control over door
movement for smooth operation. Each car door shall be provided with a protective device.
An approved positive interlock shall be provided for each hoistway entrance. The
interlock shall prevent operation of the elevator unless all doors for that elevator are
closed and it shall keep the
hoistway doors closed while the elevator is away from the landing. Emergency access to
the hoistway as required by governing codes shall be provided.
[Select the following for ASME/ANSI A17.1 Code] The car door system shall be designed
so that the car doors may not be opened more than 4 inches (102 mm) from the inside of the
car if the car is outside the unlocking zone of a landing.
[Select the following for CAN/B44] The car door system shall be designed so that when
the car is not in a landing zone and the main power supply is on, the car doors shall not be
manually operated by a force less than 100 pounds (450 N), nor by power.
Provide equipment according to seismic zone: [Enter appropriate zone for project: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,]
Product Data: Submit manufacturer’s product data for each system proposed for use. Include the
1. Signal and operating fixtures, operating panels and indicators.
2. Cab design, dimensions and layout.
3. Hoistway-door and frame details.
4. Electrical characteristics and connection requirements.
5. Expected heat dissipation of elevator equipment in hoistway (BTU).
6. Color selection chart for Cab and Entrances.
Shop Drawings: Submit approval layout drawings. Include the following:
1. Car, guide rails, buffers and other components in hoistway.
2. Maximum rail bracket spacing.
3. Maximum loads imposed on guide rails requiring load transfer to building structure.
4. Clearances and travel of car.
5. Clear inside hoistway and pit dimensions.
6. Location and sizes of access doors, hoistway entrances and frames.
Operations and Maintenance Manuals: Provide manufacturer's standard operations and
maintenance manual.
Manufacturer: Provide elevators manufactured by a firm with a minimum of 15 years experience
in fabrication of elevators equivalent to those specified.
Installer: Elevators shall be installed by the manufacturer.
Permits, Inspections and Certificates: The Elevator Contractor shall obtain and pay for necessary
Municipal or State Inspection and permit as required by the elevator inspection authority, and
make such tests as are called for by the regulations or such authorities. These tests shall be
made in the presence of such authorities or their authorized representatives.
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ELEVATORS 14210 – Guide Specifications for SkyriseTM Gearless Traction Elevator
Should the building or the site not be prepared to receive the elevator equipment at the agreed
upon date, the General Contractor will be responsible to provide a proper and suitable storage
area on or off the premises.
Should the storage area be off-site and the equipment not yet delivered, then the elevator
contractor, upon notification from the General Contractor, will divert the elevator equipment to the
storage area. If the equipment has already been delivered to the site, then the General
Contractor shall transport the elevator equipment to the storage area. The cost of elevator
equipment taken to storage by either party, storage, and redeliver to the job site shall not be at the
expense of the elevator contractor.
The elevator contractor’s acceptance is conditional on the understanding that their warranty
covers defective material and workmanship. The warranty period shall not extend longer than one
(1) year from the date of completion or acceptance thereof by beneficial use, whichever is earlier,
of each elevator. The warranty excludes: ordinary wear and tear, improper use, vandalism,
abuse, misuse, or neglect or any other causes beyond the control of the elevator contractor and
this express warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, express or implied, including any warranty
of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
Maintenance service consisting of regular examinations, adjustments and lubrication of the
elevator equipment shall be provided by the elevator contractor for a period of [Select the
appropriate new installation maintenance period: <three (3)> <six (6)> <nine (9)> <twelve
(12)>] months after the elevator has been turned over for the customer’s use. This service shall
not be subcontracted but shall be performed by the elevator contractor. All work shall be
performed by competent employees during regular working hours of regular working days. This
service shall not cover adjustments, repairs or replacement of parts due to negligence, misuse,
abuse or accidents caused by persons other than the elevator contractor. Only genuine parts and
supplies as used in the manufacture and installation of the original equipment shall be provided.
Provide system capabilities to enable a remote expert to create a live, interactive connection with
the elevator system to enable the following functions:
Remotely diagnose elevator issues with a remote team of experts
Remotely return an elevator to service
Provide real-time status updates via email
Remotely make changes to selected elevator functions including:
a. Control building traffic: Restrict floor access, remove car from group operation,
shut down elevator, select up peak/down peak mode, activate independent
b. Conserve energy: Activate cab light energy save mode, activate fan energy save
mode, shut down car(s)
c. Improve passenger experience: Extend door open times, change parking floor,
activate auto car full, activate anti-nuisance, advance door opening, door
nudging, extend specific floor extended opening time, release trapped
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SkyriseTM Gearless Traction Elevator
ELEVATORS 14210 – Guide Specifications for SkyriseTM Gearless Traction Elevator
Provide SkyriseTM gearless traction passenger elevators from Otis Elevator Company. The
control system and car design based on materials and systems manufactured by Otis
Elevator Company. Specifically, the system shall consist of the following components:
1. Controller with CAN-bus wiring technology to enable faster data transmission.
2. An AC gearless machine using embedded permanent magnets.
3. Regenerative drive that captures wasted energy and feeds clean power back into the
building’s power grid.
4. LED lighting standard in ceiling lights and elevator fixtures.
5. Sleep mode operation for ceiling lights and car fan.
Approved Installer: Otis Elevator Company
Controller: A micro-computer based control system shall be provided to perform all of the
functions of safe elevator motion. Included shall be all of the hardware required to connect,
transfer and interrupt power, and to protect the motor against overloading. The system shall also
perform car and group operational control.
Each controller cabinet containing memory equipment shall be properly shielded from line
pollution. The microcomputer system shall be designed to accept reprogramming with minimum
system down time.
1. All high voltage (110V or above) contact points inside the controller shall be protected from
accidental contact when the controller doors are open.
2. Controller shall be separated into two distinct halves; Motor Drive side and Control side. High
voltage motor power conductors shall be routed so as to be physically segregated from the rest of
the controller.
3. Field conductor terminations points shall be segregated; high voltage (>30 volts DC and 110
VAC,) and low voltage (< 30 volts DC)
4. Controllers shall be designed and tested for Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) immunity
according to the EN 12016 (May 1998): “EMC Product Family Standards for lifts, escalators, and
passenger conveyors Part 2 – immunity”
Drive: A Variable Voltage Variable Frequency AC drive system shall be provided. The drive shall
be set up for regeneration of AC power back to the building grid.
Total harmonic distortion should be <5%.
The entire elevator system should achieve Class A rating according to VDI 4707 energy efficiency
rating system.
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SkyriseTM Gearless Traction Elevator
ELEVATORS 14210 – Guide Specifications for SkyriseTM Gearless Traction Elevator
Machine: The machine shall be of the gearless traction type with the traction sheave and brake
drum mounted directly on the motor shaft. The machine shall be provided with a steel bedplate.
Sound isolation pads shall be installed beneath the machine bed plate to reduce vibration and
noise transmission to the building structure.
The motor shall be designed for elevator service with high starting torque and low starting current
and be provided with devices to protect against overloading. The motor shall be of alternating
current, synchronous type with permanent magnet technology.
The brake shall be spring applied and electrically released and designed to hold the car at the
floor after it has come to rest.
Governor: The car safety shall be operated by a centrifugal speed governor located at the top of
the hoistway in the machine room. The governor shall actuate a switch when excessive speed
occurs, disconnecting power to the motor and applying the brake before application of the safety.
[OPTION] Counterweight governor.
Carframe and Safety: A carframe fabricated from formed or structural steel members shall be
provided with adequate bracing to support the platform and car enclosures. The car safety shall
be of integral design to the carframe or shall be mounted on the bottom members of the carframe
and shall be of Type "B", flexible guide clamp type designed to stop the car should it attain
excessive descending speed as defined by governing codes.
The car shall be balanced in the field by means of balance weights
Hoistway Operating Devices: Normal terminal stopping devices shall be provided to slow down
and stop the car automatically at the terminal landings and to automatically cut off the power and
apply the brake should the car travel beyond the terminal landings.
Buffers: Buffers shall be installed in the pit as a means for stopping the car and counterweight at
the bottom limits of travel. Buffers shall be provided with a switch that prevents the car from
moving if the buffer's plunger is not in its fully extended position
Guide Rails: Steel elevator guide rails, erected plumb and securely fastened to the building
structure, shall be furnished to guide the car and counterweight.
Roller Guides: Rubber-tired roller guides with min. 10.2” diameter shall be mounted on top and
bottom of the car frame to engage the guide rails.
[Optional] The car roller guide should be equipped with rubber style dampers to optimize
guidance and ensure a smooth ride.
Rubber-tired roller guides with min. 4.9” diameter shall be mounted on top and bottom of the
counterweight frame to engage the guide rails.
Ropes: The hoist ropes shall be of Lang lay (right hand) type made with steel wire wound about a
sisal core. Rope size, construction and number shall insure proper operation of the elevator and
give satisfactory wearing qualities. Governor ropes shall be steel.
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SkyriseTM Gearless Traction Elevator
ELEVATORS 14210 – Guide Specifications for SkyriseTM Gearless Traction Elevator
Chain or Rope Compensation: Compensating chains (500, 600 & 700 fpm; 2.5, 3.0 & 3.5 m/s) up
to max. 410’ (125 m) rise or Compensating rope (800 fpm; 4.0 m/s) shall be provided per the
manufacturer's standard arrangement. The chain shall be encased in a foam plastic material
impregnated with lead shot.
When rope compensation is used a suitable tie-down device to compensate for rope stretch and
to ensure the required tension of the compensation rope has to be installed in the hoistway pit.
Platform: The car platform shall be of all steel construction. It shall be equipped with <an
aluminum> or <bronze> or <nickel silver>] threshold. The entire platform shall rest on rubber
pads so as to form an isolating cushion between the platform and carframe. The platform shall be
recessed 5/18" (7.9 mm) standard with option up to 1 1/4”(31.75 mm) for flooring by others. Load
weighing devices shall be mounted under the platform.
Hoistway Entrances:
1. Frames: Entrance frames shall be of bolted construction for complete one-piece unit
assembly. All frames shall be securely fastened to fixing angles mounted in the hoistway and
shall be of UL fire rated steel.
2. Sills shall be extruded aluminum, or bronze finish, or nickel silver finish.
3. Doors: Entrance doors shall be of metal construction with vertical channel reinforcements.
4. Fire Rating: Entrance and doors shall be UL fire rated for 1-1/2 hour
5. Entrance Finish: [This paragraph may be written as needed to indicate specific entrance
finishes by the opening. Clearly indicate landing/opening designations for each finish.
For example: “Lobby - satin finish stainless steel, floors 2 through 8 - with white paint.”
Frame & Door finish can be independent.]
Select finish: < paint>
< satin stainless steel>
<gold satin>
Color to be selected from the manufacturer's color chart.
6. Entrance marking plates: Entrance jambs shall be marked with 4” x 4” (102 mm x 102 mm)
plates having raised floor markings with Braille located adjacent to the floor marking. Marking
plates shall be provided on both sides of the entrance.
7. Sight Guards: sight guards will be furnished with all doors painted to match with painted
doors, painted black for stainless steel and gold satin doors.
All hoistway wiring and traveling based on CAN-bus technology to reduce the amount of wiring.
Cab [Select one]
Cab Options:
Steel Shell Cab with painted vertical panels
Steel Shell Cab with laminated vertical panels
Steel Shell Cab with stainless steel vertical panels
Paints and laminate to be selected from manufacturer’s catalog of choices.
Brushed Stainless Steel finished base plate located at top and bottom
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ELEVATORS 14210 – Guide Specifications for SkyriseTM Gearless Traction Elevator
(Brushed Stainless Steel or Gold Satin finished vertical trim pieces optional).
Premium Cab Options: Steel Shell Cab with raised laminate hang on panels.
Steel Shell Cab with raised stainless steel hang on panels.
Laminate to be selected from manufacturer’s catalog of choices.
Brushed Stainless Steel finished base plate located at top and bottom
Car Front Finish: Satin Stainless Steel or Gold Satin.
Car Door Finish: Satin Stainless Steel or Gold Satin.
Ceiling Type: [Select one]
[Ceiling] Flat steel ceiling [Select: <Real White (EWO)> or <Black (EW5)> or <Brushed Steel
Finish>] with 4 LED lights.
[Drop Ceiling] Dropped flat steel ceiling [Select: <Real White (EWO)> or <Black (EW5)> or
<Brushed Steel Finish> or <Gold Satin Finish>] with 6 LED lights.
[Drop Ceiling] LED Perimeter-lit ceiling [Select: <Real White (EWO)> or <Black (EW5)> or
<Brushed Steel Finish> or <Gold Satin Finish>].
Emergency Car Lighting: An emergency power unit employing a 6-volt sealed rechargeable
battery and totally static circuits shall be provided to illuminate the elevator car in the event of
building power failure.
Fan: A [ONE-SPEED] [OR] [TWO-SPEED] [OR] [VARIABLE-SPEED] 120 VAC fan will be
mounted to the ceiling to facilitate in-car air circulation, meeting A17.1 code requirements. The
fan shall be rubber mounted to prevent the transmission of structural vibration and will include a
baffle to diffuse audible noise. A switch shall be provided in the car-operating panel to control the
fan. A variable speed fan will be available when Glassback cab option is selected.
Handrail: Handrails shall be provided on the [Select one <side walls> or <rear wall> or <side and
rear walls> of the car enclosure. Handrails shall be 3/8” x 2” (9.5 mm x 51 mm) flat tubular
handrail with a Brushed Steel. Or 1 ½” diameter (38.1 mm) Round bar handrail with a Brushed
Steel Or 1” x 1 15/16” (25.4 mm x 48.26 mm) Oval Handrail with a Brushed Steel Finish. [Delete
if No Handrail Option is selected.]
Threshold: Extruded Aluminum or Bronze Finish or Nickel-Silver Finish.
Emergency Exit Contact: An electrical contact shall be provided on the car-top exit.
[Optional] Certificate frame: Provide a Certificate frame with a satin stainless steel finish.
The ceiling lights and the fan should automatically shut off when the system is not in use and be
powered back up after a passenger calls the elevator and pushes a hall button.
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ELEVATORS 14210 – Guide Specifications for SkyriseTM Gearless Traction Elevator
Car Operating Panel: A car operating panel shall be provided which contains all push buttons, key
switches, and message indicators for elevator operation. The car operating panel shall have a
satin stainless steel or gold satin finish. [An optional Luxury Swing COP is available. A second
COP is available]
A car operating panel shall be furnished. It shall contain a bank of round stainless steel,
mechanical LED illuminated buttons. Flush mounted to the panel and marked to correspond to the
landings served. All buttons to have raised numerals and Braille markings with:
<Flat Flush Mounted satin stainless steel button with blue or white LED illuminating halo or gold
satin button with white LED illuminating halo>
<1/8” (3mm) satin stainless steel projecting button with blue or white illuminating halo or gold satin
button with white illuminating halo>
<Vandal-Resistant, Flush satin stainless steel button with blue LED illuminating center jewel>
<Lexan 1/8” (3mm) projecting fully illuminated button with white LED> (required by some local
California codes)
The car operating panel shall be equipped with the following features:
1. Raised markings and Braille to the left hand side of each push-button.
2. Car Position Indicator at the top of and integral to the car operating panel.
3. Door open and door close buttons.
4. Inspection key-switch.
5. Elevator Data Plate marked with elevator capacity and car number.
6. Help Button: The help button shall initiate two-way communication between the car and a
location inside the building, switching over to another location if the call is unanswered, where
personnel are available who can take the appropriate action. Visual indicators are provided for
call initiation and call acknowledgement.
7. Landing Passing Signal: A chime bell shall sound in the car to signal that the car is either
stopping at or passing a floor served by the elevator.
Standard for USA, Optional in Canada
8. In car stop switch (toggle or key unless local code prohibits use)
9. Firefighter’s hat (standard USA)
10. Firefighter’s Phase II Key-switch (standard USA)
11. Call Cancel Button (standard USA)
1. Firefighter’s Phase II Emergency In-Car Operating Instructions: worded according to A17.1
2000, Article
2. Please Exit Symbol: provided with emergency hospital service, Seismic Zones ≥2 or express
priority in the hall.
Car Position Indicator: A digital, LED car position indicator shall be integral to the car operating
Hall Fixtures: Hall fixtures shall be provided with necessary push buttons and key switches for
elevator operation. Hall fixtures shall have a [This paragraph may be written as needed to
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SkyriseTM Gearless Traction Elevator
ELEVATORS 14210 – Guide Specifications for SkyriseTM Gearless Traction Elevator
indicate specific fixture finishes by opening. Clearly indicate landing/opening
designations for each finish]
Hall fixtures shall feature round stainless steel, mechanical buttons marked to correspond to the
landings. Hall fixtures to be located in the entrance frame face or the wall. Buttons shall be in
vertically mounted fixture. Fixture shall be satin stainless steel or Gold Satin finish.
Button Options:
<Flat Flush Mounted satin stainless steel button with blue or white LED illuminating halo or gold
satin button with white LED illuminating halo>
<1/8” (3mm) satin stainless steel projecting button with blue or white illuminating halo or gold satin
button with white illuminating halo>
<Vandal-Resistant, Flush satin stainless steel button with blue LED illuminating center jewel>
<Lexan 1/8” (3mm) projecting fully illuminated button with white LED> (required by some local
California codes)
In Car Lantern and Chime: A directional lantern visible from the corridor shall be provided in the
car entrance. When the car stops and the doors are opening, the lantern shall indicate the
direction in which the car is to travel and a chime will sound.
[Include the following options as required. Re-letter accordingly]
[Optional] Access key-switch at top floor in entrance jamb.
[Optional] Access key-switch at lowest floor in entrance jamb.
[Optional] Card Reader Provision
[Optional, Duplex only] Emergency (standby) Power key-switch: Manual selection of each
elevator in normal operation after automatic return in standby power operation has been initiated.
Take field dimensions and examine conditions of substrates, supports, and other conditions under
which this work is to be performed. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions are
Installation of all elevator components except as specifically provided for elsewhere by others.
The elevator contractor shall make a final check of each elevator operation with the Owner or
Owner’s representative present prior to turning each elevator over for use. The elevator
contractor shall determine that control systems and operating devices are functioning properly.
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SkyriseTM Gearless Traction Elevator
ELEVATORS 14210 – Guide Specifications for SkyriseTM Gearless Traction Elevator
Notice to the user:
Permission is granted to use this material for only the purpose for which Otis supplies it.
Copyright 2012 by Otis Elevator Co. All rights reserved.
REV 11/5/12
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SkyriseTM Gearless Traction Elevator