ORIGIN OF LIFE Theories Past and Present Nature of Early Cells Evolution of Cells RiverDell High School Biology I. Abiogenesis or Biogenesis ? Scientists Debate A. Abiogenesis - life can arise from nonliving things B. Biogenesis – life can arise only from living things C. Redi’s Experiment (1621-1697) 1. control – uncovered jars with meat 2. experimental group – jars with meat covered with netting 3. results – maggots only in control 4. conclusion – flies come from eggs laid by other flies Redi’s Experiments D. Spallanzani’s Experiment (1729-1799) 1. control – flask with boiled broth is left open 2. experimental group – flask with boiled broth is sealed immediately 3. results – open flask became cloudy closed flask remained clear 4. microrganisms came from the air Spallanzani’s Experiment E. Pasteur’s Experiment (1822-1895) 1. broth boiled in a flask with a curved neck 2. after one year the broth stayed clear 3. when the necks were broken the broth became cloudy 4. conclusion – the air is the source of microorganisms Pasteur GREAT WEBSITE ON PASTEUR'S EXPERIMENT http://bcs.whfreeman.com/thelifewire/content/chp03/0302003.html Describes and animates the experiment of Louis Pasteur. Has quiz at the end, asks questions on what YOU THINK we’ll happen before each step, animates experiment well. II. Earth’s History A. Solar System begins to form 5 billion years ago B. Sun begins to form a few million years later C. Earth forms - 4.6 billion years ago D. Volcanoes form earth’s atmosphere E. 2.2 billion years ago earth like today Formation of the Solar System Began 5 billion Years Ago • Planet Earth formed 4.6 billion years ago • conditions were very different • 2.2 billion years ago Earth was similar to the planet we live on today III. Evolution of Life A. Origin of Organic Compounds 1. Early atmosphere – ammonia (NH3) hydrogen gas (H2), water vapor (H2O) and methane gas (CH4) 2. High temperatures, frequent volcanoes, electrical storms, and comets 3. Maybe some organic compounds came to to earth from space Early Earth III. Evolution of Life A. Origin of Organic Compounds 4. Oparin and Haldane a. early gases and high temperatures formed simple organic compounds that collected in water and reacted to form macromolecules necessary for life Conditions – Early Earth III. Evolution of Life A. Origin of Organic Compounds 5. Urey and Miller (1953) a. experiment to test Oparin’s hypotheses b. chamber with early gases and electric sparks form several organic compounds c. similar experiments formed amino acids, ATP and nucleotides Urey-Miller Experimental Apparatus Urey-Miller Experiment http://www.ucsd.tv/miller-urey/ http://www.ucsd.tv/miller-urey/ III. Evolution of Life A. Origin of Organic Compounds 6. Other Hypotheses a. early atmosphere composed of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen water vapor b. early life may have formed in chemicals found in thermal vents found at the bottom of the ocean Origin of Life - Thermal Vent Hypothesis III. Evolution of Life B. Cell Like Structures Form 1. Solutions of organic compounds can form coacervates (collection of droplets of amino acids, sugars and lipids) 2. Microspheres – spherical forms surrounded by a protein membrane 3. Both do not have all properties of life Sidney Fox and others researched structures which may have formed early cells Evolution of Life C. The First Cells 1. First cells were probably anaerobic heterotrophs 2. Similar to some prokaryotes 3. Eventually competition for organic molecules gave autotrophs an adaptive advantage Evolution of Life C. The First Cells 4. Chemosynthetic organisms evolve a. get energy from oxidation of inorganic substances b. carbon dioxide used to make organic molecules that store energy Evolution of Life C. The First Cells - The RNA World 5. Self-replicating RNA molecules may have evolved first 6. Ribozyme – RNA that can act as a catalyst – even for self-replication 7. Maybe first case of heredity and competition Thomas Cech The Ribozyme Evolution of the First Cells D. Photosynthesis Evolves 1.About 3 billion years ago 2. Organisms similar to cyanobacteria 3. Oxygen is a product that might damage some types of cells 4. Ozone layer forms from the oxygen a. reduces ultraviolet light Present Day Cyanobacteria Ancient Cyanobacteria Stromatolites Formed by Cyanobacteria Carbon Deposits from Ancient Cyanobacteria Formation of the Ozone Layer • Cyanobacteria release oxygen in the atmosphere • O2 is converted to O3 (ozone) in the upper atmosphere • Ozone layer blocks much of the UV light • Allows life to move from the sea to land Changes of O3 Concentrations Between 1980 and 1991 Changes in Ozone Concentrations Between 1970 and 1998 E. Aerobic Respiration Evolves 1. More than one billion years before oxygen to reached current levels 2. Early function of aerobic respiration may have been to prevent oxygen from destroying essential organic compounds F. Endosymbiosis Evolution of Eukaryote 1. 1.5 – 2.0 billion years ago 2. Aerobic prokaryote took residence inside a larger anaerobic prokaryote a. became the mitochondria 3. photosynthetic cyanobacteria may have evolved into chloroplasts F. Endosymbiosis Evolution of Eukaryotes 4. Evidence of endosymbiosis a. both mitochondria and chloroplast 1) replicate independently from cell cycle 2) have their own genetic material 3) circular DNA like prokaryotes Lynn Margulis – Theory of Endosymbiosis Endosymbosis and Cell Evolution Endosymbiosis and the Nucleus Three Cell Organelles Formed by Endosymbiosis Comparing Prokaryote and Eukaryote Evolution From Prokaryotes to Eukaryotes • The first cells were probably like Eubacteria or Archaebacteria (formely known as Monera) • Unicellular eukaryotes came next • Then multicellular eukaryotes evolved Evolution of The Kingdoms Cladogram of Evolutionary Relationships IV. Radioactive Decay and Dating A. Isotope – atoms of the same element that differ in the number of neutrons B. Radioactive decay – process in which unstable nuclei release particles and/or energy until they are stable C. Half-life – the length of time it takes for ½ any amount of a radioactive isotope to decay Half-lives 256 14C atoms at time 0 Half-lives 128 14C and 128 14N atoms after 5,600 years or 1 half-life Half-lives 64 14C and 192 14N atoms after 11,200 years or 2 half-lives Half-lives 32 14C and 224 14N atoms after 16,800 years or 3 half-lives Half-lives 16 14C and 240 14N atoms after 22,400 years or 4 half-lives Half-lives 8 14C and 248 14N atoms after 28,000 years or 5 half-lives Half-lives 4 14C and 252 14N atoms after 33,600 years or 6 half-lives Half-lives 2 14C and 254 14N atoms after 39,200 years or 7 half-lives Proportion of isotope left • The half-life of C-14 is 5,600 years and a sample today has 1,000 C-14 atoms, after 5,600 years 500 C-14 atoms will remain (1/2 original amount) • After two half lives (11,200 years) 250 C-14 atoms will remain (1/4 original amount) 1 1/2 1/4 1/8 1/16 0 1 2 3 Half-lives 4 5 IV. Radioactive Decay and Dating D. Hyphen notation of radioisotopes (element symbol and mass number) - examples (C-12, C-14, O-16, O-18) E. Carbon-14 dating – compare ratio of C-14 and C-12 and use the ratio to determine age IV.Radioactive Decay and Dating ISOTOPE Carbon-14 Uranium-235 Potassium-40 Uranium-238 HALF LIFE (years) 5,730 704,000,000 1,250,000,000 4,500,000,000 A. Problem Solving 1. The half-life of thorium-230 is 75,000 years. If a scientist has 40.0g of thorium, how much will remain after 225,000 years? B. Half Life Problem Solving 2. The half life of carbon-14 is 5,370 years. How long will it take for ½ of the sample to decay? 3. If a biologist has 64.0g of C-14, how long will it take until 8.0g remain undecayed?