Positive Events - Issaquah Connect

Writers Workshop
Mini-Lesson, Writing, Sharing, HW
On Demand Intro Write
Today, you will write the BEST journalistic narrative
(true story) that you can write. Use the 3rd person.
• You have the entire class period to do this.
• Remember you will need to plan, draft, revise, and
edit in one sitting. WOW!
• Write in a way to show off all you know about
narrative writing. So, make sure you:
Write a beginning for your story.
Use transition words to tell what happened in order.
Elaborate to help readers picture your story.
Show what your story is really about.
Write an ending for your story.
Session 1
Writer’s Notebook
• Today you are going to “set up” your writer’s
• On the cover artistically (color, font, big, small,
pictures) write down 100 words.
– Choose your favorite things, words, places,
people, adjectives, emotions, whatever!
• Then, number every page in the notebook
front and back.
• GO!
A writer’s notebook is where you jot the notes
of what you see, of ideas for newscasts, of the
questions you have when you begin to
investigate. You will record interviews, sketch
scenes, fast draft newscasts.
You know, every writer has a place where he or she
records thoughts and ideas.” Here’s what Jay-Z says about
the binder he had when he was in school…
“Everywhere I went I’d
write. If I was crossing
a street
with my friends and a
rhyme came to me,
I’d break out my
binder, spread it on a
mailbox or
lamp post and write
the rhyme before I
crossed the street.”
Basic Notes
In your LA Noteboook…
• What just happened? A NEWS STORY!!!
• As journalists, you won’t want a crisis to go by
without pulling out your pens and notepads,
or your iPad.
• Turn to the person next to you and “write-inthe-air” the story a.k.a. talk about it.
• REMEMBER the 5 Ws!!
Capture the Event
• You’ve talked about the event
• In your notebooks try to capture the event
that just happened in writing and include
those 5 Ws.
Trim the fat!
• Reread what you wrote.
• Look for how far into your story you get
BEFORE you answer the 5 questions.
• Work with a person near you to revise and
trim that fat!!!
Session 2
Field Trip!
Witness what happens.
Small moments can be news stories.
Notice the details, observe information.
Notes= 5 Ws
Writing= Story
– Journalists voice. Convey drama concisely! Bacon!
Group together, Mr. Valeri example notes.
Identify individual kids, take notes.
Get three story notes (5 Ws) in 10 minutes.
On edges, no interaction, just observation.
Be your best.
A Journalist’s LASER-LIKE FOCUS!!
• Let’s listen to/read two stories and see a
journalist’s LASER-like tone.
Fiction Example
Sean stood in the cool, black darkness of the third
floor hallway. His palms were sweaty as he reached
toward the tall glass case. Even in the utter
blackness he could almost see the trophy glittering
behind the glass. The golden warmth of it seemed
to call him like a siren, whispering “Sean, I belong
with you. You deserve me. Take me home.” Slowly,
hands trembling, he brought out the hammer. He
didn’t see the girl who was watching from the dim
News Example
Only one object was taken from the case at
McKinley High School. It was the trophy for the
State Wrestling Championship. A single eye-witness
to the theft reports that she saw a lone figure stand
in front of the case, wield a blunt object—it might
have been a hammer—and smash the case. As this
witness shielded herself from flying shards, the
perpetrator dropped the hammer and fled with the
four-foot-tall trophy. McKinley has lost its first ever
State Wrestling Championship trophy.
• Read, watch the news.
• Notes on one event.
• Notes on one event you witnessed after
• That makes a total of……..two events w/ notes.
Session 3
Writing Partner
• Get out Notes from
yesterday/last night.
• Look at each others
news notes.
• Find the 5 Ws
• There is a journalist observing your last year at
• What would they write about?
– Make a list of events
Last Year Stuff
Positive Events
• Blue Friday/Seahawk Pride
• Last day of school
• Snow delays
• Skylor runs into wall
• March Madness
• Magazine drive
Negative Events
• 1st Day of School
• Fire delay/unknown
• Pulled fire alarm
• MSP Test
• Mr. Valeri’s snowmobile
• Magazine drive
One Event Newscast
• Pick one event from last year
• Don’t write it down, talk it out!
– Writing buddy verbal newscast
• Include the 5 Ws
• Third person
• Journalist voice
Stringing Scenes Together
• How does this example string scenes
• What effect does it have?
The “Sissy” Syndrome
That they will be teased if they do certain “sissy” things is one of the easiest lessons boys
learn at school. They learn it in the halls, in the classrooms, and especially, in the place where
they learn the most in school, in the yard.
Picture the yard during first grade recess. The sun is shining. The tar is sticky and smells
like burnt marshmallows. The jungle gym gleams red and green. Small children play. In the
corner of the yard, a small boy plays with two girls. One of the girls has a doll that talks. The
boy reaches for the doll, curious about how it works. He holds it in his hands and then … he
hears a harsh voice, the voice of a much older boy. “Look at the baby playing with dolls. What
a sissy!” The small boy starts to cry, quietly. He looks for his teacher but she is nowhere. He
hears the harsh voice again. “Don’t you know, boy’s don’t cry.” Several older boys laugh at him.
The next day. The sun is shining, the tar is sticky, the jungle gym gleams. A small girl asks
a boy to play. The yard is quiet as the boys says, “Don’t you know, boys don’t play with girls.” The girl
cries. Recess is over.
That’s just one inside story told to this reporter. This reporter then watched children in the
yard and in the halls. In kindergarten boys and girls hold hands. Girls hold boys’ hands.
Boys hold boys’ hands. In first grade they hold hands. And in second. But in third grade,
boys no longer hold hands. The way they show if they are together is to stand next to each
other, poking each other. Sometimes wrestling. If they get hurt, they don’t cry. If a girl talks
to them, they may ignore her.
There is more to be learned here. Burning questions remain. What other things are considered sissy?
How is this school a place that teaches boys this? Do we want to be this kind of place?
Now think it out.
• Choose a past event to take notes on, one of
the ones you thought of today
– 5 Ws, details, sequence of events
• String scenes together to help the story flow
• When you finish, get ready to do an
“in the air” newscast
In the Air News!
• Take the event you thought out.
• With your writing partner, give a news cast
play by play of the event and how it went
• Include all 5 Ws, good sequence of events,
string the scenes together.
• Use your journalistic voice!
• Choose one event you’ve witnessed and taken
notes on.
• Write your first news story!
• Pick a story that will interest your audience,
has a deeper meaning, and can be written
using a good journalistic voice.
Session 3.5
• Not exactly from the Writers Workshop
• Aim is to get more potential story notes from
• Focus on the good!
Potential FEELINGS!!!
Felt by you
• Embarrassment
• Stressed
• Unsure
Felt by your subjects
• Being ignored
• Gossiped about
• Confused
• 15 minute observation to assigned
• You are like a fly on the wall and WILL NOT
disrupt any classes. No talking
Visit your assigned site and write quickly as
you observe small examples of Maywood’s
Take notes on 3-5 stories! Work like bacon.
Positive stories only! Find the good!
• Your job is to make THREE more observations in
your Writer’s Notebook. Not “TV/Paper” stories,
but actual observations/things you see.
• One should be at home.
• One needs to be somewhere at Maywood that is
not a classroom setting – you can choose the
cafeteria, the school bus, passing time, etc.
• The other observations can be places of your
Session 4
Packing a Punch!
Take out Writer’s Notebook
• Take one moment to look over the writing
you’ve done so far.
• Underline three favorite lines in one of your
pieces of writing.
• We’ve done a lot so far!
Learn from the Masters
Beyonce did an interview about who influenced her. She
mentioned R&B singer Aretha Franklin. Listen.
Beyonce said she admired Franklin’s techniques and wanted to
use them. Listen.
• Aretha Franklin
Strong woman
Pack a punch
• Beyonce
Mirror Aretha
Look at the moves
Lift the level
Powerful Techniques
Specific physical details
Grace Note!
Delightful ending
Stay focused
Specific, vivid, physical details
• Fight in Gym Class p. 38
– Pass to students
Copy of Mentor Text to Analyze
Three students were seen fighting in the gym at School for Global
Studies today, over who would be chosen as the center during a class
basketball game. The game was an opportunity for Global’s star players to
shine in gym. That’s not what happened though. Instead, there was
The students were girls from class 801, and each was a star player.
Sharon was the tallest. Rachel was the fastest. Ruby was the fiercest. Each
wanted that center spot. There's more than one forward in basketball, there's
more than one guard, but there's only one center. To be center is to be a
Witnesses at the event saw it go from bad to worse. First the girls
talked about it. Then they jumped for it. Then they shoved for it. Then
suddenly there were girls like puppies rolling on the floor trying to get the
ball. Bystanders were kicked, the circle of girls around the players yelped.
Then Coach Abrams' long arms reached for the back of the girls' jerseys.
Abrams' decision was quick as she threw the girls out of the game. None of
the three would play center today. Those stars had just imploded.
What do ya think?
• Where were the details?
• Turn to a partner and discuss.
Grace Notes
• Something that stands out for being an
unusual/sophisticated word.
• Find one in the gym story and underline!
• What did you find?
Last two techniques
• You find and discuss together.
1. Clever ending?
2. How did it stay focused?
Where can you use any of these techniques in
your writing? Find a place and put a ring on it.
To Write a News Story, Journalists…
• Find drama – the extraordinary, the
community event, the hidden story in a story
• Observe – not just the event but the context,
including listening for quotes
• Capture the 5 Ws – Who, What, Where Why,
When (sometimes how)
• Use a journalistic tone – concise, 3rd person,
dramatic, but truthful
Journalists stay in 3rd person
• Even though you are there to witness the event,
you do not write in first person, like a personal
narrative. Create nonfiction.
• Think about how to start with an interesting lead
to grab your reader’s attention and get them
interested in the facts.
• Next, write out the 5 W’s right away in the 1st
• Use journalistic tone- concise, 3rd person,
dramatic but truthful. No fluff and stuff!
• https://www.flocabulary.com/point-of-view/
Write as a Narrator:
Shifting from First to Third Person
• Today in 3rd period gym class, Trevor and I were
fighting over who would be quarterback.
• Today in 3rd period gym class, eighth grader
Trevor and classmate Frank were in an intense
altercation over the position of quarterback.
• Writers live stories from the inside, but
journalists then step outside, and become the
Homework Story Writing
• Look back through all your story notes.
• Find one set of notes you want to write a story
• Include a good “lead in” sentence that draws
the reader in.
• Journalistic voice, make it dramatic.
• Rough drafting, focus on content.
Session 4.5
Time in class writing that first story
Deeper meaning, what’s the point?
Choosing a Compelling Lead
• Offering background info as tell-tale signs
that reveal overall conflict
• Layering details that are suggestive, that hint
to an issue
• Using foreshadowing to insinuate tension
• Explicitly addressing the issue and the
Example Lead
Recently, residents of Seattle have complained that
the parking area near Safeco Field has become too
congested to park. The construction has eliminated
a lot of parking meters making street parking
almost impossible. The lots that are available are
often too costly for the average consumer. There
simply aren’t enough spaces for people who are
trying to go to a game or just enjoy the shopping
and restaurants in the area. People resort to tricks
to save parking spaces and tempers can flare.
Example Lead
The evening was getting dark and it was
becoming hard to see as Mariner’s fans slid their
cards into parking spots near Safeco Field. The
lights of the Sodo neighborhood glowed,
reflecting on the cars as they bumped and
jostled. Slipping in between these moving
vehicles, a boy darted on a bicycle. “That’s my
spot,” yelled a would-be-parker, as she narrowly
missed the boy. Panting, the boy had stopped
his bike in a prime parking spot.
Example Lead
Local residents – many of you have complained
about the craziness of trying to park near Safeco
Field. The truth is, it hasn’t brought out the best
in our community. Honking and yelling have
become customary. Events last night illustrate
how vulnerable we’ve become to thinking the
worst of each other.
Creating an Ending
Call to Action
• Why am I writing this piece?
• What do I want readers to do with this
information, with all the facts in my piece as
well as with the bigger message I hope to
• What are some possible solutions to the
problem at hand?
• Are my suggestions realistic, reasonable,
Your ending allows for a shift in POV from 3rd person to 2nd
person. That is how you create that call to action on your issue.
• Teenagers, like most
people, are mostly
good, and yet they’re
often misunderstood.
Next time you see a
teenager, keep an open
mind and heart!
• Take notice of the good.
Compliment the
positive. Spread the
word about what
teenagers are really
like. It will go a long
way in making the
world a kinder place.
When you get to the end of your story, ask yourself the
questions from above. This will help you tremendously!
• Write a total of three whole stories using the
notes you’ve taken so far.
• Include necessary details.
• Good leads.
• Powerful message.
• Call to action endings.
• Third person perspective, journalistic voice.
• Use those powerful techniques!
Session 5
• Read connection piece p. 48
• Writers think about what they’re writing
about but also how they’re doing it.
• Use your tools.
– Checklists
7th/8th Narrative Checklist
• Compare to Xbox/Playstation video game
• Did you do it? What do you need to do? How
do you progress?
• Give checklist
– Use to assess one story.
– Where can you improve?
Last Minute Editing
Names/Places spelled correctly
Punctuation clear, commas sensible
New paragraph when necessary
Quotes used appropriately
– Source, explanation, leading with a quote that is
• Go to Mr. Valeri’s Connect
• You will need to sign on to
your Connect account.
– Student access username
– Student ID password
• Or email generated
password. Click “I need
help…” to get a new one.
• Click on “The Forum”
• Click “New Post”
Title your post w/ Last Name.
Copy/Paste into post.
Click “Post”
Once posted, read three other
people’s news stories and
comment on them using
journalism vocab (next slide)
• Click in the box below the
post, comment, then click
– Comment
Academic Vocabulary for Talking Journalism
Words to describe the Parts Words to describe the Message
Lead-the beginning of a news story,
Provocative-stimulate, urge on, prompt or
often consisting of one sentence.
Anecdote-short account of an
interesting, powerful, or humorous
Vignette-any small, pleasing picture
or view.
Closure-bring to an end, conclusion.
Trajectory-flow, movement.
call forth to action, stir up.
Inflammatory-hostility, passion.
Insightful-perceptive, intuitive
Discerning-showing good or outstanding
judgment and understanding.
Illuminating-informative, enlightening.
Opaque-hard to understand, not clear, dull.
• Go home and read the comments other
readers made on your work.
• Reply to one of them.
Session 6
Meet me in the back
NW corner.
Bring your notebooks.
Huddle up.
Seeking stories (read p. 64)
– Hand “Seek Tell Story” chart
Investigative Journalists
1. Investigate issues that matter to their
community (MMS)
2. Find the stories that reveal those issues
3. Craft news stories to illuminate those
underlying issues
This is one social issue for the community.
It affects all of us.
Bullying Prevention
It is a reminder that we must all work together to create a safe learning environment
for all.
1. Safe students are more successful students. Assurance of a safe place becomes all of our
2. Some words DO hurt more than others. Bullying and hurtful name-calling based on
identity has more severe effects than other kinds of bullying.
3. We often underestimate the amount of bullying and name-calling that students
experience. If someone says, “Stop!” they mean it. If the bullying doesn’t stop it is a serious
harassment issue that could have consequences of expulsion.
4. There are many ways to be an ally. Students can learn to support someone who is hurt
by bullying behaviors by speaking out, seeking support from an adult, listening to someone
who has been hurt, talking to those involved, and learning about and appreciating
differences. Use these times as "teachable-moments."
Cyber bullying must also be addressed and we should all remember:
1.Think before you post 2.It's permanent 3.And it's all public.
• p. 65 Choosing an issue
1. Does anyone care about this issue?
2. Gather words-say it in a different way.
3. Seek stories that illustrate
1. Research through your witnessed events and
choose one that would be interesting to the
MMS community to create a newscast.
2. Think about where to start. You need to grab
the reader’s attention and get them.
interested in the facts. Gather words!
3. Make sure to get the 5 Ws right away
4. Investigate similar stories, who has some?
• Choose one or two of the issues that you and
a partner just came up with about MMS
• Document a news story
• Lead, 5 Ws, 3rd person, Power Strategy,
Relatable stories
Choosing a Big Issue
Is it big?
Will multiple stories fit underneath it?
Can you investigate it?
Do people care?
Example Big Issues
Pressures students face
Peer pressure
Student health
School rules
High expectations
Fitting in
School safety
Sharing is Caring
Index Cards Passed Out
Write Topic/Issue at top BIG!
Your name underneath
Post cards on wall
Browse cards, find topics/issues you might have a
story for.
– Pencil your name in if you do!
• Go investigate potential news stories to help your
issue. Interview, take notes, 5 Ws and quotes!
Investigative Interviews
Identify the target
Ask permission to interview
Be kind, ask clear questions
Write down notes in notebook
Thank for their time!
Potential Interview Targets
• Each other! Check the notecards on the wall
for potential stories that go with the big issue
you’re interested in.
• Mr. Morse: Principal
• Ms. Harris: Assistant Principal
• Mrs. Weik: Program Assistant
• Mrs. Meitzel: Lunch Lady
(due 12/8)
• Create/catch two acts of kindness and turn
each one into a small moment. Include all the
journalistic elements you have learned so far.
• These acts should be worthy of social
significance because doing these kind deeds
helped out others in the community.
• Acts of kindness=above and beyond the
ordinary that someone does.
2 Random Acts of Kindness
Add to your own 2 issues…
• 1st sentence to grab the reader’s attention, follow the pattern: (topic) (verb)
(message) make them different.
Kindness(topic) creates (verb) a culture of compassion for others to follow and
emulate (message)
Kindness __________________________________________________________.
• Last sentence to sum up social significance message/lesson. Make each different
depending on the kind deed you observed/created. What is the message/lesson
you want your readers to know? This is a message/lesson for the community.
Sometimes a person who has nothing gives more than people who have
Wherever there is a human in need, there is an opportunity for kindness and to
make a difference.
Remember there's no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a
ripple with no logical end.
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.
A culture of kindness within a community influences people to support each other.
Session 7
• Read p. 76
• Techniques Writers Use to Convey Meaning?
1. Action
2. Dialogue
3. Setting
Setting Example p. 77
• Where do teens face difficulty
• Cafeteria
• Setting Details
The cafeteria smelled of pizza and grease, and somehow, old socks….
• Good sensory detail, but it doesn’t get to the
deeper meaning. What is the difficulty?
How does the cafeteria/lunch give you difficulty? Pressure?
• Where to sit?
• Isolating?
• Crowded?
Use Technique to Show Central Idea
Use setting details to show how isolating the
cafeteria can be.
It was just another lunch period in a middle school. Looking
around, one saw table after table of bustling conversation.
Groups of kids reached across each other, squished in next to
each other…except for the table where one boy sat alone.
• Use writing techniques to suggest deeper meaning
What could we add next?
• Use what you know about
narrative story telling to
extend this story.
• Try it now. There’s a boy/girl
sitting alone at lunch.
• Stir up the readers emotion!
Make us feel the kind!
• Setting:
• Dialogue:
• Action:
Plan of Attack
Which technique do you want to try or add?
Rewrite/Add to an old story?
Write a new one?
p. 80
Use narrative craft such as action, dialogue,
and setting to reveal central ideas to evoke
• Start writing stories in your Big Issue
Committing to a Story Idea
Seed Idea
• Take a look at your stories.
• What are you interested in?
• Weave more than one story
• How can you develop
multiple stories into a major
themed issue idea?
• Flip through you notebooks.
• Which issue do you want to
commit to?
• Star/Mark notes, stories,
entries that relate to that
• Freewrite answer this
question: Of all the stories to
tell, why do I want to write this
one? What issue do I want to
reveal and why? What
message do I want to send to
my readers?
Session 8
• How to start a story
Angle the Facts, Lead the Reader
• p. 85
• Use technique to engage interest and shuttle
towards bigger truth.
• How to lead.
Let’s talk leads again 
With your friendly neighborhood parking helper.
Give Context
• Offering background
information that reveal an
overall conflict.
• Layering details that are
suggestive and hint at an
Story Tell
• Use foreshadowing to
insinuate tension.
• Explicitly address the issue
and the audience.
Please organize yourselves
Writing buddy. Desks together.
Ready to see an example, answer
some ?s.
Example Lead
Recently, residents of Seattle have complained that the parking area
near Safeco Field has become too congested to park. The construction
has eliminated a lot of parking meters making street parking almost
impossible. The lots that are available are often too costly for the
average consumer. There simply aren’t enough spaces for people who
are trying to go to a game or just enjoy the shopping and restaurants in
the area. People resort to tricks to save parking spaces and tempers
can flare.
What work does that lead do?
How does it hint at the central issue?
Does it build tension? How?
Does it lead towards a bigger meaning?
Example Lead
The evening was getting dark and it was becoming hard to see as Mariner’s
fans slid their cars into parking spots near Safeco Field. The lights of the Sodo
neighborhood glowed, reflecting on the cars as they bumped and jostled.
Slipping in between these moving vehicles, a boy darted on a bicycle. “That’s
my spot,” yelled a would-be-parker, as she narrowly missed the boy. Panting,
the boy had stopped his bike in a prime parking spot.
What work does that lead do?
How does it hint at the central issue?
Does it build tension? How?
Does it lead towards a bigger meaning?
Example Lead
Local residents – many of you have complained about the craziness of trying
to park near Safeco Field. The truth is, it hasn’t brought out the best in our
community. Honking and yelling have become customary. Events last night
illustrate how vulnerable we’ve become to thinking the worst of each other.
What work does that lead do?
How does it hint at the central issue?
Does it build tension? How?
Does it lead towards a bigger meaning?
Which lead is the best and why?
• Click to add
Build Tension/Lead Towards Central Idea
• Engage readers’ interest and move them
toward a bigger truth, with narrative and
information techniques.
• Continue working on your big issue. Bring out
your central idea by using the techniques we
just talked about.
• Continue working on one story or start a new
• Find an example of something you changed or
are working on.
• Share with a partner.
• Copies of mentor texts.
Read masterful writers closely and mimic their
craft and structure.
Session 8.5
Varying Sentence Structure to Affect
Pacing and Build Tension
Listen to the 1st example, while I read ask yourself: What builds the tension?
The eighth graders rushed. Backpacks were thrown into lockers. “Why aren’t we allowed
to carry them?” one muttered. They gathered their materials. The notebooks, the
binders, the laptops, the pens, the books. They turned away. Their piles started to slip
from their arms. Slip…slide…CRASH. The books, the pens, the laptops, the binders, the
notebooks hit the floor. “I HATE THIS RULE!” said one girl.
Short sentences build tension
Listen to the 2nd part of the example, while I read ask yourself:
What creates that stuck, frozen feeling, slowing down, words that seem to stretch time?
Two minutes later, the same girls were seen entering English class. “You’re late. You
need a pass, leave your materials here and go get a pass” teacher said. Nothing
happened for a moment. The girls looked at each other. Then, together, they began to
hand materials to their teacher. First they passed over their laptops. Then they handed
over their notebooks. The pile in the teacher’s arms was up to her chin. Then they
handed over their books. The pile in the teacher’s arms began to tremble. Then they
handed over their pens. The pile began to slide.Repetition, making us hold our breath
or making us feel out of breath
Mentor Texts (Learning from the Masters)
Snowfall: The Avalanche at Tunnel Creek
Get an iPad w/ a partner.
In the Mail app find the email from me with a
link to the above story.
Follow along together, then explore on your own
This is a radical story that uses ALL of the above
Beautifully written.
Compare strategies used in it, with what you’re
doing in yours and with the following texts.
Daring the Moves of a Master Journalist
• Get out example texts from yesterday. Each writer did some work at the
beginning to build tension, create some foreshadowing, and stir up your
emotions and interest.
• Read each excerpt and underline or highlight any words or phrases that stand out
to you as a reader, helping to build tension, foreshadowing, or string up reader’s
emotions. Indicate which one from the 3 on the paper. Example Blind Side, 1st
line: ‘From the snap of the ball to the snap of the first bone is closer to four
seconds than to five.’ That is riveting, string up reader’s emotions, makes the
reader sit up.
Next, do the following:
• Look at each excerpt again and write what emotional response you have to the
entire excerpt at the bottom.
• Then, write a note next to a particular line that stands out to you.
• Now read that line to your partner and describe what the writer did that you
• Try some revision or experimentation on your
text using techniques from the author of your
• Aim to start having at least a few stories
mostly done.
• If you’re running out of notes for stories,
find/remember more! Make sure you’re using
a lead, the 5 Ws, a call to action, and targeting
the bigger issue!
Session 9
Words Have CONNOTATIVE Meanings
How some words suggest multiple meanings
Call to mind a host of images for the reader.
Journalists think about allusions or analogies,
How to suggest the most meaning
with just a few words.
• Let’s do an example:
The term “September 11th.” Talk for a minute.
What would it mean to a reader if a writer said of an event, that it
was ‘like September 11th.’
Your correct. If the writer said an event was like
September 11th it would suggest to the reader that it was
tragic, it came out of nowhere, it was a national calamity.
That’s an allegory.
Words Have CONNOTATIVE Meanings
• An allusion might sound like this:
The kid was tough, and righteous, and he wasn’t going to back
down. Maybe this wasn’t the Arena, and he wasn’t Katniss, but he
knew when he had to stand up for himself.
See how I alluded to-that means referred to-a character from
the popular novel, The Hunger Games, my goal is for the reader
to associate the courage and righteousness of Katniss
with the subject of my news story.
Brainstorm w/ Partner
Example Connotative/Deeper Meaning Words/Phrases
Babe Ruth
Rosa Parks
Beast Mode
Christmas Morning
Uncle Sam
Big Brother
Easter Egg Hunt
Miley Cyrus
Boston Tea Party
Freddy Kruegr
Words have CONNOTATIVE meanings
p. 101 (Technique notes next slides)
Add allusion or an analogy to your story
Figure three places to add allusion or analogy
Finish one story by 12/12!
Try and use these sentence starters to create an
allusion or allegory.
Session 9.5
Ending your News Story with a Call to Action
• Why am I writing this piece?
• What do I want readers to do with this
information, with all the facts in my piece as
well as with the bigger message I hope to
• What are some possible solutions to the
problem at hand?
• Are my suggestions realistic, reasonable,
Possible Ending
Teenagers, like most people, are mostly good, and yet they’re often
misunderstood. Next time you see a teenager, keep an open mind and
heart! Look for what teenagers are doing that is good. How many
times does a young person offer his or her seat on the bus or bend
down to retrieve a dropped item for someone? These small acts of
kindness matter. Maybe you will even offer one in return – maybe you
will be the one to take the time to say, “I notice what you just did, and
good for you. Many adults could learn from watching you.” Then tell
others what you saw – “Hey, I know people often think teens equal
trouble, but you know what I saw today?”
Take notice of the good. Compliment the positive. Spread the word
about what teenagers are really like. It will go a long way in making the
world a kinder place.
Ending Stories
• Work on making your endings meaningful
• Focus on the call to action, what the reader
should do or know
• More than just one sentence. This should be a
solid chunk of closure that wraps up your big
point in a way that teaches me something
• Use computers or your notebook/journal
Final Project
• Three stories in your BIG Issue
• Typed
• Posted to Mr. Valeri’s LA Blog (see assignment
for details)
• Lead, details, ending
– Engage interest, 5 Ws, call to action
Editing - CUPS