Ch. 3; Lesson 3.3/3.4 T.O.C: Magnetism Can Produce Current Magnets Generate an Electric Current • DNW- When a magnet moves inside a coiled wire w/in a circuit, an electric current is generated in the wire. However: • It is easier to generate an electric current by moving a wire inside a magnetic field. • Whether u move the magnet or the wire; the effect is the same: – Current is generated as long as the wire crosses the magnetic field lines. Generating an Electric Current • Generator(w.w) device that converts the energy of motion (kinetic energy), into electric energy. • If you manually turn the shaft of a motor that contains a magnet, you can produce electric current. • B/c it does not need to be plugged in, a generator can be used wherever/whenever it is needed. How It Works 1. As the handle turns, it rotates a series of gears. The gears turn the shaft of the generator. 2. The rotation of the shaft causes coils of wire to rotate w/in a magnetic field. 3. As the coils of the wire cross the magnetic field line, electric current is generated. The current recharges the device. Direct & Alternating Currents • *Remember* electrons flow from one end of a battery/generator, thru the circuit, & back to battery/generator. • Electrons that flow in one direction produce 1 of 2 types of current 1. 2. Direct Current (DC)(w.w) electric charge that flows in one direction only. Produced by batteries & DC generators. Alternating Current (AC)(w.w) flow of electric charge that reverses direction at regular intervals. (it goes forward & backward) Current in homes/schools use this. • These 2 currents are produced by different generators. • Most devices can use both types of current but Some appliances can use only direct current • A car generator a.k.a the alternator keeps all electrical devices working including battery • • • • Magnets are used to Control Voltage Transformer(w.w) device that increases or decreases voltage. Transformers use magnetism to control the amount of voltage. Transformers are used in distribution of current. Transformers consist of 2 coils of wire wrapped around an iron ring. (Illustration). – 1st coil is tighter/more coils. Alternating current from voltage source enters coil & creates a magnetic field so the iron ring becomes an electromagnet. – 2nd coil is inside a changing magnetic field. Current is generated in the 2nd coil which is looser & has less coils. This changes the amount of voltage allowed to pass thru which protects homes/devices *A transformer w/ equal coils is a step-up transformer. A transformer like above is a step-down transformer. DEMO 3.3 Review Q’s 11 pts 1. What is necessary for a magnetic field to produce an electric current? (2 pts) 2. How do electric generators convert kinetic energy (energy of motion) into electrical energy? (2 pts) 3. What are 2 differences in which direct current and alternating current are generated? (2 pts) 4. What is a car generator called? What is its function? (3 pts) 5. On the inside, why does a step-down transformer have less/looser coils on the 2nd coil than the 1st coil? (2 pts) Ch. 3; Lesson 3.4 T.O.C: Generators Supply Electrical Energy Generators Provide Most of the World’s Electrical Energy • What generates electricity to your home? – The tremendous energy produced by falling water provides the turning motion for large generators at power plants. • For Ex: The Hoover Dam power plant supplies energy to more than a million ppl! • Other sources of energy found at power plants include: steam from burning fossil fuels (coal), nuclear reactions, wind, solar heating, & ocean tides. Continued… • How does the power plant convert the energy of motion into electrical energy? You ask… • Great Question!!! Large generators in the plant hold powerful electromagnets surrounded by massive coils of copper wire. And 1. As the water falls from the reservoir, its kinetic energy increases & it flows very fast. The falling stream of water turns a turbine (fan-like device) which is connected to the generators shaft. Think of this on a much larger scale for a generator in a power plant… Nuclear Power Plant • Electric Power Can Be In order to provide electrical energy to homes Measured & factories , power companies need to know the rate at which energy is needed. • Power companies need to know how much power is used & where. This is how they know how much to charge for your electric bill. Watts & Kilowatts • Watt(w.w) unit of measurement for power. – Measures the rate at which energy is used by an electrical appliance. – Formula for finding power in watts ~ Electric power (P) = Voltage (V) x Current (I) – Ex: 40 W v. 100 W. Brighter bulb converts energy at a higher rate than a lower power bulb • Kilowatt(w.w) unit of power equal to 1,000 Sample Problems • Sample: Watts & Kilowatts- Electric power (P) = Voltage (V) x Current (I) • If a device uses 50 volts and 40 amps (current), how many watts does the device use? – Answer- 2,000W; or 2 kW • If a device uses 1,500 watts of power and 30 amps (current), how much voltage does the device use? – Answer- 50 volts • If a device uses 300 watts of power and 10 volts of power, how much current (amps) does the device use? – Answer- 30 amps • Sample: Kilowatt-hour- Energy used (E) = Power (P) x time (t) (in full hours) • How much energy is used if a 3,000 W (3 kW) clothes dryer is used for 4 hours? – Answer- 12 kWh • How much energy is used to dry clothes in a 3 kW dryer for 30 minutes? – Answer- 1.5 kWh 3.4 Review Q’s 12 pts 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. How do power plants generate electrical energy from kinetic energy? (2 pts) Explain what watts measure. (2 pts) How is energy use determined? (2 pts) All of the appliances in the computer lab are in use for 6 hours every day & together use 3.3 kW. How much energy has been used in 1 day? SHOW YOUR WORK (3 pts) A hair dryer uses 400 watts of power