BA115 Syllabus -

BUS ADMN 115 – Principles of Business Management
GLEASON – April 2011
BUS ADMN 115 – Principles of Business Management
Course Description
Students explore the theory and application of management concepts and organizational
and financial structures in business enterprises. Case analysis and problem-solving
techniques are used to examine the planning and organization of workflow, delegation,
leadership styles, decision making, stress and time management, and employee relations.
Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
1. Use business terminology effectively.
2. Recommend management functions and leadership style for a new business.
3. Identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of business within
your community.
4. Define the role of ethics and social responsibility in business.
Instructor Information
Kirby Gleason
Office - 503-505-5465
Cell – 503-896-0402 (you can text this number!)
OFFICE HOURS: M – Th, 2pm to 5pm, F, 1pm to 3pm, Room 240
Topics Covered
The Dynamics of Business and Economics
Options for Organizing Business
Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
Organization, Teamwork, and Communication
Small Business, Entrepreneurship, and Franchising
The Nature of Management
Motivating the Workforce
Managing Human Resources
Critical Thinking
Ferrell, O. C., Hirt, G. A. & Ferrell, L. (2007). Business: A Changing World (8th ed.). New
York: McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0-073-51175-7
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BUS ADMN 115 – Principles of Business Management
GLEASON – April 2011
Projects and Assignments
The class is worth 500 points total, broken down as follows:
 10 Weekly Journal assignments, 10 points each
 10 Concept Review assignments, 10 points each
 1 Final Project worth 50 points
 4 quizzes, 25 points each
 1 Final Exam worth 100 points
 Participation worth 50 points
A grade of 89.50% percent or higher earns an A grade; 79.50% to 89.49% percent earns a
B grade; 69.50% to 79.49% percent earns a C grade; 59.50% to 69.49% percent earns a D
grade. A minimum grade of C is required in major courses or courses that are prerequisites
for advanced courses.
Course at a Glance
Week 1
 Overview of class expectations, syllabus, and benchmark assignments
 Chapter 1: Dynamics of Business and Economics
Week 2
 Chapter 5: Options for organizing a business
 ASSIGNMENTS DUE: Journal #1, Concept Review #1
Week 3
 Chapter 2: Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
 QUIZ 1
 ASSIGNMENTS DUE: Journal #2, Concept Review #2
Week 4
 Chapter 8: Organization, Teamwork, and Communication
 ASSIGNMENTS DUE: Journal #3, Concept Review #3
Week 5
 Chapter 6: Small Business, Entrepreneurship, and Franchising
 QUIZ 2
 ASSIGNMENTS DUE: Journal #4, Concept Review #4
Week 6
 Chapter 7: The nature of Management
 ASSIGNMENTS DUE: Journal #5, Concept Review #5
Week 7
 Chapter 10: Motivating the Workforce
 QUIZ 3
 ASSIGNMENTS DUE: Journal #6, Concept Review #6
Week 8
 Chapter 11: Managing Human Resources
 ASSIGNMENTS DUE: Journal #7, Concept Review #7
Week 9
 Chapter 12: Marketing
 QUIZ 4
 ASSIGNMENTS DUE: Journal #8, Concept Review #8
Week 10
 ASSIGNMENTS DUE: Journal #9, Concept Review #9
Week 11
 Final Project Presentations
 ASSIGNMENTS DUE: Journal #10, Concept Review #10
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BUS ADMN 115 – Principles of Business Management
GLEASON – April 2011
Instructor’s Biography
Kirby Gleason has been with Heald College for 3 years. He has served as instructor, LRC
Manager, and ATB Program Manager. Prior to coming to Heald, he was involved in property
management and a variety of customer service positions. Kirby also served as a high
school coach in football, basketball and track and field for 15 years. He received his
Bachelor’s of Science in Human Development from Warner Pacific College in 2006, and is
currently pursuing an MBA from Marylhurst University.
Heald Policy Reminders
Heald College policies can be found in the Heald Academic Catalog. Please review the
reminders below and, if needed, refer to the Academic Catalog for complete policy details.
Attendance Standards
Students are expected to attend all classes as scheduled, to arrive on time, and to
remain until the end of each class. Absences should occur only in the event of illness or
unforeseen and unavoidable situations or emergencies. Students should inform his/her
instructor of planned absences in advance via email and/or telephone.
This section applies only to residential courses offered on campus. Courses offered
online have a separate attendance policy.
All students are expected to attend classes beginning with the first day of each quarter
or module. A new or continuing student who has not attended during the add/drop
period must attend the first class meeting(s) immediately following the add/drop period
in order to remain enrolled in the course or courses for the module or quarter. If there
is no attendance in any courses at the completion of the first class meeting(s) following
the add/drop period, the student’s enrollment will be cancelled.
If there is attendance in some, but not all of the courses at the completion of the first
class meeting immediately following the add/drop period, the student may continue
his/her enrollment in the courses attended. Registration in those courses not attended
will be cancelled and the grade of NS will be recorded for those courses on the student’s
academic record for that quarter. If a student does not attend a class meeting during
the add/drop period a grade of NS may be recorded. If a student does post attendance
during the add/drop period and then class is dropped after the add/drop period a grade
of W will be recorded.
A student who is absent 14 or more consecutive calendar days in a course will be
withdrawn from the course. Students who are absent from all scheduled classes for 14
or more consecutive calendar days will be withdrawn from school. In those classes
where the 14th day falls on a holiday or a non class scheduling pattern, the
determination will be deferred to the next regularly scheduled meeting of that class.
Saturdays and Sundays are included in the consecutive absence count. Holidays and
break days are excluded.
Students are expected to immediately contact their instructor when they expect to be
absent from a scheduled class or classes. Students whose attendance falls below 70%
may be subject to additional attendance monitoring requirements and conditions as
needed to promote good attendance and academic success.
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BUS ADMN 115 – Principles of Business Management
GLEASON – April 2011
Tardy or Early Departure from Class
There may be occasions when students enter after a class has started or may have
reason to leave before the end of a class. Students are expected to inform their
instructor in advance and enter or leave class quietly, minimizing any disruption. Heald
College has established a maximum number of times a student may be tardy or depart
from a course early. Attendance monitoring may be required when students reach the
maximum number of times tardy or early departures.
Makeup Policy
Each student has the opportunity to make up one missed major in-class graded event.
Your instructor will inform you of which graded events fall into this category in this
Professional Appearance
At Heald College, student appearance standards have been established to be at or above
those normally required in a professional business, industry, or healthcare workplace.
The dress standard helps prepare a student for the workplace and fosters a professional
appearance, which is a positive factor in job placement. The professional appearance
policy is discussed in the enrollment process and is available in the Academic Affairs
office. Following medical or dental professional dress practices, healthcare students are
required to wear appropriate medical or dental uniforms.
Instructor’s Classroom Policies
All assignments are expected to be turned in on time. Late assignments will be
accepted at a penalty 20% for every class period that they are late. For extreme
circumstances, please speak to Kirby prior to, or as soon as possible to make
Refrain from using cell phones in class in any capacity. If you violate this policy you
will be asked to leave the classroom.
Food and drink is permissible in class under the following conditions: It must be a
distraction to the learning environment, and you must clean up your own mess. The
first time the instructor has to pick up a wrapper or clean up a spill will mean no
more food or drink, no exceptions.
Academic discourse often involves polite disagreements. Please be respectful at all
times to all students, the instructor, or guest speakers. If a conflict arises that you
cannot resolve, please ask the instructor for assistance.
All assignments are to be submitted typed. Handwritten assignments will be
refused. Computers and printers are available for your use in the LRC.
A portfolio represents the assembly of – and reflection upon – the depth and breadth of
learning that has taken place at Heald College during your program of study. It can be used
during the job interview process to highlight the skills and knowledge gained throughout
your education.
You should start saving key assignments from each class in your first quarter at Heald
College. You will select those documents that best highlight your skill development
throughout your time at Heald. In general, the portfolio should contain evidence of learning
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BUS ADMN 115 – Principles of Business Management
GLEASON – April 2011
related to your program’s outcomes including written communication, business, computer
and keyboarding skills, as well as interpersonal skills and teamwork. Consult with your
instructor on strategies for collecting evidence.
We recommend creating both an electronic and paper storage system and storing evidence
as you complete each course in your program. You can create a folder in your P: drive
titled “Portfolio” in which to place portfolio documents. You can also buy a two-inch binder
and start saving paper copies of your work.
Students agree that by taking this course all required papers may be subject to submission
for textual similarity review to for the detection of plagiarism. All submitted
papers will be included as source documents in the reference database solely
for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such papers. Use of the service is
subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use posted on the site.
Benchmark Assignment
Business Journal
Student Learning Outcomes
The purpose of this assignment is to allow you to demonstrate mastery of the following
course level outcomes:
Use business terminology effectively.
Recommend management functions and leadership style for a new business.
Identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of business within
your community.
Define the role of ethics and social responsibility in business.
Assignment Description
Throughout the quarter we will talk about the various aspects of successful and unsuccessful
businesses. You will relate these concepts to three different businesses within your
community by keeping a journal on the business (either your choice or chosen from a pool
of businesses the instructor selects). You must record weekly entries. Your instructor will
review each weekly journal entry and offer feedback. These journals will be graded weekly
and submitted to your instructor for final review during week 10.
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BUS ADMN 115 – Principles of Business Management
GLEASON – April 2011
WEEK 1: Research a company within your community and identify the type of
business ownership. What products or services are offered by this company?
what is the history of this company?; what are any issues facing this company?
You should go online to research this information. *Keep in mind that some
information on small and private companies may not be available to the
WEEK 2: Does the company have policies regarding ethics and social
responsibility? If so, what is the company doing to address this issue? What else,
if anything, is the company doing to be a good corporate citizen? Does the
company have an environmental policy? If so, what is the company doing to
understand how their products or operations affect the environment? What else,
if anything, are they doing to address this issue? How do you make your own
ethical decisions? Why would a company not have an ethics policy? What are
some legal and social issues you have experienced with e-business? Do you
know of any local environmental issues in your city? How have environmental
disasters changed the business environment in your state/country?
WEEK 3: Is the company conducting business overseas? Does the company have
a global strategy? Would you ever consider doing business overseas? What
advantages can you imagine in doing business in a country like China? Would
you consider an overseas assignment?
WEEK 4: Is the company an e-commerce business? Does the company do
business with customers or with other businesses online? What experiences have
you had shopping online? Imagine you could develop your dream online
business. What would it be and why? Do you think your company has any
missed opportunities online? What are some positives and what are some
negative aspects of e-businesses?
WEEK 5: What are the various forms of business ownership and what are the
advantages and disadvantages of each? Why are mergers and acquisitions
positive and why can they be negative? Why do you think the company selected
their form of ownership? How do their choices influence your own opinions about
the different ownership forms?
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BUS ADMN 115 – Principles of Business Management
GLEASON – April 2011
WEEK 6: What are the leadership styles predominant in business today? What
are the leadership styles of the company you selected? Discuss the three levels
of management and what is the focus of managers at each level? Why is
management so important and what is its purpose? What leadership style do you
respond to? Think back on effective leaders known and describe their style. As a
manager what style do you plan on using?
WEEK 7: Discuss the human resource functions at the company you selected.
Are there job openings? What are their projections for the next few years, i.e.,
more hiring, less hiring, in what areas? What would your dream job be at this
company? Create the perfect job description for your dream job. How much do
you think your dream job should be paid? What in your job description would
justify this?
WEEK 8: What type of marketing does the company utilize? Investigate all types
of marketing they utilize. What segments of the market are they targeting? At
what stage in the product life cycle are the products of the companies you are
researching? What type of marketing do you prefer and why is it effective on
you? Are the companies missing any opportunities to reach customers? Do you
think marketing can be offensive?
WEEK 9: Obtain and review the accounting and financial reports. (NOTE: This
may not be possible for small and/or private businesses but should be possible
for medium to large companies). Provide an overview of the financial health of
the organization. Review all reports available, particularly the annual report,
balance sheet and statement of cash flows. Is the company profitable? Would
you invest in this company? Why would a company produce an annual report and
other financial reports? What kind of information can't we see on these financial
reports? How do people learn to interpret financial reports? Who do you think
uses these reports? With all the financial controls and oversight in financial
markets, why do you think we still have so many financial scandals?
WEEK 10: What are some challenges facing this company? After your lengthy
review during this quarter, is this company you would consider 1) investing in, 2)
working for, or 3) recommending to your friends? Why or why not? What plans
have they announced for the future? You should contact the companies to gain
background information electronically or in person.
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BUS ADMN 115 – Principles of Business Management
GLEASON – April 2011
At the end of the quartergive a formal oral presentation (executive summary) of
approximately 5 minutes on your companies. Students must use PowerPoint, or other
method of delivery. Journal entries should be neat and professional in appearance, with an
appropriate cover/binder. The completed journal will be handed in at the end of the quarter.
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