Welcome to Unit 2! January 13, 2011 Unit 3 Project APA Questions Unit 2 Reading Unit 2 DB Review of literature: a compilation of prior primary research completed on the topic Triangulation: the use of several different methods to test the same findings Quantitative research: research that is based on compiling data and analyzing using numerical methods; it is the systematic collection and process of organizing and interpreting data using statistics in order to reach a conclusion Qualitative Research: research that is not based on analyzing from a numerical perspective; it uses methods such as direct observation and analysis of word usage, attitudes, feelings, and behaviors in order to explain the phenomenon from an individual or personal perspective leading to a hypothesis Option 1: Locate a qualitative study from the Kaplan Library (start with the communication journals listed in Appendix A of the text) and then discuss how quantitative research methods could be used to conduct a complementary study (expand the study, confirm the findings, find further areas of study, etc.) of the same topic. Include the topic, why it is qualitative, the goal or purpose of the study, and how quantitative research could be completed to complement the study (explain with specific examples). Option 2: Locate a quantitative study from the Kaplan Library (start with the communication journals listed in Appendix A of the text) and then discuss how qualitative research methods could be used to conduct a complementary study (expand the study, confirm the findings, find further areas of study, etc.) of the same topic. Include the topic, the goal or purpose of the study, why it is quantitative, and how qualitative research could be completed to complement the study (explain with specific examples). Option 3: Choose a communication research topic and explain how you would conduct research from a qualitative perspective and also from a quantitative perspective. Explain with specific examples. As shown on the rubric in the the syllabus you will be graded on the following: 1. Content – 80% - Brief introduction explaining which option was chosen - Paper is 500 – 600 words (about 2 pages) and addresses all elements of the chosen option. 2. Readability/ Style 10% - Sentences are clear, concise, well-constructed, consistently strong and varied. - Sentence transitions are present and maintain the flow of thought. 3. Mechanics 10% - Rules of college grammar, word usage and punctuation are followed. - Spelling is correct. - Any References used follow APA guidelines (sources are not required) Pointers for Success The body of your paper should be between 500 and 600 words, or about two pages. Use one-inch margins on all sides of the paper. Use a 12-point font such as Times New Roman or Arial. The paper will be based on your thoughts and, therefore, will not require outside citations. However, if you do cite outside references (including the text), you will have to provide the source information. In addition, projects should demonstrate careful proofreading. If you have any questions, please ask. Goals for this unit Discuss the questions to ask when evaluating quantitative and qualitative research Discuss the elements of research study and why they are important Review the Quantitative and Qualitative Research Report Checklists in Chapter 2 which details important questions to ask while reading communication research reports. For the discussion question this week choose two of the questions (either both from quantitative research or both from qualitative research or one question from each) and explain why the questions are important to evaluating research. Also, review the three principles to evaluating research for both methods in the reading (page 29). Take one of the principles and explain why it is an important consideration to evaluating research studies and findings.