IB Psychology Syllabus

IB Psychology SL
Mrs. Kaytlyn Sykes, Social Science Teacher – Room 101
Central High School Phone Number: 816-671-4080 Email: kaytlyn.sykes@sjsd.k12.mo.us
Conference Periods: 1 Blue and 3 White
Course Description:
This one-year course focuses on the study of human behavior and experience. Students will become
involved in critical thinking, library research, writing and making inferences, generalizing and drawing
conclusions. Three of the major perspectives in psychology (biological, cognitive and sociocultural) are
explored. In addition, an in depth study of an optional area (abnormal psychology) will be studied.
Finally, one partial replication of an experiment will be conducted and reported through a written
Oxford IB Diploma Programme Psychology: John Crane and Jette Hannibal
Abnormal Psychology: An International Perspective: Jennie Brooks Jamison
AS & A Level Psychology Through Diagrams: Grahame Hill
You are not expected to bring your books with you to class every day unless I instruct you to do so. You
are expected to keep up with the reading assignments assigned.
Course Materials:
 Binder with 5 dividers labeled: Research Design/Experimentation, Biological, Socio-cultural,
Cognitive, and Abnormal
 Index cards
 Highlighters
 Markers/Crayons
 Pens/Pencils
 Chromebook*
Class Preparation, Participation, Attendance, and Class Work:
This is NOT a lecture-based course. The course content is intended to evoke thought that can be
manifested through class discussions, group work, activities and dialogue. Even though the class isn’t
based in lecture, expect that we will do some lecture – come prepared to take notes everyday, lecture or
This is a college level course and requires more than simple regurgitation. It is expected that students
will come to class having read the material to be discussed that day and prepared to critically think about
it. You may also expect to frequently be “pop quizzed” on the reading material assigned.
Expect a lot of reading and writing in this course. We will be reading and analyzing many research studies
pertinent to the field of psychology. You will also be writing several literature reviews as the year
There is NO late work accepted. (Unless extenuating circumstances apply)
Psychology Journal: Each student is required to have a Psychology Journal that you bring to class
EVERYDAY. This is where you will often respond to in class quizzes, short readings, class discussions, etc.
These journals will be collected randomly.
Academic Honesty
*A Note on Plagiarism and Cheating: Simply stated, DON’T DO IT! This course strictly adheres to the
IB Honor Code. Any plagiarized works in my class will receive a ZERO and be reported to the IB
coordinator (Mrs. Gilliland) as well as your vice principal. This also includes tests, quizzes, group projects,
IB Psychology is a higher-level class. As with any higher-level class, attendance is critical to success in the
course. Attending class is vital for understanding the material as much of the information covered on
assignments and tests comes from in-class lectures and discussions. Attending class is more than just
having your body in the classroom. It is important to be prepared, be focused, take notes, and participate.
When you are absent from class, plan on coming to see me ASAP to get the work/reading material you
missed. If you do not stay on top of your work, you will fall behind quickly. It is your responsibility to
get your makeup work. You get one makeup day for every day you are absent.
Course Outline:
The IB component of the course requires students to examine human behavior using the three levels of
analysis. The level of analysis (LOA) approach reflects a modern movement in psychology which
demonstrates how explanations by each of the levels of analysis complement one another to attain a
more holistic understanding of behavior. Success of this component relies heavily on the student’s ability
to synthesize these levels of analysis through diverse content of modern psychology.
In addition to the three levels of analysis, the IB curriculum requires an in-depth study of another area of
psychology (we will be studying abnormal psychology).
Quarter 1:
Introduction to Psychology
Command Terms/Learning Objectives
Research Methodology
Biological Level of Analysis
Quarter 2:
Cognitive Level of Analysis
1st Literature Review
Begin Internal Assessment (IA)
Quarter 3:
Socio-Cultural Level of Analysis
Working on IA
Literature Review
Quarter 4:
Abnormal Psychology
Review for External Assessment (EA)
Assessments: **If you are absent on the day of a test or a quiz, you will need to makeup the test or quiz
after school.
Internal Assessment
This assessment allows you to apply the scientific method and process by replicating a famous published
study in psychology. Results of the experiment will be submitted in a formal APA style written report.
Requirements will be discussed in class. The Internal Assessment is a requirement by the IB Course
Curriculum and is worth 20% of your IB score for Psychology. This will be done through a written report
of 1000-1500 words and must include descriptive statistics within the paper. The paper consists of a title
page, abstract, introduction, method, results, discussion, references and appendices.
We will have short quizzes composing of key vocabulary, psychological theory, research studies, and key
researchers. The purpose is to reinforce content and concepts related to the field of psychology that must
be included in a student’s summative assessment. Quick writes and the psychology journal will also be
used to assess a student’s individual progress; identifying areas of strength and those needing
reinforcement. Psychological studies have shown that learning small incremental amounts of material
highly correlates to increased long-term memory. When appropriate, IB published criteria and rubrics
will be used when assessing student work.
Large quizzes, written tests, group presentations, and individual or group projects are designed to cover
content that will be asked on the IB exams. IB published criteria and rubrics will be used when
assessing student work.
Grade Descriptor
7 Excellent
6 Very Good
5 Good
4 Satisfactory
3 Mediocre
2 Poor
1 Very Poor
15-20 7-8
Paper 1
Paper 2
21-24 32-46
99%-100% (A+)
13-14 6
94% - 98% (A)
84% - 93% (B)
74% - 83% (C)
64% - 73% (D)
50% - 63% (F)
0%-49 % (F)
IB Examination Information (EA):
Paper 1 is two hours. You will have to answer three mandatory SAQ's (short
answer questions) and one optional question on each of the following: the Biological, Cognitive, and
Socio-cultural Levels of Analysis.
For these LOA’s, be able to:
List at least four researchers who are KEY to that LOA
Explain the key ideas that dominate the LOA
Discuss ethical issues and other criticism of the research.
Evaluate cultural or gender issues related to the research.
Evaluate the research methods of each LOA.
Assess how the information can be applied to society.
Question theories and research through comparing and contrasting findings.
Paper 2 is one hour. We will study Abnormal Psychology (Other perspectives will be choices, but do not
be misled. You probably don't know enough to answer those questions thoroughly).
Remember that for each essay, you must show empirical research, consider cross-cultural issues,
and evaluate issues of ethics, method, and gender!
Final Notes:
We will be covering a lot of material and you will be expected to learn and truly understand the
information- not simply memorize it. One of my goals is to help you acquire skills you can apply in
other environments. Note-taking, critical thinking, reading, and writing are some of those skills.
Complaining about the amount of work will not make a difference in the amount of work you
receive. I will do my best to provide you with the information, help you to truly understand it,
inspire you to apply it to your life, and prepare you for the IB exam. Your success in this class is
going to depend on your ability to work hard and challenge yourself.
Complaining about having to read is one thing- informing me about the events and important
things going on in your life is another. Your life expands far beyond this classroom. Please know
that I am always available to listen or talk. The easiest way to communicate with me outside of
class is through e-mail. I check my e-mail regularly and will try to respond to you in a timely
manner. Also, I am usually always available before or after school in my classroom.