THIS WEEK IN NEW TESTAMENT LIT MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY INTRO INTRO INTRO WELCOME EXPECTATIONS & THE LIKE HOW DID WE GET THE BIBLE? WHAT IS A TESTAMENT? THURSDAY FRIDAY NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL UPPER SCHOOL RETREAT UPPER SCHOOL RETREAT http://www. UPPERCLASSMEn Tuesday start-up Pull our your syllabus for full credit. THIS WEEK IN NEW TESTAMENT LIT MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY INTRO INTRO INTRO WELCOME EXPECTATIONS & THE LIKE HOW DID WE GET THE BIBLE? WHAT IS A TESTAMENT? THURSDAY FRIDAY NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL UPPER SCHOOL RETREAT UPPER SCHOOL RETREAT http://www. CLASS GUIDELINES 1. Come to class prepared with all required materials for that day. 2. Follow the teacher’s directions. 3. Respect everyone and everything in the classroom in word and action. CLASS GUIDELINES 4. Listen when someone else is talking. 5. Class time is for class activities. CLASS PROTOCOLS 1. Begin “Anticipatory Question” projected on screen as soon as you enter the classroom. 2. Locker and bathroom visits are for the 5 minute passing periods. (Unless an emergency) CLASS PROTOCOLS 3. Each day a different student is assigned to do a daily Bible check. 4. Make up work policy is the handbook’s policy. CLASS PROTOCOLS 5. Getting notes from missed classes and being prepared for quiz days you are present for is your responsibility 6. On Verse Quiz and Unit Quiz days leave all materials other than your Bible and writer in the back. (Including your backpack) CLASS PROTOCOLS 7. Projects/Papers are due by 3:00pm on a due date…time stamped emails count. ROOM S201 FOLLOWS ALL SCHOOL RULES NOT STATED ABOVE. CONSEQUENCES 1. FOCUS= Warning 2. REFOCUS= Clipboard signature with the guideline/protocol you are not supporting. 3. OUT= Visit Mr. Carpenter, call home, coaches conference CONSEQUENCES Minor Violation (Level 1 Offenses) Tardiness & Unexcused Absences Food/Drink violation Disruptive Behavior Appearance Code violation Electronic Device violation Handbook Action & Focus, Refocus, Out cooperate. CONSEQUENCES Level 2 & 3 Offenses Cheating, plagiarism, swearing, Lord’s name in vain, insubordination, verbal abuse, racist or sexist comments, parking lot violations, inappropriate use of computers… Drug-alcohol possession, misuse of legal drugs, bullying, arson, bomb threats, weapon possession, vandalism, false fire alarm, sexual harassment, sexual conduct, sexting. Office notified immediately and your out. BUT GUESS WHAT?????? You don’t ever have to have that happen. How happy would that make you? This happy? BIBLE CHECKS ARE DAILY. YOU WILL CHECK YOUR PEERS DESKTOPS FOR BIBLES ON YOUR DAY TO CHECK. THIS IS ASSIGNED ALPHABETICALLY AND STARTS NEXT TUESDAY. THEOLOGICAL DISPUTES MAY HAPPEN. DIALOGUE TO EXPLAIN P.O.V. IS GOOD. DIVISION OVER IT IS BAD. SOMETIME THIS SCHOOL YEAR YOU MAY HAVE TO AGREE TO DISAGREE WITH SOMEONE. I LIKE TO TAKE TIME TO ANSWER QUESTIONS YOU HAVE ABOUT THINGS THAT YOU HAVE NEVER GOTTEN SATIFACTORY ANSWERS FOR. THE Q & A BOX IS ALWAYS AVAILABLE FOR YOUR QUESTIONS ON… THE BIBLE CHRISTIANITY WORLDVIEWS RANDOM FACTS I DO NOT GUARANTEE MY ANSWERS WILL BE SATISFACTORY. BUT I DO TRY HARD. OCCASIONALLY I WILL TAKE TIME TO ANSWER THE QUESTIONS IN THE BOX. I LIKE CHRISTIAN MUSIC. CHRISTIAN MUSICIANS MAKE MUSIC VIDEOS. ON TEST DAYS I LIKE TO SHOW A MUSIC VIDEO. THIS WILL NOT OCCUR ON DAYS THE INTERNET IS DOWN. I DO TAKE REQUESTS BUT I FIRE DRILL CLOSE BUDDY NEW RARE Tri-Level Learning 1. Survey 2. Specifics 3. Truth UPPERCLASSMEn Wednesday start-up Ask your 9:00, “What is a testament?” THIS WEEK IN NEW TESTAMENT LIT MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY INTRO INTRO INTRO WELCOME EXPECTATIONS & THE LIKE HOW DID WE GET THE BIBLE? WHAT IS A TESTAMENT? THURSDAY FRIDAY NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL UPPER SCHOOL RETREAT UPPER SCHOOL RETREAT HOW DID WE GET THE BIBLE? 1. REVELATION God, on His own initiative, reveals or unveils Himself, His attributes, and His truth to man (we could not know of God otherwise) HOW DID WE GET THE BIBLE? Romans 1:19-20 because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. TYPES OF REVELATION • General Revelation • God shows all humanity that He exists • Special Revelation • God reveals information at special times • Creation • Conscience • Jesus Christ • Miracles, Dreams, etc HOW DID WE GET THE BIBLE? 2. INSPIRATION God oversees the human authors of Scripture, using their own personalities and writing styles to write what He intended without error in the original manuscripts HOW DID WE GET THE BIBLE? 2 Timothy 3:16-17 All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. inspired = “God-breathed” HOW DID WE GET THE BIBLE? 2 Peter 1:20-21 But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation, for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God. men and the Spirit working together HOW DID WE GET THE BIBLE? 3. TRANSMISSION Copying of the original, perfect manuscripts as accurately as possible HOW DID WE GET THE BIBLE? 3. TRANSMISSION HOW DID WE GET THE BIBLE? 3. TRANSMISSION “Dead Sea scrolls” HOW DID WE GET THE BIBLE? 4. TRANSLATION Copying of the original language of the early manuscripts into one’s own language HOW DID WE GET THE BIBLE? 5. INTERPRETATION Determining what the original authors meant in their original settings to their original audiences HOW DID WE GET THE BIBLE? Interpretation involves understanding with the mind “WE BETTER MOVETHE HEAT IS CATCHING UP TO US!” The boy runs ahead of his mom. The river runs through the canyon. The trial runs all week long. I’ve got the “runs” ! All of Scripture must be interpreted according to context CULTURE BOOK IMMEDIATE HOW DID WE GET THE BIBLE? 6. ILLUMINATION Work of the Holy Spirit enabling a believer to understand and apply biblical truth in specific situations HOW DID WE GET THE BIBLE? Illumination involves receiving into the heart HOW DID WE GET THE BIBLE? WHY IS ILLUMINATION NEEDED? 1. Human blindness due to sin 2. Human desire to add or delete from what is originally written HOW DID WE GET THE BIBLE? 1 Corinthians 2:12,14 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things freely given to us by God, But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised. HOW DID WE GET THE BIBLE? Revelation 22:18-19 I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God shall add to him the plagues which are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the tree of life and from the holy city, which are written in this book. HOW DID WE GET THE BIBLE? 7. APPLICATION Trust action (spiritual maturity) Putting into action what you learn is true Sharing Christ (evangelism) Telling unbelievers about God’s love & sacrifice. NEW TESTAMENT LITERATURE HOW DID WE GET THE NEW TESTAMENT? 1.WHAT IS A “TESTAMENT”? will, covenant, contract written record of God and His covenants with humanity HOW DID WE GET THE NEW TESTAMENT? 2. HOW ARE THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS DIFFERENT? Two Testaments, two different covenants O.T. • emphasis: God the Father • the Law at Mt. Sinai: man conscious of sin • God’s focus: the nation of Israel • many sacrifices: temporary forgiveness N.T. • emphasis: God the Son • Christ at the cross: man free from sin • God’s focus: the N.T. church • single sacrifice: eternal forgiveness HOW DID WE GET THE NEW TESTAMENT? 3. HOW ARE THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS SIMILAR? Both Testaments point to Jesus Christ Luke 24:44-45 Now He (Jesus) said to them, “These are My words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things which are written about Me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.” Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures. HOW DID WE GET THE NEW TESTAMENT? 4. HOW WERE THE 27 NEW TESTAMENT BOOKS CHOSEN? Part 1- Peter & John selected & approved Part 2- Councils of believers began to meet during the 2nd – 4th centuries Their goal: to develop a series of tests that would recognize a book’s authority and authenticity. HOW DID WE GET THE NEW TESTAMENT? Canon: HOW DID WE GET THE NEW TESTAMENT? Canon: ruler, measuring rod, standard or norm If a book measured up to certain standards, it was canonized HOW DID WE GET THE NEW TESTAMENT? The three tests: 1. Writer’s authority- was he a reliable source? 2. Internal evidence- did the book contradict other books? 3. Common acceptance- did all agree the book was Scripture? HOW DID WE GET THE NEW TESTAMENT? 4. HOW WERE THE 27 NEW TESTAMENT BOOKS ARRANGED? The 27 books were placed in a specific order to explain Christ and the fundamentals of Christianity LITERARY CLASSIFICATION OF THE N.T. GOSPELS HISTORY MATTHEW MARK LUKE JOHN ACTS PAUL’S EPISTLES ROMANS 1 CORINTHIANS 2 CORINTHIANS GALATIANS EPHESIANS PHILIPPIANS COLOSSIANS 1 THESSALONIANS 2 THESSALONIANS 1 TIMOTHY 2 TIMOTHY TITUS PHILEMON GENERAL PROPHECY EPISTLES HEBREWS JAMES 1 PETER 2 PETER 1 JOHN 2 JOHN 3 JOHN JUDE REVELATION Tri-Level Learning 1. Survey 2. Specifics 3. Truth