Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate
January 28, 2014
Lookout Room
(Draft Minutes)
President Stephen Crowley called the Faculty Senate meeting to order at 3:07pm.
1) Roll Call: President Stephen Crowley and Vice President Tony Marker
Senators – Troy Rohn, Jim Stockton, Nader Rafla, Scott Lowe, Bruce Ballenger, David Wilkins, Faye Carlson, Tim
Chenoweth, Julie Powers, Julie Lane, Rose Barlow, Mary Aagard, Janice Neri, Kevin Ferris, Joie Burns
Guests – Provost Marty Schimpf, Vicki Stieha, dr. erin mcclellan
Agenda Items:
2) Approval of December 10 minutes – Send Stockton asked to have more of the sabbatical discussion added to
the minutes. President Crowley tabled the vote until the February meeting.
3) Old Business: None
4) New Business:
a. Diversity Committee Update – dr. erin mccellan gave an overview of her report she submitted to the Senate.
One of the biggest highlights was our 3-day Difference Matters event, it was a huge success and we had a great
turnout. We talked about having a Faculty task force. One of the biggest gaps in support was identified at the
faculty level. We have much more robust student services; we don’t have as much support at the faculty level.
The big thing is to find someone who can lead that task force. President Crowley asked dr. mccellan to say a little
more about this potential task force regarding faculty diversity support and what would it be doing that would be
different? dr. mccellan stated the biggest thing is that we need to have more tangible things we’re identifying and
put those things in one force. Per department this is going to change. If we could utilize the notion that different
colleges may have different interests, if we could have this task force to collectively say what are our goals across
the university. I think that’s useful rather than talk about it in a big picture. The task force would be to get both of
those so that there is a plan or recommendation. I don’t think I’m the right person to head this task force but I can
serve as a liaison. Senator Chenoweth asked how are we defining diversity. dr. mcclellan stated the definition for
diversity for our university was released, at least approved, last year, where it went I’m not sure. The committee
would like to have all the diversity efforts into one location, the Faculty Senate Diversity Committee web page.
President Crowley stated one of the challenges is the amount of service that we’re confronting, so getting your
sense of what this particular challenge was so that we generate as much task force as we need and not more. The
good news dr. mccellan said our Committee Chair was re-elected to a second term and will continue to sit on the
University Cultural & Ethnic Diversity Board as a liaison for the Diversity Committee Also, I have scheduled a
meeting with the Provost to go over the campus climate survey and where we go next.
b. Dead Week – President Crowley asked for feedback on dead week. Concern from the library is there 8 week
course would lose one week. Senator Carlson was to do away with dead week and manage it within your own
program. Senator Stockton stated he had a varied response from his constituents. President Crowley suggested
we draft a policy that follows what Senator Carlson said and leave time for reflection. Senator Stockton and
President Crowley will talk.
c. Promotion and Tenure – President Crowley due to turnover in the professional standards we are just getting
things off the ground. This will be coming back at a later date.
d. Faculty Senate Staffing – President Crowley tasked the junior senators to work with their Dean to identify and
replace senators and representative on standing committees. Vice President Marker spoke with several of the
Dean’s and they agreed that spring is staffing time.
e. Concealed Weapons on Campus – Senator Rohn stated that a bill allowing concealed weapons on Idaho college
campuses is being brought back to Legislature. The major change is tighter restrictions. If you are not a law
enforcement officer you have to have the enhanced certification. This is not about safety it is about the 2 nd
amendment rights. It is important and we should raise our objections and have this resolution voted on today.
Senator Rohn believes this bill will pass and I am arguing more for amending the bill by using the opt out clause.
All of Idaho College’s prohibit guns on campus. Senator Lowe questioned if this would have ramifications of K-12
schools, camps and the Children’s Center. Senator Chenoweth asked if you attended a game or an event could you
bring it to these functions. The law prohibits a concealed weapon being brought to any function with over 1,000
patrons or in a dorms. Also, could you have them in the car? Senator Lane asked about NCAA has made any
comments regarding this law. Senator Rohn will check on these. Senator Stockton stated we would send Senator
Rohn suggestions to add to the resolution. Senator Powers thanked to him for doing this. Senator Neri questioned
if we have worked with the student organizations regarding this. Senator Rohn stated this bill was just introduced
on Friday and our time line is very short. Senator Barlow asked if in this bill you could have it in the parking lot.
Senator Rohn believes yes. Senator Stockton moved to approve Senator Rohn taking the resolution forward.
Senator Wilkins seconded. Motion carried. Provost Schimpf stated the President is working on it with Bruce
Newcomb, Director of Government Relations. Senator Rohn will be in contact President Kustra and Director
Newcomb. Senator Rohn encouraged everyone to email both the House and Senate State Affairs Committes.
5) Adjournment
a. Vice President Marker moved to adjourn at 4:05pm. Senator Wilkins seconded. Motion carried.