American History II: Note Set #10: Early Progressivism Progressivism Not a unified political movement, but rather a broad range of reform movements Progressives rejected the ideas of Social Darwinism, laissez-faire economics, & Individualism Progressives blamed industrialization & urbanization for the filth, crime, and poverty of American cities, yet embraced the power of science and technology to build a better society They believed that change can only come through direct government action Progressives tended to be urban, educated, middle-class Americans Progressive leadership came from journalists, educators, social workers, and the clergy Muckrakers: journalists who investigate social conditions, unfair business practices, and political corruption (today, this is called “investigative journalism”) Examples of muckrakers: Ida Tarbell (1857 – 1944) Wrote The History of Standard Oil Company (1904), an exposé of Rockefeller’s unfair business practices For many Americans, this was their first lesson on why monopolies are dangerous Charles Edward Russell (1860 – 1941) Exposed the horrible conditions in Chicago’s stockyards, badly damaging the reputation of the beef industry David Graham Phillips (1867 – 1911) Exposed corruption in the U.S. Senate; the public uproar that followed led to the passage of the 17th Amendment, changing how Senators are elected Shot and killed by a man who believed Phillips’ exposé had led to the downfall of his family’s reputation Lincoln Steffens (1846 – 1936) Wrote The Shame of the Cities (1904), an exposé on political corruption within the US’ major cities Jacob Riis (1840 – 1914) Wrote How the Other Half Lives (1890): Used photographs to expose the horrible living conditions in the tenements and slums of NYC Worked with then NYC police-commissioner Theodore Roosevelt to force reforms within the NYPD Progressive Philosophers Henry George (1839 – 1897) Wrote Progress and Poverty (1879) Argued that a gap was opening up between the rich and poor due to industrialization Wanted government to tax the rich (through property taxes) to raise the money for social programs to help the poor Lester Frank Ward (1841 – 1913) Wrote Dynamic Sociology (1883) Used Charles Darwin’s ideas to argue that humans were different from animals because of the ability to think and plan; we succeed not because of the ability to compete, but rather because we have the ability to cooperate (through government), an idea that came to be called Reform Darwinism Edward Bellamy (1850 – 1898) Wrote Looking Backward, 2000 – 1887 (1888) Predicted a future where the US has become a utopia – no crime, poverty, or politics, government owns all industry and distributes wealth equally Naturalist Writers: Group of novelists who argued that, contrary to “survival of the fittest,” sometimes people fail through no fault of their own – they are caught up in circumstances that they can’t control Stephen Crane (1871 – 1900) Wrote Maggie, A Girl of the Streets (1893): tale of a girl forced by family circumstances into prostitution Also wrote The Red Badge of Courage (1895), the short-story The Open Boat Jack London (1876 – 1916) Author of The Call of the Wild (1903) Wrote stories of man’s struggle against the uncontrollable power of nature Theodore Dreiser (1871 – 1945) Wrote Sister Carrie (1900): a story of how sex and wealth can slowly corrupt the innocent without them even being aware of it The Social Gospel Primarily church-centered effort to improve society through the biblical ideals of charity and justice Churches began to evolve from being simply places of worship to being community centers and taking on missions designed to help the poor – provide gyms, social programs, day care The Salvation Army Began in England in 1865 as the Christian Mission, spread to US in 1880 Charity dedicated to “The advancement of the Christian religion as promulgated in the religious doctrines . . . the advancement of education, the relief of poverty, and other charitable objects beneficial to society or the community of mankind as a whole.” The YMCA The Young Men’s Christian Association Began in England in 1844, spread quickly throughout US Aim was to help urban workers by offering Bible studies, prayer meetings, citizenship classes Facilities included gyms, pools, libraries, auditoriums, and temporary low-cost lodging Settlement Houses Most famous settlement house = Jane Addams' Hull House in Chicago Middle class “settlers” moved into working class neighborhoods to help provide education, meals, childcare, medical care, and general advice to immigrants and poor workers Public Education Industrialization increased demand for a trained, educated workforce Schools were also necessary for Americanizing immigrants’ children: they learned English, US History, patriotism, responsibilities of citizenship School to Work Pipeline Schools were used to teach the traits necessary to succeed in the industrial workforce: punctuality, attendance, neatness, efficiency, attention to detail, obedience to authority High schools offered a variety of technical and vocational skills Public Universities Due to the Morrill Land Grant Act, the number of public universities rose dramatically Between 1870 and 1890, the number of American students in college tripled New colleges opened aimed specifically at educating female and black students