The Spanish American War

The Spanish American War
Chapter 14 Section 2
Reviewing the Main Idea
Why did the United States declare its
independence from Britain?
What other reasons might make nations
want to fight for their freedom?
Major Causes of the War
1. Cuban rebellion against Spain
2. American desire to protect sugar
investments in Cuba.
3. Yellow Journalism spurs anger towards
4. The explosion of the USS Maine.
1.Reasons for rebellion
Cuba was one of Spain’s oldest colonies in the America’s.
The Spanish enslaved a large portion of the population to work
in sugar plantations. Cuba produced 1/3 of the world’s sugar.
Why was Cuba so valuable to Spain?
American tariff on Cuban sugar leaves the economy devastated
What is a tariff?
Cuba declares independence in 1895.
2. Yellow Journalism Spurs
Support for war
Yellow Journalism: When stories are
exaggerated or made up to attract readers.
Think the tabloids!
Americans are reading this journalism in
popular newspapers The New York World and
the Journal. These papers are owned by the
famous William Randolph Hearst and Joseph
Pulitzer. Many accuse them of pushing for
Describe the cartoon
3.The US declares War!
1897 William McKinley
becomes president. He does
not want to get involved in
the war, but wants to help
negotiate peace.
Wyler is removed as
Governor and the Spanish
offer the Cubans autonomy if
they remain part of the
Spanish empire.
The Cubans refuse!
McKinley sends the USS
Maine to Havana in case
Americans need to evacuate
the island.
On February 15, 1898 the
Maine exploded in Havana
Harbor. To this day nobody
knows exactly why.
What do you think the
yellow journalists said
caused the explosion?
“Remember the Maine”
becomes the slogan for
those who want war.
On April 19, 1898 The United
States declared war on
Was war justified?
Jingoism-Feeling of strong nationalism. We had to get revenge
for the USS Maine!
What do you think?
Where do you think the fighting will take place?
Remember the Maine
Lend your ear to the whisper, it floats from afar,
It has traveled from where, underneath her lone star,
The fair isle of Cuba impatiently waits
The summons to enter our circle of states.
From the depths of her anguish the throes of her pain,
That whisper comes to us, "Remember the 'Maine'."
Lend your ear to the whisper, it tells of the brave,
Who with sword yet in sheath, know not even a grave;
Can we say had that sword but been wakened in time,
That back from the shot-riven air and the grime
Of the conflict, our sons might have reached us again,
While their foemen would ever "Remember the 'Maine'."
Lend your ear to the whisper, nay lend more your hand,
'Twill be needed, if men yet remain in this land,
That so proudly lays claim to the title of free,
And that now in its sorrow is summoned to be
A saviour, if not an avenger; how plain
Comes the message, O brothers "Remember the 'Maine'."
Lend your ear to the whisper, 'tis growing more strong,
'Tis a whisper no longer, 'tis sweeping along
Through the length and the breadth of this land of the free,
From city to mountain, from mountain to sea,
And the voice of America tells thee, O Spain,
That the men of our country "Remember the 'Maine'."
-Arthur H. MacOwen 1898
The Fighting Begins
The US Navy surrounds Cuba, while Commodore George Dewey was ordered to
attack the Spanish in the Philippines (a Spanish Colony)
Why attack the Philippines?
The US very easily defeats the Spanish in the Philippines with the help of Emilio
Aguinaldo, a revolutionary who wanted independence for the Philippines.
The US is also able to take control of the Spanish possession Guam
Fighting in Cuba
Both sides were not prepared to fight this war.
Many die from disease rather than in battle.
Many thought the fate of the war would be determined at sea.
“Rough Riders” mix of cowboys, miners, and law officers under
the command of Theodore Roosevelt accomplish major victories
and force the Spanish fleet to flee. ¼ of the troops were African
American and four received the medal of honor for their
Spanish troops surrender and American troops move into the
Spanish colony of Puerto Rico.
Conditions of Peace
Cuba will gain its independence
The US will annex Guam and Puerto
What should happen to the
Who do you think should have
control over the Philippines?
This question causes a huge debate.
1.Some argued that it would be
good for the US:
Sell US goods
Military ports in pacific
2. Others felt it went against
what America stood for
Liberty and Justice for all
President McKinley eventually
decides to annex the Philippines
Why do the Philippines feel
The Platt Amendment
The United States promised
Cuba independence under the
following conditions:
1. Cuba cold not make any
treaty with another nation that
would weaken its independence.
2. Cuba had to allow the US to
buy or lease naval stations in
3. Cuba’s debts had to be kept
low to prevent foreign troops
from enforceing payment.
4. The US would have the right
to intervene to protect Cuban
independence and keep order.
Puerto Rico
The Foraker Act (1900) established a civil
government for the island, that gave the
President (of the US) final authority. Citizens
of Puerto Rico were not considered US
In 1917 Puerto Rico citizens were granted
United States citizenship. The debate began
over whether or not to make Puerto Rico a
This debate is still taking place today!
The Philippine Insurrection
What was it? A three year “war” over control of the Philippines
between the US and the Philippines.
Many losses on both sides due to disease and combat.
William Howard Taft, the governor of the island, tries to improve
education, transportation, and healthcare to help ease tension.
By 1902 the fighting was over, and in 1946 the United States
granted independence to the Philippines.