Ricquell King Assignment One Essay English 1001 9/28/15 “College is part of the American Dream, It shouldn’t be part of a financial nightmare for families” (Mikuska, 2013). In the reading “Waking Up and Taking Charge” by Anya Kamenetz she talks about the problems with student college debt. She compares college students to older political people and how us college students should ban together to earn respect. Students have gained reputations for political activities in the country, except for the issues that directly affect them. For years, many students at different Universities are joining organizations and doing sit-ins and rallied to get more education funding and lower tuition. A coalition group called Virgina21 is a student-led state PAC who works on lots on things for college students like cutting textbook prices and increasing student financial aid. Vigrina21 reminds students that that they don’t deserve to be priced out. In 2004, the federal government made it possible for up to 50,000 more students eligible for financial aid and also raising the Pell Grant to 3,000 dollars. With high tuition rates and loads of college expenses this causes students to be in more debt with student loans. Students should be more aware of what they’re getting into before taking out loans for college and not having to worry about if they can afford the first choice college. The author Kamenetz is trying to persuade the audience to get the respect they deserve. College students should be more interested in fighting for causes that will help out things that affects them personally and also know what you’re getting into before you sign on for loans and credit cards which could drive you straight to being in debt. Before reading this article, I didn’t pay much attention on how student loan and credit card debt can affect someone or how serious this situation was. Well since I’m just now becoming a college student the whole student loan debt is starting to hit more close to home. I always knew the risk on getting a credit card but never realized how far it can. “…the next time you see the Discover Card table, RUN the other way!”(Stella, 409) As young adults we were taught about credit card and the debt that you can get into to but they never went into detail on how bad it can be. It was almost like common sense to me to stay away from the credit cards because you can end up with bad credit. According to the writer Anya Kamenetz, “American college students need to experience that “click” moment, as the feminists of the 1970s called it, and realize that our personal problems are also political. If we young people don’t march on our behalf, who will march for us?”(Kamenetz 410). She believes that young college students need to get up and realize what their problems really are and maybe stop just fighting for other causes, but causes that will also affect them. I agree with Kamenetz that college student should take a stand. I believe that students should form more organizations and join movements for fairer credit and higher education funding. The organization of “Waking Up and Taking Charge” is effective because the way she lists her examples makes them work off one another. The opening of the reading starts off stating how students in the United States were demanding changes for Yale’s financial aid policy. This was just one of the many protest that students participated in to get tuition lowered and financial aid higher. The author skips over to other countries like the UK but focuses on Canada. To me it seems that student in Canada are working way harder with many organizations to help student loans. The way she wrote almost made me feel ashamed for us United States students, but also interested in reading more. As the examples went on they all connected with each other. It helps understanding the idea that Kamenetz is trying to get across that college students should know what they’re getting into and start realizing their real problems.