PROJECT PLAN REPORT Project Title: Alumni Relationship Management Project Manager: Jesus Juarez & Khawla Ibrahim Date: 9/13/13 Project Overview This project will provide a database with password protected access via the web. Users will be able to input alumni information using input forms with dropdown menus to minimize user error. Listings, reports, mailing labels will be created using this system. Alternatives and Selection Three alternatives were considered for Alumni Relationships Management (ARM) information system. First, a “no change” option was evaluated in which the current methods for maintaining alumni information and communication would remain in place. Second, a customized version of the off-the-shelf software package called “Relationship Manager” was evaluated. The third alternative was to develop the information system internally. The third alternative was chosen because it had a better cost-benefit outcome. ARM will be a databasedriven web application developed with Oracle APEX and Oracle DBMS. Feasibility Assessment - Technical Assessment The system analyst, the database administrator, and the web developer that we have in house are very well capable to develop the proposed ARM system. - Economic Assessment Microsoft Project file and Cost-Benefit analysis worksheet attached Calculated/Estimated ROI is 57% Tangible benefits include: o Reduction on working time with alumni data estimated at $2,400 Current = (20hrsCarla + 15hrsRest) * $20/hr = $8,400 Projected = (15hrsCarla +10hrsRest) * $20/hr = $6,000 Saving total $2,400 o 10% increase in alumni contributions estimated at $20,000 - Intangible benefits include: o Increased alumni mentoring and committee participation o Better networking between alumni and college graduates providing more jobs - Complete cost-benefit analysis is provided in a spreadsheet Legal Assessment - The alumni database will need major security since it will be dealing with personal information about the alumni. If a security breach occurs and data get copied by unauthorized personnel, possible legal action might take place against the company. Highly physical and virtual security will be enforced to protect the data. - Operational Assessment The database will help keep the data up-to-date and better organized. It will expedite the work flow in regards to creating/printing address labels for alumni invitations to events, track alumni contributions, and report creation. This will allow for better service and networking relationship between alumni, new graduates, dean assistant, and dean. - Scheduling Assessment The access to the database via web should be available on the 26th of December 2013. A Microsoft Project timeline and Gantt chart is attached for a more details on the tasks and activities programmed to accomplish the estimated completion time. Project Management Conventions and Standards Team configuration The development team from the university IS department consists of 3 people, each assigned half-time to this project for eight weeks. The members are: Jesus Juarez, Khawla Ibrahim, and Will Jackson. Jesus Juarez is the project leader and Khawla Ibrahim the contact person for the clients (college administration). Will and Khawla will share the responsibilities for creating models and creating the prototype. The project repository will be maintained by Will. Communication Procedures Only employee email addresses will be used for project communication. During the work week responses to emails should be made within 24 hours. There will be a weekly meeting in the second floor conference room on Mondays for 30 minutes to report progress on tasks from the previous week and select tasks for the coming week. Project Standards Microsoft software will be used for reports, project timelines, training manuals, and spreadsheets. Models will be done with Oracle SQL Developer & Data Modeler. Project Deliverables Inputs/Storage: (What/how input will be captured in the proposed system?) Capture alumni mailing addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers Capture alumni contributions, monetary or non-monetary Processing: Retrieve alumni information based on filtering criteria: name, major, graduation year, employer, employment title, city and state. Calculate total and average monetary contribution by individual alumnus and by category: contributions by major, by graduation year and by employment title. For each alumnus, calculate the number of contacts made by the college grouped by category (mail, email, phone call, face-to-face visit). Output: (What output will the proposed system provide?) Listings of alumni by a variety of criteria Reports Mailing labels for mailings Name tags for events. Control: (What controls will be in place?) Access to the database will be password protected Different level user access will be implemented Data encryption for more security Restricted physical access to server Data backups