Global Warming and Alternative Future

Documentary Script:
Global Warming and
Alternative Future
Thesis: It is widely known that global
warming is caused by greenhouse gasses
which are increased along with human
societal progression, but it is the perspective
we have on our changing society that will
determine whether we have a major effect
on the changing of climate.
Cooper Chapman and Sam Medina
Pg. 2-11……Sam Medina
Pg. 12-22……….Cooper Chapman
Narrated by: Morgan Freeman
Judging by our historical
evidence of the glacial period
(or ice age) the world has
witnessed 18,000 years ago, it
is a well known fact that there
is an active climate on earth
today. What has happened
previously would be
considered as global cooling.
A long fade in opens
up the film as the
audience begins to see
the earth zooming in
slowly to the center. A
quick zoom transitions
into the next shot.
The score from
“Requiem For A
Dream” begins to play
to set the tone of the
film and to establish
our theme and thesis
with the music. Sound
effect of a train quickly
passing by is used for
the transitional zoom
It is not known exactly how
the last ice age was caused,
but scientists understand it
has something to do with
atmospheric composition,
plate tectonics, and changes
in the earths orbit around the
Wide shots of various
icecaps in northern parts
of greenland cross fade
into one another.
The sound of cold icy
Wind blowing sustained
As the white noise of
A quiet planet.
In relativity to the event of global
cooling, we are experiencing a
new climate change most people
are familiar with. Global warming
is an increase of the average
temperature in the earths
atmosphere. Scientists know it is
capable of melting the icecaps.
But what most of our society
doesn’t know is that this global
warming is affecting us at a rate
fast enough that it is becoming
the possibility of a future
The musical score from
“Requiem for a dream”
cuts back and
continues. As the
different weather
climate appears
multiple sound effects
are being layered
including sounds of
news broadcasters
casting weather reports.
When the ice cap
montage cuts in all the
music stops except for
the score and the noise
of the ice falling into
the water. The narrator
continues reading after
10 seconds of the
montage. The musical
score fades out by the
end of the scene.
Quick cuts of weather charts and all
different kinds of weather conditions
flash constantly on the screen while
suddenly a montage of ice caps
melting/collapsing makes a cold cut
onto the screen.
This questionable phenomenon could
bring us problems such as the
corruption of our global economy,
or even interference with our
species’ optimum behaviors. But
is this really happening at a rate in
that we need to take affirmative
When the narrator says
“questionable” a big red question
mark zooms in slowly (opacity 50%)
on top of the ice cap montage.
The musical score
continues. As the
different weather
climate appears
multiple sound effects
are being layered
including sounds of
news broadcasters
casting weather reports.
When the ice cap
montage cuts in all the
music stops except for
the score and the noise
of the ice falling into
the water. The narrator
continues reading after
10 seconds of the
montage. The musical
score fades out by the
end of the scene.
According to Larry West for
the study of global warming,
this heating of the
atmosphere is caused by the
green house gasses attracting
sunlight energy and ultimately
heating the earth. Among
these green house gasses,
Carbon dioxide takes the lead
for 77% of of all greenhouse
gasses emitted total. Followed
by smaller deposits of
methane and Nitrous Oxide.
A Long dolly shot shows
a majority of the desert
which then tilts up to
reveal the sun.
“Hymn to the sea”
musical score from
the Titanic begins to
play. Sounds of the
dry dust of the
desert and a boiling
of water SFX begins
to get louder as the
sun enters into
Not only is this drastic statistic
the leading contributor to
greenhouse gasses, carbon
dioxide lasts the longest
having lingering in our
atmosphere for approximately
100 years at a time. It is the
issue of whether green house
gases are heating the earth
fast enough that it could
effect us that brings up
A 3D visual chart of
green house gasses
appears to give a visual
to what the narrator is
The musical score
throughout the
For each fact that is read
CEI environmental studies
off, an area of the world
program has stated that
where pollution and
between the years of 1881
global warming is
and 1993 temperatures have
happening appears along
increased .54 degrees Celsius.
This is nearly 70% of warming with a large 3D title effect
to go with that number.
in the entire time period
which is quite frankly, not
very much. On the other
hand, studies from national
geographic say that the
average temperature has
increased .8 degrees Celsius
just within the last few
decades which is definitely
something to look at.
The music
from the
titanic slowly
begins to fade
out of the
According to climate studies,
the past 2 decades were the
hottest in 400 years. However,
many against the theory of
global warming believe our
technologies for the study of
climate change aren't
accurate. Some politicians,
and republicans including Fox
News believe scientists are
just spending time in this
issue and claiming there is a
problem, just to obtain more
money and higher political
stature. So aside from such
biased views, analyzing the
issue may draw a consensus.
A small montage of fox
news broadcasts are
played throughout the
Original audio
from actual Fox
news broadcasts
are being herd.
It is universally known that
only time will predict when
we run out of the natural
resources (i.e. gas/petroleum)
and when the carbon dioxide
piles up enough to really do
some damage. Ultimately we
are starting to move towards
alternative energies for that
very reason.
Wide shots of deserted
areas and locations of no
life appear.
“Farewell” music
from “Crouching
Tiger Hidden
Dragon” is used to
give the audience
the sense of
information and
make them feel that
the problem is
becoming a
distance from them.
The entire scene is
just the musical
score and the
narrator there are
no other SFX.
There are a number of causes
of pollution including
polluting, to electrical and
heating pollution, but if you
were to look in a general
magazine, or watch a
common television ad, you’ll
find that neither of these
factors are put on blast in
terms of movements to a
better environment.
Song from
Crouching Tiger
Hidden Dragon
throughout the
Industry workers from the
movie “Metropolis” begin
to appear to give the
audience a visual of the
industrial pollution.
Sure energy consumers such
as electrical and industrial
machines are some of the
leading cause of CO2
emissions, but what are the
highlights in movement
towards more emission free
technology have been the
actions of everyday mid-class
people? Today, the latest in
environmental technology are
alternative energy vehicles.
A low angle of the
alternative energy car is
used to show its superiority
among other cars and to
establish itself in the film as
a more environmental
friendly way to drive.
Immediately as the
narrator starts
talking about
alternative energy
vehicles, a high
pitched ding noise
comes in which
cues off the musical
score and tone for
the next scene.
According to
Kyriakide’sautomotive blog,
Vehicles are among 13% of
green house gas emissions.
Although it may not sound
like much of a difference if we
were to rid of 40% of that,
this involves another issue of
our shortage on crude oil to
power these vehicles and
keep our economy stable, but
lets stay on topic here.
Creaking noises
Wide shots of an oil field
from the oil rig and
appears. As a statistic is
wind gusts set are
read off from the narrator a present throughout
3D credit appears on screen this scene.
to correspond with the
Alternative energy such as
electric and hybrid
automobiles have been used
since the early 1800s
according to the PBS timeline,
but it is now that they have
really start to come out of the
factory and show some
stunning eco friendly results.
Flashes highlight all
the different types of
hybrid and electric
cars that have been
made and are
currently being made
Uplifting powerful
music. Highlights
the cars.
(John Neff @
Exerpt from a common
The Toyota Prius all hybrid car Toyota Prius commercial
had triggered the hybrid
generation for new energy
efficient motor vehicles in the
year 2000. Ever since then,
car companies have been
progressively designing
hybrids to keep up with the
mainstream purchasing of
these cars.
recording from Prius
The Porsche 918 Spyder
concept was introduced just
recently at the US Geniva motor
show with mind-blowing
capabilities worthy of putting
any high class million dollar car
asleep . This hybrid Porsche
concept is recorded topping out
at 198mph, packs a whapping
500hp v8 engine with an
additional 218hp generated by
the two electric motors
powering the front wheels.
With the help of this powerful
The porche is given a bold look
hybrid engine, the car can
achieve a 0-60mph distance in separating itself from the rest of the
sports car world.
3.2 seconds. That’s about the
time it took your brain to
process that fact just now. All of
this is possible while getting a
mind blowing 78 miles per
gallon. That’s about 27 more
mpg than the current
generation Toyota Prius.
Vigourous musical
score from James
Bond plays in the
background to
follow the feel of
the Porsche in its
So we’ve covered the amazing
technological advancements
our society has brought
fourth, but we also must
consider the disadvantages.
Although the Porsche concept
sounds like it has all the
positive wants and needs
while making the world go
round, it is still only a mere
concept, meaning it is being
tested and still has a chance
of not even making it to
Wide shots of moving cities
provide a visual of times are
moving fast and this
problem is happening
everywhere around the
globe. Leading to the
conclusion of our story.
An animation of a car
We also must consider the
appears driving on the
facts that hybrid cars in
highway. Then the car
general share a bit of a
zooms by a snail, then a
relation to snails in that they
bicyclist, and last a sports
aren’t very fast, and most
car. The car slowly starts to
everyone wants a car that will slow down and the car
keep up with the bicyclist next parts start to fall off. And in
to them when driving. There
the end the car is towed to
is also the problem that
a mechanic and he doesn’t
hybrids use batteries which
know how to fix it.
are not recyclable, i.e. annual
replacements would not get
along with ones bank
account, and that with the
technology being new to us,
mechanics cant keep up with
these new devices and
modules, making it really
expensive to maintain these
energy efficient cars.
Sound effects include,
cars engine, clunks of
parts falling off the
vehicle, and ambience
If we are still looking to see if we
actually have a primary effect on
our rapid changing of climate, this
must be why we are moving
towards such alternative energies.
But the government puts these
regulations and begins to move us
in that direction in the hope that
people would follow along and join
in the help for a more emission free
environment, the same concept as
encouraging our economy to
If you were to categorize the issue
of movement towards a green
future on a seesaw, you’d see that if
we all have an impact on protecting
the environment, it would lean to
the left. But if more and more rebel
against the issue in belief that it is
false, the seesaw would lean the
other way causing this problem to
get exponential worse, to such a
point that we will no doubt make a
major effect on climate change.
Chattering of individuals
Cheering of individuals in
Movement towards a
Better future, followed by
Revolting of same people
In booing, yelling, and
Screaming all followed by
An explosion, and utter
Silence aside from the
sounds of
Fiery flames of a ball of
Fire seen as earth.
If we are still looking to see if
we actually have a primary
effect on our rapid changing
of climate, this must be why
we are moving towards such
alternative energies.
After reviewing the
progression our society has
made with the movement
toward a healthier economy
and earth, it leads us to the
question or decision of
whether humans are affecting
the climate at a rate that
could exponentially cause the
earth to heat up and if so, is it
too late to restore this heating
ball of eclectic terrain before
its too late.
A tracking dolly follows the
cars moving along the
highway against all of the
waste and pollution on the
side of the street.
The word “Decision”
Appears in Bold and in red
on the screen.
The first musical
score, “Requiem For
A Dream” comes in
at the begging of
the scene to alert
the audience of
what they have
scene before.
Sounds from the
city and street are
loud and busy.
Unfortunately, there is no
exact answer to this simple
question, just as there isn’t an
exact answer to the thought
of life on other planets. And
this can be better understood
if one were to think of it this
An animated boy apears on
screen developing a
question in his head.
A big red question mark
appears over his head.
Musical score
There is a big pond right
smack in the middle of
our industrial society, and
in that pond is a family of
frogs. Only time will tell if
or when that family of
frogs finds their way out
of that pond and
discovers what more
there is to life in that
pond. Until then, it is up
to that family of frogs to
decide what the future
has in store.
A slow long 3D animation of a
pond becoming into the earth is
used for a visual metaphor of the
text being read by the narrator.
The word “Decide” appears in red
on the screen while the earth
begins to fade out of the screen.
Decide stays there for 3 seconds
then fades out. Roll credits
The musical score
starts over again
and continues to
play throughout
the credits