October 14, 2014 - Wright State University

Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Week #8
Call to Order@ 7:01pm
Roll Call
Kyle Powell, Jennifer Humston, Ryan Rushing, Zena Fadel, JB Saul, Gabriel Riegle,
Nathan Balasubramanian, Peyton Jones, Tyler Shaw, Gavin Doll, Rahima Hamadi, Emily
Bingham, Max McConnell, Joe Bonvillian, Rob Yada, Yawen Xu, Alex Snyder, Jeff Wang,
Brandon DeFoe, Matthew Almazan, Kayla Muncie, John Ellis, Jasmine Spradley, and Emily
Absent: Bobby Ashworth
Approval of the Agenda
Late: Jonathan Granata
Approval of the Minutes
o October 7, 2014
o Approved
Student Trustee Reports
Board Meetings last week
Ryan’s Presentation to the Board of Trustee’s
o Discussed SG initiatives
Great job to Max McConnell for Student Government’s logo:
Committee Reports
Rob Yada (Governmental Affairs):
SG Scholarship Benefit
o Event will be held on April 24th at the Berry Room
Joe Bonvillian (Disability Affairs):
Parking Appeals Committee
Gabe Riegle (Chief Justice):
Student Legal Services
o First meeting on October 23rd
Alex Snyder (Student Affairs):
University Board Appeals
Peyton Jones (Speaker of the House):
Hospitality Services Committee
o First Meeting on Thursday, Oct. 16th
o Let Peyton Jones or Joe Bonvillian know about any student concerns
Kyle Powell (President):
CIO Public Forums and Tours
Bicycle meeting with Dr. Corbitt
o Discussed future ideas with bicycles on campus
Access or own road/path
Bike Sharing
Member Reports
o E-Board
President - Kyle Powell (attached)
Vice President - Jennifer Humston (attached)
Chief of Staff - Ryan Rushing (attached)
Chief Justice - Gabriel Riegle (attached)
Director of Internal Affairs - Zena Fadel (attached)
Speaker of the House - Peyton Jones (attached)
o Cabinet
Assistant Speaker of the House - Tyler Shaw (attached)
Director of Academic Affairs - Gavin Doll (attached)
Director of Campus Culture - Emily Bingham (attached)
Director of Communications and Marketing - Max McConnell (attached)
Director of Disability Affairs - Joe Bonvillian (attached)
Associate of Governmental Affairs - Rob Yada (attached)
Associate of International Affairs - Yawen Xu (attached)
Director of Student Affairs - Alex Snyder (attached)
Associate of Veteran Affairs - Jonathan Granata (attached)
Boonshoft School of Medicine Senator - Jeff Wang (attached)
College of Liberal Arts Senator - Brandon DeFoe (attached)
College of Science and Mathematics Senator - Matthew Almazan (attached)
Commuter Senator - Kayla Muncie (attached)
Raj Soin College of Business Senator - John Ellis (attached)
Residential Senator - Jasmine Spradley (attached)
College of Engineering and Computer Science - Emily Burns (attached)
Report Discussion
New SG website training (Oct. 21st)
SFC money
Old Business
o SG Budget Report - JB Saul and Zena Fadel
o Hotel Bill from SG Advance
o Website Hosting
Motion to approve
o Motion moved by Brandon DeFoe; Seconded by Matt Almazan
Motion Passed (All in-favor: Unanimous)
o Adopt A Highway - Zena Fadel
Scheduled for Sunday, October 26th; weather permitting
If not watched the training video, signed the release form or medical form,
then please contact Zena Fadel
Day-of: Meet at office and then carpool to site for safety reasons
o Will have the vests and equipment for picking up garbage
New Business
o Confirmation Hearings on Vacant Positions:
Kasey Rawlins - Secretary of the House of Reps.
o Introductions and Questions
o Private Discussion
Motion to approve
o Motion moved by Brandon DeFoe; Seconded by
John Ellis
Motion Passed (All in-favor: Unanimous)
Latoya Warren - Director of International Affairs
o Introductions and Questions
o Private Discussion
Motion to approve
o Motion moved by John Ellis; Seconded by
Brandon De Foe
Motion Passed (5 in-favor; 1abstain)
Patrick Scheiderer - College of Nursing and Health Senator
o Introductions and Questions
o Private Discussion
Motion to approve
o Motion moved by Brandon DeFoe; Seconded by
John Ellis
Public Forum
Rowdy Bobblehead Award
Motion Passed (All in-favor: Unanimous)
Jonathan Granata to Max McConnell
Advisor Reports
See selected members after meeting
Listening Sessions (Oct. 21st)
College of Business Ground Breaking
Raiderthon Fundraiser at Buffalo Wild Wings
Cabinet Meeting after this meeting – Ryan Rushing
Care about what matters; enjoy your time with others – Ryan Rushing
Recording of SG meeting coming soon!
Adjournment@ 8:27pm
Motion to adjourn
o Motion moved by Brandon DeFoe; Seconded by Jeff Wang
Motion Approved (All in-favor: Unanimous)
2014-2015 Student Government Members:
● E-Board
○ President - Kyle Powell
○ Vice President – Jennifer Humston
○ Chief of Staff - Ryan Rushing
○ Chief Justice - Gabriel Riegle
○ Associate Justice - Nathan Balasubramanian
○ Director of Internal Affairs - Zena Fadel
○ Associate of Finance - JB Saul
Speaker of the House - Peyton Jones
● Cabinet
Assistant Speaker of the House - Tyler Shaw
○ Secretary of the House – Kasey Rawlins
○ Director of Academic Affairs - Gavin Doll
○ Associate of Academic Affairs - Rahima Hamadi
○ Director of Campus Culture - Emily Bingham
○ Director of Communications and Marketing - Max McConnell
○ Director of Disability Affairs - Joe Bonvillian
○ Associate of Governmental Affairs - Rob Yada
○ Director of International Affairs - Lotoya Warren
○ Associate of International Affairs - Yawen Xu
○ Director of Student Affairs - Alex Snyder
○ Associate of Student Affairs - Bobby Ashworth
○ Associate of Veteran Affairs - Jonathan Granata
● Senate
Boonshoft School of Medicine Senator - Jeff Wang
○ College of Liberal Arts Senator - Brandon DeFoe
○ College of Nursing and Health Senator - Patrick Scheiderer
○ College of Science and Mathematics Senator - Matthew Almazan
○ Commuter Senator - Kayla Muncie
○ Raj Soin College of Business - John Ellis
○ Residential Senator - Jasmine Spradley
○ College of Russ Engineering and Computer Science - Emily Burns
SG Report
Date: 10/13/2014
Kyle K. Powell, President
1. Events Attended:
 UAB’s Cardboard Boat Race
 Free Little Library Challenge
 Wright Brothers Day
 Noche de Las Artistas
 Wright State University Board of Trustee’s Public Session
 House of Representatives Meeting
 Operation Freedom Planning Committee
 Internal Committee Chairs Meeting
2. Old Business:
 Dinner with CIO candidate, Matt Helm.
 CIO candidate’s tour around campus - Matt Helm & Alison Robinson
 I met with Mr. Corbitt about the possibility of getting people together to begin to
brainstorm the possibility of a bike sharing program on campus.
 Met with Emily Bingham, Dr. Sweeney, Ryan Rushing, Rainbow Resource Room Graduate
Assistant, Women’s Center Graduate Assistant, and other students about a full-time staff
member in the the LGBTQA resource room.
 Met with Gherretta Harris about Chartwell’s meal plans for residents. She said that we can
revisit the concern next semester.
 SAA, RCA, Nick Warrington, and I all met with the Executive Director from UpDayton,
Laura Estandia. She was interested in getting a Wright State University student to be part of
their newly created ambassador program. More information to come!
 I met with Robert Kretzer about a recommendation for the first entrance into lot 4 off of
University Blvd.
 Was able to sit in several Student Government vacant position interviews.
 Higher Learning Reaccreditation Meeting
 Setup Nathan’s email.
3. New Business:
 Chief Information Officer
o Public Forums - Sent via Google Calendar.
o I will be doing tours for the candidates.
 Max and I both will be getting training for the new website on October 21st.
SG Report
Date: 10/13/2014
Jennifer Humston, Vice President
1. Events Attended:
a. Free Little Library
i. September 30th, 2014 12pm-3:00pm
b. Presidential Lecture Series
i. September 30th, 2014 7:00 p.m. Apollo Room
c. Student Government Meeting
i. October 7, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in 008 Student Union hosted by Student
Government (see meeting minutes)
d. Student Government Executive Board Meeting
i. October 1st, 2014 at 3:00 p.m (see meeting minutes)
e. Senate Meeting
i. October 7th, 2014 at 6:00 p.m (see meeting minutes)
f. Student Government Scholarship Committee Meeting
i. October 7th, 2014
ii. The committee picked the recipients for the scholarship
g. CEHS Strategic Planning Committee Meeting
i. October 6th, 2014 2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. in 404 Allyn Hall
1. Exclusive
h. Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
i. October 6th, 2014 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. in 138 Fawcett Hall
1. Exclusive
2. I had to leave early due to another meeting.
i. College of Education and Human Services Trivia Night
i. October 3rd, 2014 from 7:00 p.m.to 10:00 p.m. in the Wright State
University Student Union Apollo Room
j. Homecoming Chili Cookoff
i. October 4th, 2014 4:00pm - 6:00pm Alumni Field
k. Owen’s Place Rally
i. October 5th, 2014 2260 2:30-4:00 Dayton-Xenia Road Beavercreek, Ohio
ii. Owen’s Place recreation project will provide universally accessible play and
recreation in a safe environment for individuals of all ages and various ability
levels. It will allow individuals to experience and better understand great
inventions have come from individuals giving voice to their imagination and
l. Leadercast
i. October 10th, 2014 9:00-2:00pm 163E SU
ii. Leadership skills presented by John Maxwell.
1. Asking good questions
2. Old Business:
a. Fall National Renewal Conference on October 23rd-25th in Cincinnati Ohio
i. College of Education and Human Services will be sending a few CEHS
students this year
b. Continually working on Goal Sheets for the senators. The goal sheets have been
turned in and the next step is action steps to each goal.
c. Working on Research for President and Vice Presidents of Student Governments in
the local region and the local states.
3. New Business:
a. Senator One on Ones
i. Dates are TBD based upon Student Government schedules
ii. I am meeting with each senator personally to help create, make, and
implement goals through student government.
b. Dean’s Student Advisory Council Meeting
i. October 14, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. hosted by the President of the Dean’s
Student Advisory Council
c. Meeting with Amanda Farrow
i. Working with Amanda on the Raider Tradition Book
ii. Meeting set October 14, 2014 at 2:00pm
4. Administrative Office Report:
i. N/A
5. Outreach:
a. I have been able to speak about Student Government through Alpha Omicron Pi.
i. Not many people knew who student government was, stood for, or where
the office was even located.
ii. Continually using social media to spread awareness about what Student
Government is, doing, upcoming events.
Member Report - Week 8
Monday, October 13, 2014
Ryan A. Rushing, Chief of Staff
1. Events Attended:
a. Free Little Library Challenge - 9-30-2014
b. Presidential Lecture Series: Nairoby Otero - 9-30-2014
c. Wright Brothers Day - 10-2-2014
d. University Activities Board Cardboard Boat Race - 10-2-2014
e. Alumni Achievement Awards - 10-3-2014
f. Alumni Association Annual Scholarship Brunch - 10-4-2014
g. Homecoming Festivities - 10-4-2014
h. Owen’s Place Rally - 10-5-2014
i. Noche de Las Artistas - 10-9-2014
2. Old Business:
The Student Government Scholarship Committee met and finalized the three students who
were awarded a SG scholarship. The three individuals will receive a scholarship of the total amount
of $1,000. The committee also discussed various items, such as how to fundraise for the scholarship
and keep the momentum going. The Scholarship Benefit, being planned by the Associate Director
for Governmental Affairs Robert Yada, will be a focal event for the scholarship, but the committee
wants to continue the momentum of the scholarship to fundraise the maximum amount to further
leave a foundation for more scholarships in the future and to bring awareness of the scholarship
Applications for vacant positions have continued to roll in and it appears we will have
multiple positions up for nomination at the regular meeting on October 14. That said, I am still
looking for more positions to be filled so please continue to advertise among students.
President Kyle Powell and I, along with the Director of Campus Culture Emily Bingham,
have started meeting with various administrators in regards to implementation of Resolution 14-10.
The progress on this administration has been subtle, but still progressing in the right direction. The
task force that is spearheading the initiative for a full-time GLBTQA staff member is furthering
updating their report on the need and justification of a full-time staff member and will further meet
with the various administrators to see through this initiative. There has been some
miscommunication and missteps with Resolution 14-10 and hopefully all those involved, including
myself, will take some lessons from this.
Dr. Robert J. Sweeney, WSU Executive Vice President for Planning and Secretary to the
Board of Trustees, has agreed to take Student Government under for strategic planning. I have
drafted a very basic goals and workflow paper that will be use to set the groundwork and purpose of
need creating a strategic planning for Student Government. The main purpose of this is to re-brand
Student Government to an organization that is known on campus, especially among students, and to
make the organization itself more effective by establishing some measures to bring about
sustainability and a continuous transition from one administration to another. The idea of making
everything that Student Government does intentional and have a purpose behind it. This project
will, and is, be a top priority of mine throughout the rest of the year and will require much discipline
and time throughout the year. Following my initial meeting with Dr. Sweeney, I will release the goals
and workflow to the rest of the organization, and start forming the core committee and other
workgroups to facilitate this need.
Catalleya Storm, President of Generation Freedom Makers, and I met with President Kyle
Powell, Associate Director for Governmental Affairs Robert Yada, and Associate Director for
Student Affairs Bobby Ashworth. We met for an initial meeting to discuss more in-depth the
proposed human trafficking event “Operation Freedom” and hopefully gain partnerships with
members of Student Government to help plan to event as many members of Generation Freedom
Makers do not have the expertise of event planning.
3. New Business
4. Associate’s Report:
a. David Butcher, Assistant to the Chief of Staff:
1. Events Attended:
1. Cardboard Boat Race, Thursday October 2 @ Student Union
2. Noche de Las Artistas, Thursday October 9 @ Student Union
2. Old Business:
1. Set up phone interviews with student government leaders in other
universities to discuss recruitment best practices. Research.
2. Finished Newspaper Scans x 2
3. New Business:
1. Research and find fundraising ideas for Student Gov. Scholarship
5. Administrative Office Report:
The CoLA DSAB is very active as of right now. Dean Kristin Sobolik has introduced many
points of interest to the DSAB to gain CoLA student feedback from including the college’s strategic
plan as well as a new center proposal named CLASS: Center for Liberal Arts Student Success. The
main idea behind this proposal is that CoLA faculty and staff know what is best for CoLA students,
as opposed to University College which have overtime become one of the largest colleges on
campus, which shouldn’t be the case as often times students in University College do not get the
proper model for success that students directly admitted to their college receive. It will also bring
about student success in terms of advising, career placement, internships, and general career
guidance moving forward. I will keep Student Government as a whole abreast on the information
moving forward. The model of having more freshmen directly admitted into their respective college
is proving to bring about positive results. I am sure the College of Liberal Arts Senator Brandon
DeFore will also bring about important updates moving forward.
End of Report
SG Report
Zena Fadel, Director of Internal Affairs
1. Events Attended:
a. Chili Cook-off (10/4)
b. HoR Collective Meeting (10/7)
c. Conduct Review Panel Training (10/11)
d. Presidential Lecture Series - Nairoby Otero (9/30)
e. University Activity Board Cardboard Boat Race (10/02)
f. Leadercast (10/10)
2. Old Business:
a. SG Scholarship Committee (9/30) and (10/07)
i. Met with Rob Yada about applicant group
ii. Finalizing applicants
b. E-Board Meeting (10/01)
c. Internal Committee Chairs Meeting (10/10)
d. SG Monthly Budget Meeting with JB Saul (10/01)
e. Met with Gary (10/13)
f. Met with Lenny Gonzalez (10/08)
g. One-on-One with Jenifer Humston (10/7)
h. Secretary of the House interviews (10/01):
i. Kasey Rawlins and Rayne Watson-Dennis
e. Projector Sign-out sheet
i. Finalizing and re-formatting
ii. I will be sending the finalized one to Kyle, Max, and Peyton to put on the
website and possibly on orgsync
i. Researching price breakdown/estimate for SG members to attend
g. SG plaques
i. Sent to 065 Allyn Hall to get fixed.
ii. Once they are finished, I will start hanging them up in the office
h. SG engraved desk plates
i. Got a new estimate, so will be finalizing order soon
i. WSUSG Profiles
i. Sent to Max and Kyle for new SG website
j. Adopt A Highway
i. Scheduled for October 26, 2014
ii. Created an Attendance sheet
iii. Meeting with new members about watching the training video, signing the
release form and filling out the medical form
k. Office Hours
i. Posted outside the office. As SG receives new members, then I will
continually update and change them.
3. New Business
a. Upcoming events:
i. Raj Soin College of Business Workshop: Getting into Grad School (10/14)
ii. Cabinet Meeting (10/14)
iii. E-Board Meeting (10/15) and (10/22)
iv. CIO Public Forums
v. Meeting with Max about purchasing (10/14)
vi. Multicultural Halloween (10/23)
vii. SLS: Fall Board Meeting (10/23)
viii. Adopt A Highway (10/26)
ix. Internal Affairs Committee Meeting (10/16)
1. Finishing SG Bulletin Board
b. Sending more items for the SG website to Kyle and Max
c. Set up meeting with the new Secretary of the House about SG
d. Organizing and updating committee list and materials
e. Review SG constitution
f. Working with Stephanie Dickey on First Year Distinction Award
g. Discussing with JB about purchases
i. Promotional items, hotel bill from Advance, Orgsync contest money
4. Associate’s Report:
a. Old Business
i. Maintaining the operating budget with the Director of Internal Affairs
ii. Budget ending 10/1 pending approval
b. Administrative Office Report
i. RSCOB DSAC: Student input surveys
c. Outreach
i. Present any information pertinent from the office and/or DSAB you work
with. Finance minor options.
ii. How did you reach out to students in the past two weeks? Talked to students
in the union market as well as the hangar.
iii. Concerns from students you have talked with and/or met: high traffic levels
because of construction. Dirty parking lots. No Tim Hortons gift cards accepted.
SB long lines / rewards in the library. Finance minor in RSCOB. Lack of interest in
Jason Derulo / bad concept. Cars being towed from college station.
5. Administrative Office Report:
a. CEHS Trivia Night
b. CEHS DSAC Meeting (10/14); 10-11am
i. Ice Cream Social
1. Committee meeting (10/14); 9:30-10am
c. DSAC applications
6. Outreach
a. Talking to students about new SG website and general updates and events on
Gabriel Riegle – Chief Justice – 09/30/14
1) Events attended
a. Kings Island – 10/12/2014 – Raiderthon
i. I worked on behalf of Raiderthon at $7.50/ hr.
b. WSU Swim Meet – 10/12/2014 – District 3 Swim
i. Went showing support
2) Old Business
a. Fall Elections are still underway. Elections are a burden, but are in the process of
being resolved. I have met with Scott Rife and Cynthia Adams to resolve issues with
b. The E-Board and I are in the process of revitalizing the Constitution and Bylaws.
c. A rough draft for a resolution to have public forums for each Senate member has
been completed and will be brought up in discussion at the next Senate meeting.
d. A resolution for SG Transparency is in its final stages and needs input from
e. I am still attending Org meetings across campus.
f. I have sorted through past Chief and Associate Justice material creating an organized
digital folder for the proceeding Chief and Associates.
g. I have completed my research in looking into other University’s advising clauses for
students in violation of their student conduct policies. I’ve given it to Chris Hogan to
be used for good.
h. I have met with Branden DeFoe and Jacquiline Neal (Pre-Health Advisor0) and Dr.
John Feldmeier to understand the other Pre-Professional Programs to possibly lay
some ground work for a Pre-Law program.
i. I have transitioned the newest Associate Justice, Nathan Balasubramanian.
3) New Business
a. The Student Legal Services committee will be meeting Oct. 23rd.
b. Myself and other Student Government members along with the Pre-Law club will be
researching more into Law prep materials and how Wright State can better serve
students pursing law.
c. I will be helping Nathen with his initiatives.
d. I will be looking into purchasing new materials for elections.
4) Associate’s Report:
a. Balasubramanian, Lakshmi Nathan- Associate Justice – 10/13/2014
i. Events Attended:
ii. Student Conduct Panel Member Training organized by Office of community
standards and student conduct – 10/11/14 – Rike Hall
iii. Raiderthon Volunteer - Kings Island - 10/11/14
b. Old Business:
i. Election Procedures in other universities within the state of Ohio
ii. Implementing extra layer of security in polling web link - CaTS
c. New Business:
i. Resolution to bring a change in the Constitution Article VI
d. Administrative Office Report:
i. I am working on a weekly newsletter for the office of International Gateway
that will get the attention of International stakeholders.
ii. A new Facebook Page has been created to get connected with International
5) Outreach
a. I have mentioned Fall Elections to just about every student who has made eye
contact with me over the first week of school.
b. I have spoken to many about joining SG, but a select few, after speaking with them,
seem to want to be Associate Justice.
c. Each Org I meet have expressed interest in joining SG. Org’s I’ve spoken to:
1) Anime Club
2) Raiderthon
3) Troupe
4) Student Alumni Association
5) Wright State Ultimate Frisbee
6) UAB
6) Concerns
a. Students in the Medical Field complain about not being fully prepared in the physics
courses for the MCAT. A suggestion was made to have a single semester class
(instead of the current academic year class) that specifically covers material that is
pertinent to the newest edition of the MCAT. If you need more info, I will get you
in-touch with the originator of this idea if he/she wants to speak about it.
b. The Moat has raised a lot of controversy, and students seem to like the tradition that
it has instilled, but the university realizes the potential for the space aesthetically. A
majority of the students I’ve spoken with are juniors and seniors and wish the moat
to stay, but I believe it serves little purpose and should suit better as an overhang
space for more tables and an open view of the quad as the younger students I have
spoken with have said.
c. Students have heard about the plans for BACON, but have yet to see any
construction or relocation occur. They look forward to an amphitheatre.
d. A group of students have commented that the light pole near the Alumni Bell Tower
does not illuminate the surrounding area quite as well as they would please for they
feared the possibility of malice occurring and would like to see the light bulb
SG Report
Date: 10/14/14
Name, SG Position: Peyton Jones, House of Representatives
1. Events Attended:
a. On Thursday, October 2 at 6:30pm, I attended the Homecoming Cardboard boat
races to cheer on SG and other student orgs.
b. On Friday October 3 at 7:00pm, I attended the Jason DeRulo concert where I got to
support UAB, SAA, and even meet Jason!
c. On Saturday, October 4 at 4:00 pm, I attended the Homecoming Chili cookoff and
the Men’s Homecoming Soccer Game. I got to speak with a wide variety of
administrators and student leaders.
d. On Friday, October 10 at 9:00 am, I attended a LeaderCast. It was ran through
several departments on campus and it was extremely informative and eye-opening. I
learned several new tips on how to be an effective leader that I plan to implement.
e. On Sunday, October 12 at 7:00pm, I attended Alpha Omicron Pi’s colonization onto
campus. I got to meet a lot of their new members and welcome them as a sorority
onto campus.
2. Old Business:
a. I got the beginning parts of House Party planned, with the help of Eric Corbitt,
Susan See and Jack Pence.
b. We selected a new Secretary of the House, Mr. Kasey Rawlins. He was approved by
the House and now will be brought in front of the Senate for approval.
3. New Business:
a. This month, HOR is focusing on member development as opposed to new member
development. We plan to teach the orgs different ways they can keep their members
involved and engaged once they’ve been in their role for a while.
b. Our social meetings will be every Wednesday in the Starbucks Lounge located inside
the Dunbar Library.
c. We plan on having a social to get some student leaders together to all go to the
haunted house that is held on campus on October 23rd.
4. Associate’s Report (if applicable):
5. Administrative Office Report:
a. Liz would like SG to help promote the OrgSync Contest and inform organizations
about the President's and Treasurer's trainings.
6. Outreach (if applicable):
a. I spoke with students at the events I attended, as well as at HOR’s social meetings
and Collective meeting last week. I received a good amount of comments that I plan
to bring up at the Hospitality Services committee meeting.
7. Concerns:
a. Students want more gluten free food options available on campus.
SG Report
Date: 10/13/2014
Tyler Shaw, Assistant Speaker:
1. Events Attended:
a. Collective House of Reps Meeting, Student Union, 10/8/14
b. King’s Island Volunteering for Raiderthon, 10/11/14
c. Delta Zeta/Phi Tau Volleyball Tournament, The Woods, 10/12/14
2. Old Business:
a. SFC has been going well, we have awarded funds to three different organizations so
b. Kasey Rawlins was selected as the Secretary of the House.
3. New Business:
a. The social meeting for October will be held by Starbucks in the library.
4. Associate’s Report:
a. N/A
5. Administrative Office Report:
a. N/A
6. Outreach:
a. Over the last two weeks, I did not really hear any concerns to work on. I look
forward to working with the orgs in the social meetings in the next two weeks so that
I can get a feel for any concerns they are having at this point in the school year.
End of Report
Academic Affairs Report
7 October, 2014
Gavin Doll – Director of Academic Affairs/Academic Affairs Committee Chair
1. Events Attended:
a. Life After College - Career Building Conference
b. Alpha Omicron Pi Ceremony
c. Student Conduct Review Panel Training
2. Old Business:
a. Researching solution for Hybrid Class confusion
b. Researching issues involving technology in classrooms
c. Continued research on PLA (Prior Learning Assessment) for the UAPC
(Undergraduate Academic Policies Committee)
3. New Business:
a. Partnering on solution to online, hybrid, and traditional class system for UAPC
b. Researching accreditation requirements with HLC
c. Reviewing Syllabi for UCRC
d. Looking over Faculty Senate minutes and researching academic topics
4. Associate’s Report:
a. Assisting with research
5. Administrative Office Report: N/A
6. Outreach: N/A
End Report
SG Report
Date: 13 October 2014
Emily Bingham, Campus Culture
1. Events Attended:
a. Tuesday, September 30 – Nairoby Otero
b. Thursday, October 2 – Cardboard Boat Race
c. Friday, October 3 – CEHS Trivia Night
d. Wednesday, October 8 – House of Reps
e. Thursday, October 9 – Noche de los Artistas
f. Monday, October 13 – LEAP discussion circle
2. Old Business:
a. Finished proposal for LGBTQ staff member and center
i. Met with Dr. Abrahamowicz Friday, October 3
ii. Phone conference with Matt Boaz Monday, October 6
iii. Met with Dr. Hopkins Monday, October 6
iv. Met with Dr. Sweeney Wednesday, October 8
b. Monday, September 29 – BIRT/SADC meeting – discussed Quad God, current
inclusion initiatives on campus, potential Diversity Award recipients, and current
BIRT reports
c. Wednesday October 1 – REACH Committee – discussed events for year
d. Wednesday October 1 – Meeting with Chartwells – discussed steps for Chartwells to
take to comply with Fair Trade resolution
e. Fridays October 3, October 10 – Multicultural Halloween planning committee
f. Tuesdays September 30, October 7 – SG Scholarship meetings – selected finalists
3. New Business:
a. First Elect Her meeting with Amber Vlasnik and Lauren Ouwerkerk
b. Meeting with Dr. Barrett to discuss future of proposal
c. Second meeting with Dr. Sweeney
4. Associate’s Report (if applicable):
5. Administrative Office Report:
a. Dr. Barrett’s Listening Session – October 21, 4:30 pm, Pathfinder Lounge
6. Outreach (if applicable):
a. Discussed upcoming elections with students
SG Report
Date: 10/13/14
Max McConnell, Director of Communications and Marketing
1. Events Attended:
a. Nairoby Otero Presidential Lecture
2. Old Business:
a. Polished SG Newsletter – the final version will be sent out very soon to all WSU
students, and will inform them of some very interesting SG accomplishments
b. Finished the Bulletin Board informational poster, which was sent around for your
c. Made and uploaded several images to the E-Sign: These include work for the
bookstore and the Alpha Xi Blood Drive
d. Digitized a list of all prior SG award plaques (member of the year/quarter, past
presidents, staff/faculty of the year, etc.
e. Created a VIP invitation to an event hosted by the Veteran and Military Center for
John Granata
f. Tested Ustream platform so that SG can broadcast meetings for people who cannot
attend in person
g. Updated social media with announcements throughout the pay-period
h. Met with WSU Designer Steve Rumbaugh, who gave me graphic design and layout
tips which were immediately put to use on the bulletin board poster
3. New Business:
a. Training to update the SG website (late October) with Kyle
b. Several upcoming image requests
c. After speaking with former mayor of Clayton Ted Gudorf, also a local business
leader and friend to WSU, I am hoping to delve into WSU’s system for connecting
businesses offering internships with students who need them. He mentioned
hireaflyer.com and the ease of access it offered, and his disappointment with WSU’s
system (wright search). I will be looking to collaborate with several members when I
have more information.
SG Report
Date: 10/13/2014
Name, SG Position: Joe Bonvillian, Dir. Of Disability Affairs
1. Events Attended:
a. Student Government meeting (10/7)
b. Reach Committee (10/1 – 5 PM) We introduced REACH and started planning a
movie night
c. Wright Brother’s Day (10/2 – 11AM)
d. CEHS Trivia (10/3 – 7AM) 11th place
e. Abilities United Meetings (9/29 10/6 10/13 – 4 PM) We talked to facilities and
planning about accessibility issues
f. HOR Collective (10/8 – 6 PM) Learned about many student orgs and activities they
are putting on.
g. Parking appeals (10/9 – 9:30AM) we went through peoples appeals and deemed it
necessary to either accept or deny the individuals’ appeals
2. Old Business:
a. Reviewing SAB applications and had the applications emailed to the program
director of rehabilitation services, and the Associate dean of CEHS. I also went to an
ODS counselor’s, Angie Bonza, UVC class to talk about the application and handed
some out.
b. Planning Invisible disabilities seminar. Finding a good time and place, and trying to
figure out who to have speak.
c. Continue polling
3. New Business:
a. Having a meeting with Ryan, Kyle and a some faculty in the Office of Student
Activities (Rick and Liz) about the Student Organizational Complex
b. Address transportation for after hour events
c. First Hospitality Committee meeting (10/16)
4. Administrative Office Report:
a. None
5. Outreach (if applicable):
a. Keeping up with students who come in and out of the ODS during my work hours
b. Talked at Angie Bonza’s UVC Class (10/13 – 2PM)
c. Have been talking to and emailing specific people my applications
SG Report
Date: 10/13/2014
Robert Yada, Associate Director for Governmental Affairs
1. Events Attended:
a. Colonel Glenn Hwy. Stakeholder’s Meeting (09/22/2014) (Past Report)
b. National Voter Registration Day Booth (09/23/2014) (Past Report)
c. Board of Trustees Committee Day (09/26/2014) (Past Report)
d. Nairoby Otero Presidential Lecture Series (9/30/2014)
e. SG Interviews (10/8/2014)
2. New Business:
a. Election Day (11/4/2014 3 weeks away)
b. Statehouse Visit Soon
3. Old Business:
a. SG Scholarship Benefit Planning Committee: Jennifer Humston, Alex Snyder, Ryan
Rushing, Kyle Powell and myself met to discuss location, food, date, awards,
schedule, etc.
b. Legislative Update-None
4. Outreach:
End of Report
SG Report
October 13 , 2014
Yawen Xu, Associate Director of International Affairs
1. Events Attended:
a. Interview of Latoya Warren, Director of International Affairs, on October 8th, 2014,
248 Rike Hall, 12:30p.m. – 1:00p.m.
b. Asian Students Association regular meeting, on October 10th, 2014 at the Millet Hall,
Multicultural Center from 4:00p.m. – 5:00p.m.
c. Training for Student Conduct Panel Member, on October 11th, 2014, at 018 Rike
Hall from 9:00a.m. – 3:00p.m.
2. Old Business:
a. Met up and discussed the housing contract issue with Jonathon Henderson, the
Director of International Student Support Services and Programs at UCIE.
b. Continue selling pies for Asian Students Association in order to funder raising for
Fall 2014 academic scholarship.
3. New Business:
a. Planning to attend Analytics Unleashed at Raj Soin College of Business at Student
Union Atrium on October 16th, 2014 from 1:00p.m. to 2:00p.m.
4. Associate’s Report (if applicable):
5. Administrative Office Report: N/A
6. Outreach: N/A
SG Report
Date: 13 October 2014
Alexander Snyder, Director of Student Affairs and Student Affairs Committee Chair:
1. Events Attended:
a. Attended the Alumni Achievement Awards on October 3, 2014
b. Attended Jason Derulo Concert on October 3, 2014
c. Attended the Alumni Association Annual Scholarship Brunch on October 4, 2014
d. Attended the Board of Trustees Public Session on October 10,2014
2. Old Business:
a. Met with Mark Gazdik to discuss gear exchange program
b. Met with internal committee members to discuss projects
c. Met with Associates to discuss projects
d. Attended the University Board of Appeals meeting
e. Attended Patrick Scheiderer’s interview
f. Attended Latoya Warren’s interview
g. Attended Tyler Eichorn’s interview
3. New Business:
a. Continuing work on gear exchange
b. Continuing research on speed bumps along back of lot 4
c. Working with Associate of Student Affairs to create signage for SG office
4. Associate’s Report (if applicable): see attached
5. Administrative Office Report: N/A
6. Outreach (if applicable):
a. Continuing support for gear exchange
b. Encouraged students to vote on WINGS
SG Report
Date: 13 October 2014
Alexander Snyder, Director of Student Affairs and Student Affairs Committee Chair:
1. Events Attended:
a. Attended the Alumni Achievement Awards on October 3, 2014
b. Attended Jason Derulo Concert on October 3, 2014
c. Attended the Alumni Association Annual Scholarship Brunch on October 4, 2014
d. Attended the Board of Trustees Public Session on October 10,2014
2. Old Business:
a. Met with Mark Gazdik to discuss gear exchange program
b. Met with internal committee members to discuss projects
c. Met with Associates to discuss projects
d. Attended the University Board of Appeals meeting
e. Attended Patrick Scheiderer’s interview
f. Attended Latoya Warren’s interview
g. Attended Tyler Eichorn’s interview
3. New Business:
a. Continuing work on gear exchange
b. Continuing research on speed bumps along back of lot 4
c. Working with Associate of Student Affairs to create signage for SG office
4. Associate’s Report (if applicable):
a. Bobby Ashworth, Associate Director of Student Affairs:
i. Events Attended:
1. N/A
ii. Old Business:
1. Still discussing and compiling information with the Director of
Marketing at WSU in regards to the WSU web app and Student
2. Researching and collecting more data in regards to the LEAP
3. Objective is to find out student success ratio upon exiting LEAP and
entering the main college. This is to compare to international
students who entered Wright State without having to go through
a. As numerous colleges seem to have issues with foreign
students and their English language comprehension, myself
and the Assoc. of International Affairs are trying to find out
the underlying issue: Is the problem with the students who
graduate from our LEAP program or the international
students who did not enter LEAP.
iii. New Business:
1. Have been appointed to replace Kyle as council member to Raider
iv. Work on formulation of better directions to the offices of Student
Government and the other office in that backspace.
1. In the process of attempting to contact leaders of those organizations
to see how they would like to be involved.
v. Researching the usage of Course Studio and Pilot, determining a need for
both; or, if particular features of CS or Pilot can be integrated into the other,
and remove the least favored gateway.
5. Administrative Office Report: N/A
6. Outreach (if applicable):
a. Continuing support for gear exchange
b. Encouraged students to vote on WINGS
SG Report
Date: 10/13/14
Name, SG Position: Jeff Wang, Boonshoft School of Medicine Senator
1. Events Attended:
a. Pre-med Mentoring/Mentee Team Meeting
b. Boonshoft Student Government Meeting
c. Planning for Boonshoft Halloween Dance
2. New Business:
a. Pre-med Mentor/Mentee Program & Pre-med Panel
SG Report
Brandon DeFoe, College of Liberal Arts Senator
1. Events Attended
Presidential Lecture Series
Nairoby Otero
Cardboard Boat Race
CEHS Trivia Night
HoR Collective Meeting
One-on-One with Jen
Senate Meeting
2. Old Business
Phone Conference with Ryan Clark, CEO
1. New program explained and offered
Contacted Gheretta Harris
1. Will Review information
2. Forwarded to CaTS for review
Contacted Ryan for progress update
Pre-Law Program
Met with Dr. Feldmeier
1. Currently have legal studies minor in the works
Will presumably become major eventually
2. Shift gears from track/minor/major to program aspect
Workshops/Fairs/LSAT Prep-course, etc.
3. Currently advising, mostly within CoLA
In reality, it is a University-wide need for all colleges
4. Dr. Wilson gave initial reaction
Spoke with Gabe, who will now be working with me on this project
Contacted Jeff and Matt for information on Pre-Health Program
1. Met with Jacqui Neal, Director of Pre-Health Program and Gabe
It’s something that can be done but will be difficult
We could emulate this program
Idea of a Pre-Professional Center
Excellent Idea, farther down the road
Spoke with Dr. Feldmeier about meeting with Jacqui
1. Likes the idea of Pre-Professional Center, but agrees that we should
focus on Pre-Law and work that end later
2. Wants to meet with the Dean to let her know what we are doing
Spoke with Dr. Fitzgerald
DSAB Meeting
1. CLASS Program - new CoLA Center for student success, advising,
career preparation
Refillable Water Station
Continuing to monitor progress
3. New Business
Book voucher program
Contact bookstore manager or assistant manager for initial feedback
Follow up with Gheretta Harris and CaTS
Pre-Law Track
Meet with Gabe to discuss CLASS issues that may arise
Begin Creating a Survey for students to gauge interest in Law
1. Particularly those students outside of CoLA
Meet with Pre-Law Club
Contact Dean Sobolik to find out how active CLASS will be with pre-law
1. Potentially set up meeting with Feldmeier and Gabe
4. Administrative Office Report
Met with CoLA DSAB
Created Raiderthon team
Beginning to finalize plans for end of year event
1. Awards Ceremony for students
2. Faculty and Alumni
SG vacancies
1. CoLA Empower
Create action items for next meeting
5. Outreach
Talked to students in class about vacancies and upcoming events
SG Report
Date: October 14, 2014
Eugene Matthew P. Almazan, College of Science and Math Senator:
1. Events Attended:
a. Wright Brothers Day in the Student Union Atrium on October 2, 2014.
b. C.J McLin Junior Bake Sale in the Student Union on October 3, 2014
c. Homecoming/Casino Night in the Apollo Room on October 4, 2014
d. Multicultural Mixer w/ Asian Student Association in SU Atrium on October 7, 2014
e. Student Conduct Panel Training on October 11, 2014
2. Old Business:
a. UREL (Undergraduate Research and Experiential Learning) student Testimonials
i. Raiderthon Participation as “CoSM Dean Circle and Friends”
b. CoSM/WSUSG Blood Drive
i. Tuesday, March 17, 2015 in the Student Union Atrium
ii. Tentative Date for CoSM Drive: January 27, 2014
c. Collaboration with Brandon DeFoe to build a Pre-Law advising program
d. One-on-One meeting with the V.P
3. New Business:
a. Meeting with CoSM Dean’s Circle on October 5, 2014 and October 12, 2014
i. CoSM Demos
1. Beer-Making by Dr. Wyatt on November 13, 2014
a. Hamilton Hall—venue size of 60 people
ii. Undergraduate Research
1. Testimonials as additions to the UREL website and CoSM website
iii. Student Choice Award for Faculty of the Year
1. Switch to Online applications that will launch next month
iv. Lunch with the Dean
1. Success!!! Had lots of ideas come from CoSM students
v. Raiderthon Participation as “CoSM Dean Circle and Friends”
b. Student Media Board
i. First Committee Meeting
ii. Revisions to the Charter Regarding Student Media Board
c. BoSM—CoSM mentoring program
i. Meeting with Pre-Med Society and M.A.P.S to work out a medical student
ii. Collaboration with Jeff Wang
SG Report
Date: 9/29/14
Name, SG Position: Kayla Muncie, Commuter Senator
1. Events Attended:
a. CSA Meeting 9/24/2014
b. Cup Cake Wars 9/19/2014
c. Women’s Soccer Game 9/19/2014
d. Alley’s Army Soccer Game 9/19/2014
2. Old Business:
a. Organized CSA to table Oct 15th 10a.m.- 4p.m.
b. Preparing a commuter survey, planning to launch it Oct. 15th- Nov. 15th
c. Making a new CSA handbills to pass out
d. Updated the Locker Sign in the Commuter Lounge
3. New Business:
a. CSA is researching ideas to make commuting more enjoyable and posting them on
our social media as a “Fun Fact Friday”
b. CSA ordering its members polos and T-shirts to pass out to commuters during
tabling and our events
4. Administrative Office Report:
a. Discussed the Housing Fair with Katherine
5. Outreach (if applicable):
a. Still working on getting a CSA website
b. Set up a meeting with a concerned commuter
c. I have been responding to commuters that have been reaching out to me about their
interest in CSA
SG Report
Date: 10/13/2014
John Ellis, Senator of Raj Soin College of Business
1. Events Attended:
a. 10/1, Alumni/student networking event
b. 10/3, Leadercast
c. 10/4, Community Service Event, Time Keeper for a 5k race
d. 10/4, Scary Dairy, VMC event
e. 10/7, Stock Market Challenge Kickoff
2. New Business:
a. 10/7, Meeting with Lance Cauley
i. Discussed Personal Branding Workshop
b. Internal Affairs Committee
i. Did not meet in person, but assigned tasked by email to be completed this
3. Old Business:
a. 10/5, DSAB Meeting
b. Planned the next step in our coin collection rally for Raiderthon
c. Discussed DSAB’s roll in assisting with the upcoming workshop series
d. Discussed the plans for the Pledge Signing Ceremony, planned for Dec. 3rd
4. Outreach:
a. Meeting with Todd Grossman for a school news website on the upcoming events
collaborating between RSCOB and the VMC
b. Attended multiple events where I discussed RSCOB business with students of the
c. Spoke to several classes about upcoming RSCOB events and the open SG positions
End of Report
SG Report
October 13, 2014
Jasmine Spradley, Residential Senator
Events Attended:
1. Faculty Senate Meeting, 9/29 2:30pm, 156 Student Union
2. Free Little Library, 9/30 2pm, Hamilton Hall lawn
3. Pres. Lecture Series, 9/30 7pm, SU Apollo Room
4. Parking & Traffic Subcommittee Meeting, 10/3 10am, 101A University Hall
5. Homecoming Casino Night, 10/4 9pm, SU Apollo Room
6. Student Gov. Senate Meeting, 10/7 6pm, 103 SU
7. RCA GM Meeting, 10/9 7pm, SU Emerald Room
8. NOH8 Photo Shoot, 10/10 11am, SU Atrium
9. The Guardian’s “Love Your Body” Photo Shoot, 10/10 2pm, Guardian Office
Old Business:
1. One-on-One meeting with VP Jennifer Humston, 10/08, SG Office
2. Research on Intl students living on campus for Housing project
3. Met with Maggie McDougle about increasing awareness of Raiderthon to residents
New Business:
1. Need to find resource responsible for increasing bike racks on campus
2. Need to meet with Yawen Xu about Housing project
3. Interested in starting project to add cell-phone charging stations to our campus
SG Report
Date: 10/13/2014
Emily Burns, College of Engineering and Computer Science Senator
1. Events Attended:
a. CECS Industry Open House and BCDC Dedication, Friday October 3rd, Joshi
Atrium, 3-5pm
b. One-on-one with Jen, Monday October 13th, 3:30-4:30pm
c. Student Conduct Panel Training, Saturday October 11th, 9am-3pm, 018 Rike
2. Old Business:
a. I have gotten new members for the DSAB- 6 people strong.
3. New Business:
a. DSAB Meeting- October 17th, 8am, 280 Joshi
i. Events for the year: Car Smash, Lunch with the Dean
ii. Send out survey for students’ suggestions, comments, concerns
iii. Club room-banner, display cases
b. Steering Committee Meeting- October 20th, 405 Russ
c. DSAB Meeting- October 31st, 8am, 280 Joshi
4. Associate’s Report (if applicable): N/A
5. Administrative Office Report: N/A
6. Outreach (if applicable):
a. How did you reach out to students in the past two weeks?
b. Trying to find new DSAB members.
i. Concerns from students you have talked with and/or met:
1. Students want better printers in the Russ computer lab.
2. New banner and display cases for club room.