Population, Globalization, Basic Institutions & Citizenship


How does population affect our society?

Overpopulation, pollution, Business types of transportation, number of schools

What factors influence a country’s population growth rate?

Births, deaths, and people migrating to and from the country affect a country’s population growth rate.

Measures the number of people living in an area

Where do most of the worlds population live? (look at map on pg 87)

Why do you think there is this population pattern?






Takes care of children

Provides emotional and physical support

Teach the accepted norms, behaviors

Teaches culture

Societies rely on education to pass knowledge

Schools teach norms, values

Incredibly diverse

Helps explain the meaning of life and death and the difference between good and bad

Passed down and supported by traditional practice, literature and sacred text

In order to resolve conflict

A system of leaders and laws that help people live safely together in their community

System of using resources to meet needs

Must be able to make buy sell and trade goods and services to get what they want and need

How does science and technology shape and control their environments

What are the impacts of technology?

The process in which countries are increasingly linked to each other through culture and trade

Not only links world’s people but also connects businesses and affects trade

Globalization links the world’s countries together through culture and trade.

The world community works together to solve global conflicts and crises

How has the expansion of global trade affected our world?

Fast, easy global connection have made cultural exchange, trade, and a cooperative world community possible.

World Community encourages cooperation.

Why do you think they do so?

To resolve global conflict

51 countries

An organization of the world countries that promotes peace and security around the globe

Ex: coming together to provide humanitarian aid


1. What is government?

2. What does a government do?

3. Why do people need government?

4. What types of government are there?


1. What is government?


1. What is government?

Government is an organization people set up to protect the community and make rules

What is government and what role does it play in our lives? Why do we need government?

In its simplest form, a government determines the way in which a country, state, county, township, city, or village is run.

At every level, government makes laws that citizens must obey and creates policies about everything connected with the daily life of a community—whether that community is a nation, a state or the town where you live.

Government establish order and ensure justice

Make laws

Regulate business and trade

Provide aid to people

Shape culture and economy of a country as well as the daily lives of the people


2. What does a government do?


2. What does a government do?

Protects the community

Makes laws

Keeps order


3. Why do people need government?


3. Why do people need government?

For protection of people and property

Making rules

Enforcing laws


4. What types of government are there?


Absolute Monarchy

Constitutional Monarchy

Direct Democracy

Republic/Representative Democracy




Imagine what life would be like without governmental systems

Limited government = the power of government leader is limited by the constitution.

Everyone, including all authority figures, must obey the laws.

Individual rights of the citizen are protected by the constitution.

To gain power is not the main goal in a limited government.

Unlimited government: government’s power has no limits. Usually no constitution or laws limiting the governments power

Control is placed solely with the ruler and his/her appointees. No limits imposed on his /her authority.

These governments have total control over their citizens.

Limited Government Unlimited Government

Power Restricted by the people

• Bill of Rights-

• Constitution-Statement of a country’s basic laws and values

Parliament-a national law making body(Canada &


Constitutional Monarchy-

Government ruled by king or queen, power is determined by the nation’s constitutions and laws

Republic-Government in which power belongs to the citizens, who govern themselves through elected representation

No limits on power

Totalitariancentralized government that does NOT tolerate parties of differing opinion, dictatorial control over many aspects of life, exercises control over freedom-North Korea

Communistsystem structured upon common ownership of the means of production and characterized by the absence of social classes, money, and the state-Germany, Soviet Union

Dictatorshipform of government where political authority is monopolized by a single person or political entity, and exercised through various oppressive mechanisms- Kim

Jong Il, North Korea

Absolutismform of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator

Absolute Monarchya monarchy that is not limited or restrained by laws or a constitution-France King Louis XIV (reigned


A country ruled by a single leader. The leader has not been elected and may use force to keep control.

In a military dictatorship, the army is in control.

EX: Cuba

Government ruled by a King or Queen

Powers are determined by the Nation’s

Constitution and law

This is a limited government

EX: England

Rule by a King or Queen

They have absolute power

Are not restrained by a constitution or laws

Example of unlimited power

EX: Qatar and Saudi Arabia

Government by the people

People vote directly on every issue

Only practical in a small community

Citizens are the ultimate source of government authority

Citizens come together to discuss and pass laws and select leaders

EX: Ancient Athens

Government by the people; citizens are the ultimate source of government authority

Indirect form of democracy

Citizens elect representatives to make government decisions on their behalf

Representatives elected for set terms

People are represented by elected officials

Used in large countries

Also known as a Republic government

EX: Ancient Rome United States of America

In a democracy, the government is elected by the people.

Everyone who is eligible to vote has a chance to have their say over who runs the country.

It is distinct from governments controlled by a particular social class or group

A democracy is determined either directly or through elected representatives.


system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy

a single, often authoritarian party holds power, claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people.

 Ex:


Government officials regarded to have religious authority

Laws rooted in a particular religion or religious doctrine

Government power is unlimited

Governmental rulers are identical with the leaders of the dominant religion

Governmental policies are either identical with or strongly influenced by the principals of the majority religion.

Government claims to rule on behalf of God or a higher power

EX: Iran

Dictator holds ultimate authority

Government tightly controls all aspects of life-political, social, and economic

No formal or informal limits on government

EX: North Korea


One person has all of the power; also called Monarchy, Tyranny, or


A few people have all the power; also known as Aristocracy or

(sometimes) Communism

Everyone may participate in government; also called

Representative Democracy or


Unlimited Government—rulers can do anything!

Limited Government—people who make laws also follow the laws!

Leaders are “ born ” in to power

(monarchy) or gain power by force

(military dictatorship)

Decisions are made by only a few people—usually the rich and influential

People elect representatives to make decisions for them

Citizens may unite in their loyalty to their ruler and decisions can be made quickly

No individual freedoms given, needs of the citizens not considered, ruler may make poor choices

Decisions can be made quickly and good leadership may prevail, as long as no one person takes over

Everyone is involved and has equal power, there is a lot of loyalty and support, individual freedoms are given

No individual freedoms are given, the needs of the people are not considered, and rulers may make poor choices

Time consuming, since everyone gives input

Rulers are called: King, Queen, Tsar,

Czar, Emperor, Tyrant, Dictator

Can be found in: Saudi Arabia, the UK,


Rulers may be called: Aristocrats,


Can be found in: China, Russia

Representatives are called: Senators,

Representatives, Presidents, Prime


Can be found in: the USA, India,


Anarchy: no government; very dangerous


The pharaoh was an absolute ruler. He commanded the army and controlled irrigation and grain supplies. People in this society considered the pharaoh to be a god.


In the first century AD, the Greeks recognized three types of government: monarchy, aristocracy, and anarchy.

The Jews at the time did not fit into any of these categories as they believed only God and his laws were sovereign.



In 450 B.C. this civilization assembled and all citizens voted on laws. A council of 500 prepared business for the assembly.




The Nazi Party took over every aspect of this country’s social, economic & political life. Hitler quickly secured his power by burning down a legislative building and used the incident to obtain emergency powers, becoming an absolute ruler.



In this country some people are elected to make laws and some people are appointed officials.



Rights- things we must do

EX: Voting

Responsibilities- tasks we should do as citizens but are not required by law

EX: helping your community


› Work that people do is based on long established customs

 Hunt, fish, tend animals and crops


The government controls the economy

Decides what goods and services to produce

Decides how much to produces and how goods and services are distributed

Sets wages and prices


Based on private ownership, free trade and competition

Individuals and business are free to buy and sell what they wish with little interference from the government

Prices are determined by supply and demand



Free Enterprise

What type of economy is the United


Mixed Economy(command and market)


› Businesses that focus on growing crops and raising livestock


› Businesses that make finished products from raw goods


Business that provides services instead of goods ›



 Business that sell to business


 Business that sell directly to final costumers


Higher GDP

High Life expectancy

Higher quality of life

Advanced healthcare

Productive economy

High levels of education ›


Lower quality of life

Less productive economy

Lower life expectancy

Lower GDP

Less access to health care and technology
