VOCABULARY STAGE 21 Nouns annus, annī, m. barbarus, barbarī, m. fōns, fontis, m. haruspex, haruspicis, m. hōra, hōrae, f. morbus, morbī, m. oppidum, oppidī, n pretium, pretī, n. Verbs adiuvō, adiuvāre, adiuvī, adiutum ascendō, ascendere, ascendī, ascensum cēlō, cēlāre, cēlāvī, cēlātum cōnfīdō, cōnfīdere, cōnfīsus (with dative) dēiciō, dēicere, dēiēcī, dēiectum efficiō, efficere, effēcī, effectum extrāhō, extrāhere, extrāxī, extractum iubeō, iubēre, iussī, iussum suscipiō, suscipere, suscēpī, susceptum Adjectives dūrus, dūra, dūrum gravis, grave īnfēlix, (infēlicis) nōnnūllī, nōnnūllae, nōnnūlla occupātus, occupāta, occupātum perītus, perīta, perītum plēnus, plēna, plēnum plūs, (plūris) sapiēns, (sapientis) Miscellaneous ā, ab (with ablative) circum (with accusative) nuper unde REVIEW WORDS-CHOOSE 5 1. 4. 2. 5. 1 3. 6. 1. in oppidō Aquīs Sūlis labōrābant multī fabrī, uī thermās maximās exstruēbant. architectus Rōmānus fabrōs inspiciēbat. 2. faber prīmus statuam deae Sūlis sculpēbat. architectus farum laudāvit, quod perītus erat et dīligenter labōrābat. faber, ab architectō laudātus, laetissimus erat. 3. faber secundus mūrum circum fontem pōnēbat. architectus fabrum incitāvit, quod fessus erat et lentē labōrābat. faber, ab architectō incitātus, rem graviter ferēbat. nihil tamen dīxit, quod architectum timēbat. 4. faber tertius aquam ad balneum ē fonte sacrō portābat. architectus fabrum vituperāvit, quod ignāvus erat et minimē laborābat. faber, ab architectō vituperātus, īnsolenter respondit 5. architectus, ubi verb īnsolentia fabrī audīvit, servōs suōs arcessīvit. servī ab architectō arcessītī, fabrum comprehenērunt et in balneum dēiēcērunt. 6. “linguqm sordidam habēs,” inquit architectus cachinnāns. “melius est tibi aquam sacram bibere.” fōns sacer Quīntus apud Salvium manēbat per tōtam hiemem. saepe ad aulam Cogidubnī ībat, ā rēge invītātus. Quīntus eī multa dē vītā suā nārrābat, quod rēx aliquid novī audīre semper volēbat. ubi vēr appropinquābat, Cogidubnus in morbum gravem incidit. multī medicī, ad aulam arcessītī, remedium morbī quaesīvērunt. ingravēscēbat tamen morbus. rēx Quīntum et Salvium dē remediō anxius cōnsuluit. "mī Quīnte," inquit, "tū es vir magnae prūdentiae. volō tē mihi cōnsilium dare. ad fontem sacrum īre dēbeō?" 2 "ubi est iste fōns?" rogāvit Quīntus. "est in oppidō Aquīs Sūlis," respondit Cogidubnus. "multī aegrōtī, quī ex illō fonte aquam bibērunt, posteā convaluērunt. architectus, ā Rōmānīs missus, thermās maximās ibi exstrūxit. prope thermās stat templum deae Sūlis, ā meīs fabrīs aedificātum. ego deam saepe honōrāvī; nunc fortasse dea mē sānāre potest. Salvī, tū es vir magnae calliditātis; volō tē mihi cōnsilium dare. quid facere dēbeō?" "tū es vir sapiēns," respondit ille. "melius est tibi testāmentum facere." Fons, fontis: fountain Aliquid novī: something new Morbus, -ī: illness Gravis: serious Cōnsulō, -ere, cōnsuluī: consult Oppidum-ī: town Aegrotus, -ī: sick person, invalid Convalēsco, -ere, convaluī: get better Extruō, -ere, extruxī: build Calliditās, calliditātis: cleverness Lūcius Marcius Memor oppidum Aquae Sūlis parvum erat, thermae maximae. prōcūrātor thermārum erat Lūcius Marcius Memor, nōtissimus haruspex, homō obēsus et ignāvus. quamquam iam tertia hōra erat, Memor in cubiculō ēbrius dormiēbat. Cephalus, haruspicis lībertus, Memorem excitāre temptābat. "domine! domine!" clāmābat. haruspex, graviter dormiēns, nihil respondit. "dominus nimium vīnī rūrsus bibit," sibi dīxit lībertus. "domine! surge! hōra tertia est." Memor, ā lībertō tandem excitātus, ūnum oculum aperuit. "fer mihi plūs vīnī!" inquit. "tum abī!" "domine! domine! necesse est tibi surgere," inquit Cephalus. "cūr mē vexās, Cephale?" respondit Memor. "cūr tū rem administrāre ipse nōn potes?" "rem huius modī administrāre nōn possum," respondit 3 lībertus. "sunt multī servī, multī fabrī, quī mandāta prōcūrātōris exspectant. tē exspectat architectus ipse, vir magnae dignitātis. tē exspectant aegrōtī. adsunt sacerdōtēs parātī. adsunt mīlitēs, ab hostibus vulnerātī. adsunt nōnnūllī mercātōrēs, quōs arcessīvistī. tū rem ipse administrāre dēbēs." "numquam dēsinit labor," clāmāvit Memor. "quam fessus sum! cūr ad hunc populum barbarum umquam vēnī?" Cephalus, quī rīsum cēlāre temptābat, Memorī respondit, "haruspex callidissimus es. nōnne aegrōtīs remedia praebēre vīs? nōnne Britannīs mōrēs Rōmānōs impōnere vīs?" "es homō magnae stultitiae," respondit Memor. aegrōtōs floccī nōn faciō. Britannōs etiam minōris pretiī habeō. officia mea molestissima sunt. ego ad maiōrēs honōrēs ascendere velim. ego virōs potentēs colere velim. ēheu! in hāc īnsulā sunt paucī virī potentēs, paucī clārī." "quid vīs mē facere, Memor?" inquit lībertus. "iubeō tē omnēs dīmittere," clāmāvit Memor. "nōlī mē iterum vexāre!" Memor, postquam haec verba dīxit, statim obdormīvit. Cephalus, ā dominō īrātō territus, invītus exiit. in thermīs multitūdinem aegrōtōrum vehementer clāmantium fabrōrumque Memorem absentem vituperantium invēnit. eōs omnēs Cephalus dīmīsit. Graviter: heaviy Nimium: too much Rūrsus: again Plus: more Modus, -ī: kind, type Mandatum, -ī: order Hostis: enemy Dēsinō: cease Umquam: every senātor advenit 4 Rīsus,-ī smile Praebeō, -ēre: provide Mōs, mōrēs: custom Impōnō, -ere: impose Stultitia” stupidity Velim: ī would like Colō, -ere: seek favor Clārus, -a, -um: famous Verbum, -ī: word mox tamen, Cephalus cubiculum rūrsus intrāvit Memoremque dormientem excitāvit. Memor, simulac Cephalum vīdit, īrātus clāmāvit, "cūr prohibēs mē dormīre? cūr mihi nōn pārēs? stultior es quam asinus." "sed domine," inquit Cephalus, "aliquid novī nūntiāre volō. postquam hinc discessī, mandāta, quae mihi dedistī, effēcī. ubi tamen aegrōtōs fabrōsque dīmittēbam, senātōrem thermīs appropinquantem cōnspexī." Memor, valdē vexātus, "quis est ille senātor?" inquit. "unde vēnit? senātōrem vidēre nōlō." "melius est tibi hunc senātōrem vidēre," inquit Cephalus. "nam Gāius Salvius est." "num Gāius Salvius Līberālis?" exclāmāvit Memor. "tibi nōn crēdō." Cephalus tamen facile eī persuāsit, quod Salvius iam in āream thermārum equitābat. Memor perterritus statim clāmāvit, "fer mihi togam! fer calceōs! ōrnāmenta mea ubi sunt? vocā servōs! quam īnfēlīx sum! Salvius hūc venit, vir summae auctōritātis, quem colere maximē volō." Memor celerrimē togam calceōsque induit. Cephalus eī ōrnāmenta trādidit, ex armāriō raptim extracta. haruspex lībertum innocentem vituperābat, lībertus Salvium. Prohibeō, -ēre: prevent Hinc: from here Efficiō, -ere, -fēcī: carry out Calceus, -ī: shoe, sandal Ōrnāmentum: badge of office Audctōritās, -tātis; authority Raptim: hastily Memor rem suscipit I Salvius et Memor, in hortō sōlī ambulantēs, sermōnem gravem habent. Salvius: Lucī Marcī Memor, vir summae prūdentiae es. volō tē rem magnam suscipere. Memor: 5 talem rem suscipere velim, sed occupātissimus sum. exspectant mē aegrōtī et sacerdōtēs. vexant mē architectus et fabrī. sed quid vīs mē facere? Salvius: Tiberius Claudius Cogidubnus, rex Rēgnēnsium, hūc nūper advēnit. Cogidubnus, quī in morbum gravem incidit, aquam ē fonte sacrō bibere vult. Memor: difficile est mihi te adiuvāre, mī senātor. Cogidubnus est vir octōgintā annōrum. difficile est deae Sūlī Cogidubnum sānāre. Salvius: nolō tē reddere Cogidubnum sānum. volō tē rem contrāriam efficere. Memor: quid dicis? num mortem Cogidubnī cupis? Salvius: ita verō! porrō, quamquam tam occupātus es, volō tē ipsum hanc rem efficere. Memor: visne mē rēgem interficere? rem huius modī facere nōn ausim. Cogidubnus enim est vir clārissimus, ā populō Rōmānō honōrātus. Salvius: es vir summae calliditatis. hanc rem efficere potes. Nōn sōlum ego, sed etiam Imperātor, hoc cupit. Cogidubnus enim Rōmānōs saepe vexāvit. Imperātor mihi, nōn Cogidubnō, cōnfīdit. Imperātor tibi praemium dignum prōmittit. num praemium recūsāre vīs, tibi ab Imperātōre prōmissum? Memor: quo modō id facere possum? Salvius: nescio. hoc tantum tibi dicō: Imperātor mortem Cogidubnī exspectat. Memor: o mē miserum! rem difficiliōrem numquam fēcī. Salvius: vita, mī Memor, est plēna rērum difficilium. exit Salvius. Memor rem suscipit II Memor: Cephale! Cephale! (libertus, ā Memore vocātus, celeriter intrat. pōculum vīnī fert.) cūr mihi vīnum offers? nōn vīnum, sed cōnsilium quaerō. iubeō tē mihi cōnsilium quam celerrimē dare. rēx Cogidubnus hūc vēnit, remedium morbī petēns. 6 Imperātor, ā Cogidubnō saepe vexātus, iam mortem eius cupit. Imperātor ipse iubet mē hoc efficere. quam difficile est! Cephalus: minime, facile est! pōculum venēnātum habeō, mihi ā latrōne Aegyptiō ōlim datum. venēnum, in pōculō cēlātum, vītam celerrimē exstinguere potest. Memor: consilium, quod mihi prōpōnis, perīculōsum est. Cogidubnō venēnum dare timeō. Cephalus: nihil periculī est. rēx, quotiēns ē balneō exiit, ad fontem deae īre solet. tum necesse est servō prope fontem deae stāre et pōculum rēgī offerre. Memor: (delectātus) cōnsilium optimum est. nūllīs tamen servīs cōnfīdere ausim. sed tibi cōnfīdō, Cephale. iubeō tē ipsum Cogidubnō pōculum offerre. Cephalus: Memor: eheu! mihi rem difficillimam impōnis. ________________________________________________Write the last line. tālis: such Reddō, ere: restore Sanus, -a, -um: healthy Rem contrāriam: the opposite Porrō: furthermore Nōn ausim: I wouldn’t dare Nōn sōlum, set etiam: not only, but also Digus, -a, -um: worthy 7 Nesciō, -ere: not know Venēnātus: poisoned Venēnum-ī: poison Prōpōnere: propose Perīculum: danger Quotiēns whenere Balneum, -ī: bath QUICK GUIDE TO LATIN PARTICIPLES (Present Active & Perfect Passive Only) * A “participle” is a verbal adjective - - an adjective formed from a verb. A participle is formed from a verb, but it is used as an adjective. * In English, we have present active participles, which end in “ing”. You may call it a p.a.p. We see the shark eating a man. “Eating” is a present active participle, an adjective, modifying the noun shark. The noun it modifies is doing the action. * In English we also have perfect passive participles, which end in “ed”, “en”, “n”, “t” or “n”. You may call it p.p.p. We see the man eaten by the shark. “Eaten” is a perfect passive participle” ,modifying man. The noun it modifies is having the action of the verb done to him. * In Latin, we have 4 kinds of participles: present active, perfect (past) passive, future active, and future passive. This is how we make PRESENT ACTIVE PARTICIPLES in Latin: * Take the PRESENT STEM of the verb and add “ns” to get the nominative form (m,f & neuter), and add nt plus the 3rd declension adjective endings for all other cases. * This gives you an adjective that you decline like a 3 rd declension adjective. The ablative singular ending may be ī or e. Genitive plural is ium. * Like all adjectives, the participles must agree with the noun it modifies in case, number and gender. Nom. & acc. neuter plural are ia. Like all adjectives, the participles must agree with the noun it modifies in case, number and gender. You can recognize a present active participle when you see a word that has a verb stem but is being used as an adjective, and it has –ns in the nominative, or –nt+ 3rd declension endings. Participles may come with direct objects. When a participle has a direct object, it is sandwiched between the noun modified by the participle and the participle. The noun almost always comes first, the direct object of the participle, then the participle. Examples: 1st Conjugation Amans Amantis… 2nd conjugation ridēns ridentis… 3rd conjugation agēns agentis … 4th conjugation dormiēns dormientis… Present active participles are declined like this: amō, amāre, amāvī, amātus SINGULAR (m) Amāns Amantis Amantī Amantem Amante/ī (f) amāns amantis amantī amantem amantī/e (n) amāns amantis amantī amans amantī/e PLURAL (m) amantēs amantium amantibus amantēs amantibus (f) amantēs amantium amantibus amantēs amantibus (n) amantia amantium amantibus amantia amantibus You can recognize a present active participle when you see a word that has a verb stem but is being used as an adjective, and it has –ns in the nominative, or –nt+ 3rd declension endings. Translate into Latin: spectō, spectāre, spectāvī, spectātus, watch rideō, ridēre, rīdī, rīsus-smile, laught 1. Smiling, the boy watched the girl. ____________________________ 8 2. The boy watched the smiling girl. ____________________________ 3. The friend of the smiling boy watched the girl.________________________________ 4. The boy gave the smiling girl a gift._________________________________________ 5. The girl is walking with the smiling boy.______________________________________ PERFECT PASSIVE PARTICIPLES in Latin: * Just take the 4th principle part of the verb. It is the perfect passive participle. *It is a declined like a regular 1st-2nd declension adjective, with the regular endings. * You can recognize it in Latin, when you see what looks like a verb stem with 1 st-2nd declension adjective endings. It almost always ends in t+ ending, or s+ endings. * The participle may have a prepositional phrase or other adverbial words. Almost always, the prepositional phrase and other adverbial words are sandwiched between the noun which the participle modifies, and the participle. *It is translated: -ed, -en, having been –ed, having been –en. SINGULAR us ī ō um ō a ae ae am ā um ī ō um ō PLURAL ī ae ōrum ārum īs īs ōs ās īs īs a ōrum īs a īs TRANSLATE THE FOLLOWING EXAMPLES. The ppp is underlined. 1. Quintus , ā rege invītātus. Cogibubnī ībat. 2. Multī medicī, ad aulam arcessītī, remedium quaesīvērunt. 3. Prope thermās stat templum deae Sulia, ā meīs fabrīs aedificātum. 4. Memor, ā libertō tandem excitātus, ūnum oculum aperuit. 5. Cephalus, ā dominō īrātō territus, invītus exiit. 6. Militēs, ab hostibus nūper vulnerātī, et paene interfectī, erant inter aegrōs. 7. Cephalus ornamenta tradidit, ex armāriō extracta. 8. num praemium recūsāre vīs, tibi ab Imperātōre prōmissum? 9. Imperātor, ā Cogidubnō saepe vexātus, iam mortem eius cupit. 10. Pōculum vēnēnātum habeō mihi ā latrone Aegyptiō olim datum. 11. Virum ā hostibus necātum vīdī. 12. Puellam territam vīdistī. 13. Virō vulneratō auxilium dedit. 14. Sororem puellae vulneratae vīdimus. 15. Ex templō ā fabrīs aedificātō curristis. 16. Dē praemiō ab Imperātore promissō Salvius Memorem narrāvit. 9 Homework I: NOMEN________________PARTICIPLES-PRESENT ACTIVE& PERFECT PASSIVE For each verb, give its present active participle (p.a.p.) and its perfect passive participle p.a.p. Give the nominative-m,f,n, & for the present active participle; give the genitive (m,f,n,) Translate Present Active Participle- add ns for the nominative; ntis for the genitive, It has 3rd Declension endings. Translate -ing Perfect Passive Participle- just take the 4th principal part. It has 1st-2nd declension endings Translate: -ed, -en, etc EXAMPLES Present Active Participle Perfect Passive Participle 1 amō, amāre, amāvī, amātum nom amāns (m,f,n) amātus, -a, -um gen amantis (m,f,n) -ī, -ae, -ī trans. loving trans.: loved/having been loved 2- terreō, -ēre, terruī, terrritus nom gen trans terrēns (m,f,n) terrentis (m,f,n,) terrifying ( “terrifying girl”) territus, -a, -um -ī, -ae, -ē terrified (“terrified girl”) 3-dīcō, -ere, dīxī, dictum nom gen trans dīcēns dīcentis (m,f,n) saying dictus, -a, -um -ī, -ae, -a said 3-io-capiō, -ere, cēpī, captum nom capiēns (n,f,n) gen capientis (m,f,n) trans capturing captus, -a, -um -ī, -ae, -a captured 4-aperiō, -īre, aperīvī, apertum nom aperiēns (m,f,n) gen aperientis (m,.f.n) trans. Opening apertus, -a, -um -ī, -ae, -a opened Present Active participle 1. Laudō, laudāre, laudāvī, laudātum nom_____________________ gen ___________________ trans____________________ perfect passive participle ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ 2. vītō, -āre, -vītavī, vītatum nom ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ nom_____________________ gen _____________________ trans_____________________ 3. iactō, -āre, iactāvī, iactātum nom gen trans __________________ ___________________ ___________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ 4.iubeō, iubēre, iussī, iussum nom gen ___________________ ___________________ ______________________ ______________________ 10 trans ___________________ 5. moneō, -ēre, monuī, monitum nom _____________________ gen _____________________ trans _____________________ 6.dūcō, ducere, duxī, ductum nom _____________________ gen _____________________ trans _____________________ 7.agō, agere, ēgī, actum nom gen trans 8. ēligō, -ere, ēlēgī, ēlectum nom _____________________ gen _____________________ trans _____________________ 9. fundō, fundere, fūdī, fūsum nom gen trans ______________________ _______________________ ______________________ ________________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ _____________________ ______________________ _____________________ ______________________ _____________________ ______________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ 10. incipiō, -ere, incipuī, inceptus nom ______________________ _______________________ gen_________________________ ______________________ trans________________________ ________________________ 11. dēcipiō, -ere, dēcēpī, dēceptum nom _____________________ gen _____________________ trans _____________________ _______________________ ______________________ ______________________ 11.iniciō, -ere, iniēcī, iniectum nom _____________________ ______________________ gen _____________________ ______________________ trans _____________________ ______________________ 12. efficiō, -ere, effēcī, effectum nom _____________________ ______________________ gen _____________________ ______________________ trans _____________________ ______________________ 13. suscipiō, -ere, suscēpī, susceptum nom _________________ gen _____________________ trans _____________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ 14. audiō, audīre audīvī, audītum Nom_____________________ gen _____________________ trans _____________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ 11 Homework II Nomen________________________________Insert the proper form of the Latin participle. Circle the noun that the participle modifies. Remember, a participle is an adjective that agrees in case, number and gender with the noun it modifies. 1. Praising the worker, the architect was very happy. Architectus, fabrum ________________, erat laetissimus 2. Praised by the architect, the worker was very happy. Faber, ā architectō ___________________, erat laetissimus 3. I saw the (ACC) architect praising the worker. Architectum fabrum ___________________ vIdī. 4. I saw the (ACC)worker praised by the architect. Fabrum ā architectō _____________________ vīdī. 5. Ordering the soldier to fight, Caesar was very angry. Caesar, militem pugnāre ___________ erat iratissimus. 6. The soldier, having been ordered by Caesar to fight, was very angry. Milēs, ā Caesare _______________ erat iratissimus. 7. I saw (ACC) Caesar ordering the soldier to fight. Caesarem militem pugnāre _______________vīdī. 8. I saw the (ACC) soldier ordered by Caesar to fight. Militem ā Caesare pugnāre __________________vīdī. 9. Leading the soldiers, Caesar was brave. Caesar militēs _________________ erat fortis 10. The soldiers led by Caesar were brave Militēs ā Caesare ___________ erant fortēs 11. The girl warning the guard screamed. Puella custodem ___________________,clamavit. 12. The girls warning the guards screamed. Puellae custodem ___________________, clamavit. 13. The girl, warned by the guard, screamed. Puella, ā custode ________________________, clamavit. 14. The girls, warned by the guard, went back to the house. Puellae, ā custode __________________________, ad villam rediērunt. 12 15. I saw the (ACC) slave pouring the wine Servum vinum ________________________ vīdī. 16. I saw the (ACC) slaves pouring the wine Servōs vinum ______________________ vīdī 17. I saw the (ACC)wine poured by the slaves. Vinum ā servibus ______________________ vīdī. 13 HOMEWORK III NOMEN__________________________ (Stage 21) Write these sentences in Latin. Narrō, narrāre, narrāvī, narrātus poeta, -ae (f) fabula, -ae (f) Cēlō, cēlāre, cēlāvī, cēlātus fūr, fūris (m) rēs, reī (f) Suscipiō, suscipere, suscēpī, susceptus Efficiō, efficere, effēcī, effectus Videō, vidēre, vīdī, vīsus pecunia, -ae (f) Remember: A participle agrees with the noun it modifies in case, number and gender. That means that whatever the case, # & gender of the noun it modifies, the participle must be in that same case, # & gender. A present active participle is a 3rd declension adjective! A perfect passive participle is a 1st-2nd declension! 1. The poet tells the story. _________________________________ 2. I heard the poet telling the story. _________________________________ 3. The thief hid the money. _________________________________ 4. I saw the thief hiding the money. _________________________________ 5. Cephalus undertook the thing. _________________________________ 6. I saw Cephalus undertaking the thing. _________________________________ 7. Cephalus will carry out the thing. _________________________________ 8. I saw Cephalus carrying out the thing. _________________________________ 14 The story is told by the poet. __________________________________ I heard the story told by the poet. __________________________________ The money was hidden by the thief __________________________________ I saw the money hidden by the thief. __________________________________ The thing was undertaken by Cephalus. __________________________________ I saw the thing undertaken by Cephalus. __________________________________ The thing will be carried out by Cephalus. __________________________________ I saw the thing carried out by Cephalus. __________________________________ HOMEWORK IV NOMEN____________________________ Write in Latin: Dūcō, dūcere, dūxī, ductus miles, militis (m) Video, vidēre, vīdī, vīsus Gallia, -ae (f) pictura, -ae (f) Dō, dare, dedī, datus Caesar, caesaris Terreō, terrēre, terruī, territus infans, infantis (m/f) Crēdō, crēdere, crēdidī, crēditus (+dat) mater, matris (f) Portō, portāre, portāvī, portātus nuntius, nuntiī (m) Adiuvō, adiuvāre, adiuvāvī, adiuvātus 1) Leading the soldiers, Caesar conquered Gaul. Led by Caesar, the soldiers conquered Gaul. ____________________________________ 2) I saw a picture of Caesar leading the soldiers. ____________________________________ 3) I gave a message to Caesar leading the soldiers. ____________________________________ 4) I saw Caesar leading the soldiers. ____________________________________ 5) I was terrified by Caesar leading the soldiers. ____________________________________ _______________________________________ I saw a picture of the soldiers led by Caesar. _______________________________________ I gave a message to the soldiers led by Caesar _______________________________________ I saw the soldiers led by Caesar. _______________________________________ I was terrified by the soldiers led by Caesar. _______________________________________ 6) Carrying the baby, the mother went into the house. The baby carried by the mother went into the house. ____________________________________ _______________________________________ 7) I saw the shadow of the mother carrying the baby. I saw the shadow of the baby carried by the mother. ____________________________________ 8) I trusted the mother carrying the baby. ___________________________________ 9) I helped the mother carrying the baby. ____________________________________ 10) I was helped by the mother carrying the baby. ____________________________________ 15 _______________________________________ I trusted the baby carried by the mother. _______________________________________ I helped the baby carried by the mother. _______________________________________ I was helped by the baby carried by the mother. ________________________________________ PRACTICING THE LANGUAGE: p. 16-17 1. Lat:___________________________________________________________ Eng:___________________________________________________________ 2. Lat:___________________________________________________________ Eng:___________________________________________________________ 3. Lat:___________________________________________________________ Eng:___________________________________________________________ 4. Lat:___________________________________________________________ Eng:___________________________________________________________ 5. Lat:___________________________________________________________ Eng:___________________________________________________________ 6. Lat:___________________________________________________________ Eng:___________________________________________________________ B. Write the Latin sentences: 1.______________________________________________________________ 2.______________________________________________________________ 3.______________________________________________________________ 4. _____________________________________________________________ 5. _____________________________________________________________ C. 7. Lat:___________________________________________________________ Eng:___________________________________________________________ 8. Lat:___________________________________________________________ Eng:___________________________________________________________ 9. Lat:___________________________________________________________ Eng:___________________________________________________________ 10. Lat:___________________________________________________________ Eng:___________________________________________________________ 16 11. Lat:___________________________________________________________ Eng:___________________________________________________________ 12. Lat:___________________________________________________________ Eng:___________________________________________________________ D. 1. Lat:___________________________________________________________ Eng:___________________________________________________________ 2. Lat:___________________________________________________________ Eng:___________________________________________________________ 3. Lat:___________________________________________________________ Eng:___________________________________________________________ 4. Lat:___________________________________________________________ Eng:___________________________________________________________ 5. Lat:___________________________________________________________ Eng:___________________________________________________________ 6. Lat:___________________________________________________________ Eng:___________________________________________________________ 7. Lat:___________________________________________________________ Eng:___________________________________________________________ WORD Study: 1. _____________: _______________::_______________: ________________ 2. _____________: _______________::_______________: ________________ 3. _____________: _______________::_______________: ________________ 4. _____________: _______________::_______________: ________________ 5. _____________: _______________::_______________: ________________ 6. _____________: _______________::_______________: ________________ Do B and C orally. 17 Read 16-20 1. What special geological feature is located in the city of Bath, England? 2. Who did the Celts worship at this place? 3. What changes did the Romans bring when they moved into this area? 4. What did the Romans build at this place? 5. What was the name of the Roman town that grew up there? 6. How did the baths built here compare with other baths west of Rome? 7. How many plunge baths (pools) did it have? 8. How was the water brought from the hot springs to the pools? 9. When is our story set? 10. What was a basilica? 11. How do we know about people Rusonia Aventina, and Julius Vitalis, who came to Aqua Sulis? 12. Why did the Romans link the names Sulis and Minerva? 18 19 Laudō, laudāre, laudāvī, laudātus=praise 1) 2) Praising the slave girl, the kings ate dinner. Cēnāvit. Laudantēs ancillam, regēs cēnavit. Praised by the king, the slave girls ate dinner. Laudatae ā rege, ancillae cēnāvit. 3. I heard the king praising the slave girl. Regem laudantem ancillam audīvī. 4. I saw the slave girl praised by the king. Ancillam ā rege laudatam vīdī. 20