Fountain, TW., SW Day “Design and particle image

This is my sixth year teaching at RIT.
I have taught multiple sections of 4 traditional courses as well as
guided several teams through Multi-Disciplinary Senior Design.
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Contemporary Issues in Bioengineering
Biomedical Device Engineering
CFD Applications
In the past, I used this page as a repository for class material,
handouts, etc. Because we recently put everything into a managed
database called myCourses, there's little left to put here.
Current students, please refer to the myCourses website for posted
material, grades, etc.
My research applies methods in experimental and computational fluid mechanics to a wide range of applied
and biological flows. I plan to continue work on these and other projects that involve the application of
engineering methods to complex biological systems and that bring together scientists and engineers from
varied disciplines.
Please email me if you're interested in working in my lab, collaborating, or just talking.
A Brief description of the following projects is below:
Magnetically Levitated Implantable Blood Pump
Suction Feeding in Fish
Numerical Modeling of Cardiovascular Devices
Optical Methods in Studying Applied Fluid Flows
Magnetically Levitated Implantable Blood Pump
Clinical results have demonstrated that the use of rotary pumps as assist devices is effective in maintaining
normal physiological conditions in the patient. All rotary pumps approved for clinical use have some type
of mechanical bearings and considerable design effort has been put into designing these bearings to reduce
mechanical wear and to reduce hemolysis in pumps with mechanical bearings. Nonetheless, there are
recently published reports of large trials of 2nd generation devices (rotary pumps using mechanical
bearings) that show improved survival and decreased thromboembolic complications as compared with
pulsatile devices. Unfortunately, several recent studies have associated increased incidence of
hematological events with rotary pumps as compared to pulsatile pumps.
Our group is tasked with the design, development and testing of novel implantable blood pump that has an
extremenly simple and clean flow path and and impeller completely supported by magnetic bearings. Our
team, including the Utah Artifical Heart Institute and collaborating physician from the Mayo Clinic, has
been interested in the superiority of a single flow path axial flow magnetically levitated pump design for
many years. Our pump, aka LEV-VAD, addresses this significant short-coming of existing devices by
demonstrating a unique design that has an optimally simple flow path and ultra-low shear stresses (<40Pa),
due to very large fluid gaps (500 um) everywhere between the impeller and housing. This idealized axial
flow pump has a simple, unobstructed single blood flow path and novel hybrid magnetic bearings that
overcome the strong axial forces on the impeller without compromising the idealized flow path.
We are happy to say that we've fabricated several functional prototypes and are currently performing
chronic animal testing with the device sponsored by National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.
Figure above: Photograph of plastic prototype of our LEV-VAD pump as compared to Thoratec HeartMate
II, the most commonly implanted rotary type pump.
Suction Feeding in Fish
Beginning in 2003, I am collaborating with Peter Wainwright's lab at University of California, Davis
on a series of studies involving the complex application of fluid dynamics to suction feeding in
fish. Most fish feed by rapidly expanding the mouth with some complex biomechanics. This
expansion simultaneously generates negative pressure within the mouth and a flow field external
to its head that draws prey towards the mouth. Most of my work has focused on the fluid
mechanics of this feeding and have measured fluid speeds in different species of fish with PIV
and pressures within the mouth cavity.
Moving forward, I'd like to study the complex biomechanical motion. Although the musculo-skeletal
system in a typical fish skull involves more than 30 moving bones and two dozen muscles that move in a
complex 3-dimensional manner, even the most sophisticated existing models are based on 2-dimensional
linkages and simple levers. Currently, there are some reasonable heuristic explanations of how muscle
forces translate into dorso-ventral and lateral expansion of the mouth and anterior movement of jaw, but
these models are not exceptionally quantitative or predictive. The modeling of dynamic multi-component
structures is well-developed in engineering and physics and specific tools have been developed to do this
efficiently and accurately using computers.
Figure above: Sample video of a bluegill sunfish feeding on a shrimp. The flow is visualized by seeding the
tank with neutrally buoyant particles which are illuminated by a laser sheet. The raw images shown in this video
were then analyzed with a PIV (particle image velocimetry) algorithm for quantitative time dependent
measurements of fluid speed.
Computational Models of Cardiovascular Devices
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is a technique routinely used to develop and prototype bloodcontacting medical devices, such as prosthetic heart valves and ventricular assist devices. CFD results,
although not required, are also being used by some manufacturers to help demonstrate safety and efficacy
as part of their pre-market device submissions to the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA). Currently,
computational methods can be used to simulate both the solid and the fluid mechanics of a device, the
transport of blood elements, and the transport and chemical reactions of molecular species. New
computational methods are being developed to calculate levels of hemolysis and thrombosis from the local
fluid dynamics derived from simulation, using a variety of mathematical methods. The advantages of
computational studies are that they can provide insight into device performance without having to produce
costly prototypes, provide data in regions in which experimental data may not be easy to obtain, and can
provide data on immeasurable physical quantities. Moreover, with increasing simulation speeds and
computational capabilities, CFD methods can be used to evaluate a wide range of physiologic and design
parameters and can potentially reduce the extent of animal testing and clinical trials.
However, the use of CFD to demonstrate product safety in FDA premarket device applications and
postmarket investigations has not been adequately or systematically validated. This is especially important
in the prediction of biological responses (e.g., blood damage and thrombus formation) based on the purely
physical results (e.g., pressures, velocities, shear stresses) of the simulations. We initiated a collaborative
project to determine the current state and limitations of CFD modeling, and blood damage estimations, as
applied to medical devices. The project is part of the FDA’s “Critical Path Initiative” program, which is a
"national strategy for driving innovation to modernize the sciences through which FDA-regulated products
are developed, evaluated, manufactured, and used". In essence, the goal of our project is to work with the
medical device community to improve the use and validation of CFD techniques in medical device
evaluation to foster the development of better and safer products and technologies.
Application of Optical Methods to Biological Fluid Flows
The following people are (or were) part of my group at RIT.
mailto:jcp9244@rit.eduJonathan Peyton
Alex Ship
Jay Wheaton
The following people completed theses in my group at RIT.
ng Shanbao - Postdoctoral Fellow through 2011 - currently PostDoc at MIT
na Myagmar - M.S. 2011 - currently Analytical Engineer at Atlas Copco Comptec
k Olles - Postdoctoral Fellow - currently on faculty at RPI
avid Gomez - M.S. 2010 - currently PhD candidate at University of Utah
hew Giarra - M.S. 2009 - currently PhD candidate at Virginia Tech
s Cezo - M.S. 2009 - currently PhD candidate at UC Boulder
Khare - M.S. 2009 Slevar - M.S. 2007 - gainfully employed at
S. Cheng, A.F. Burger, M.W. Olles, and S.W. Day (2011) "Optimization of a hybrid magnetic bearing for a
magnetically levitated blood pump via 3-D Finite Element Analysis." Mechatronics, In Press, August 2011.
P. Hariharan, M. Giarra, V. Reddy, S.W. Day, K.B. Manning, S. Deutsch, S.F.C. Stewart, M.R. Myers,
M.R. Berman, G.W. Burgreen, E.G. Paterson, and R.A. Malinauskas (2011) “Multilaboratory Particle
Image Velocimetry Analysis of the FDA Benchmark Nozzle Model to Support Validation of
Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations,” ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, vol. 133,
2011, pp. 041002 1-14 online.
S. Cheng, M.W. Olles, D.B. Olsen, L.D. Joyce, and S.W. Day (2010) “Miniaturization of a Magnetically
Levitated Axial Flow Blood Pump.” Artificial Organs, vol. 34, 2010, p. 807–815.
Oakes, J. M., S. Day, S. J. Weinstein, R. J. Robinson (2010) “Flow field analysis in expanding healthy and
emphysematous alveolar models using particle image velocimetry.” ASME Journal of Biomechanical
Engineering. 132
Holzman, R. A., S. W. Day R. S. Mehta and P. C. Wainwright (2008) “Jaw protrusion enhances forces
exerted on prey by suction feeding fishes.” Journal of the Royal Society, Interface. 5: 1445-1457.
Holzman, R. A., S. W. Day and P. C. Wainwright (2008) “Integrating the determinants of suction feeding
performance in centrachid fishes.” Journal of Experimental Biology. 211: 3296-3305.
Holzman, R., D. C. Collar, S. W. Day, K. L. Bishop and P. C. Wainwright (2008) “Scaling of suctioninduced flows in bluegill: morphological and kinematic predictors for the ontogeny of feeding
performance” Journal of Experimental Biology. 16: 2658-2668.
Day, S. W., T. E. Higham and P. C. Wainwright (2007) “Time resolved measurements of the flow
generated by suction feeding fish.” Experiments in Fluids. 43(5): 713-724.
Holzman, R. A., S. W. Day and P. C. Wainwright (2007). “Timing is everything: coordination of strike
kinematics affects the force exerted by suction feeding fish on attached prey.” Journal of Experimental
Biology. 210: 3328-3336.
Wainwright, P. C., A. M. Carroll, D. C. Collar, S. W. Day, T. E. Higham and R. A. Holzman (2007).
“Suction feeding mechanics, performance, and diversity in fishes.” Integrative and Comparative Biology.
47(1): 96-106.
Wainwright, P.C and S. W. Day. (2007) "The forces exerted by aquatic suction feeders on their prey."
Journal of the Royal Society, Interface. 4(14): 553-560
Higham, T. E., S. W. Day and P. C. Wainwright (2006). "Multidimensional analysis of suction feeding
performance in fishes: Fluid speed, acceleration, strike accuracy and the ingested volume of water." J Exp
Biol 209(14): 2713-2725.
Untaroiu, A., H. G. Wood, P. E. Allaire, A. L. Throckmorton, S. Day, S. M. Patel, P. Ellman, C. Tribble
and D. B. Olsen (2005). "Computational design and experimental testing of a novel axial flow lvad."
ASAIO Journal 51(6): 702-710.
Day, S. W., T. E. Higham, A. Y. Cheer and P. C. Wainwright (2005). "Spatial and temporal patterns of
water flow generated by suction-feeding bluegill sunfish lepomis macrochirus resolved by particle image
velocimetry." Journal of Experimental Biology 208(14): 2661-2671.
Higham, T. E., S. W. Day and P. C. Wainwright (2005). "Sucking while swimming: Evaluating the effects
of ram speed on suction generation in bluegill sunfish lepomis macrochirus using digital particle image
velocimetry." Journal of Experimental Biology 208(14): 2653-2660.
Day, S. W. and J. C. McDaniel (2005). "PIV measurements of flow in a centrifugal blood pump: Steady
flow." Journal of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions of The ASME 127(2): 244-253.
Day, S. W. and J. C. McDaniel (2005). "PIV measurements of flow in a centrifugal blood pump: Timevarying flow." Journal of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions of The ASME 127(2): 254-263.
Song, X. W., A. Untaroiu, H. G. Wood, P. E. Allaire, A. L. Throckmorton, S. W. Day and D. B. Olsen
(2004). "Design and transient computational fluid dynamics study of a continuous axial flow ventricular
assist device." ASAIO Journal 50(3): 215-224.
Throckmorton, A. L., H. G. Wood, S. W. Day, X. Song, P. C. Click, P. E. Allaire and D. B. Olsen (2003).
"Design of a continuous flow centrifugal pediatric ventricular assist device." International Journal of
Artificial Organs 26(11): 1015-1031.
Curtas, A. R., H. G. Wood, P. E. Allaire, J. C. McDaniel, S. W. Day and D. B. Olsen (2002).
"Computational fluid dynamics modeling of impeller designs for the HeartQuest left ventricular assist
device." ASAIO Journal 48(5): 552-561.
Day, S. W., J. C. McDaniel, H. G. Wood, P. E. Allaire, N. Landrot and A. Curtas (2001). "Particle image
velocimetry measurements of blood velocity in a continuous flow ventricular assist device." ASAIO Journal
47(4): 406-411.
Goyne, C. P., J. C. McDaniel, T. M. Quagliaroli, R. H. Krauss and S. W. Day (2001). "Dual-mode
combustion of hydrogen in a mach 5, continuous-flow facility." Journal of Propulsion And Power 17(6):
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Cheng, S.X., S.W.Day “Design and Control of Hybrid Magnetic Bearings for Maglev Axial Flow Blood
Pump” Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent
Mechatronics, July 6-9, 2010, Montreal, Canada.
Cheek, C.D., S.W. Day “Evaluation of a numerical thrombosis model for a high shear rotating flow”
Proceedings of the 6th International ASME Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and
Minichannels, June 23-25, 2008, Darmstadt, Germany
Fountain, T.W.., S.W. Day “Design and particle image velocimetry investigation of a turbulent mini-jet
hemolysis testing aparatus” 2 page, peer reviewed extended abstract in Proceedings of the 6th International
Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, ICNMM2008, n PART B, p 1931-1933,
June 23-25, 2008, Darmstadt, Germany
Day, S. W. “Blood flow through channels and clearances in implantable blood pumps” Keynote Paper.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels.
Puebla, Mexico. June 18-20, 2007.
SW Day, P Lemire, RD Flack, JC McDaniel, "Effect of Reynolds Number on
Performance of a Small Centrifugal Pump. Accepted to 4 th ASME/JSME Joint Fluids
Engineering Conference, July 6-10, 2003
SW Day, JC McDaniel, PP Lemire, HG Wood, "Measurements of mean velocity and
turbulent statistics in a centrifugal blood pump". Proceedings of the ASME International
Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Advances in Bioengineering, vol. 54.
November 17-22, 2002 New Orleans , LA. 2 page, peer reviewed extended abstract.
PP Lemire, SW Day, JC McDaniel, HG Wood, "A quantitative oil dot streak method for
measuring near-wall shear stresses applied to the HeartQuest maglev LVAD"
Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and
Exposition. Advances in Bioengineering, vol. 54. November 17-22, 2002 New Orleans ,
LA. 2 page, peer reviewed extended abstract.
CP Goyne, JC McDaniel, RH Krauss, and SW Day, "Velocity measurements in a dualmode supersonic combustor using Particle Image Velocimetry," presented at 10th
International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, 2001.
SW Day, JC McDaniel, HG Wood, PE Allaire, XSong, PP Lemire, S Miles "A prototype
HeartQuest TM ventricular assist device for particle image velocimetry measurements."
Artificial Organs, 26(11) 1002-1005 November 2002. 9 th congress of the International
Society for Rotary Blood Pumps.
PP Lemire, JC McDaniel, HG Wood, PE Allaire, N Landrot, X Song, SW Day, and D
Olsen, "The application of quantitative oil streaking to the HeartQuest LVAD" Artificial
Organs , 26(11) 971-973 November 2002. 9th congress of the International Society for
Rotary Blood Pumps.
X Song, HG Wood, SW Day, DB Olsen, "Studies of turbulence models in a
computational fluids dynamics model of a blood pump" Artificial Organs, 27(10) 935937 October 2003. 10 th congress of the International Society for Rotary Blood Pumps.
Presentations (review of abstract only)
Failure Analysis and Fault Tolerance of a Mag-Lev Blood pump. S.W. Day, S. Cheng, L.D. Joyce, D.B.
Olsen. ASAIO 57th Annual Conference, Washington D.C. 2011. Poster Presentation
Self Sensing Magnetic Bearings for Mag-Lev Blood Pumps. S. Cheng, S.W. Day. ASAIO 57th Annual
Conference, Washington D.C. 2011. Slide Presentation
Fluidic Performance via Intrinsic Parameters of a Magnetically Levitated Axial Flow. VAD, S.W. Day, S.
Cheng, L.D. Joyce, D.B. Olsen. ASAIO 57th Annual Conference, Washington D.C. 2011. Poster
Turbulence Modeling as a Source of Error In FDA’s "Critical Path" Interlaboratory Computational Study
Of Flow In A Nozzle Model. Sandy F.C. Stewart, Eric G. Paterson, Greg W. Burgreen, Prasanna Hariharan,
Steven W. Day, Varun Reddy, Matthew Giarra, Keefe B. Manning, Steven Deutsch, Matthew R. Myers,
Michael R. Berman, Richard A. Malinauskas ASAIO 56th annual conference, Baltimore, MD, May 27-19,
2010. Poster Presentation
Fluidic Performance via Intrinsic Parameters of a Magnetically Levitated Axial Flow VAD. Mark W.
Olles, Arnold D Gomez, Don B Olsen, Steven W Day. ASAIO 56th annual conference, Baltimore, MD,
May 27-19, 2010. Slide Presentation
Acute Animal Experiments of a Magnetically Levitated Axial Flow VAD. Steven W Day, PhD, Mark W
Olles, PhD, Shanbao Cheng, PhD, Arnold D Gomez, BS, Ronald W Kipp, BS, Lyle D Joyce, MD, PhD,
Don B Olsen, DVM at ASAIO 56th annual conference, Baltimore, MD, May 27-19, 2010. Slide
Novel Transaortic Double Barrel Ventricular Cannula. J.D. Cezo and. S.W. Day. 2009 ASME Design of
Medical Devices Conference. Minneapolis, MN. Poster Presentation
Diamagnetic Effects of Blood in a Magnetically Levitated Blood Pump. A.D. Gomez and. S.W. Day. 2009
ASME Design of Medical Devices Conference. Minneapolis, MN. Poster Presentation
Preliminary Results of FDA’s "CRITICAL PATH" Project to Validate Computational Fluid Dynamic
Methods used in Medical Device Evaluation. ASAIO 55th annual conference, 2009, Dallas, TX. S.F.C.
Stewart, S.W. Day, G.W. Burgreen, E.G. Paterson, K.B. Manning, P.Hariharan, S.Deutsch, M.Giarra,
C.Cheek, V.Reddy, M.R. Berman, M.R. Myers, R.A. Malinauskas. Poster Presentation
New Magnetically Suspended Ventricular Assist Device. LEV-VAD ASAIO 54th Annual Conference, 2008.
SW Day, RW Kipp and DB Olsen. Poster Presentation.
Establishment and Comparison of non-InvansiveMeasurement Techiniques for Pressure rise and Flow Rate
in a magnetically levitated VAD. ASAIO 54th Annual Conference, 2008. A Khare and SW Day. Poster
Experimental Study of the Hemolytic Effects of Viscous Stresses induced by the Dissipation of Turbulent
Energy. ASAIO 54th Annual Conference, 2008. T Fountain and SW Day. Poster Presentation.
Computational Modeling of Thrombogenesis within a simplified rotary flow. ASAIO 54th Annual
Conference, 2008. CD Cheek and SW Day. Poster Presentation.
Comparison of blood damage predictions from empirical measurements and computations to in vitro and
in vivo observations in a centrifugal blood pump ASAIO 52nd Annual Conference, June 8-10, 2006. SW
Day et al. Poster Presentation
Measurements of the Pulsed Flow in a Blood Pump ASAIO Annual Conference, June 1921, 2003 . SW Day et al. Poster Presentation
Experimental Measurements of Pump Performance in Support of Pump Design ASAIO
Annual Conference, June 19-21, 2003 . SW Day et al. Slide Presentation
Optical Measurements of Blood Velocity in a Continuous Flow Ventricular Assist Device
. ASAIO Annual Conference, June 28- July 1, 2000 . SW Day et al. Poster Presentation
Measurement of Fluid Force Exerted on Impeller in Centrifugal Blood Pump . 8 th
Congress of the International Society for Rotary Blood Pumps, Aachen . 8th Congress of
the International Society for Rotary Blood Pumps, Aachen , Germany , September 6-9,
2000 SW Day, et al. Slide Presentation
Measurements of Local Static Pressures in the HeartQuestt Continuous Flow Ventricular
Assist Device . 8 th Congress of the International Society for Rotary Blood Pumps,
Aachen . SW Day, et al. Poster Presentation
A Prototype HeartQuest TM LVAD for Particle Image Velocimetry Measurements. 9 th
congress of the International Society for Rotary Blood Pumps, Seattle. SW Day, et al.
Slide Presentation
RJ VanHouten, SW Day "Dedicated Alternator Cooling System for Automotive
Vehicles" U.S. Patent 5,957,663, September 28, 1999
H.G. Wood, P.E. Allaire, D.B. Olsen, S.W. Day, Xinwei Song, A. Untaroiu, and A. Throckmorton,
"Streamlined unobstructed one-pass axial-flow pump," US Patent No. 7,229,258, vol. June 12, 2007.
R.W. Kipp, S.W. Day, and D.B. Olsen, "Permanent Magnet or Permanent Magnet Array having Uniform
Flux Density," USPatent Application No. 12/169,435, vol. July 8, 2008.
RIT Department of Mechanical Engineering
Bioengineering Option within ME at RIT
Computational Fluid Dynamics: An FDA Critical Path Initiative
Peter Wainwright's Lab at UC Davis
Houston Wood from the UVa heart pump group interviewed on NPR
Jim Cezo speaks on YouTube "Fluids are Fun" exhibit from Imagine RIT
Balloon drops from Imagine RIT
Grand Canyon Rescue Episode
ome assorted links
Publications and Presentations
Peer Reviewed Journal Publications
S. Cheng, A.F. Burger, M.W. Olles, and S.W. Day (2011) "Optimization of a hybrid magnetic bearing for a magnetically
levitated blood pump via 3-D Finite Element Analysis." Mechatronics, In Press, August 2011.
P. Hariharan, M. Giarra, V. Reddy, S.W. Day, K.B. Manning, S. Deutsch, S.F.C. Stewart, M.R. Myers, M.R. Berman,
G.W. Burgreen, E.G. Paterson, and R.A. Malinauskas (2011) “Multilaboratory Particle Image Velocimetry Analysis of
the FDA Benchmark Nozzle Model to Support Validation of Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations,” ASME
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, vol. 133, 2011, pp. 041002 1-14 online.
S. Cheng, M.W. Olles, D.B. Olsen, L.D. Joyce, and S.W. Day (2010) “Miniaturization of a Magnetically Levitated Axial
Flow Blood Pump.” Artificial Organs, vol. 34, 2010, p. 807–815.
Oakes, J. M., S. Day, S. J. Weinstein, R. J. Robinson (2010) “Flow field analysis in expanding healthy and
emphysematous alveolar models using particle image velocimetry.” ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. 132
Holzman, R. A., S. W. Day R. S. Mehta and P. C. Wainwright (2008) “Jaw protrusion enhances forces exerted on prey by
suction feeding fishes.” Journal of the Royal Society, Interface. 5: 1445-1457.
Holzman, R. A., S. W. Day and P. C. Wainwright (2008) “Integrating the determinants of suction feeding performance in
centrachid fishes.” Journal of Experimental Biology. 211: 3296-3305.
Holzman, R., D. C. Collar, S. W. Day, K. L. Bishop and P. C. Wainwright (2008) “Scaling of suction-induced flows in
bluegill: morphological and kinematic predictors for the ontogeny of feeding performance” Journal of Experimental
Biology. 16: 2658-2668.
Day, S. W., T. E. Higham and P. C. Wainwright (2007) “Time resolved measurements of the flow generated by suction
feeding fish.” Experiments in Fluids. 43(5): 713-724.
Holzman, R. A., S. W. Day and P. C. Wainwright (2007). “Timing is everything: coordination of strike kinematics affects
the force exerted by suction feeding fish on attached prey.” Journal of Experimental Biology. 210: 3328-3336.
Wainwright, P. C., A. M. Carroll, D. C. Collar, S. W. Day, T. E. Higham and R. A. Holzman (2007). “Suction feeding
mechanics, performance, and diversity in fishes.” Integrative and Comparative Biology. 47(1): 96-106.
Wainwright, P.C and S. W. Day. (2007) "The forces exerted by aquatic suction feeders on their prey." Journal of the
Royal Society, Interface. 4(14): 553-560
Higham, T. E., S. W. Day and P. C. Wainwright (2006). "Multidimensional analysis of suction feeding performance in
fishes: Fluid speed, acceleration, strike accuracy and the ingested volume of water." J Exp Biol 209(14): 2713-2725.
Untaroiu, A., H. G. Wood, P. E. Allaire, A. L. Throckmorton, S. Day, S. M. Patel, P. Ellman, C. Tribble and D. B. Olsen
(2005). "Computational design and experimental testing of a novel axial flow lvad." ASAIO Journal 51(6): 702-710.
Day, S. W., T. E. Higham, A. Y. Cheer and P. C. Wainwright (2005). "Spatial and temporal patterns of water flow
generated by suction-feeding bluegill sunfish lepomis macrochirus resolved by particle image velocimetry." Journal of
Experimental Biology 208(14): 2661-2671.
Higham, T. E., S. W. Day and P. C. Wainwright (2005). "Sucking while swimming: Evaluating the effects of ram speed
on suction generation in bluegill sunfish lepomis macrochirus using digital particle image velocimetry." Journal of
Experimental Biology 208(14): 2653-2660.
Day, S. W. and J. C. McDaniel (2005). "PIV measurements of flow in a centrifugal blood pump: Steady flow." Journal of
Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions of The ASME 127(2): 244-253.
Day, S. W. and J. C. McDaniel (2005). "PIV measurements of flow in a centrifugal blood pump: Time-varying flow."
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions of The ASME 127(2): 254-263.
Song, X. W., A. Untaroiu, H. G. Wood, P. E. Allaire, A. L. Throckmorton, S. W. Day and D. B. Olsen (2004). "Design
and transient computational fluid dynamics study of a continuous axial flow ventricular assist device." ASAIO Journal
50(3): 215-224.
Throckmorton, A. L., H. G. Wood, S. W. Day, X. Song, P. C. Click, P. E. Allaire and D. B. Olsen (2003). "Design of a
continuous flow centrifugal pediatric ventricular assist device." International Journal of Artificial Organs 26(11): 10151031.
Curtas, A. R., H. G. Wood, P. E. Allaire, J. C. McDaniel, S. W. Day and D. B. Olsen (2002). "Computational fluid
dynamics modeling of impeller designs for the HeartQuest left ventricular assist device." ASAIO Journal 48(5): 552-561.
Day, S. W., J. C. McDaniel, H. G. Wood, P. E. Allaire, N. Landrot and A. Curtas (2001). "Particle image velocimetry
measurements of blood velocity in a continuous flow ventricular assist device." ASAIO Journal 47(4): 406-411.
Goyne, C. P., J. C. McDaniel, T. M. Quagliaroli, R. H. Krauss and S. W. Day (2001). "Dual-mode combustion of
hydrogen in a mach 5, continuous-flow facility." Journal of Propulsion And Power 17(6): 1313-1318.
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Cheng, S.X., S.W.Day “Design and Control of Hybrid Magnetic Bearings for Maglev Axial Flow Blood Pump”
Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, July 6-9, 2010,
Montreal, Canada.