Exploring the Early Universe Chapter 26 PowerPoint

Roger Freedman • Robert Geller • William Kaufmann III
Tenth Edition
Clicker Questions
Chapter 26
Exploring the Early Universe
The strong force is responsible for
A. the attractive force between a planet and a star.
B. attracting electrons to an atomic nucleus.
C. certain radioactive decays such as the decay of a
neutron into a proton, electron, and antineutrino.
D. holding protons and neutrons together inside nuclei.
E. more than one of the above.
The strong force is responsible for
A. the attractive force between a planet and a star.
B. attracting electrons to an atomic nucleus.
C. certain radioactive decays such as the decay of a
neutron into a proton, electron, and antineutrino.
D. holding protons and neutrons together inside nuclei.
E. more than one of the above.
The weak force is responsible for
A. the attractive force between a planet and a star.
B. attracting electrons to an atomic nucleus.
C. certain radioactive decays such as the decay of a
neutron into a proton, electron, and antineutrino.
D. holding protons and neutrons together inside nuclei.
E. more than one of the above.
The weak force is responsible for
A. the attractive force between a planet and a star.
B. attracting electrons to an atomic nucleus.
C. certain radioactive decays such as the decay of a
neutron into a proton, electron, and antineutrino.
D. holding protons and neutrons together inside nuclei.
E. more than one of the above.
The electromagnetic force is responsible for
A. the attractive force between a planet and a star.
B. attracting electrons to an atomic nucleus.
C. certain radioactive decays such as the decay of a
neutron into a proton, electron, and antineutrino.
D. holding protons and neutrons together inside nuclei.
E. more than one of the above.
The electromagnetic force is responsible for
A. the attractive force between a planet and a star.
B. attracting electrons to an atomic nucleus.
C. certain radioactive decays such as the decay of a
neutron into a proton, electron, and antineutrino.
D. holding protons and neutrons together inside nuclei.
E. more than one of the above.
The gravitational force is responsible for
A. the attractive force between a planet and a star.
B. attracting electrons to an atomic nucleus.
C. certain radioactive decays such as the decay of a
neutron into a proton, electron, and antineutrino.
D. holding protons and neutrons together inside nuclei.
E. more than one of the above.
The gravitational force is responsible for
A. the attractive force between a planet and a star.
B. attracting electrons to an atomic nucleus.
C. certain radioactive decays such as the decay of a
neutron into a proton, electron, and antineutrino.
D. holding protons and neutrons together inside nuclei.
E. more than one of the above.
The particle that is exchanged between quarks to bind
them together in a proton is the
A. gluon.
B. neutrino.
C. neutron.
D. photon.
E. intermediate vector boson.
The particle that is exchanged between quarks to bind
them together in a proton is the
A. gluon.
B. neutrino.
C. neutron.
D. photon.
E. intermediate vector boson.
Inflation, a very rapid expansion of the early universe,
was proposed to explain
A. both the isotropy problem and the flatness problem.
B. the homogeneous problem.
C. Hubble’s law.
D. the four fundamental forces.
E. the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
Inflation, a very rapid expansion of the early universe,
was proposed to explain
A. both the isotropy problem and the flatness problem.
B. the homogeneous problem.
C. Hubble’s law.
D. the four fundamental forces.
E. the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
Compared to the present-day expansion rate of the
universe, the expansion rate during the inflationary
epoch was
A. about the same.
B. somewhat slower.
C. very much slower.
D. somewhat faster.
E. very much faster.
Compared to the present-day expansion rate of the
universe, the expansion rate during the inflationary
epoch was
A. about the same.
B. somewhat slower.
C. very much slower.
D. somewhat faster.
E. very much faster.
During the first 10-12 s after the Big Bang, the
electromagnetic force and weak force were unified in a
single “electroweak” force. This was because during that
first 10-12 s
A. the neutrino had the same mass as the electron.
B. the average energy of particle collisions was greater
than the mass of the electron.
C. the average energy of particle collisions was greater
than the mass of the proton or neutron.
D. the average energy of particle collisions was greater
than the mass of the intermediate vector boson.
E. particles did not collide with each other.
During the first 10-12 s after the Big Bang, the
electromagnetic force and weak force were unified in a
single “electroweak” force. This was because during that
first 10-12 s
A. the neutrino had the same mass as the electron.
B. the average energy of particle collisions was greater
than the mass of the electron.
C. the average energy of particle collisions was greater
than the mass of the proton or neutron.
D. the average energy of particle collisions was greater
than the mass of the intermediate vector boson.
E. particles did not collide with each other.
This graph shows the universe’s size as a function of time with
and without inflation. Had inflation not taken place, the
present-day observable universe would have had to have been
relatively large just after the Big Bang. This is inferred from
the blue line at time = 1043 s.
B. the red line at the
C. the duration of the
inflationary epoch.
D. the slight curve of the
inflationary epoch line.
E. the age of the universe.
This graph shows the universe’s size as a function of time with
and without inflation. Had inflation not taken place, the
present-day observable universe would have had to have been
relatively large just after the Big Bang. This is inferred from
the blue line at time = 1043 s.
B. the red line at the
C. the duration of the
inflationary epoch.
D. the slight curve of the
inflationary epoch line.
E. the age of the universe.
About 3 minutes after the Big Bang, the universe was
very hot with protons and neutrons colliding with each
other and undergoing nuclear reactions. During this time
A. no helium was formed.
B. a small amount of helium formed.
C. most of the helium in the universe today was formed.
D. helium and hydrogen formed at equal rates.
E. some helium was formed, but there is no clear idea
of how much.
About 3 minutes after the Big Bang, the universe was
very hot with protons and neutrons colliding with each
other and undergoing nuclear reactions. During this time
A. no helium was formed.
B. a small amount of helium formed.
C. most of the helium in the universe today was formed.
D. helium and hydrogen formed at equal rates.
E. some helium was formed, but there is no clear idea
of how much.