INFO SHEET [Title of job] University of Ottawa Project #: [000-000-000] Bidders Briefing: Scheduled for [day, date, time, location]. Participants are asked to assemble at [location]. This briefing is mandatory for general contract bidders. We recommend that general contract bidders invite their Mechanical & Electrical subcontractors to the briefing. Other subtrade bidders are also invited. The closing date is scheduled for [day, date, time]. For more information, refer to Instructions to Bidders, Section 00 21 13. Direct questions to Consultants: Architecture University of Ottawa Physical Resources Service 141 Louis Pasteur OTTAWA ON K1N 6N5 Contact names: [insert names, phone numbers and e-mail address] Fax.:(613) 562-5182 Mechanical and Electrical University of Ottawa Physical Resources Service 141 Louis Pasteur, OTTAWA ON K1N 6N5 Contact names: [insert names, phone numbers and e-mail address] Fax.:(613) 562-5182 G:\CTT\PROJECT\Tender Documents\Invited Bid Form Rev.: April 19, 2012 University of Ottawa Physical Resources Services Project No.: Section 00 01 10 LIST OF CONTENTS Page 1 of 1 [This is the List of Contents for the Standard Invited Bid Form "Front End" format. It must be edited according to actual documents, sections and page numbers for the Project] SERIES 00 – PROCUREMENT AND CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS 00 01 10 00 01 15 00 21 13 00 31 00 00 31 32 00 43 00 00 43 22 00 43 23 00 43 25 00 43 36 00 72 00 Pages List of Contents List of Drawings Sheets Instructions to Bidders University of Ottawa Policy for Irregular Bids University of Ottawa Work Order Available Project Information [List information documents which are to be bound into the Project Manual (if any)] Geotechnical Data [List subsurface investigation reports which are to be bound into the Project Manual (if any)] Procurement Form Appendix A to Bid: Unit Prices Form Appendix B to Bid: Alternates Form [Include only the Appendices Appendix C to Bid: Identified Prices Form required for the Project] Appendix D to Bid: Proposed Subcontractors Form General Conditions 1 1 4 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 12 DIVISION 01 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01 00 00 01 35 30 01 74 01 General Requirements Health and Safety Requirements Environmental Protection and Waste Reduction 5 2 3 [Add list of technical specification sections Divisions 02 to 49] G:\CTT\PROJECT\Tender Documents\Invited Bid Form Rev.: April 19, 2012 University of Ottawa Physical Resources Services Project No.: Section 00 01 15 LIST OF DRAWINGS SHEETS Page 1 of 1 [This document forms part of both Public Bid Form and Invited Bid Form "Front End" formats. It must be edited for each particular project.] ARCHITECTURAL STRUCTURAL A-1 [List all drawings in the sequence in which it is to be bound in the sequence in which the bid drawings are bound. List each drawing number and name exactly as it appears on the drawing] MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL G:\CTT\PROJECT\Tender Documents\Invited Bid Form Rev.: April 19, 2012 University of Ottawa Physical Resources Services Project No.: 1 INVITATION .1 .2 2 Section 00 21 13 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 1 of 4 Irrevocable Bids, free of qualifications, will be received from contractors by the University of Ottawa, Physical Resources Service, (hereinafter referred to as "the Owner") at 141 Louis Pasteur, Ottawa (Second Floor), before 3:00:00 p.m. local time as determined by the “Bid Closing Time Clock” located in the Physical Resources Service Reception area, Room 230 at 141 Louis Pasteur, Ottawa, Ontario: Tuesday, the [_____] day of [________] 201[_] Wednesday, the [_____] day of [________] 201[_] Thursday, the [_____] day of [________] 201[_] Bids shall be submitted on Section 00 43 00 - "Procurement Form " and the Appendices to the Bid and shall be sealed in opaque envelopes, clearly marked: "UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA – TITLE OF JOB – PROJECT #XXX-XXX-XXX " DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK .1 The Work of this Contract includes the provision of all labour, materials, equipment and services required for the work summarized below, as indicated on the drawings, as specified herein and as required for a complete project, for: TITLE OF JOB Project # XXX-XXX-XXX .2 3 Portion of the Work for this Project or other work on the Site may be executed under separate contracts. The Work of this Contract includes complete cooperation and coordination with other contractors as required to expedite this and other contracts, to ensure the proper interface between the Work of this and other contracts, and to ensure all work required for a complete project is included. BID REQUIREMENTS .1 Each Bidder, before submitting his Bid shall carefully examine the drawings and specifications to establish the extent of the work and shall visit and examine the site and fully inform himself of all the existing conditions, limitations and difficulties which may arise to complete the Work. G:\CTT\PROJECT\Tender Documents\Invited Bid Form Rev.: April 19, 2012 University of Ottawa Physical Resources Services Project No.: Section 00 21 13 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 2 of 4 .2 Bidders' Briefing: A Bidders' briefing at the site is scheduled for the [_____] day of [________] 201[_]. This briefing is mandatory for general contractors and the following subtrades are welcomed to attend: .1 Mechanical .2 Electrical .3 Queries/Addenda: Addenda may be issued during the Bid period. Addenda become part of the Bid Documents and all costs arising out of addenda shall be included in the Bid Price. No addenda will be issued less than one (1) working day before Bid closing. Verbal answers are binding only when confirmed by written addenda. .4 Discrepancies, omissions, ambiguities or conflicts: .1 If discrepancies, omissions, ambiguities or conflicts in or among the Contract Documents are discovered, the Bidder shall inform the Consultant prior to submitting a tender. .2 The foregoing is not intended to require the Contractor to provide work which is not indicated on or reasonably inferable from the Contract Documents. It is intended to eliminate later claims for extras, based on discrepancies, omissions, ambiguities or conflicts in or among the Bid Documents which were known to the tenderer at the time of tender submission. .5 Bid Form: Submit the fully completed Bid form, Section 00 43 00 - "Procurement Form" and the Appendices included. .6 Bid shall be accompanied by a copy of the Bidder’s most recent Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Clearance Form. .7 The submission of a Bid implies that the Bidder agrees to abide by University of Ottawa policies and procedures such as Confined Space Access, Lock-Outs, Sexual Harassment. .8 Appendices to the Bid Form: Submit with the Bid Form, the following Appendices, duly completed: [Delete Appendices not to be submitted.] G:\CTT\PROJECT\Tender Documents\Invited Bid Form Rev.: April 19, 2012 University of Ottawa Physical Resources Services Project No.: .1 .2 .3 .4 4 6 Section 00 43 22 - Appendix A to Bid: Unit Prices Form Section 00 43 23 - Appendix B to Bid: Alternates Form Section 00 43 25 - Appendix C to Bid: Identified Prices Form Section 00 43 36 - Appendix D to Bid: Proposed Subcontractors Form SCHEDULE .1 5 Section 00 21 13 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 3 of 4 This entire Contract shall be substantially performed no later than 3 calendar weeks following issuance of instructions to commence work on site (DATE). The occupancy date is critical to the Owner's operation. .1 All work (_______________), Project # xxx-xxx-xxx may start (DATE), 201( )and shall be completely finished by (DATE), 201( ). RESTRICTIONS ON THE USE OF THE SITE .1 Work area restrictions: .1 Demolition work may have to be scheduled and restricted between certain hours due to class in some areas of the building. .2 Security: .1 General contractor must submit names of work supervisors in each trade. .2 The work area must be locked at the end of each day and keys be returned to the security desk. BID ACCEPTANCE / REJECTION .1 The bidder acknowledges that any insufficiency or irregularity in completing the Bid form and the appendices to the Bid form, or in the required enclosures, may result in the rejection of the bid. Refer to University of Ottawa Policy for Irregular Bids, a copy of which is appended to this document. .2 Duration of Offer: Bids shall remain open for acceptance and shall be irrevocable for a period of forty-five (45) calendar days after the Bid closing date. .3 Acceptance of Offer: The Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any or all offers. G:\CTT\PROJECT\Tender Documents\Invited Bid Form Rev.: April 19, 2012 University of Ottawa Physical Resources Services Project No.: 7 TAXES .1 8 10 Include in the Bid Price for cost of all applicable Federal, Provincial and Municipal taxes, except for Federal Harmonized Sales Tax (HST). Indicate separately, in the space provided on the Bid Form, the amount of the HST applicable to the Bid Price. PERMITS, FEES, NOTICES AND CERTIFICATES .1 9 Section 00 21 13 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 4 of 4 The Contractor shall obtain and pay for permits, governmental fees, charges, inspections, licences and certificates required by authorities having jurisdiction, except for the Building Permit which will be obtained and paid for by the Owner. FORM OF CONTRACT .1 The issuance by the Owner of a University of Ottawa Work Order and the acceptance thereof by the selected Bidder shall constitute the form of Agreement between the Owner and the selected Bidder (Contractor). .2 The Work Order is supplemented by the General Conditions of the contract. These General Conditions govern the Work of the Contract. BID DOCUMENTS .1 The bids shall be based on the Bid Documents which shall include the following: .1 The bidding and contracting requirements (Series 00) listed in Section 00 01 10 - List of Contents. .2 The drawings listed in Section 00 01 15 - List of Drawings Sheets. .3 The specifications Divisions 01 to 49 listed in Section 00 01 10 – List of Contents. .4 Addenda issued by the Owner during the bidding period. .5 The General Conditions of the Contract. G:\CTT\PROJECT\Tender Documents\Invited Bid Form Rev.: April 19, 2012 University of Ottawa Physical Resources Services Project No.: UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA POLICY FOR IRREGULAR BIDS Page 1 of 3 UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA POLICY FOR IRREGULAR BIDS 1 GOALS The goals of the policy guidelines are as follows: a) To maintain the integrity of our public bidding system. b) To maintain a flexible system in which low bids are not rejected because of minor irregularities. This approach allows the University of Ottawa to maximize the advantages of a competitive public bidding process. c) To ensure that the University of Ottawa’s policy for dealing with irregular bids promotes fair competition. d) To ensure that no bidder can use his own default or mistake as a justification for withdrawal without penalty. 2 STAFF RESPONSIBILITIES The following system shall be followed: a) The authorized representative of the University of Ottawa will receive the bids. b) The bids will be recorded and announced publicly. No evaluation of irregularity shall be made at that time. The only exceptions to this are; late bids and bids submitted in unsealed envelopes SHALL NOT BE OPENED OR READ. c) The staff will proceed to review, evaluate and report on the bid documents to the authorized representative of the University of Ottawa. d) An irregular bid shall be evaluated in accordance with the guidelines attached. e) Irregularities that go beyond the scope of these guidelines shall be considered and reported by the Director of Physical Resources Service. G:\CTT\PROJECT\Tender Documents\Invited Bid Form Rev.: April 19, 2012 University of Ottawa Physical Resources Services Project No.: 3 UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA POLICY FOR IRREGULAR BIDS Page 2 of 3 GUIDELINES It is impossible to predict all potential irregularities. Those irregularities outlined in the attached chart are the most common ones. IRREGULARITY RESPONSE 1. Late bids Automatic rejection and not read publicly 2. Unsealed bid envelope Automatic rejection and not read publicly 3. Proper bid envelope not used Acceptable if the envelope is properly sealed. Automatic rejection if the envelope is not sealed. 4. Insufficient financial security (bid bond or agreement to bond or insufficient bid bond or agreement to bond) Automatic rejection unless insufficiency is trivial or insignificant 5. Bids not completed in ink or by typewriter Automatic rejection 6. Incomplete bids (part bids - all items not bid) Automatic rejection unless part bid specifically permitted by bid documents 7. Missing WSIB Clearance Certificate 48 hours to correct 8. Qualified bids (bids qualified or restricted by an attached statement) Automatic rejection 9. Bids received on documents other than those provided by the Physical Resources Service or copies thereof Automatic rejection 10. Bids containing minor clerical errors 48 hours to correct and initial errors 11. Execution of Agreement to Bond: Bonding company corporate seal or signature missing from agreement to bond G:\CTT\PROJECT\Tender Documents\Invited Bid Form 48 hours to correct Rev.: April 19, 2012 University of Ottawa Physical Resources Services Project No.: UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA POLICY FOR IRREGULAR BIDS Page 3 of 3 IRREGULARITY RESPONSE 12. Execution of Bid Bonds: (a) Corporate seal or signature of the bidder, or both, missing 48 hours to correct (b) Corporate seal or signature of bonding company missing Automatic rejection 13. Execution of Bid Documents: (a) Corporate seal missing but signature present 48 hours to affix corporate seal (b) Corporate seal and signature missing Automatic rejection (c) Corporate seal affixed but signature missing Automatic rejection 14. Erasures, Overwriting or Strike-outs which are not initialled: (a) Un-initialled changes to bid documents which are minor (e.g.: the bidder’s address is amended by overwriting but not initialled) 48 hours to initial (b) The supplementary prices (*) have been changed but not initialled and are consistent with the bid price 48 hours to initial (c) The supplementary prices (*) have been changed but not initialled and are not consistent with the bid price Automatic rejection (d) Other mathematical errors which do not affect the bid price 48 hours to initial corrections as made by Physical Resources Service 15. Bid documents which suggest that the bidder has made a major mistake in calculations or bidding Consultation with the Director of Physical Resources Service on a case by case basis 16. Bid documents in which all Addenda issued have not been identified Automatic rejection (*) supplementary prices include: alternative prices, unit prices and identified prices. G:\CTT\PROJECT\Tender Documents\Invited Bid Form Rev.: April 19, 2012 University of Ottawa Physical Resources Services Project No.: G:\CTT\PROJECT\Tender Documents\Invited Bid Form WORK ORDER Page 1 of 1 Rev.: April 19, 2012 University of Ottawa Physical Resources Services Project No.: Section 00 31 00 AVAILABLE PROJECT INFORMATION Page 1 of 1 [Include this document only if information in addition to the Bid Documents is to be made available for the bidders' reference. This document can be included in either the Public Bid Form or Invited Bid Form "Front End" format. Edit this Document for each particular Project. In some instances, it may be advisable to add explanatory text to assist the bidder in interpreting the information. Do not include subsurface investigation reports in this Document - refer to Section 00 31 32"Geotechnical Data".] 1 2 GENERAL .1 [A copy of the Document][Copies of the documents] referenced herein [is] [are] [available for examination by bidders at the University of Ottawa Physical Resources Service, 141 rue Louis Pasteur, Ottawa, Second Floor][appended to this Document] .2 Bidders are required to submit their bids upon the express condition that they shall have satisfied themselves before bidding, by personal examination of the location of the proposed Work, or by such other means as they may prefer, as to the actual conditions and requirements of the Work. .3 These documents were not prepared for bidding purposes. The information contained therein or recommendations given shall not form part of the Contract Documents and shall not be construed as a requirement of the Contract unless also contained in the Contract Documents. .4 This information is made available to bidders only for the ease of reference. The Owner assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in the documents referenced herein. INFORMATION AVAILABLE .1 [List Documents to be made available. These might include existing drawings, designated substance reports, condition surveys and similar documentation.] G:\CTT\PROJECT\Tender Documents\Invited Bid Form Rev.: April 19, 2012 University of Ottawa Physical Resources Services Project No.: Section 00 31 32 GEOTECHNICAL DATA Page 1 of 2 [Include this document if subsoil investigation reports pertinent to the project are to be made available to the bidders for information. This document can be included in either the Public Bid Form or Invited Bid Form "Front End" format. This document must be edited for each particular project.] 1 SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION .1 Copies of [a report] [reports] of subsurface investigation made at the site [is] [are] [available for examination by bidders at the University of Ottawa Physical Resources Service, 141 rue Louis Pasteur, Ottawa, Second Floor][appended to this Document], titled as: [TITLE OF REPORT] [Report Number] prepared by [Name of Geotechnical Engineers] dated [Date of Report] [Repeat above if more than one report is to be included] 2. Tenderers are required to submit their tender upon the express condition that they shall have satisfied themselves before tendering, by personal examination of the location of the proposed works, or by such other means as they may prefer, as to the actual conditions and requirements of the Work. .3 The sub-surface investigation information indicates properties of the soils and was prepared primarily for the use of the Consultant. The recommendations given shall not be construed as a requirement of the Contract unless also contained in the Contract Documents. .4 [This report] [These reports] shall not form part of the Contract Documents. G:\CTT\PROJECT\Tender Documents\Invited Bid Form Rev.: April 19, 2012 University of Ottawa Physical Resources Services Project No.: Section 00 31 32 GEOTECHNICAL DATA Page 2 of 2 .5 The report[s], by [its][their] nature, cannot reveal all conditions that exist or can occur on the site. Should sub-surface conditions be found to vary substantially from the subsurface investigation information, changes in the design and construction of foundations will be made, with resulting credits or expenditures to the Contract Sum accruing to the Owner. .6 [This][These] soils report[s] [was][were] commissioned by the Owner for the purposes of securing soils properties and recommendations. [It is][They are] furnished by the Owner to the Contractor and are included in these specifications only for the ease of reference. The Owner assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in [this][these] report[s]. G:\CTT\PROJECT\Tender Documents\Invited Bid Form Rev.: April 19, 2012 University of Ottawa Physical Resources Services Project No.: Date: __________________________ Section 00 43 00 PROCUREMENT FORM Page 1 of 2 Project Number: _____________________ Project Name: _________________________________________________________________________ I/We, ________________________________________________________________________________ (Company Name) of ___________________________________________________________________________________ (Business Address) have fully inspected the Site and examined all the conditions affecting the Work. I/we have also carefully examined all documents prepared for this Contract including Addenda thereto; and hereby offer to furnish all labour, materials, plant, equipment and services for the proper execution and completion of the entire Work, in accordance with the Contract Documents listed in Section 00 01 10 and Section 00 01 15, including all Addenda thereto which are acknowledged hereinafter for the above project for the Stipulated Sum separately indicated as follows: .1) Tender amount excluding Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) __________________________________ _________________________________________ dollars ($______________________________) in Canadian funds, which includes any specified cash allowance(s), inspection charges, legal charges, provincial and excise taxes in force at this date. (Building Permit Fee is excluded). .2) The amount for Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) is ________________________________________ _________________________________________ dollars ($______________________________) in Canadian Funds. .3) Total of the above (items .1 + .2) _____________________________________________________ _________________________________________ dollars ($______________________________) in Canadian Funds. G:\CTT\PROJECT\Tender Documents\Invited Bid Form Rev.: April 19, 2012 University of Ottawa Physical Resources Services Project No.: Section 00 43 00 PROCUREMENT FORM Page 2 of 2 I/we acknowledge receipt of the following Addenda and have included for the requirements thereof in my/our Tender: Addendum #1 dated: Addendum #2 dated: Addendum #3 dated: APPENDICES TO TENDER FORM The information called for in “Instruction to Bidders” is provided in the attached Appendices and forms an integral part of this Tender. DECLARATIONS I/we hereby declare that: (a) I/we agree to perform the Work in compliance with the Contract Documents within the time specified in “Instructions to Bidders”. Where no time is specified, I/we agree to perform the work within _____ calendar weeks of receipt of “Instructions to commence work on Site”. (b) No person, firm or corporation other than the undersigned has any interest in this Tender or in the proposed Contract for which this Tender is made. (c) This Tender is open to acceptance for a period of forty-five (45) days from the date of the bid closing. SIGNED, SEALED AND SUBMITTED FOR AND ON BEHALF OF Company _________________________________________________________ (Company Name) _________________________________________________________ (Street Address or Postal Box Number) _________________________________________________________ (City, Province & Postal Code) (Apply SEAL above) Signature _________________________________________________________ Name & Title _________________________________________________________ Dated at _____________________________ this _____________ day of _________, 20_____ G:\CTT\PROJECT\Tender Documents\Invited Bid Form Rev.: April 19, 2012 University of Ottawa Physical Resources Services Project No.: Section 00 43 22 APPENDIX A TO BID: UNIT PRICES FORM Page 1 of 1 [Include this Appendix only where unit prices are required. It can form part of both Public Bid Form and Invited Bid Form "Front End" formats. The units included here are an example only. Edit for the particular Project] 1 SUBMISSION .1 2 The Contractor shall complete and submit this list with the Tender. UNIT PRICES .1 The following are the Unit Prices I/we propose for the Units of Work described below. I/we agree that these Unit Prices will be used for adjustments to the Contract Price for any additions to or deletions from the Work. .2 These Unit Prices are all-inclusive of labour, materials, equipment, services, fabrication and installation, overhead and profit, applicable taxes and all other related charges, regardless of weather conditions or quantity. Credits for deleted work will be based on Unit Price less 10%. Unit of Work Unit of Measurement Unit Price ($) Earth: Bulk Earth: Trench (by hand) Rock Removal and legal disposal off site Cubic Metre Cubic Metre _____________ _____________ Cubic Metre _____________ BACKFILLING Granular A fill in place & compacted Granular B fill in place & compacted Cubic Metre Cubic Metre _____________ _____________ CONCRETING 20 MPa in place 30 MPa in place Cubic Metre Cubic Metre _____________ _____________ FORMWORK In place and removed Square Metre _____________ Kilogram _____________ EXCAVATION REINFORCING In place Bidder ______________________________ G:\CTT\PROJECT\Tender Documents\Invited Bid Form Signature ________________________________ Rev.: April 19, 2012 University of Ottawa Physical Resources Services Project No.: Section 00 43 23 APPENDIX B TO BID: ALTERNATES FORM Page 1 of 1 [Include this Appendix only where alternative prices are required. It can form part of both Public Bid Form and Invited Bid Form "Front End" formats. Edit for the particular Project] 1 SUBMISSION .1 2 The Contractor shall complete and submit this list with the Tender. ALTERNATIVE PRICES .1 I/we propose the following adjustments to my/our bid price for the alternative work listed hereunder and described in the applicable specification sections. .2 These Alternative Prices are all-inclusive of labour, materials, equipment, services, fabrication, installation, overhead and profit, applicable taxes, and other related charges. .3 These Alternative Prices are not included in my/our Bid Price. Description of Alternative Work Work Extra Effect on the Bid Price Credit ALTERNATIVE 1 Base Bid Price: [Description of work included in Base Bid] Alternative Work: [Description of alternative work] $____________ $____________ Alternative Work: [Description of work included in Base Bid] $____________ $____________ Tenderer ______________________________ Signature ________________________________ ALTERNATIVE 2 Base Bid Price: [Description of work included in Base Bid] G:\CTT\PROJECT\Tender Documents\Invited Bid Form Rev.: April 19, 2012 University of Ottawa Physical Resources Services Project No.: Section 00 43 25 APPENDIX C TO BID: IDENTIFIED PRICES FORM Page 1 of 1 [Include this Appendix only where identified prices are required. It can form part of both Public Bid Form and Invited Bid Form "Front End" formats. Edit for the particular Project] 1 SUBMISSION .1 2 The Contractor shall complete and submit this list with the Tender. IDENTIFIED PRICES .1 The following are my/our identified prices for the work listed hereunder and described in the applicable specification sections. .2 These Identified Prices are all-inclusive of labour, materials, equipment, services, fabrication, installation, overhead and profit, applicable taxes, and other related charges. .3 Such work and amounts are included in my/our Bid Price. Description of Work Identified Price Division 01 – General Requirements $____________ [Describe each portion of the work for which an identified price is required] $____________ $____________ $____________ All other work not included in the above $____________ Total (Equal to the Bid Price): $____________ Bidder ______________________________ Signature ________________________________ G:\CTT\PROJECT\Tender Documents\Invited Bid Form Rev.: April 19, 2012 University of Ottawa Physical Resources Services Project No.: Section 00 43 36 APPENDIX D TO BID: PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS FORM Page 1 of 1 [Include this Appendix for all projects. It forms part of both Public Bid Form and Invited Bid Form "Front End" formats. Edit for each particular Project] 1 2 SUBMISSION .1 The Contractor shall complete and submit this list with the Tender. .2 Where work is to be executed by the Contractor's own forces, so indicate. PRINCIPAL SUBCONTRACTORS .1 The following is a list of the Principal subcontractors I/we propose to use. I/we have worked with these subcontractors and/or have verified their credentials and are satisfied that they can fully meet the requirements of the contract documents. .2 I/we have carefully checked the Specifications and Addenda and have included, thereafter, only those Subcontractors, suppliers or items who/which are permitted in the Specification or Addenda: [Edit this list to suit the particular Project. The list below is a sample from a previous project.] 09250 Gypsum Board _____________________________________________ 09510 Suspended Acoustical Ceilings _____________________________________________ 09670 Seamless Epoxy Flooring _____________________________________________ 09680 Carpeting _____________________________________________ 09900 Painting _____________________________________________ 10616 Demountable Partition System _____________________________________________ 12680 Fixed Seating _____________________________________________ 15000 Mechanical _____________________________________________ 16000 Electrical _____________________________________________ Bidder ______________________________ G:\CTT\PROJECT\Tender Documents\Invited Bid Form Signature ________________________________ Rev.: April 19, 2012 University of Ottawa Physical Resources Services Project No.: Section 00 72 00 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 1 of 12 General Conditions of the Contract To be used in conjunction with the University of Ottawa Work Order G:\CTT\PROJECT\Tender Documents\Invited Bid Form Rev.: April 19, 2012 University of Ottawa Physical Resources Services Project No.: Section 00 72 00 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 2 of 12 PART 1 – GENERAL PROVISIONS GC 1.1 DEFINITIONS The following Definitions shall apply to all Contract Documents. 1.1.1 Change Directive A Change Directive is written instruction prepared by the Consultant and signed by the Owner directing a change in the Work within the general scope of the Contract Documents prior to the owner and the contractor agreeing upon adjustment of the contract price and the contract time. 1.1.2 Change Order A Change Order is a written amendment to the Contract prepared by the Consultant stating their agreement upon: a change in the Work; the method of adjustment or the amount of the adjustment in the Contract Price, if any: and the extent of the adjustment in the Contract Time, if any. 1.1.3 Consultant The Consultant is the University of Ottawa Physical Resources Service or a Firm (Architectural, Engineering or Project Management) as listed in the Info Sheet. The term Consultant means the Consultant or the Consultant’s authorized agent or representative. 1.1.4 Contract The Contract is the undertaking by the parties to perform their respective duties, responsibilities, and obligations as prescribed in the Contract Documents and represents the entire agreement between the parties. 1.1.5 Contract Documents The Contract Documents consists of those documents listed in Sections 00 01 10 and 00 01 15 of the Invited Bid Form and amendments upon between the parties. 1.1.6 Contract Price The Contract Price is the amount stipulated in the Work Order. 1.1.7 Contract Time The Contract Time is the time agreed upon between the parties from the commencement of the Work to Substantial Performance of the Work. G:\CTT\PROJECT\Tender Documents\Invited Bid Form Rev.: April 19, 2012 University of Ottawa Physical Resources Services Project No.: Section 00 72 00 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 3 of 12 1.1.8 Contractor The Contractor is the person or entity identified as such in the Agreement. The term Contractor means the Contractor or the Contractor’s authorized representative as designated to the Owner in writing. 1.1.9 Place of Work The Place of Work is the designated site or location of the Work. 1.1.10 Product Product or Products means material, machinery, equipment, and fixtures forming the Work, but does not include machinery and equipment used to prepare, fabricate, convey, or erect the Work, which are referred to as construction machinery and equipment. 1.1.11 Project The Project means the total construction contemplated of which the Work may be the whole or a part. 1.1.12 Provide Provide means to supply and install. 1.1.13 Subcontractor A Subcontractor is a person or entity having a direct contract with the Contractor to perform a part or parts of the Work, or to supply Products worked to a special design for the Work. 1.1.14 Substantial Performance of the Work Substantial Performance of the Work is as defined in the lien legislation applicable to the Place of the Work. If such legislation is not in force or does not contain such definition, Substantial Performance of the Work shall have been reached when the Work is ready for use or is being used for the purpose intended and is so certified by the Owner. 1.1.15 Supplemental Instruction A Supplemental Instruction is an instruction, not involving adjustment in the Contract Price or Contract Time, in the form of specifications, drawings, schedules, samples, models or written instructions, consistent with the intent of the Contract Documents. It is to be issued by the Consultant to supplemented the Contract Documents as required for the performance of the Work. G:\CTT\PROJECT\Tender Documents\Invited Bid Form Rev.: April 19, 2012 University of Ottawa Physical Resources Services Project No.: Section 00 72 00 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 4 of 12 1.1.16 Supplier A Supplier is a person or entity having a direct contract with the Contractor to supply Products not worked to a special design for the Work. 1.1.17 Value Added Taxes Value Added Taxes means such sum as shall be levied upon the Contract Price by the Federal or Provincial Government and computed as a percentage of the Contract Price and includes the Harmonized Sales Tax, and any similar tax, the payment or collection of which is by the legislation imposing such tax an obligation of the Contractor. 1.1.18 Work The Work means the total construction and related services required by the Contract Documents. 1.1.19 Working Day Working Day means a day other than a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday which is observed by the construction industry in the area of the Place of Work. 1.1.20 Work Order The Work Order means the University of Ottawa Work Order, a blank copy of which is included for reference in the Bid Documents, appended to Section 00 21 13 “Instruction to Bidders”. GC 1.2 INTENT The intent of the Contract Documents is to include all items necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Work by the Contractor. The Contract Documents are complimentary, and what is required by one shall be as binding as if required by all. PART 2 – CONSULTANT GC 2.1 CONSULTANT’S ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONTRACT 2.1.1 The Consultant will visit the site at intervals appropriate to the stage of construction to review the Work. The Consultant will be entitled to reject work that does not conform to the Contract Documents. G:\CTT\PROJECT\Tender Documents\Invited Bid Form Rev.: April 19, 2012 University of Ottawa Physical Resources Services Project No.: Section 00 72 00 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 5 of 12 2.1.2 The Consultant will not have control over or charge of and will not be responsible for construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, or for safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work, since these are solely the Contractor's responsibility. 2.1.3 Based on the Consultant's observations and evaluations of the Contractor's Applications for Payment, the Consultant will review the amounts due the Contractor and make payment as prescribed in the Contract Documents. 2.1.4 The Consultant will promptly review and take appropriate action upon the Contractor's submittals such as Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples, but for the sole purpose of ascertaining conformance with the general concept. The review by the Consultant does not relieve the Contractor from the responsibility for meeting all requirements of the Contract Documents. GC 2.2 OWNER'S RIGHT TO STOP THE WORK If the Contractor fails to correct work which is not in accordance with the Contract Documents, the Owner may direct the Contractor in writing to stop the Work until the correction is made. GC 2.3 OWNER’S RIGHT TO CARRY OUT THE WORK If the Contractor defaults or neglects to carry out the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents and fails, within a seven day period after receipt of written notice from the Owner, to correct such default or neglect with diligence and promptness, the Owner may, without prejudice to other remedies, correct such deficiencies. In such case, a Change Order shall be issued deducting the cost of correction from payments due the Contractor. GC 2.4 OWNER’S RIGHT TO PERFORM CONSTRUCTION AND TO AWARD SEPARATE CONTRACTS 2.4.1 The Owner reserves the right to perform construction or operations related to the Project with the Owner's own forces, and to award separate contracts in connection with other portions of the Project. 2.4.2 When article 2.4.1. applies, the Contractor remains responsible for compliance with the applicable health and construction safety legislation at the Place of Work and shall coordinate and cooperate with the contractors employees by the Owner or the Owner’s own forces. G:\CTT\PROJECT\Tender Documents\Invited Bid Form Rev.: April 19, 2012 University of Ottawa Physical Resources Services Project No.: Section 00 72 00 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 6 of 12 PART 3 – CONTRACTOR GC 3.1 SIGNING OF THE CONTRACT Signing of the Contract by the Contractor is a representation that the Contractor has visited the site, examined the Contract Documents, and fully informed himself of all existing conditions, limitations, and difficulties which may arise during the execution of the Work GC 3.2 REVIEW OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND FIELD CONDITIONS BY CONTRACTOR Before commencing the Work, the Contractor shall: .1 review the Contract Documents and identify errors, discrepancies, omissions, ambiguities or conflicts in or among the Contract Documents; .2 take field measurements, verify field conditions and correlate with the Contract Documents and other information known to the Contractor; and .3 promptly report errors, discrepancies, omissions, ambiguities or conflicts discovered to the Owner. GC 3.3 SUPERVISION AND CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES The Contractor shall employ a competent supervisor and necessary assistants to supervise and direct the Work and shall be solely responsible for and have control over construction means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures, and for coordinating all portions of the Work. GC 3.4 LABOUR AND MATERIALS Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall provide and pay for labour, materials, equipment, tools, utilities, transportation, and other facilities and services necessary for proper execution and completion of the Work. GC 3.5 WARRANTY The Warranty period with regard to the Contract is one year from the date of Substantial Performance of the Work or those periods specified in the Contract Documents for certain portions of the Work or Products. The Contractor shall promptly correct, at his own expense, defects or deficiencies in the Work which appear prior to and during the warranty periods specified in the Contract Documents. G:\CTT\PROJECT\Tender Documents\Invited Bid Form Rev.: April 19, 2012 University of Ottawa Physical Resources Services Project No.: Section 00 72 00 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 7 of 12 GC 3.6 TAXES AND DUTIES The Contract Price shall include all taxes and customs duties in effect at the time of tender closing, except for Value Added Taxes which shall be payable by the Owner to the Contractor. The Contract Price shall be adjusted to reflect any increase or decrease in the cost of taxes to the Contractor. GC 3.7 PERMITS, FEES AND NOTICES The Contractor shall obtain and pay for permits, governmental fees, charges, inspections, licences and certificates required by authorities having jurisdiction, except for the Building Permit which will be obtained and paid for by the Owner. GC 3.8 INSURANCE, DEDUCTABLE AND INDEMNIFICATION 3.8.1 Insurance The Contractor agrees at his expense to maintain in force during the term of this agreement and in any renewal thereof: .1 Comprehensive General Liability Insurance, with a limit of not less than 2 million dollars per occurrence, against claim for personal injury, death or property damage arising out of all operations of the Contractor, including personal and contractual liability. Such policy shall include the University of Ottawa as named insured and contain a waiver of subrogation in favour of the University. .2 Automobile Liability Insurance with a limit of not less than 2 million dollars for bodily injury, death and damage to property covering vehicles owned or leased by the Contractor. .3 .4 All risk direct damage insurance covering all property carried, handled and transported by the Contractor, including without limitation, its full replacement. Such other insurance as may be reasonably required by the University. 3.8.2 Deductible In all instances whereby the University’s Insurance must contribute in part or in whole to the payment of a claim for which the responsibility lies with the Contractor or its subcontractor, the Contractor shall be responsible for the deductible(s) associated to the claim. G:\CTT\PROJECT\Tender Documents\Invited Bid Form Rev.: April 19, 2012 University of Ottawa Physical Resources Services Project No.: 3.8.3 Section 00 72 00 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 8 of 12 Indemnification The Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the University of Ottawa, consultants employed by the University, its agents and employees from and against claims, demands, losses, cost, damages, actions, suits or proceeding (hereinafter called “claims”), by third parties, including but not limited to legal fees and costs, arising out of or attributable to the Contractor’s performance of the work, provided such claims are: attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease, loss of use or to damage to or destruction of tangible property, and caused by negligent acts or omissions of the Contractor or anyone for whose acts the Contractor may be liable. PART 4 – CHANGES IN THE WORK GC 4.1 CHANGE ORDER AND CHANGE DIRECTIVE Changes in the Work may be accomplished by Change Order or by Change Directive. The Owner, through the consultant, without invalidating the Contract, may order changes in the Work, within the general scope of the Contract, consisting of additions, deletions or other revisions, the Contract Price and Contract Time being adjusted accordingly. GC 4.2 VALUATION OF CHANGES 4.2.1 The amount of Contract Price or Contract Time adjustment shall be negotiated between the Consultant and the Contractor. If agreement cannot be reached, the Contractor, on receipt of a Change Directive, shall promptly execute the change in the Work. Pending determination of the final amount of a Change Directive, the undisputed value of the work performed as a result of the Change Directive is eligible to be included in progress payments. 4.2.2 Where work is added pursuant to 4.2.1, the Contract Price shall be increased only by the net value of the work added, but excluding Harmonized Sales Tax, plus the following identified separately: G:\CTT\PROJECT\Tender Documents\Invited Bid Form Rev.: April 19, 2012 University of Ottawa Physical Resources Services Project No.: Section 00 72 00 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 9 of 12 .1 Contractor’s mark-up on its own work: Overhead Profit Change Value 10% 10% between $0 to $999.00 10% 7% between $1,000.00 to $4,999.99 10% 5% over $5,000.00 .2 Contractor’s mark-up on each individual Subcontractor’s work: Overhead Profit Change Value 5% 10% between $0 to $999.99 5% 7% between $1,000.00 to $4,999.99 5% 5% over $5,000.00 .3 Subcontractor’s mark-up on its own work: .1 Overhead: 10% .2 Profit: 5% .4 Subcontrator’s mark-up on sub-subcontractor’s work: .1 Overhead: 5% .2 Profit: 5% 4.2.3 Where work is deleted pursuant to 4.2.1, the Contract Price shall be decreased only by the net actual value of the work deleted, but excluding Harmonized Sales Tax, less 5%. 4.2.4 The Contractor’s proposed amount of adjustment in the Contract Price, if any, shall include any proposed compensation for costs as a result of delay in performance of the Work. PART 5 – PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION GC 5.1 APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT 5.1.1 At least ten (10) days before submission of the first Application for Payment, the Contractor shall submit to the Consultant a Schedule of Values consisting of a breakdown of the Contract Price in to identifiable portions of the Work, based on the Table of Contents of the Project Specifications or such other format as may be mutually agreed upon by both parties. G:\CTT\PROJECT\Tender Documents\Invited Bid Form Rev.: April 19, 2012 University of Ottawa Physical Resources Services Project No.: 5.1.2 Section 00 72 00 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 10 of 12 At the end of each calendar month or at such other times as may be mutually agreed upon by both parties, the Contractor shall submit to the Consultant an itemized Application for Payment for operations completed. Such application shall be supported by such data substantiating the Contractor's right to payment as the Consultant may reasonably require. GC 5.2 PROGRESS PAYMENTS 5.2.1 The Consultant shall, within ten (10) days after receipt of the Contractor's Application for Payment: review the amount of the application and correlate with the Consultant's observations on site; if deemed necessary, adjust the amount of the claim to reflect the amount the he determines is properly due; if the amount of the claim is adjusted by the Consultant, notify the Contractor in writing of the reasons for withholding payment in whole or in part; and make payment to the Contractor of the amount properly due, based on the value of the completed work less the 10% holdback required by the applicable lien legislation. 5.2.2 A progress payment, or partial or entire use or occupancy of the Project by the Owner shall not constitute acceptance of work not in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. 5.2.3 The Owner shall make payment no later than 20 days after receipt of certificate of payment by the consultant. GC 5.3 SUBSTANTIAL PERFORMANCE 5.3.1 When the Contractor, after having conducted his own inspection, claims that the Work or a designated portion thereof if substantially performed, the Consultant shall conduct an inspection and prepare a list of items to be completed or corrected. Failure to include an item on the list does not alter the Contractor's responsibility to complete the Contract. 5.3.2 When the Consultant deems the Contract to be substantially performed, the Consultant shall establish the date of Substantial Performance, shall establish the responsibilities of the Consultant and Contractor, and shall fix the time within which the Contractor shall finish all items on the list of items to be completed or corrected. G:\CTT\PROJECT\Tender Documents\Invited Bid Form Rev.: April 19, 2012 University of Ottawa Physical Resources Services Project No.: 5.3.3 Section 00 72 00 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 11 of 12 Warranties required by the Contract Documents shall commence on the date of Substantial Performance of the Work. GC 5.4 FINAL COMPLETION AND FINAL PAYMENT 5.4.1 Upon receipt of a final Application for Payment, the Consultant shall inspect the Work. When the Owner finds the Work acceptable and the Contract fully performed, the Owner shall promptly make final payment. 5.4.2 Final Payment shall not become due until the Contractor submits to the Owner releases and waivers of liens, and data establishing payment or satisfaction of obligations, such as receipts, claims, security interests or encumbrances arising out of the Contract. PART 6 - PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY GC 6.1 OWNER’S RESPONSIBILITIES 6.1.1 Prior to the Contractor commencing the Work, the Owner shall take all reasonable steps to determine whether any toxic or hazardous substances or materials are present at the Place of Work, and provide the Contractor with a written list of any such substances and materials. 6.1.2 The Owner shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that no person suffers injury, sickness or death and that no property is damaged or destroyed as a result of exposure to or the presence of the substances or materials which were at the Place of Work prior to the Contractor commencing the Work. 6.1.3 Unless the Contract provides otherwise the Owner shall be responsible for taking all necessary steps, in accordance with legal requirements, to dispose of, store or otherwise render harmless toxic or hazardous substances or materials which were present at the Place of Work prior to the Contractor commencing the Work. G:\CTT\PROJECT\Tender Documents\Invited Bid Form Rev.: April 19, 2012 University of Ottawa Physical Resources Services Project No.: Section 00 72 00 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 12 of 12 GC 6.2 CONTRACTOR’S RESPONSIBILITIES If the Contractor encounters toxic or hazardous substances or materials at the Place of Work which were not disclosed by the Owner, or which were disclosed but not dealt with by the Owner, the Contractor shall take all reasonable steps, including stopping the Work, to ensure that no person suffers injury, sickness or death and that no property is damaged or destroyed as a result of exposure to or the presence of the substances or materials, and immediately report the circumstances to the Owner in writing. PART 7 – CORRECTION OF WORK GC7.1 The Contractor shall promptly correct Work rejected which fails to conform to the requirements of the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall bear the cost of correcting such Work. GC 7.2 If the Contractor fails to complete or correct nonconforming work within a reasonable time, the Owner may correct it and the Contractor shall reimburse the Owner for the cost of correction. G:\CTT\PROJECT\Tender Documents\Invited Bid Form Rev.: April 19, 2012 University of Ottawa Physical Resources Services Project No.: 1 2 3 Section 01 00 00 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Page 1 of 5 EXISTING SERVICES AND BUILDINGS .1 Perform the Work in a manner which will cause the minimum disruption to pedestrian and vehicle traffic and the normal operation of existing buildings. .2 Where the Work involves breaking into or connecting to existing services, carry out the work at times directed by governing authorities and acceptable to the Owner. Provide the Owner with a minimum of forty eight (48) hours notice of pre-scheduled activities affecting utility services or existing buildings. .3 Where unknown services are encountered, immediately advise the Owner and confirm findings in writing. .4 Obtain all information required for sewer, gas, water, telephone, electrical signal systems, and any other utilities that are both within the building and in adjoining areas, streets, sidewalks, parking areas, and other locations. OWNER’S USE OF PREMISES .1 The use of and access the Site by the Contractor and construction personnel is subject to constraints necessitated by the Owner's continuous use of the existing premises. Coordinate with the Owner regarding work which is to be executed in areas designated to remain in use. .2 Comply with the Owner's restrictions regarding limits on areas to be made available for construction purposes, restrictions on work hours, restrictions on noise and dust generating activities, and other constraints which might affect the construction process. .3 Provide for such regular, double-shift, overtime and weekend work as may be required to conform to the construction schedule. CONTRACTOR’S USE OF PREMISES .1 Manage the use of the premises to facilitate the continuous normal use of the premises by the Owner. Cooperate with the Owner to schedule operations to minimize conflict with the Owner's activities. .2 Assume full responsibility for the protection of the existing building and property from damage due to the Work. Make good, to the approval of the Consultant and at no cost to the Owner, all such damage. .3 Do not encumber site with materials or equipment. Ensure no part of Work is subjected to a load which will endanger its safety or will cause permanent deformation. G:\CTT\PROJECT\Tender Documents\Invited Bid Form Rev.: April 19, 2012 University of Ottawa Physical Resources Services Project No.: 4 5 .4 Confine access to the site and the building by construction personnel, access routes to work areas, use of service roads, drop-of areas, and related other uses of the site to areas designated by the Owner. .5 If the Work requires entry by the Contractor or obstruction of an occupied area of the premises, coordinate with the Owner regarding the scheduling of the interruption. Do not execute work in existing occupied areas until authorized by the Owner. .6 From time to time, the Contractor may be asked to suspend certain objectionable operations causing interference with the ongoing use of the building. Extend full cooperation and courtesy in such cases. .7 Throughout the duration of the construction, ensure that the Owner's computer and power requirements are not be affected by the Contractor's use of existing building services. CONTRACTOR’S USE OF MASTER KEYS .1 The Contractor will be permitted to use the appropriate master keys to facilitate access to the Work. .2 Comply with the University's security policy regarding the daily "sign-out and return of master keys to "Protection Services". .3 The Contractor will be held liable for costs arising out of the Contractor's failure to properly safeguard master keys. PARKING .1 6 Section 01 00 00 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Page 2 of 5 Parking is not available immediately adjacent to the site. Construction personnel may use nearby parking lots. Users will be required to pay for parking on a daily or monthly basis. SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA, RECORD DRAWINGS .1 The Contractor shall review, approve in writing and submit copies of shop drawings, product data, samples and mock-ups. Do not proceed with work until reviewed by the Consultant. Submit the following: .1 Shop drawings and product data: .1 Items to be reviewed by the Consultant: Three (3) copies. .2 Items to be reviewed by civil, structural, mechanical, electrical or other sub-consultant: Four (4) copies. G:\CTT\PROJECT\Tender Documents\Invited Bid Form Rev.: April 19, 2012 University of Ottawa Physical Resources Services Project No.: .2 .3 7 8 9 Section 01 00 00 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Page 3 of 5 Samples: Two (2) sets. Mock-ups: As specified in the respective sections of the specification. .2 Submit comprehensive systems operations and maintenance manuals in formats acceptable to the Consultant. Submit three (3) copies in English in a 3 ring black binder c/w windows on spine. .3 Maintain project record drawings and accurately record significant deviations caused by site conditions and change orders by the Owner. The Contractor is advised that periodic review of the record drawings will be made by the Consultant throughout the construction period to ensure that as-built information is being properly recorded as the Work progresses. TEMPORARY ENCLOSURES AND DUST CONTROL .1 Provide and maintain weather tight closures to unfinished door and window openings, tops of shafts and other openings in floors and roofs. .2 Provide and maintain dust tight screens or partitions to localize dust generating activities, and for the protection of workers, finished areas of the building, building users, and the public. .3 Cover furniture and equipment with protective sheets and block off air vents as necessary to control dust. QUALITY CONTROL .1 Deliver, handle, store and install products in accordance with Manufacturer’s instructions. .2 Execute work in accordance with the latest edition of applicable codes and standards. CUTTING, PATCHING & MAKING GOOD .1 Where new work connects with existing and where existing work is altered, cut, patch, and make good to match existing work. .2 Make cuts with clean, true, smooth edges. In the finished work there shall be no detectable difference in appearance between existing surfaces, patched surfaces and new surfaces. G:\CTT\PROJECT\Tender Documents\Invited Bid Form Rev.: April 19, 2012 University of Ottawa Physical Resources Services Project No.: .3 10 11 Section 01 00 00 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Page 4 of 5 At penetrations of fire-rated assemblies, completely seal voids with fire-rated material, full thickness of construction element. PROJECT CLEANLINESS .1 Maintain the Work in tidy condition, free from accumulation of waste products and debris. .2 Remove debris and rubbish from pipe chases, plenums attics, crawl spaces or other closed or remote spaces. .3 Sweep and vacuum clean interior areas prior to the start of finish work; maintain areas free of dust and other contaminants during finishing operations. Use a non-oil sweeping compound as necessary. .4 Remove waste material and debris from site and deposit in a designated waste container at the end of each working day. (Refer to Section 01 74 01 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND WASTE REDUCTION). .5 At completion of project, perform final cleaning of all areas including vacuum clean all interior areas, hand dust windows and windowsills. .6 Use of Owner’s housekeeping rooms, housekeeping mop sinks, housekeeping equipment and housekeeping products is not permitted at any time. CONTRACT CLOSEOUT .1 Contractor’s Inspection: The Contractor and all Sub-contractors shall conduct an inspection of the Work, identify and make good deficiencies and defects, and request the Consultant’s inspection. .2 Consultant’s Inspection: The Consultant, the appropriate sub-consultants and the Contractors shall conduct an inspection of the Work to identify and document deficiencies and defects. The Contractor shall make good the Work accordingly. .3 Certificate of Substantial Performance of the Contract: When the Consultant deems the Contract to be substantially performed, he will issue a Certificate of Substantial Performance of the Contract. The date of issue of this certificate shall be the date of commencement of the lien and warranty period. G:\CTT\PROJECT\Tender Documents\Invited Bid Form Rev.: April 19, 2012 University of Ottawa Physical Resources Services Project No.: Section 01 00 00 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Page 5 of 5 .4 Deficiency Holdbacks: Upon issuance of the Certificate of Substantial Performance, the Consultant will attach the list of deficiencies with a deficiency holdback identified. The deficiency holdback is separate from and shall be administered independently of the holdback by lien legislation. .5 Closeout Documents: The submission of specified closeout documents, including systems operation and maintenance data, maintenance materials and project record drawings is a requirement of the Contract and failure to submit any item to the Consultant’s satisfaction will be deemed to be a deficiency under the Contract. Accordingly, a holdback of 2% of the current billing amount and not less than $2,000 will be included in the deficiency holdback. The purpose of this provision is to ensure that Contract closeout documents are accurately and properly prepared and submitted. This portion of the deficiency holdback will be released upon acceptance of all the required Contract closeout documents. .6 Upon completion of all items identified on the deficiency list, the Contractor shall request issuance of the Final Certificate for Payment. When the Consultant considers final deficiencies and defects to have been made good and the requirements of the Contract to have been totally performed, he shall issue a Final Certificate for Payment. If the Work is deemed incomplete by the Consultant, the Contractor shall be outstanding items and request a reinspection. .7 Should the status of the Work at the time the Contractor requests an inspection by the Consultant, be such that additional inspections are required, the Owner shall be entitled to deduct the costs of reinspection services from payment to the Contractor. G:\CTT\PROJECT\Tender Documents\Invited Bid Form Rev.: April 19, 2012 University of Ottawa Physical Resources Services Project No.: Section 01 35 30 HEALTH AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Page 1 of 2 [Except for the header and footer, this Section is normally standard for all Projects. It forms part of both Public Bid Form and Invited Bid Form "Front End" formats. This Document requires no editing other than the deletion of this note] 1 2 SAFETY REGULATIONS .1 Comply with applicable safety and health laws, regulations and codes, including, but not limited to the latest edition or amendment of the following documents: .1 The Occupational Health and Safety Act Regulations for Industrial Establishments, R.R.O. 1990, Regulation 851 (includes Confined Space Access). .2 Occupational Health and Safety Act R.S.O.1990, Chap. 01. .3 Hazardous Products Act R.S.C. 1985, Chap. H-3 Canadian Labour Code, R.S.C. 1985, Chap. L-2. .4 Occupational Health and Safety Regulation for Construction Projects, Ontario Regulation 213/91. .5 Workers' Compensation Act R.S.O. 1990, Chap. W-11. .6 Ontario Building Code Act R.R.O. 1990, Regulation 61. .7 Fire Marshals Act Regulations for Fire Code, R.R.O. 1990, Regulation 454. .8 Environmental Protection Act for General Waste Management, R.R.O. 1990, Regulation 347. .9 Workers' Compensation Act Regulations for First Aid Requirements, R.R.O. 1990, Regulation 1101. .2 In the event of conflict between regulations, the more stringent provision shall apply. GENERAL HEALTH AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS .1 Take all necessary steps to protect construction personnel, visitors, building users, the general public, and property from all hazards arising out of the execution of the Contract. .2 Supply competent personnel to implement the safety program and to monitor compliance with safety requirements. .3 Remove from the site any person not observing or complying with safety requirements. .4 The University's representative will monitor on a regular basis to ensure that safety requirements are met, and that safety records are being properly kept and maintained. Initial disregard for safety standards will cause the Contractor to be subject to a safety review. This review will become part of the Contract Record Documents. G:\CTT\PROJECT\Tender Documents\Invited Bid Form Rev.: April 19, 2012 University of Ottawa Physical Resources Services Project No.: 3 .5 Report to the University's representative and jurisdictional authorities, any accident or incident involving the Contractor, the University, or the public, personnel and/or property, arising from the Contractor's execution of the Work. .6 Include all pertinent provisions of the Contract in any agreement with Subcontractors and hold all Subcontractors equally responsible for safe work performance. .7 Delays in the progress of the Work arising out of infractions of legislation of University of Ottawa health and safety requirements are the Contractor's responsibility. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS .1 4 5. Section 01 35 30 HEALTH AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Page 2 of 2 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) for those controlled products known to exist in the Work area shall form part of the Contract Documents. They shall be kept on site at all times and will be furnished to the Contractor upon request. CONFINED SPACES .1 Where applicable, provide equipment and appropriately trained personnel necessary to enter and work in confined spaces. .2 If applicable, Confined Space Survey Forms will be provided by the Owner and shall form part of the Contract Documents. These forms will be kept on site at all times and will be furnished to the Contractor upon request. PRE-CONSTRUCTION SAFETY MEETING .1 If appropriate to the Project's scope of work, a Pre-construction Safety Meeting shall be held. Attendees: .1 A representative of the University .2 The Consultant .3 The Contractor .4 Major Subcontractors .2 The agenda shall include: .1 Work areas; work contents and methods .2 Definition of responsibilities .3 Identification and recording of name(s) of the Contractor's job safety representative(s) for this Contract (who shall be present at the meeting) .3 The job safety representative(s) appointed for this Contract shall not be changed without the University's prior agreement. G:\CTT\PROJECT\Tender Documents\Invited Bid Form Rev.: April 19, 2012 University of Ottawa Physical Resources Services Project No.: Section 01 74 01 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND WASTE REDUCTION Page 1 of 3 [Except for the header and footer, this Section is normally standard for all Projects. It forms part of both Public Bid Form and Invited Bid Form "Front End" formats. This Document requires no editing other than the deletion of this note] 1 FIRES .1 2 3 Fires and burning of rubbish on site is not permitted. DISPOSAL OF WASTES .1 Do not bury rubbish and waste materials on site. .2 Collect all waste and rubbish in suitable containers. Remove from site and legally dispose of. Do not use the Owner's refuse bins. .3 Do not dispose of any waste prohibited by bylaw parameters or volatile materials, such as mineral spirits, oil or paint thinner into sanitary fixtures, waterways, storm or sanitary sewers. Do not clean brushes, rollers or other equipment in sanitary fixtures. .4 Dispose of waste or volatile materials which could be hazardous to the health, in strict accordance with the requirements of the authorities having jurisdiction and in a manner which will protect construction personnel, visitors to the site and the public from all such hazards. .5 Hazardous or liquid industrial wastes generated at the Project Site shall be appropriately transported back to, and disposed of from the Contractor's or Subcontractor's principal place of business. The Contractor or Subcontractor shall provide the Owner with a copy of their generator registration from MOEE. WASTE REDUCTION .1 Regardless of the 2000 m2 minimum floor area limit contained in the legislation, comply with the requirements of the following regulations made under the Environmental Protection Act: .1 Ontario Regulation 102/94: Waste Audits and Waste Reduction Work plans. .2 Ontario Regulation 103/94: Industrial, Commercial and Institutional Source Separation Programs. .3 Ontario Regulation 105/94: Definitions (Amendments to Regulation 347). G:\CTT\PROJECT\Tender Documents\Invited Bid Form Rev.: April 19, 2012 University of Ottawa Physical Resources Services Project No.: 4 Section 01 74 01 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND WASTE REDUCTION Page 2 of 3 .2 The waste reduction program for construction and demolition products required under regulation 102/94 has three basic components: .1 Conducting a waste audit .2 Developing a waste reduction work plan .3 Implementing the work plan .3 The source separation program required under Regulation 103/94 consists of a series of ongoing activities to separate reusable and recyclable waste materials into their material categories from other types of waste at the point of generation. Source separated waste can be recycled or re-used as outlined in the Regulation. The wastes to be provided for in the source separation program are: .1 Brick and Portland cement concrete .2 Cardboard (corrugated) .3 Gypsum board (unpainted) .4 Steel .5 Wood (not including painted or treated wood or laminated wood) .6 Left-over furniture from the project .4 Submit source separation numbers to the Project Manager for verification. This consists of the receipts and proof of disposal or recycling paperwork (including the weights of these materials) once the demolition phase has been completed. If proof of disposal (receipts) cannot be shown, submit a written explanation of means of disposal. DRAINAGE .1 Provide temporary drainage and pumping as necessary to keep excavations and the site free from water. .2 Do not pump water containing suspended materials into waterways, sewer or drainage systems. Utilize temporary quality storm ponds and silt fences as detailed on sketches appended to this Section, if applicable. .3 Control disposal or runoff of water containing suspended materials or other harmful substances in accordance with local authority requirements. Utilize silt pond and silt fences specified above. G:\CTT\PROJECT\Tender Documents\Invited Bid Form Rev.: April 19, 2012 University of Ottawa Physical Resources Services Project No.: 5 6 Section 01 74 01 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND WASTE REDUCTION Page 3 of 3 SITE CLEARING AND PLANT PROTECTION .1 Protect trees and plants on site and adjacent properties. .2 Wrap in burlap, trees and shrubs adjacent to construction work, storage areas and trucking lanes, and encase with protective wood framework from grade level to height of 1.8 m (6'-0"). .3 Protect roots of trees to dripline during excavation and site grading to prevent disturbance or damage. Avoid unnecessary traffic, dumping and storage of materials over root zones. .4 Minimize stripping of topsoil and vegetation. .5 Restrict tree removal to areas indicated or designated by the Consultant. POLLUTION CONTROL .1 Control emissions from equipment and plant to conform to local authorities' emission requirements. .2 Prevent exhaust emissions from vehicles and equipment from entering the building. .3 Prevent sandblasting and other extraneous materials from contaminating air beyond the application area by providing temporary enclosures. .4 Cover or wet down dry materials and rubbish to prevent blowing dust and debris. Provide dust control for temporary roads. G:\CTT\PROJECT\Tender Documents\Invited Bid Form Rev.: April 19, 2012