Civil War Newspaper Project Congratulations! You have just been hired to start a newspaper. Your job will be to create a Newspaper for the Union or Confederacy and inform the people of the events, people, and issues during the Civil War. What you choose to report is up to you, but there are categories you will need to pick from. Battles (Pick 1) Give a detailed account of the battle. Remember good news articles include who, what, when, where, and why. Be sure to include how you believe this battle will affect the outcome of the war. Fort Sumter 1st Battle of Bull Run Battle of Shiloh Battle of New Orleans Antietam Gettysburg Monitor vs. Merrimac Siege of Vicksburg Other (must be approved) Event (Pick 1) Give a detailed account of the event. Remember good news articles include who, what, when, where, and why. The “why” is especially important – why was this event important in the war? Person Bio (1) In this section, you will try to give more insight into an important person of the war. Get more background info, and recount important wartime events that they were involved in. Anaconda Plan Emancipation Proclamation Gettysburg Address Pickett’s Charge Sherman’s March to the Sea Lee’s Surrender to Grant Lincoln’s Assassination Other (must be approved) Abraham Lincoln Jefferson Davis Robert E. Lee George McClellan Ulysses S. Grant “Stonewall” Jackson William Sherman John Wilkes Booth Other (must be approved) Other (1) Explain how one of the following influenced the war. Women in War Economy in South 54th Massachussetts Volunteers New Weapons Wartime Medicine Other (must be approved) Editorial (1) An editorial is an opinion piece written by the editor of a newspaper (you). Pick any topic and write what you think about it – it is your chance to be biased in a newspaper! You may choose to draw a political cartoon instead of write an article for this section. Steps: 1. Do your research! Remember to include the sources you use, it will be included in your paper. 2. Go to Microsoft Publisher, choose Newsletter, and select your style. Read the writing because it gives you hints as to what you need. If you do not use a section, you can include a picture or just delete it. 3. The last section on Page 3 will be a list of your sources instead of another article. 4. Do not use or print the back page (page 4). 5. In total, you will write 5 articles; 4 that require research and 1 that does not – plan your time! Name: Period: Newspaper Rubric Section Graded Student Checklist Points Possible 1. Battle Article – detailed and factual 5 2. Event Article – detailed and factual 5 3. Person Bio – researched more than wartime life 4. Free Choice (Other) – detailed and factual 5 5. Editorial – shows opinion 5 6. Title, headlines, etc. has been changed, writing is in newspaper style (current, not looking back) 7. Conventions – spelling, capitalization, grammar Total 10 A = 45 - 41 B = 40 - 36 C = 35 - 32 D = 31 - 27 F = 26 and below 5 10 45 Points Earned