the warriner school

Introduction: this post combines whole school responsibility for the quality of
teaching and learning and staff development and incorporates the roles of
Teaching and Learning Coordinator, Professional Tutor and CPD Coordinator.
Specific responsibilities will include:
 Playing a leading role in the recruitment of the highest quality teachers
across the curriculum
 Leading initiatives involving school colleagues and external partners to
train and develop teaching and support staff to ensure that the quality of
teaching is never less than Good and predominantly Outstanding across
all subject areas
 Developing consistently excellent approaches to learning by all students
across the curriculum, through a range of initiatives, including the
‘Successful Learning’ and ‘Learning to Learn’ programmes
 Maintaining a close link between ensuring consistently high quality
teaching and learning and the delivery of highly effective staff
development programmes, leading to outstanding outcomes for all
students, including vulnerable individuals and groups and the more able
 Coordinating the implementation of the school’s policy for the appraisal of
all teaching staff and supporting the Headteacher in the development of
 Contributing to whole-school leadership and management as a member
of the school’s Leadership and Management Team (LMT).
Salary: Leadership Team Pay Spine Range: 16-20
Teaching commitment: 15 periods out of a timetable cycle of 50 periods per
Responsible to: the Deputy Headteacher
AIM: To lead and manage whole-school initiatives to maximise the quality
of teaching and learning across all subjects and key stages in order to
ensure that all groups of students make rapid and sustained progress in
their learning, leading to consistently outstanding achievement for all.
1. Teaching and Learning To ensure the highest standards of teaching and
learning across the school. This will include:
i. Playing a leading role with the Headteacher and others in the recruitment
of the highest quality teachers across the curriculum.
ii. Leading and managing the school’s work with teacher training providers,
such as local teaching schools, Schools Direct, Teach First, etc., in order
to ensure that the school contributes to and benefits from best practice.
Working with the Deputy Headteacher to lead whole-school self-evaluation
of the effectiveness of teaching and learning and the school’s strategic
planning for continual improvement in this area.
Enabling all middle leaders to develop, promote and facilitate the highest
quality of teaching and learning in their areas.
Working with the Deputy Headteacher to lead and manage the school’s
programme of monitoring, evaluating and reviewing standards of teaching
and learning across all subject areas (MERs).
Ensuring that Assessment for Learning is strategically and intelligently
implemented across the curriculum and that the quality of feedback to
students on their work and progress is consistently of the highest standard.
Working with the Deputy Headteacher to provide additional support to
individuals and teams of teachers where appropriate.
Developing, leading and managing strategies to inspire all students and
groups of students to adopt the most effective learning strategies and
practices and to take active ownership of their learning so that all students’
achievement is consistently outstanding. This will include developing and
implementing effective strategies to support individuals and groups of
students who are identified as underachieving or at risk of doing so.
2. Staff Development To lead and manage the professional development of staff
across the school. This will include:
i. The induction, support and development of NQTs and trainee teachers.
ii. Managing the internship programmes of trainee teachers from ITT
iii. The induction and support of new teaching staff.
Leading and managing the continuing professional development of teaching
staff in order to ensure continual improvement in the quality of teaching and
learning and the development of high quality leadership and management
at all levels. This will include leading and managing in-service training
programmes and co-ordinating attendance at external courses.
Leading and managing the performance management of all staff, including
the implementation and further development of the Appraisal Policy
vi. Supporting the Headteacher in leading and managing the pay progression
of teaching staff as set out in the school’s Appraisal and Pay Policies.
Leading whole-school self-evaluation of staff development and leading the
development and implementation of plans for continual improvement in this
3. General
i. To contribute to whole-school leadership and management as a member of
the LMT as agreed with the Headteacher.
ii. To carry out additional duties as reasonably required by the Headteacher.
Peter Norman December 2013