University of Portland School of Engineering 5000 N. Willamette Blvd. Portland, OR 97203-5798 Requirements and Functional Specifications Frequency Response Audio Visualizer Team Members: Jake Nylund (Fall Team Lead) Kevin Ratuiste (Spring Team Lead) Alex Arlint (Treasurer) Robert Rodriguez (Secretary) Industry Representatives: John Turner – Impinj, Inc. Faculty Advisors: Dr. Joseph Hoffbeck Clients: Will Taylor – Student Phone 503 943 7314 Fax 503 943 7316 FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS TEAM COUCH STREET REV. 1.0 PAGE 2 REVISION HISTORY Rev. Date Author 0.9 20 Sept 2013 Team Final edits made before submitting to Dr. Hoffbeck 0.95 26 Sept 2013 Team First revisions after reviewed by Dr. Hoffbeck 1.0 3 Oct 2013 Team Update and added detail UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND Reason For Changes SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CONTACT: JAKE NYLUND FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS TEAM COUCH STREET REV. 1.0 PAGE 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS REVISION HISTORY ................................................................................................................ 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................. 3 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 4 REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................... 5 USE CASE ............................................................................................................................... 7 USER INTERFACE.................................................................................................................... 8 DEVELOPMENT PROCESS ....................................................................................................... 8 MILESTONES........................................................................................................................ 11 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ........................................................................................................ 12 FACILITIES ........................................................................................................................... 12 RISKS ................................................................................................................................... 13 CONSTRAINTS ..................................................................................................................... 13 CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................................... 14 GLOSSARY ........................................................................................................................... 15 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................ 15 UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CONTACT: JAKE NYLUND FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS TEAM COUCH STREET REV. 1.0 PAGE 4 INTRODUCTION The project, Frequency Beats, by team Couch Street, will be a sound visualizer utilizing the reaction of ferrofluid to magnetic fields. A visualizer is an animated representation of sound waves. Some electronic music players come with this feature built in, generally in the form of LEDs. Figure 1 is a basic representation of a digital visualizer. Ferrofluid is a fluid containing tiny magnetic particles, typically iron, which react to magnetic fields. Figure 2 shows one example of ferromagnetic fluid using a simple magnet. Figure 1: LED Visualizer Figure 2: Ferromagnetic Fluid The genesis of this project arose from two distinct proposals generated and promoted by different team members. One member’s desire was to work with ferromagnetic fluid to better understand its unique properties and to gain proficiency with its use. Another team member proposed working with sound to process audio input. Initially these competing ideas seemed unrelated. However, through further team discussion, the idea of using ferromagnetic fluid to represent audio input arose and seemed like the perfect combination of both project ideas. Certainly visualizers are not a new technology. The first electronic music visualizer was the Atari Video Music system introduced by Atari Inc. in 1976. It was designed by Robert Brown, the initiator of the home version of Pong, the first video game to reach mainstream popularity. Our goal is to take something old and put a new spin on it. To our knowledge, there is not a commercially-available ferromagnetic fluid visualizer, though there is another college design project very similar to the concept this team has decided on. A video on YouTube of their final project is available at Our final result should resemble the concept sketch provided in Figure 3 below. UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CONTACT: JAKE NYLUND FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS TEAM COUCH STREET REV. 1.0 PAGE 5 Figure 3: Front, Top, and Rear View Concept Sketch REQUIREMENTS The overall goal of this device is to visualize the frequency response of an audio signal. A microcontroller will filter Low, Mid, and High frequencies and send the appropriate current to the respective electromagnet based on frequency amplitude to actuate the ferrofluid according to the audio’s frequency response. The actuation will be in the form of the ferrofluid in the containers rising when the audio contains strong frequency signal in the respective frequency range. Overview The input will be an analog line level audio signal connected via a standard 3.5mm headphone jack. This signal will enter the microcontroller, such as an Arduino, where it will be processed and filtered to separate the various frequencies in the audio signal. Implementing the filters digitally allows more flexibility in how the microprocessor will process the signal as well as the resulting action or response. Once the frequencies of the audio signal are separated, they will UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CONTACT: JAKE NYLUND FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS TEAM COUCH STREET REV. 1.0 PAGE 6 be output to the electromagnets, which, in turn, will manipulate the ferromagnetic fluid creating a visual representation of the audio signal. Figure 4: Functional Block Diagram Client Specifications Audio Accompaniment: The client would like speakers included with the product, so that the audio signal can be heard in conjunction with the ferromagnetic fluid display. Buttons: To allow for easy testing, debugging, and demonstration, the user can press three buttons, respectively, to allow activation of the electromagnets without music. LEDs: To assist in the aesthetic appearance of the display, the client would like to see LEDs pulse with the music as well. This will complement the movement of the ferromagnetic fluid. Ferromagnetic Fluid Response: The ferromagnetic fluid should respond instantaneously to the music with no noticeable lag. This will be particularly important since the audio signal will be heard simultaneously through the speakers. UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CONTACT: JAKE NYLUND FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS TEAM COUCH STREET REV. 1.0 PAGE 7 Physical Specifications Form Factor: The project will consist of four major components: cubic display cases, electromagnets, a microcontroller, and a power supply. These components will be mounted on a flat piece of wood with a divider between the functional hardware and the display cases. The finished product will be small enough to fit into the display case in Shiley and is expected to be no taller than one foot; it should be easily transported by two people. Use: The product is meant as a display piece and should be operated indoors at room temperature (approximately 72 °F) and on a level surface. When in use, it should not be moved around. While it will be sturdy enough for typical transportation, it is not designed to survive drops and impacts. Exposure to direct sunlight should be minimized to avoid evaporation of the fluid housing the ferromagnetic fluid. Hardware Specifications General: The hardware the team will be utilizing will be a microcontroller (i.e. Arduino). The only software necessary for the product will be an open source microcontroller environment (i.e. Arduino programming environment) and/or MATLAB to program the microcontroller. The software does not restrict us to using a specific computer operating system. Power: The device will likely require a large amount of current. With this in mind, the team is planning on using one of the Engineering Lab power supplies Through testing the behavior and characteristics of ferromagnetic fluid, it will be possible to determine the amount of current needed to create the desired response of the fluid. USE CASE Planned Use Cases: A user displays frequency visualization for a performance or personal recreation. Primary Actors: User, Electromagnets (3), Ferromagnetic Fluid, Arduino Board, Audio Input Goal in context: Display the simple frequency response (Low, Mid, High) in the ferromagnetic fluid UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CONTACT: JAKE NYLUND FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS TEAM COUCH STREET REV. 1.0 PAGE 8 Preconditions: The device is powered. Trigger: The user inputs an audio signal. The microcontroller processes the signal. Scenarios: 1. The user inputs the audio signal to the microcontroller. 2. The microcontroller processes the audio signal, filtering the frequency response of the audio. 3. The microcontroller forwards the appropriate current to each electromagnet corresponding to the respective frequency amplitude. 4. The electromagnet gives off an electromagnetic field with the appropriate intensity, causing the surrounding ferromagnetic fluid to react to the respective magnetic field. Exceptions: 1. The user selects an audio file with amplitudes above the current capacity microcontroller board and/or electromagnets, in which case the microcontroller will scale to the maximum safe current. 2. The input audio is silence, in which case the electromagnets do not receive current and the device does nothing. Open issues: 1. Calculating the current required for each of the electromagnets. 2. Finding a power supply that will meet the requirements for the magnets. 3. Finding the optimal positions for the electromagnet in relation to the ferromagnetic fluid to create the best response. 4. The best way to process the input signal and filter accordingly. USER INTERFACE The user will plug in their audio signal via a 3.5mm standard audio cable on the back side of the project device. Once connected, the user presses play and watches the audio visualization of his or her music choice on the front side of the device. Alternatively, the user may press one of the three buttons present on the front of the device to actuate the ferromagnetic fluid without audio. DEVELOPMENT PROCESS Below is a diagram and description of the development process laid out for the design and production of the ferromagnetic fluid visualizer. UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CONTACT: JAKE NYLUND FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS TEAM COUCH STREET REV. 1.0 PAGE 9 Ferromagnetic Fluid /Electromagnet Tests The initial tests of the fluid will be key to the success of this project. During these tests, the team members will determine the best way to manipulate ferromagnetic fluid, and what is a reasonable response to expect from the magnets and ferrofluid. In particular, the goal is to understand how quickly ferromagnetic fluid can move and how much current it takes to UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CONTACT: JAKE NYLUND FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS TEAM COUCH STREET REV. 1.0 PAGE 10 produce the desired result. In addition, the difference between using ferrofluid in and out of water will be tested. Determine Ferromagnetic Fluid Display Design Taking the results from the Ferromagnetic Fluid /Electromagnet Tests, the team will design the individual ferromagnetic fluid displays. During this step, the dimensions and material of the display case will be decided. Determine/Design Filters and Electromagnet Controllers The filters will be implemented digitally through custom coding of a microcontroller. It will be determined how exactly what parameters are needed to create the desired filters. The electromagnetic controllers will be told by the microcontroller when to turn the magnets on and off as well as supplying the proper current. Design Document After performing the experiments with the electromagnets, it will be possible to create the Design Document which will specify, in detail, our calculations, specific parts, and circuit layout. Build Base The base of the product will be built. It will likely be made of plywood. Build One Ferromagnetic Fluid Display Get one fully functional Ferromagnetic Fluid display built before building the others. This will allow for a much easier debug process and less time and money spent overall. Program Microcontroller (One Display) The microcontroller will be programmed to operate one ferromagnetic fluid display. Test/Debug Display #1 A significant milestone will be this first test/debug effort. Using the microcontroller and the assembled ferromagnetic fluid display, the team will test the visualizer to see if it is producing the desired response. It should be possible to see the ferromagnetic fluid respond from at least a few feet away. If it meets the standards, construction of the next displays will begin. Build Remaining Ferromagnetic Fluid Displays Construction of the remaining two displays will be completed. UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CONTACT: JAKE NYLUND FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS TEAM COUCH STREET REV. 1.0 PAGE 11 Program Microcontroller (Multiple Displays) Add the additional functionality to the microcontroller code that will allow it to control multiple Ferromagnetic Fluid displays. Final Assembly At this point, the entire project, displays, controllers, and so on, will be built into one unit. The multiple ferromagnetic fluid displays and the microcontroller will be mounted to the base. Test/Debug Display #2 This is the final set of tests. The entire device will be tested to ensure that it operates as desired. Founder’s Day Presentation The completed project will be presented on Founder’s Day. Final Report The final report will be submitted. This document will include the project’s final design, schematics, and budget. MILESTONES Note: A single asterisk (*) denotes a major milestone in the project. Two asterisks (**) denotes a particularly critical aspect of the project. First Draft of Functional Specifications Document: 9/20/2013 Adviser Approved Draft of Functional Specifications Document: 9/27/2013 * Final Draft of Functional Specifications Document: 10/4/2013 * Complete Testing of Ferromagnetic Fluid & Electromagnets: 10/13/2013 Determine Filters for Signal Processing: 10/20/2013 Determine which Microcontroller to use and test: 10/20/2013 * Finalize Design Layout and Specifications: 10/27/2013 First Draft of Design Document: 11/1/2013 Adviser Approved Draft of Design Document: 11/8/2013 * Final Draft of Design Document and Final Budget: 11/15/2013 Order All Parts: 12/1/2013 Finish Building Base and Get Audio Input: 1/17/2014 UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CONTACT: JAKE NYLUND FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS TEAM COUCH STREET REV. 1.0 PAGE 12 ** Finish Building One Ferromagnetic Fluid Display: 1/24/2014 ** Finish the Digital Signal Processor Controls: 1/31/2014 **Construct and Test the Processor Control Circuit 2/3/2014 * Testing and Debugging / One Fully Operational Display: 2/7/2014 Build Second and Third Displays: 2/21/2014 Add Signal Processing for Two More Filters: 2/28/2014 * Final Assembly Testing: 3/14/2014 First Draft of Final Report: 3/21/2014 Adviser Approved Draft of Final Report: 3/28/2014 * Final Draft of Final Report: 4/4/2014 * Founder Day Presentation: 4/8/2014 PRELIMINARY BUDGET Based on the design concepts, prices from multiple sources have been compared and an initial estimate of $270 has been calculated. Below is a layout of how the university allotted funding for this project will be spent. Table 1: Preliminary Budget Quantity 3 6 2 1 1 1 1 1 Material ½” x 3” steel pipe nipple Steel electrical conduit covers Magnet wire 16AWG spool (500’ each) 120V wall power supply Arduino UNO Plexiglas sheet to make display cubes Magnetic ink (160g) 3.5mm female adapter MISC parts TOTAL Cost $10 $20 $40 < $50 $25 $75 $20 $5 $25 $270 FACILITIES Throughout the experimentation, design, and construction process of our project will make use of the bench space and equipment in Shiley 306. As far as software requirements, there are open source microcontroller environments and/or MATLAB on any Engineering build computer. UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CONTACT: JAKE NYLUND FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS TEAM COUCH STREET REV. 1.0 PAGE 13 The equipment used will likely be limited to a soldering iron, ICs, and various hand tools for construction. RISKS Below is a comprehensive list of the anticipated risks the project could face as well as some contingency plans: Risk: It could be difficult to find a power supply that produces enough current and then to design the controller circuit to control that current. Contingency: It would be possible to use smaller, separate power supplies that would each be easier to control and locate. Risk: The Ferro fluid reacts differently in water than expected. Contingency: There are alternative liquids that can be mixed with the ferrofluid It instead of water to get the desired reaction from the fluid. Additionally, the team plans to experiment extensively with the ferrofluid and different types of liquids to determine which setup will provide us with the desired results. Risk: There could be issues programming a microcontroller using the affiliated microcontroller software language. Contingency: Our group members are well versed in various other software languages that could potentially be compatible with microcontrollers. Risk: The team may run into issues constructing certain hardware components such as the Plexiglas container for the ferrofluid. Contingency: There are multiple resources available, including the faculty at the University of Portland, the design project technicians, or at worst the library, and online sources to help. CONSTRAINTS Below is a detailed explanation of how this invention and use of the product may impact individuals and society for the following realistic constraints: Technical: This product could be of interest to companies in that there isn’t really anything like this commercially available at the moment. Economic: Economically, this product has minimal to no impact. The project budget is estimated to be $270. If it were to be mass produced, costs to build one of these displays will be considerably less, due to the fact that buying parts in mass would be cheaper. Environmental: If this product were to be mass produced, there are environmental concerns. It would use up valuable energy resources, and the components, after use, are not easily recyclable. UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CONTACT: JAKE NYLUND FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS TEAM COUCH STREET REV. 1.0 PAGE 14 Social: Socially, this product could have an impact, in so far as it is a product that could appeal aesthetically to young adults of high school and college age who are interested in science or music. Political: This product in no way relates to, or affects, the political world. Professional: The completion of this product will reflect positively on the level of professionalism maintained by Team Couch Street. It will reflect highly on the Team’s ability to work as a cohesive unit, meet deadlines, test and troubleshoot a product, and ultimately produce a quality product for a client. Ethical: This product has no ethical impacts since it not dangerous to use. Even on a large scale, a ferromagnetic fluid visualizer has no ethical constraints. Legal: If the product were to be mass-produced for sale, it would be beneficial to consult a patent attorney first and ensure that Team Couch Street is granted exclusive rights to the product. Health and Safety: The ferromagnetic fluid is dangerous if consumed, and it should be left in its protective housing. Electromagnets can be damaging to other electronics so phones and computing devices should be kept away. Security: There aren’t any particular security concerns pertaining to organizations or individuals that may be using or selling this product. Manufacturability: This product would be relatively easy to mass-produce. The components are easily available and not too difficult to assemble once initially designed and tested. Sustainability: This product will hold up well over time and require minimal to no maintenance to continue being operational over a period of several none of the materials used are difficult to locate and purchase. Standards: The product will need to meet the standards set by the client. If it were to go into mass production, it would need to meet certain standards of reliability for the consumer. Codes: The product will have to meet certain safety codes designated by the team and the team’s advisors. These would include things such as ensuring all wires are properly insulated and that there is no way for any potential user to be shocked or injured. CONCLUSION The ferromagnetic fluid visualizer is a new spin on an old idea. The microcontroller will be collecting audio input, processing it, and displaying it using electromagnets and ferromagnetic fluid. This document has laid out a time line for production of the prototype as well as UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CONTACT: JAKE NYLUND FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS TEAM COUCH STREET REV. 1.0 PAGE 15 preliminary design concepts and preliminary cost of production estimates. A visualizer should be a challenging yet manageable design project for engineering college seniors. As a final prototype, the ferromagnetic fluid visualizer should be an eye catcher for everyone whether they be technologically inclined or not. GLOSSARY Arduino: is a single-board microcontroller to make using electronics in multidisciplinary projects more accessible. Electromagnet: is a type of magnet in which the magnetic field is produced by electric current. Ferrofluid: is a liquid which becomes strongly magnetized in the presence of a magnetic field. IC: (Integrated Circuit) is a microelectronic circuit manufactured on a thin substrate of a semiconductor material such as silicon. LED: (Light Emitting Diode) A semiconductor diode that emits light when a voltage is applied to it and that is used especially in electronic devices (as for an indicator light). REFERENCES UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CONTACT: JAKE NYLUND