What is an Angle? Objectives Know that angles are measured in degrees That a whole turn is 360º That half a turn is 180º Right angle is 90º Half a right angle is 45º Understand clockwise and anti-clockwise Vocabulary Angle West Whole Right Angle Clockwise 360º Degrees Anti-Clockwise 180º Position Horizontal 90º Direction Vertical 45º North Grid East Turn South Compass Using your Compass N W E S Compass Direction N W E S Clock Face Anti - Clockwise Clockwise Compass Direction 0/360º N 315º NW 45º NE 270º W 90º E 225º SW 135º SE 180º S In which direction would you be facing if you turned clockwise: N W E S 180º from N In which direction would you be facing if you turned anti-clockwise: N W E S 180º from S Success Criteria I can understand the difference between 360º, 180º, 90º and 45º. Have I used degree turns? I can turn clockwise and anti-clockwise. I am able to follow and give directions. In which direction would you be facing if you turned clockwise: N W E S 90º from N In which direction would you be facing if you turned Anti-clockwise: N W E S 90º from S In which direction would you be facing if you turned Anti-clockwise: N W E S 360º from S Directional Bingo Teacher mimes the word and children put their hands up to guess which word it is. First to get a line are the winners.