Troy Intermediate School Mrs. Brianne A. Carpenter Music Lesson

Troy Intermediate School
Mrs. Brianne A. Carpenter
Music Lesson Plans
March 26-30, 2012
MONDAY 4/16 A Day
Period 1 – 5th Grade Music
National Music Standards: 1, 2, 5
Objective/Essential Question: How do you play the recorder?
Procedure: Bell Ringer Question. Highlight our E.Q. Note name worksheet to reinforce the letters on the staff.
Short staff game. Start recorders. Give each student a recorder. Explain the instrument family it is part of, how
it is played and the 3 step process. Start in on page 8 of the recorder book.
Assessments: Oral questions, written assessments, performance assessments, closure
Period 4 – 6th Grade Chorus
National Music Standards: 1, 5, 7
Objective/Essential Question: What is a self-assessment?
Procedure: Stretch, breathing and warm ups. Work on I Lost my Homework (pages 4-8)
HW: n/a
Assessments: Listening assessments, oral questions
Period 6 – 4th Grade Music (second special 30 minutes)
National Music Standards: 1, 5, 6
Objective/Essential Question: What is a ballad?
Procedure: Beat keeping. Bell Ringer – Play two different songs and have the students identify which one is
the ballad. Get back into groups and finish making the ballad to the tune of On Top of Spaghetti.
HW: n/a
Assessments: Performance assessments, oral questions, closure questions
Period 7 – 6th Grade Lessons
National Music Standards: 2, 5
Groups C and D
HW: n/a
Assessments: done in class
Period 8 – 3rd Grade Music
National Music Standards: 1, 2, 5, 6
Objective/Essential Question: What is dynamics?
Procedure: Beat keeping. Bell Ringer – Identify the pentatonic pitches on the board. Introduce the word
DYNAMICS with an opening listening activity. Create a vocabulary organizer for the word DYNAMICS. Have
students move to a piece of music with different dynamics and have the students identify the changes. Play
some rounds of Closet Key where they will sing with different dynamics as well as use the correct vocabulary.
Play an example of a 4 measure pentatonic piece with different dynamics.
HW: n/a
Assessments: written assessments, oral questions, performance assessments, closure questions
TUESDAY 4/17 B Day
Period 1 –6th Grade Music
National Music Standards: 2, 5,
Objective/Essential Question: How do you play the recorder?
Procedure: Bell ringer activities. Bell Ringer – note review. Note name worksheet to reinforce the letters on the
staff. Short staff game. Start recorders. Give each student a recorder. Explain the instrument family it is part of,
how it is played and the 3 step process. Start in on page 8 of the recorder book.
HW: n/a
Assessments: Observations, oral questions, written assessments, performance assessments
Period 4 – 5th Grade Chorus
National Music Standards: 1,5, 7
Objective/Essential Question: What is a self-assessment?
Procedure: Stretch, breathing and warm ups. Work on I Lost my Homework (pages 4-8)
HW: n/a
Assessments: Listening assessments, oral questions
Period 6 – 3rd Grade Music (second special 30 minutes)
National Music Standards: 2, 6
Objective/Essential Question: What are the characteristics of the woodwind family?
Procedure: Beat keeping and bell ringer. Finish the string family Haikus. Start the woodwind family with the
characteristics block on the graphic organizer
HW: n/a
Assessments: Observation, questions, graphic organizers, performance assessments
Period 7 – 6th Grade Band
National Music Standards: 2, 5, 6
Objectives/EQ: Why is counting important to our practice and rehearsal techniques?
Procedure: Warm up. Amazing Grace – working backwards; Harry Potter – fine tune select spots in both
HW: n/a
Assessments: done in class
Period 8 – 4th Grade Music
National Music Standards: 1, 6, 8
Objective/Essential Question: What is patriotic music?
Procedure: Beat keeping Bell Ringer – Answer the following questions about Yankee Doodle. Sing and play
some bean bag games with the song. Start the song You’re a Grand Old Flag. Learn and sing the song.
Discuss the importance behind the American flag. Why is this song patriotic?
HW: n/a
Assessments: Observations, oral questions, written assessments, performance assessment
Period 1 –5th Grade Music
National Music Standards: 2, 5, 7
Objective/Essential Question: How do you play the recorder?
Procedure: Bell Ringer Question. Highlight our E.Q. Bell Ringer – What is the 3 step process? Continue with
the recorder. In partner pairs go through pages 8 and 9 in the recorder book. Prepare for a playing quiz next
week. Complete a note name worksheet in preparation for a quiz on Friday.
HW: n/a
Assessments: Observations, oral questions, performance assessments, closure questions
Period 4 – 6th Grade Chorus
National Music Standards: 1,5, 7
Objective/Essential Question: Why is self-assessment important?
Procedure: Stretching, breathing and warm ups. Sing through I Lost my Homework from beginning to end with
the goal or not falling apart in the middle section.
HW: n/a
Assessments: Listening assessments, oral questions
Period 6 – 4th Grade Music (second special 30 minutes)
National Music Standards: 1, 5, 8
Objective/Essential Question: What are characteristics of African Music?
Procedure: Beat keeping Bell Ringer – Identify these rhythm figures. Start by brainstorming about the word
AFRICA. Have students begin their African Music books with some facts about the continent. Teach the song
Funga Alafia.
HW: n/a
Assessments: Performance assessments, observations, written assessment, closure
Period 7 – 6th Grade Band Lessons
National Music Standards: 2, 5
Lesson Group E and F
HW: n/a
Assessments: done in class
Period 8 – 3rd Grade Music
National Music Standards: 1, 2, 5, 6,
Objective/Essential Question: What is tempo?
Procedure: Beat keeping and bell ringer activities. Bell ringer activity – crossword about dynamics. Pre-
assessment/intro activity for TEMPO. Students will perform a movement activity to a song with different
tempos. Discuss the movements we did and how they matched the music. Define TEMPO by using a
vocabulary organizer. Give examples of tempo words and what they mean. Play different examples of music
to identify the tempos both a class and individually. Teach The Noble Duke of York and sing the song with a
slow tempo. Gradually repeat the words with an increased tempo. Have students describe the tempo
changes. End with solfa activities that include tempo and dynamic changes..
HW: n/a
Assessments: Observations, performance assessments, written assessments, closure
Period 1 – 6th Grade Music
National Music Standards: 2, 5
Objective/Essential Question: How do you play the recorder?
Procedure: Bell Ringer – What is the 3 step process? Continue with the recorder. In partner pairs go through
pages 8 and 9 in the recorder book. Prepare for a playing quiz next week. Complete a note name worksheet in
preparation for a quiz on Monday.
HW: n/a
Assessments: Observations, written assessments, performance assessments, partner pairs, closure
Period 4 – 5th Grade Chorus
National Music Standards: 1,5
Objective/Essential Question: What is a self-assessment?
Procedure: Stretching, breathing and warm ups. Sing through I Lost my Homework from beginning to end with
the goal or not falling apart in the middle section.
HW: n/a
Assessments: done in class
Period 6 – 3rd Grade Music (second special 30 minutes)
National Music Standards: 1, 6, 9
Objective/Essential Question: What are the characteristics of the woodwind family? What is the brass family?
Procedure: Beat Keeping Bell Ringer – What are the characteristics of the woodwind family? Listen to
examples of the woodwind family and have students identify. Go over the characteristics of the brass family
and fill in that block on the graphic organizer.
HW: n/a
Assessments: Observations, listening assessments, closure questions
Period 7 – 6th Grade Band
National Music Standards: 2, 5, 7
Objectives/EQ: Why is self-assessment important for a performer?
Procedure: Announcements, warm-ups and run thought the 3 pieces
HW: n/a
Assessments: done in class
Period 8 – 4th Grade Music
National Music Standards: 1, 6, 8
Objective/Essential Question: What is Patriotic Music?
Procedure: Beat Keeping Bell Ringer – What is the history behind the song You’re a Grand Old Flag? Have the
students complete a written assessment about the different patriotic songs we have covered. Start unit on note
on the staff. Introduce by reviewing solfa (Do, Re, Mi, So, La). Add Fa and Ti with different songs that
incorporate those pitches. Play a few solfa games with those pitches. Transfer to letter name identification.
HW: n/a
Assessments: Observations, written assessments, oral questions
FRIDAY 4/20 A Day
Period 1 – 5th Grade Music
National Music Standards: 1, 2, 5
Objective/Essential Question: How are the notes identified on the staff?
Procedure: Bell Ringer – review for quiz. Have the students complete the note name quiz. Spend the rest of
class reviewing for the playing quiz on Tuesday.
HW: n/a
Assessments: Observations, performance assessments, written closure questions.
Period 4 – 6th Grade Chorus
National Music Standards: 1,5
Objective/Essential Question: Why is self-assessment important to and ensemble?
Procedure: Stretching, breathing and warm-ups. Run through all 4 pieces.
HW: n/a
Assessments: done in class
Period 6 – 4th Grade Music (second special 30 minutes)
National Music Standards: 1, 2, 5
Objective/Essential Question: What are the characteristics of African Music?
Procedure: Beat keeping Bell Ringer – Name one fact you remember about Africa? Warm up with Funga Alafia
from last class. Review characteristics of African music and its culture. Add basic rhythms to the song.
HW: n/a
Assessments: Observation, Aural listening to instruments, written assessments, performance assessments
Period 7 – 6th Grade Band Lessons
National Music Standards: 2, 5
Lesson groups A and B
HW: n/a
Assessments: done in class
Period 8 – 3rd Grade Music
National Music Standards: 1, 2, 5, 6
Objective/Essential Question: What is a composer?
Procedure: Beat Keeping Bell Ringer – Identify the tempo and dynamic changes in the following piece of
music. Brainstorm about what a composer does. Create a mind map on the board. Define the word
COMPOSER and give examples of different composers they have heard of. Introduce Beethoven. Start the KW-L chart about him. Students will complete the K and W sections individually and in partner pairs.
HW: n/a
Assessments: Observations, performance and written assessments,
**All lessons are subject to change to due class dynamics, class discussions, and changes in the
daily schedule**