BY: JASON AND TAVE People from 600AD and still speak this language called Nahuah. In 1000 Ad people who can speak this language had dominant power. One of the last groups who could speak this language , the Mexica became the Aztec Empires. Thanks To azTec one of iT’s “greaT” gifts is chocolate. iT was a “Treasure” in ThaT area. DiD you know The worD “chocolaTe” came from Aztec. Bow anD arrows were “very” common in Aztec. The arrows could fly over 450ft. Or more. The bows were at least 5 feet long. The clothing does not fit their body, it was loose and dangly. When the Spanish arrived in Mexico, they were surprised only to see there face exposed. Aztec cloths were made out of cotton. The Aztec only had only one room. They use trees and logs for shelter . The houses were squared or round. Aztec ar. t are very important in there culture. Tattoos also plays an important role in there culture. Art, tattoos, and music are all special in Aztec culture In 6TH century First Nahuati speaking peoples begin to settle in Mexico. 1370 death of Tenoch, religious ruler of the mexica. 1376-1395 the first king of Tenochtitlan, Acamapichitli, rules. They hunted back then and we hunt today. They use canoes and we use canoes. They plant and we plant. The religion BelieveD ThaT iT ‘Took’ the gods Five times to make the world. The world was destroyed because tezcatlipoca (a god) was turned ‘inTo’ a jaguar . http://www.azthttp://www. Aztec