Lecture 19 The Mexica


Ancient Civilizations of the Americas

Lecture 22

The Mexica



• Origins:

Chicomoztoc – a seven-lobed cave in

Aztlán. From this emerged the ancestors of the

Various Aztec ruling lineages.

• Aztec – someone from Aztlán

Included among the Aztec peoples found in the Basin of Mexico:

Mexica, Chalca, Alcohua, Tepaneca

Some scholars place the beginning of the

Aztec migrations in the 11 th century.

Mexica accounts have them settling in Tula,

E.M. Moctezuma speculates that they might have contributed to its destruction.

Refugee Toltecs established several communities in the basin, the most prestigious was the Culhuacán.

• Under Ténoch the Mexica arrive at the

Basin and settle at Chapultepec. Copil, a leader of a rival Mexica group betrays them and they have to leave.

• They move to Cuicuilco and become vassals of the Culhuacan.

• They sacrifice the Culhua chief’s daughter.

• They go to work for the Tepanecs of

Azcapotzalco, and found Tenochtitlan in

1325 AD.

• 1390 AD first version of the Templo Mayor is erected.

• 1395 Tepanecs and Mexica defeat the


• 1428 Tepanec War breaks out between the

Mexica and Tepanecs of Azcapotzalco. The birth of the “Triple Alliance” of

Tenochtitlan, Texcoco, and Tlacopan follows the defeat of Azcapotzalco.

• 1440 Motecuzoma I becomes the Tenochca huetlatoani and begins wars of conquest outside of the basin.

The Growth and Structure of the Mexica State







Blue = Tlaloc

Red =


Mexica Cosmology:

The founding of


From the Codex


Cactus sprouts from the heart of Copil

Cemanahuac: land surrounded by water

• The Mexica cosmos from the




Xiuhtecuhtli, the fire god is in the center,

Tezcatlipoca’s body has been cut up into pieces, each tree is flanked by the 9 lords of the night.

East is at the top.

Aztec World:

Turquoise world above (13 levels),

Obsidian world below

(9 levels)

Ometéotl the creator god dwells in the uppermost level, in

Omeyocan, the space of duality

• Tezcatlipoca was originally a title of Ometéotl; his male half was Tonacatecuhtli, and his female half

Tonacacihuatl. Coatlicue/Toci, Xiuhtecuhtli and

Huehuetéotl are other avatars.

• He gave birth to four sons, personifying earth, air, fire and water. The red Tezcatlipoca with east, the black Tezcatlipoca with the night and north, the region of the dead. Quetzelcóatl with the night and wind, was in the West and his color was white, the blue Tezcatlipoca was Huizilopochtli and South.

• The underworld was Mictlan, ruled over by

Mictlantecuhtli and Mictecacíhuatl.

• Quetzalcoatl and the three Tezcatlipocas were creator gods.

• According to one myth, Quetzalcoatl and

Tezcatlipoca dismember Tlateotl (aka

Tlaltecuhtli), the earth goddess, creating the earth and the moon. The gods are angered by this, and arrange that Tlateotl provides necessary food to humans, but they must sacrifice hearts and blood in return. A huge image of this goddess was found in Mexico City in 2007.

• The ascendancy of Huizilopochtli marks the age of the “fifth sun.”

The Birth of Huizilopochtil

• Coyolxauhqui hears of the pregnancy of

Coatlicue and attacks her with her 400 brothers and sisters. Huizilopochtli emerges from his mother Coatlicue (the mother of the gods) fully armed and slays his sister Coyolxauhqui and his other siblings.

• This is held to symbolize and explain the triumph of the sun (Huizilopochtli) over the moon

(Coyolxauhqui) and the night stars.

• All of this transpired on a mountain


“Serpent Mountain.” This was the name of half of the Templo Mayor, and thus the myth serves as the rationale for Mexica sacrificial practices.

Coatlicue Cihuateotl – A goddess of


A Cihuateotl Chalchihuitlicue

Goddess of Water

Ehecatl Xochipilli – Prince of Flowers

Dances, Games, Love

Provides rationale for sacrificing women by decapitation

Coyolxauhqui – found in 1978

Standard bearers from version IV


Mountain of



Serpent Mountain

Aztec Conceptions of the Soul

• Soul of the head – tonalli, provides warmth, vigor, valor

• Soul of the liver – ihiyotl , provides passion and feeling

• Soul of the heart – teyolia

“he who animates + life” provides vitality, thought, fondness, and rationality. It was a divinely bestowed force that could be magnified by great deeds, or diminshed by transgressions.

• teo(tl

– power/vital force like mana. A common root for religious words.

The heart offered to the sun for nourishment

The victim’s heads increased the tonalli of the city.

Offerings associated with


A mask of the god of death


Excavations revealed over

100 offerings

A skull mask with inset sacrificial knives


Offerings associated with


Ixiptla in teteo

“deity impersonators”

Hue Tlatoani

“Great Speaker”

The emperor was elected by the Pipiltin

The Cihuacoatl

“female snake” managed the internal affairs of the state.

Pochteca functioned as traders and spies.

Mexica Political


• Tribute list from the Codex


• The pochteca lived in

Tlatelolco, the location of the marketplace

(taken over in

1473 AD).

Why did Cortés succeed?

• Motecuzóma II misjudged the threat posed by Cortés.

• Mexica were hated by neighbors and subjects.

• Mexica were not particularly good fighters and employed little strategy.

• Mexica fighting norms and weapons were geared towards taking captives alive.

• Cortés was brilliant.
