Microbiology Pacing Guide

High School (Jackson High School)
Microbiology Pacing Guide
Grades: 11, 12
Difficulty: 3-4
Prerequisites: Biology(3-4) and Chemistry
Microbiology is a level 3-4 elective class designed to be laboratory-oriented program and expands upon the skills
students learned in biology and physical science. The program is divided into eight units: Use of Equipment, Basic
Microbiological Techniques and Concepts, Characteristics of Other Selected Organisms, Bacterial Stains, Chemical
and Physical Effects on Bacterial Growth, Selected Physiological Reactions of Bacteria, Applied Microbiology, and an
Independent Investigation.. The program is an introduction to concepts learned in medicine and health related fields,
and food services. Students will learn to develop and master skills needed to perform microbiological techniques
utilized in the identification and classification of microorganisms.
Book: Beishir, Lois, Microbiology in Practice, Sixth Edition, 1996,
Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers, Inc, New York. ISBN
Times Spent
Chapters Covered
State Objectives Covered
4 weeks
Part I: Use of Equipment Modules 1-5
4 weeks
4 weeks
Part II: Basic Microbiology Techniques
Modules 6-14
Part III: Characteristics of Other Selected Organisms
Modules 15-20
Statement EBCP1.1 Science Inquiry
Statement EBCP1.2 Scientific Reflection and Social Implications
Statement L2.p5 Common Elements (prerequisite)
Statement B2.1 Transformation of Matter and Energy in Cells
Statement B2.2 Organic Molecules
Statement EBCP1.1 Science Inquiry
Statement EBCP1.2 Scientific Reflection and Social Implications
Statement B2.2 Organic Molecules
Statement L3.p1 Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems
Statement L3.p2 Relationships Among Organisms (prerequisite)
Statement L3.p3 Factors Influencing Ecosystems (prerequisite)
Statement EBCP1.1 Science Inquiry
Statement EBCP1.2 Scientific Reflection and Social Implications
Statement B2.2 Organic Molecules
Statement L3.p1 Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems
Statement L3.p2 Relationships Among Organisms (prerequisite)
Statement L3.p3 Factors Influencing Ecosystems (prerequisite)
Statement B2.4 Cell Specialization
Statement B2.5 Living Organism Composition
Statement B3.4 Changes in Ecosystems
Currently only one teacher is teaching Microbiology. Common assessments for daily class work have been included in
this document for informational purposes only. Any others who may be teaching this class may choose to add or delete
any of these assessments except the Final Exam.
Trimester 1 Final Exam
Modular Quizzes
Scientific Notebook
Instructor Evaluation of Modular Laboratory Exercises
Jackson High School, Biology(3-4)
4 Weeks
Part IV: Bacterial Stains Modules 21-27
Part V: Chemical and Physical Effects on Bacterial
Growth Modules 28-32
4 weeks
Part VI: Selected Physiological Reactions of Bacteria
Modules 33-40
Part VII: Applied Microbiology Modules 41-45
Part VIII: Independent Investigation
4 weeks
Statement EBCP1.1 Science Inquiry
Statement EBCP1.2 Scientific Reflection and Social Implications
Statement B2.3 Maintaining Environmental Stability
Statement B2.5 Living Organism Composition
Statement B3.5 Populations
Statement B4.2 DNA
Statement B4.3 Cell Division — Mitosis and Meiosis
Statement L5.p1 Survival and Extinction (prerequisite)
Statement EBCP1.1 Science Inquiry
Statement EBCP1.2 Scientific Reflection and Social Implications
Statement B2.3 Maintaining Environmental Stability
Statement B2.5 Living Organism Composition
Statement B3.5 Populations
Statement B4.2 DNA
Statement B4.3 Cell Division — Mitosis and Meiosis
Statement L5.p1 Survival and Extinction (prerequisite)
Statement EBCP1.1 Science Inquiry
Statement EBCP1.2 Scientific Reflection and Social Implications
Statement B2.3 Maintaining Environmental Stability
Statement B2.5 Living Organism Composition
Statement B3.5 Populations
Statement B4.2 DNA
Statement B4.3 Cell Division — Mitosis and Meiosis
Statement L5.p1 Survival and Extinction (prerequisite)
Currently only one teacher is teaching Microbiology. Common assessments for daily class work have been included in
this document for informational purposes only. Any others who may be teaching this class may choose to add or delete
any of these assessments except the Final Exam.
Trimester 2 Final Exam
Independent Study
Modular Quizzes
Scientific Notebook
Instructor Evaluation of Modular Laboratory Exercises
Jackson High School, Biology(3-4)