Curriculum Vitae - Resolution Consulting Services

Peter has an extensive background in all key aspects of commercial business and public sector
management, based on 30 years of experience with a combination of Big 4 consulting firm and corporate
management experience, including an Executive position in the Australian Public Service. He has a depth
of understanding of public sector management based on 20 years experience working with the Australian,
ACT and NSW Governments.
Peter has worked across all major portfolios in the Australian Government including lead departments
and portfolio agencies, and across a wide range of government programs and business functions
demand driven appropriations (e.g. income support payments to welfare recipients);
special accounts (e.g. superannuation administration);
purchaser provider models (e.g. Centrelink and Social Security);
regulatory/cost recovery agencies (e.g. therapeutic goods regulation);
funding agreements with non-government organisations (e.g. Job Services Australia);
Commonwealth/State Government funding agreements (e.g. national blood supply);
grant funding agreements with non-government organisations (e.g. Royal Flying Doctor Service);
commercial contracts with non-government organisations (e.g. ICT infrastructure services).
Peter has a Masters degree in Business Systems (Deakin), is a Fellow with each of the following
professional bodies: Certified Practicing Accountants (FCPA), Australian Institute of Company Directors,
and the Australian Computer Society. Peter is the Chair of the Justice and Community Safety (JACS) Audit
and Performance Improvement Committee within the ACT Government, and Chair of the Donate Life,
Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines (APVMA), and Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman
Audit Committees. He is also an independent member of the Audit Committees for the Director of
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National Parks. Peter is the Treasurer of Advance Personnel (disability employment service provider) and
the Arthur Shakespeare Foundation (grant funding body for Scouts ACT), and President of the AFL Masters
ACT. Peter has also been on the CPA Public Sector Advisory Committee for many years and has a high
level of involvement in professional development activities.
Peter is currently the Managing Director of Resolution Consulting Services (operating since 2000), which is
a niche public sector management specialist based in Canberra and Sydney with eight staff and a $1.5m
turnover p.a. Prior to forming his own management consulting business, Peter was employed as the Chief
Financial Officer (CFO) with the former Federal Department of Social Security.
Peter adopts a structured approach to strategy formulation based on sound business logic, consideration
of applicable legislative and policy frameworks, analysis of empirical data, and comprehensive stakeholder
consultation. The analytical process typically commences with a strategic assessment to identify
alternative options, modelling of possible outcomes, and evaluation of options. Peter combines a depth of
public sector and commercial management expertise with a philosophy of working closely with the client
to develop practical and workable solutions.
Business Assurance is providing confidence that activities are being conducted lawfully, that the risk of
fraud and misuse of monies is minimised and that the activities are efficient and effective. Peter has a
proven track record of assisting public sector agencies to improve performance control and accountability
through audits, reviews and evaluations.
Peter has built up a strong reputation for undertaking a range of strategic consulting and business
assurance projects including:
strategic reviews;
compliance/assurance reviews;
strategic and business planning;
Machinery of Government (MOG) and other restructures;
business models (e.g. governance arrangements, organisational structure, in house vs. outsource,
and functional design);
QA review for major projects; and
improving performance, managing change, and adopting more business like practices.
Examples of projects include:
shared services strategy for ICT services (IP Australia);
design of the business model (contemporary regulator) and cost recovery framework for the
amalgamation of the Therapeutic Goods Administrator and Medsafe (NZ);
review of the Green Loans Scheme (Environment);
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review of the compliance framework for Job Services Australia (Employment);
performance audit of the ATO complaints management process (ANAO);
audit of the Digital Education Revolution program (Education);
review of the Strategic Grants Management System (Industry);
set up of Infrastructure Australia, Australian Transport Safety Bureau (infrastructure), and Cancer
Australia as an independent PGPA Act agency;
amalgamation of the National Breast and Oncology Cancer Council with Cancer Australia for the
(Health); and
strengthening the sector: develop solutions to improve the management and governance
capability of not for profit service providers (ACT Disability Services Sector);
review of the NHMRC business model (Health);
review of the business model for the Translator Interpreter Service (Immigration);
reviews of Defence Housing Authority and Defence Health Services;
QA review of the implementation of the SAP ERP (Immigration);
board level strategic planning on proposed business transformation (Aboriginal Hostels); and
business transformation of the financial management framework (NSW Road Traffic Authority).
Peter has completed a wide range of projects for a number of government regulators and has developed a
depth of understanding of regulatory processes and cost recovery arrangements. The regulators include:
Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA);
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR);
Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA);
National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR);
Vehicle Safety Standards (VSS);
Import Processing Charges (IPC);
Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC); and
Intellectual Property Australia (IPA).
The services provided include:
analysis of regulatory functions, processes and business models against better practice and
recommend improvements to transition towards a contemporary regulator;
process modeling of licensing and approval processes;
right sizing of regulatory processes;
analysis and design of regulatory business systems;
performance measurement;
cost of compliance;
regulatory risk framework;
preparation of Regulatory Impact Statements (RIS) for new policy initiatives;
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costing and pricing services;
review of cost recovery arrangements; and
preparation of Cost Recovery Implementation Statements (CRIS).
Peter has developed a depth of expertise in program management for administered grant programs
providing a range of services including:
performance/quality frameworks: define performance measures and design performance
reports, (Royal Flying Doctor Service, Carers Australia, Job Services Australia, and Workplace
English Language and Literacy);
reporting frameworks: financial and performance reporting, collect source data and generate
management reports (Community Care programs, Royal Flying Doctor Service, Carers Australia,
and Vocational Education and Training);
program evaluation: review of programs to determine the efficiency and effectiveness, and risk
assessment, and review of the effectiveness of the internal control framework (Carers Australia,
Royal Flying Doctor Service, Caring for our Country, Employee Entitlements Scheme, Job Services
Australia and New Enterprise Incentive Scheme);
service plans: sector wide and individual service provider planning tool to define the level (e.g.
number of hours and clients) and standard of service to be provided by each provider for each
service (i.e. by region and service outlet), based on the approved funding allocation, which
provides the baseline data for performance reporting (ACT disability services sector and the Royal
Flying Doctor Service);
grants administration: process improvement based on ANAO better practice (Community Care
programs and Community Hostel Grants); and
funding models: determine resources and funding levels required to deliver required services
(note – evidence provided by sector wide service plan on the level of demand for services and
the level of capacity of the sector).
Peter has also formulated strategies to streamline reporting and compliance processes across a number of
programs and jurisdictions to reduce the level of red tape and the cost of compliance.
Peter has assisted with the development of enterprise wide strategic risk management frameworks for a
number of agencies including:
Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB);
Professional Services Review (PSR);
Director of National Parks (DNP);
Organ and Tissue Donation Authority (Donate Life);
NSW Roads and Traffic Authority; (RTA)
Justice and Community Safety (JACS) Directorate in ACT Government;
Aboriginal Hostels Limited (AHL); and
Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman (OCO).
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Peter has also completed risk management plans and/or assessments for a number of programs and
projects including:
financial management risk plans: ComSuper, AUSTRAC, AEC, DAFF and DoH;
Major projects: Villawood Detention Centre, and AFP Majura Complex;
Aged and Community Care;
Royal Flying Doctor Service; and
Programme assurance framework for managing service providers for the Job Network.
Peter has also assisted with the development of a regulatory risk framework and Compliance Plan for the
Office of Manufacturing Quality in TGA.
Peter has developed a depth of expertise in the financial management framework for the public sector
and is recognized as one of the most experienced financial management consultants in the sector. The
financial management framework includes all aspects of the end to end finance process: strategies,
governance, restructuring, planning, budgeting, accounting, costing, reporting and analysis, financial
systems, training, compliance and the internal control framework.
Peter has successfully reengineered the financial management framework for a number of government
agencies including:
Family and Community Services;
Department of Agriculture;
These projects spanned across all management dimensions (i.e. people, processes and systems), and
involved extensive stakeholder relationship management to obtain a high degree of buy in for the
proposed business transformation (i.e. a shared vision of the future state model).
Peter has also assisted in the implementation of a number of financial management information systems,
developed internal control frameworks, and developed repeatable processes and supporting systems for
all financial processes (e.g. external budget estimates, internal budgets, asset management, costing and
pricing of services, accounting operations, financial reporting, compliance, and management of the
external audit process). A number of these solutions have been recognised as industry best practice.
Peter has developed a specialist capability in successfully preparing funding submissions, business cases
and new policy proposals using evidence based process and re-negotiating funding arrangements with
central agencies and central finance functions within agencies. Examples of successful funding proposals
administered grants programs: Language, Literacy and Numeracy Program and Royal Flying
Doctor Service (capital and operating);
departmental operating funding: Aged Care Program, Australian Electoral Commission, and
National Blood Authority;
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departmental capital funding: Villawood Immigration Detention Centre (redevelop facility),
Aboriginal Hostels (develop a number of new hostels), and Comsuper (develop new
superannuation administration system); and
program funding from other departments to provide services: Indigenous Youth Mobility
Program, visitor accommodation centre in Alice Springs, and student boarding hostels.
Peter has also completed a number of price reviews of agency departmental funding (note – also called
output price reviews, resource reviews and financial reviews) for FaHCSIA, Health and Ageing, and DAFF, ,
and has provided advice on approaching government for additional funding to many other agencies.
Peter has prepared a number of ICT business cases for AGIMO and completed the two stage approval
process with the Public Works Committee for major property development projects.
This work typically includes understanding the business strategy and business model, financial, cost and
process analysis, baseline costing, rebasing expenditure, funding strategies (account for growth in
workload), development of funding model, activity based costing, and the preparation of investment,
performance improvement and resource management strategies.
Peter is recognized as a leading practitioner in costing and financial modeling. He has developed over 30
financial/cost models for AG agencies in the past 14 years, including:
agency wide cost models: Therapeutic Goods Administration, Customs and Border Protection
Services, Aboriginal Hostels Limited, IP Australia, Comsuper, Immigration and Citizenship,
Australian Taxation Office, National Blood Authority, Australian Electoral Commission,
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, and Department of Health;
program cost/funding models: learning, literacy and numeracy program (DEEWR), Indigenous
Chronic Disease (DoH), Citizenship program in DIaC, Royal Flying Doctor Service (DoHA), and Aged
and Community (DoH);
ICT cost models: AGIMO, Centrelink, Immigration and Citizenship, IP Australia, and Australian
Federal Police; and
new policy proposals and/or business cases: Comsuper (SA administration system), DIaC
(Villawood Detention Centre), AFP (Majura training complex), ABS (SAP HR system), and several
accommodation facilities for AHL.
The budget and resource management framework for Customs and Border Protection Service (Customs)
has provided a multi-dimensional view of its total resources (i.e. resources by program, process, output,
function, border risks, and activity), which provides a high level of transparency of resources to assist with
strategic shifts of resources based on risk assessments (e.g. move resources from x-ray equipment for
container examinations to other detection processes) and make the best use of the available $1b budget.
Peter has a depth of expertise in government stakeholder management processes including:
Australian Government central agencies (i.e. PM&C, ANAO, APSC, AGIMO, and DoF);
State and Territory government agencies;
Not for profit service providers;
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Large businesses;
Local community; and
Indigenous community.
Examples include:
consultation with the ACT disability sector as part of the strengthening the sector initiative;
industry consultation for Regulatory Impact Statements and Cost Recovery Impact Statements;
Indigenous Boarding Hostels Partnership Initiative for FaCSIA where Peter was required to
establish partnerships with DEST, NT Government, schools, Indigenous communities, and mining
consultation across all government jurisdictions for the Community Care National Reporting
Framework; and
consultation with the four operating sections of the Royal Flying Doctor Service and state and
territory governments to develop a national funding model and reporting framework.
Peter has completed a number of ICT management consulting projects for the IT Division or Group within
the Department of Immigration, Centrelink, Australian Federal Police, and IP Australia, including:
cost modeling to prepare services and products catalogues;
defining service level standards;
funding models;
ICT Expenditure Review (Gershon);
resource planning (workforce);
financial management processes;
management of outsourced ICT infrastructure services;
project costing and accounting;
business cases and funding submissions for major projects using the AGIMO methodology; and
QA review of the implementation of major projects.
Peter is well versed in industry standard methodologies for project management, (i.e. Project
Management Body of Knowledge and P3M3), industry standard ICT processes (as defined in ITIL, Gershon
service towers, and AGIMO’s plan, build, run model), and is a qualified Gateway Reviewer with DoF.
Peter has performed the role of strategic adviser, business analyst, and QA reviewer, and has completed a
number of corporate and business system implementations as a project manager. This includes FMIS, HR,
costing, budgeting and reporting systems, and business systems for various programs. Examples include:
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project management system for ACIAR;
grants management system for Industry;
workflow system for TGA;
practice management system for the ANAO (sharepoint);
Great Plains FMIS for AHL and ATSB;
budgeting, costing and reporting systems (OLAP) and a business system for the levies program in
QSP Financials in DoF;
Oracle Financials in ACTEW;
SAP Fi in the NSW RTA;
SAP Hr in ABS; and
developed a funding model and budget estimates systems, and SAP Hr and BW implementations
in Immigration.
Peter has also developed a suite of business intelligence applications for government agencies, including:
budgeting, reporting and costing systems using OLAP, MS EXCEL, SQL and ACCESS.
Peter is an experienced business analyst and includes an element of business analysis within most of his
project work. The delivery of a self sustaining solution is highly dependent on how systems and processes
are managed and the effectiveness of the working relationships within this environment. Business
analysis projects include:
process mapping of current, analysis of the current processes, and design of future state models
(includes defining the level of resource and the cost of each process step, key control points and
performance metrics);
define business requirements for new systems;
design key control points and/or evaluate the effectiveness of existing controls; and
workload and throughput analysis to determine the level of resources required to process the
expected workload.
Peter has performed a number of roles across a wide range of procurement activities including:
develop procurement plans and strategies;
define service specifications;
preparation of tender documentation;
evaluation of tenders;
pricing model and financial evaluation; and
contract negotiations.
The procurement activities include:
ICT infrastructure services;
financial management information systems;
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ABC and business intelligence tools;
financial services;
payroll services;
property services; and
project management services.
Peter has established or improved the procurement and contract management functions for a number of
agencies. Peter has also been involved in contract management of ICT infrastructure services and aviation
surveillance for border protection.
Peter has completed a number of benchmarking projects including:
Department wide processes: (i.e. research, policy, program management and evaluation) using
external benchmarking with interstate and international jurisdictions, and internal benchmarking
across distributed networks within agencies (i.e. department state and territory offices);
Corporate support functions (i.e. financial, HR, corporate services and ICT processes); and
Program specific processes (e.g. tariff rates for accommodation for Aboriginal Hostels, claims
processing for employee entitlements scheme and hire cars for COMCAR).
The benchmarking projects have encompassed off the shelf metrics and tailored data collection processes
with benchmarking partners.
Peter also has over 10 years experience as an educator, including six years in academia, and four years at
TAFE and Secondary Colleges. Peter is a nationally accredited trainer with the Certified Practicing
Accountants and has designed, developed and delivered many professional development courses for the
CPAs and Institute of Chartered Accountants, and the Professional Management Program with the
University of Canberra.
Peter’s approach is based on a facilitative, adult learning approach through a flexible training program
preparation: self assessment to determine learning and development plan for participants,
background materials, and engage with the participants supervisor;
facilitated workshop/s: half and full day workshops to implement fundamental concepts;
on the job application: structured activities involving discussions with the supervisor, further
reading and research, and determine follow up actions; and
assessment: learning review with the supervisor, post program assessment, and update learning
and development plan.
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Peter has held a number of employment positions in business management, accounting and education
roles over the past 30 years, including:
Managing Director, Resolution Consulting Services, (2000 to present);
Chief Financial Officer, Department of Social Security/Family and Community Services, (1998 to
Director, Ernst and Young, (1996 to 1998);
Senior Consultant, Price Waterhouse, (1995 and 1996);
Lecturer in Accounting and Finance, University of Canberra (1994);
Lecturer in Accounting and Finance, Monash University (1988 to 1993);
Accounting and IT Teacher at Secondary and TAFE Colleges (1985 to 1988); and
Commercial Accountant (1981 to 1984).
Whilst employed as a Lecturer, Peter also operated his own part time SME consultancy for several years.
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