Acute Liver Failure Doç.Dr.Atakan Yeşil Yeditepe Unıversıty Department of Gastroenterology How Do We Tell Someone Has Liver Disease? Clues that may lead to a suspicion of liver disease: Nonspecific More specific (late findings) Anorexia Fatigue Nausea Vomiting Mental confusion Jaundice (“yellow eyes”) Dark urine (“coca-cola” urine) Abdominal swelling; ascites Peripheral edema; leg swelling Unfortunately none of these are specific markers of liver disease and for many patients these are very late findings. Purpose of Liver Tests 1. Screen for clues to the presence of liver injury/disease liver cell injury bile flow/cholestasis 2. Quantitate degree of liver function/dysfunction quantitative liver tests 3. Diagnose general type of liver disease pattern of liver test abnormalities 4. Diagnosis of specific liver disease disease-specific tests such as serology for viral hepatitis Tests of Liver Cell Injury/Death Transaminases Alanine amino transferase (ALT) Aspartate amino transfersase (AST) Transaminases are enzymes that catalyze the transfer of aamino groups from amino acids to a-keto acids. These enzymes are important in gluconeogenesis. ALT (alanine aminotransferase) alanine + ketoglutarate pyruvic acid + glutamate AST (aspartate aminotransferase) aspartate + ketoglutarate oxaloacetic acid + glutamate Transaminases: AST(SGOT) ALT(SGPT) Many tissues Liver only Cytosol/mitochondria Cytosol Normal blood levels: 20-70 IU/liter (depending on method) Some AST/ALT release occurs normally Require pyridoxal 5’-phosphate as an essential cofactor Release of AST/ALT from Liver Cells during Acute Hepatocellular Injury AST ALT Transaminases Why do we used these enzymes to indicate liver damage? 1. Convenient to measure 2. Present in liver cells in large amounts 3. Direct release of enzymes into blood through fenestrated endothelium allows rapid “quantitative” assessment of ongoing hepatocyte necrosis 4. Blood level roughly proportional to the number of hepatocytes that died recently (hours-days) Transaminases Special considerations: 1. AST is also present in other tissues (muscle, brain, kidney, intestine). ALT is more specific for liver. 2. Even very mild liver abnormalities can cause slightly elevated AST/ALT - for example, mild fatty liver. Transaminases Problems with using transaminases to assess liver injury: 1. Only assess injury over the past 1-2 days as enzymes are cleared efficiently from blood by RES 2. May not accurately assess hepatocyte death from apoptosis 3. Magnitude of elevation does not necessarily correlate with extent of liver function or dysfunction at the present time or in the future. AST and ALT = rate of destruction of hepatocytes Liver function = number of functional hepatocytes left Transaminases and Alcoholic Liver Disease: A Twist Pyridoxal 5’-phosphate (P5P) deficiency: AST and ALT require P5P (vit. B-6) as an enzymatic cofactor Alcoholics are often deficient in P5P as their major calorie source is alcohol P5P deficiency results in lower synthesis of AST/ALT (less in hepatocytes) and very low enzymatic activity (ALT worse than AST) Less AST/ALT released into blood and it isn’t measured by lab assays Transaminases and Alcoholic Liver Disease Further: Mitochondrial AST and alcohol Alcohol shifts mAST from mitochondria to plasma membrane where it readily enters blood – thus AST easier to remove from hepatocytes. Therefore: AST>>ALT is released into blood from damaged hepatocytes AND both AST/ALT enzymatic activities in blood are lower than expected from the extent of liver damage/dysfunction. AST/ALT and Pyridoxal 5’ Phosphate AST is Affected Less than ALT so AST>ALT P5’P Numerous active enzymes with P5’P Few inactive enzymes without P5’P Poorly measured by lab assays Tests of Cholestasis/Reduced Bile Flow Enzymes released as a consequence of decreased bile flow Alkaline phosphatase or 5’-nucleotidase Leucine aminopeptidase g-glutamyl transpeptidase Accumulation in liver/blood of substances normally excreted in bile Bilirubin Bile salts Alkaline Phosphatase: Location at Canalicular (Apical) Membrane Alkaline phosphatase Origin of enzyme and mechanism of increase in cholestatic liver disease: 1. Apical membrane of hepatocyte and bile duct cells 2. Very sensitive to any changes in bile flow, obstruction of large or small bile ducts. 3. Amplified by bile acid retention 4. Easily released into blood as it is a GPI-anchored protein solubilized from membrane by detergents (bile acids) Easily measured spectrophotometrically Purpose: ? Detoxifies lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from bacteria Release of GPI-Anchored Proteins From Liver During Cholestasis GPI-Anchored Proteins Alkaline Phosphatase 5’ Nucleotidase GGTP Hepatocyte Bile canaliculus Blood Alkaline Phosphatase in Various Liver Diseases 1500 Degree of elevation of AP is highly variable depending on duration and extent of cholestasis and other unknown factors. 1000 500 Serum Enzyme Level (IU/ml) 200 100 Long-standing bile duct obstruction Acute bile duct obstruction Mild early partial bile duct obstruction Hepatocellular disease Alkaline Phosphatase Interpretation of elevated levels: 1. Cholestasis (especially in extrahepatic obstruction 2. Infiltrative diseases (granulomas) 3. Neoplastic disease infiltrating liver Sensitive test as will go up if only some small ducts are obstructed and/or if there is only partial obstruction of major ducts. Disadvantages: Not completely specific because of isoenzymes in other organs (bone, intestine, placenta) Ex: bone disease, intestinal obstruction, pregnancy. Serum Bilirubin (Bile Acids) Rationale: Liver is virtually the only mechanism for excretion Cholestasis from any cause results in “back-up” of these compounds in blood Interpretation: Cholestasis: extrahepatic or intrahepatic Disadvantages: Does not distinguish hepatocellular disease, in which hepatocytes don’t make bile, from bile duct obstruction Bilirubin An organic anion The byproduct of heme breakdown In mammals bilirubin must be conjugated to glucuronic acid and excreted in bile Blood levels go up if any steps in production or hepatocyte excretion are altered. However obstruction at the level of bile ducts must be complete or virtually complete for bilirubin levels in blood to change Hepatic Bilirubin Transport SER RBC breakdown in RES UDP-glucuronide + Unconj BR Conj BR Unconj Bilirubin Unconj BR Bile Canaliculus Conj BR MRP-2: Multispecific organic anion transporter Conj BR ATP Blood Hepatocyte Conjugated bilirubin Glutathione S-conjugates other organic anions Hepatic Bilirubin Transport and Mechanisms of Hyperbilirubinemia Gilbert's syndrome (mild) Crigler-Najjar syndrome (severe) SER Hemolysis Unconj Bilirubin Bile Canaliculus Unconj BR Conj BR Multispecific organic anion transporter Conj BR ATP Conjugated bilirubin Glutathione S-conjugates other organic anions Blood Hepatocyte Dubin-Johnson syndrome Rotor's syndrome ?estrogen/cyclosporin Interpretation of Elevated Serum Bilirubin Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia: BR reached liver and was conjugated but not excreted in bile 1. Cholestasis/biliary obstruction (must be essentially complete) 2. Hepatocellular damage (collateral damage to all liver functions) bile formation impaired >> conjugation impaired 3. Rare disorders of canalicular secretion of conjugated bilirubin Unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia: BR didn't reach liver efficiently or wasn't conjugated 1. Massive overproduction - acute hemolysis 2. Impaired conjugation common: Gilbert's syndrome (mild) rare: Crigler-Najjar syndrome (severe) Further: Bilirubin Undergoes Non-Enzymatic Reaction with Albumin Why is Bili-Albumin of Clinical Interest? • Not of interest during liver disease as this form of bilirubin is measured as conjugated bilirubin. • However, after resolution of cholestasis/liver disease, bili-albumin is cleared like albumin – Albumin half-life: – Conj. bilirubin half-life: – several weeks hours to days • Thus resolution of jaundice is often SLOW compared to improvement of other liver functions. Purpose of Liver Tests 1. Screen for clues to the presence of liver injury/disease liver cell injury bile flow/cholestasis 2. Quantitate degree of liver function/dysfunction quantitative liver tests 3. Diagnose general type of liver disease pattern of liver test abnormalities 4. Diagnosis of specific liver disease disease-specific tests such as serology for viral hepatitis TESTS OF LIVER FUNCTION Blood Level Production Albumin Clotting factors Blood Level Bilirubin Bile Acids Elimination Metabolism 14C-Aminopyrine Metabolites 14CO 2 Albumin • Rationale – Liver is the sole source • Interpretation of Decreased Level – Decreased liver production – Increased renal/GI loss (nephrotic syndrome; protein losing enteropathy in inflammatory bowel disease – Protein malnutrition • Disadvantages – Prolonged half-life – No unique interpretation Prothrombin Time • Rationale – Liver is sole source of vitamin K-dependent clotting factors, including those critical for PT – Factor VII has very short half-life (hours) • Interpretation of Increased PT – Hepatocyte protein synthesis impaired – Vitamin K deficiency/Coumadin therapy – Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy • Advantages – Rapidly reflects changes in liver function Interpretation of Abnormal Albumin/Prothrombin Time Liver markedly diseased - reserve function gone Albumin: monitors slow changes in liver function (months to years) reflects long-term liver dysfunction Protime: monitors rapid changes in liver function (hours to days/weeks) reflects either short or long-term liver dysfunction Other Clues to Globally Impaired Liver Function Bilirubin: goes up with any disease that globally impairs liver function (OR blocks bile flow) Glucose: hypoglycemia (late finding; indicates very poor liver function) BUN: low BUN is a late and poorly specific finding in liver dysfunction due to poor urea synthesis Purpose of Liver Tests 1. Screen for clues to the presence of liver injury/disease liver cell injury bile flow/cholestasis 2. Quantitate degree of liver function/dysfunction quantitative liver tests 3. Diagnose general type of liver disease pattern of liver test abnormalities 4. Diagnosis of specific liver disease disease-specific tests such as serology for viral hepatitis Interpretation of Liver Tests A. Consider nonhepatic causes of abnormal liver tests B. Examine the pattern of liver test abnormalities to categorize liver disease: 1. cholestatic versus hepatocellular 2. acute versus chronic 3. decompensated function versus mild functional impairment Patterns of Abnormal Liver Tests Hepatocellular Cholestasis Major: AST/ALT Alkaline Phosphatase Minor: Bilirubin PT/albumin Bilirubin AST/ALT PT (Vit K deficiency) Clues to Acute vs Chronic Liver Disease Abnormalities of PT versus albumin Known duration of abnormal liver tests History of exposure to potential causative agents Clinical signs of consequences of long-standing liver disease Tempo of subsequent changes in AST/ALT, bilirubin, PT chronic tends to change slowly acute tends to change quickly Clues to Severity of Liver Dysfunction Prothrombin time Albumin (Bilirubin, glucose) (Clinical signs of consequences of severe liver dysfunction such as hepatic encephalopathy) Clues to severity of liver damage and, potentially, to severity of liver dysfunction may come from the temporal sequence of changes in readily available liver tests. For example, rapid fall in AST/ALT in severe hepatitis may not be a good sign. Purpose of Liver Tests 1. Screen for clues to the presence of liver injury/disease liver cell injury bile flow/cholestasis 2. Quantitate degree of liver function/dysfunction quantitative liver tests 3. Diagnose general type of liver disease pattern of liver test abnormalities 4. Diagnosis of specific liver disease disease-specific tests such as serology for viral hepatitis These are discussed in future lectures Patient #1: • Presents with two days of fever, abdominal pain, yellow skin, nausea, vomiting. • Labs demonstrate the following: – – – – – – AST 3210 ALT 3060 Alk phos 249 TBili 6.2 (Direct 4.3) Albumin 3.1 INR 1.2 What targets the hepatocyte? • Toxins – Alcohol – Medications • Tylenol – Mushrooms • Viral – Hepatitis A/B/C – EBV/HSV/CMV • Ischemia – Severe hypotension – Vasoconstrictio n – Sepsis • Autoimmune • Wilson’s • Alpha-1 antitrypsin Degree of elevation points to etiology • >1000 to 2000 – Ischemia – Toxin – Virus • >500 to 1000 – Acute biliary obstruction • <300 – Alcoholic liver disease, cirrhosis, chronic obstruction – AST/ALT>2 and each <300 suggests EtOH or cirrhosis • If >500, unlikely EtOH Back to our patient • Transaminases in the 1000s – Suggests ischemia/toxin/viral • IVDU – Risk of acute Hep B or acute Hep C • Cocaine – Risk of ischemia • Recent infection – Doxycycline Patient #2: • 40 year-old overweight woman presents with right UQ abd pain, fever, chills. Previous episodes after fatty meals. • Laboratory Studies – – – – – – AST 67 ALT 57 Alk Phos 293 TBili 4.1 (Direct 2) Albumin 4 INR 1 Increased Bilirubin • Sources – Increased production – Hemolysis, hematoma reabsorption – Impaired uptake/conjugation – Dubin-Johnson, Gilbert’s – Impaired excretion – Renal failure, biliary obstruction • Conjugated=direct=processed by liver • Unconjugated=indirect=not processed by liver – Fractionation – helpful to assess for unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia • < 20% direct AND indirect >1.2 Biliary Obstruction • Canicular cell injury – Alkaline phosphatase • Liver and bone major sources • Increased synthesis and release in liver disease – Up to 3x normal in variety of liver disease – GGT • Sensitive indicator of canicular cell injury • Parallels alkaline phosphatase increase when of liver origin Causes of Biliary Obstruction • Extrahepatic – Choledocholithi asis – Malignancy • Cholangiocarci noma • Pancreatic cancer • Gallbladder cancer • Ampullary cancer – Primary sclerosing • Intrahepatic – TPN – Sepsis – Primary sclerosing cholangitis – Primary biliary cirrhosis – Intrahepatic mass How would you like to approach this patient? • Finding the source of obstruction – Ultrasound: good for extrahepatic cause – CT/MRI/ERCP: for both intra or extrahepatic cause • In our patient? Patient #3: • 46 yo man with history of IVDU and longstanding alcohol use following up in clinic. • Laboratory – – – – – AST 68 ALT 37 Alk phos 194 TBili 1.3 Albumin 2.9 Mixed Patterns of Elevated Liver Function • Chronic Liver disease – – – – – Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C NASH Alcoholic liver disease Hemochromatosis Autoimmune hepatitis Patient#4: • 72 yo man fell in bathroom. Found the next day. • Laboratory – – – – – AST 167 ALT 58 Alk phos 127 TBili 1.8 Albumin 3.9 What else do you want to know? • Where else is AST and ALT found? • How can you look for evidence of muscle injury? Additional Laboratory • CK 7260 • Myoglobin 23390 • UA – 2+ blood, microscopic no RBC • Diagnosis? Isolated or Predominant Alk Phos • Chronic Biliary Disease – Primary biliary cirrhosis – Primary sclerosing cholangitis • Infiltrative disorder – – – – Amyloid Granulomatous diseases Metastatic carcinoma abscesses Fulminant Hepatic Failure • Rapid development of severe acute liver injury with impaired synthetic function and encephalopathy – Previously had a normal liver or had wellcompensated liver disease • 28 year old woman presents to hospital with a two day history of nausea, vomiting, and right upper quadrant pain. • She has been healthy and denies any medication use. • She recently traveled to Chinia. She had a migraine atach and use parastemol overdose daily for pain relive. • Vital signs are: 123/41, heart rate 109, respiratory rate 24, and saturations 95% on room air. • She is has diffuse abdominal tenderness and palpable liver edge with a scleral icterus. • What is the most likely cause of this patient’s presentation? • What are the common etiologies of acute liver failure? – Consider: • • • • • A – acetaminophen, hepatitis A, autoimmune B – hepatitis B C – cryptogenic, hepatitis C D – hepatitis D E – esoteric causes such as Wilson’s and Budd-Chiari • F – fatty infiltration such as fatty liver of pregnancy and Reye • Initial bloodwork comes back: – ALT 3826, AST 4826, TBili 5,9, Alk Phos 83,INR 4.2, creatinine 1,2, pH 7.31 • What in the history gives us clues to the cause? – – – – Travel: hepatitis virus? Over the drugs: acetaminophen? Natural remedies: drug or toxin? Childbearing age: fatty liver of pregnancy? Elevated Liver Tests • The pattern:hepatic or cholestatic • AST/ALT>2 is suggestive for alcholic liver diseases,almost< 400 • Hepatic +>1000:acute viral,toxic,ischemic hepatitis • Cholestatic:ALP,GGT • LIVER FUNCTİON TESTS:Bilurubin,PT and albumin reflect sentetic capacity of the liver • Obtaining further history, her family tells you that she has been vaccinated against hepatitis B because she is a lab tech, she is not pregnant but do not know what medications and remedies she takes. • You take the history from the family because the patient is rapidly becoming unresponsive. • What is the definition of fulminant hepatic failure? • What are the grades of encephalopathy? Acute liver failure (as fulminant hepatic failure, acute hepatic necrosis, fulminant hepatic necrosis,fulmınan hepatitis) • Acute liver failure is characterized by acute liver injury, hepatic encephalopathy, and an elevated prothrombin time/internationalnorma lized ratio (INR). • Whenever possible, patients with acute liver failure should be managed in an intensive care unit at a facility capable of performing liver transplantation (emergency) • While the time course that differentiates acute liver failure from chronic liver failure varies between reports, a commonly used cut-off is an illness duration of <26 weeks. • Acute liver failure can be subcategorized based upon how long the patient has been ill and various cutoffs have been used. • The last guidelines classify acute liver failure as hyperacute (<7 days), acute (7 to 21 days), or subacute (>21 days and <26 weeks). • In patients with hyperacute or acute liver failure, cerebral edema is common, whereas it is rare in subacute liver failure. Renal failure and portal hypertension are more frequently observed in patients with subacute liver failure. • These subcategories have been associated with prognosis, but the associations reflect the underlying causes, which are the true determinants of prognosis. • Hyperacute liver failure > Subacute liver failure (better prognosis) • The better prognosis is related to the fact that these patients often have acetaminophen toxicity or ischemic hepatopathy, diagnoses associated with a better prognosis than many of the disorders that may result in subacute liver failure, such as Wilson disease Symptoms • • • • • • • • Many of the initial symptoms in patients with acute liver failure are nonspecific. They include: ●Fatigue/malaise ●Lethargy ●Anorexia ●Nausea and/or vomiting ●Right upper quadrant pain ●Pruritus ●Jaundice ●Abdominal distension from ascites physical examination findings ●Jaundice ●Vesicular skin lesions suggestive of herpes simplex virus ●Fever in patients with herpes simplex virus ●Right upper quadrant tenderness and hepatomegaly ●Ascites Laboratory test abnormalities • • • • Laboratory test abnormalities typically seen in patients with acute liver failure include: ●Prolonged prothrombin time, resulting in an INR ≥1.5 (this finding is part of the definition of acute liver failure and thus must be present) ●Elevated aminotransferase levels (often markedly elevated) ●Elevated bilirubin level ●Low platelet count (≤150,000/mm3, though • Decreasing aminotransferase levels may indicate spontaneous recovery but could also signal worsening of the liver failure with loss of hepatocyte mass. • In patients who are improving, the bilirubin and prothrombin time/INR will decline, whereas in those with worsening liver failure, the bilirubin and prothrombin time/INR will continue to rise. • Because of the prognostic importance of the prothrombin time/INR, it is recommended that coagulation factors such as fresh frozen plasma only be given for invasive procedures or active bleeding. • Other laboratory findings that may be seen in patients with acute liver failure include • ●Elevated serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen • ●Elevated amylase and lipase • ●Hypoglycemia • ●Hypophosphatemia • ●Hypomagnesemia • ●Hypokalemia • ●Acidosis or alkalosis • ●Elevated ammonia level • ●Elevated lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) level Laboratory findings associated with specific diagnoses • • • • • • • Acetaminophen: Very high aminotransferase levels (>3500 int. unit/L), low bilirubin, high INR ●Ischemic hepatic injury: Very high aminotransferase levels (25 to 250 times the upper limit of normal), elevated serum LDH levels ●Hepatitis B: Aminotransferase levels of to 1000 to 2000 int. unit/L are common, alanine aminotransferase (ALT) level that is higher than the aspartate aminotransferase (AST) level ●Wilson disease: Coombs-negative hemolytic anemia, aminotransferase levels <2000 int. unit/L, AST to ALT ratio of >2, normal or markedly subnormal alkaline phosphatase (<40 int. unit/L), alkaline phosphatase (int. unit/L) to total bilirubin (mg/dL) ratio <4, rapidly progressive renal failure, low uric acid levels ●Acute fatty liver of pregnancy/HELLP syndrome: Aminotransferase levels <1000 int. unit/L, elevated bilirubin, low platelet count ●Herpes simplex virus: Markedly elevated transaminases, leukopenia, low bilirubin ●Reye syndrome, valproate toxicity, or tetracycline toxicity: Minor to moderate elevations in aminotransferase and bilirubin levels History Patients and/or their families should be asked about: • • • • • • • • • ●Timing of symptom onset (nausea, vomiting, jaundice, mental status changes). ●History of alcohol use. ●History of prior episodes of jaundice. ●Medication use, including all medications used ●Risk factors for intentional drug overdose, such as a history of depression or prior suicide attempts. ●Toxin exposure, including occupational toxin exposures or wild mushroom ingestion. ●Risk factors for acute viral hepatitis, including travel to areas endemic for hepatitis A or E, intravenous drug use, occupational exposure, sexual exposure, chronic or inactive hepatitis B infection, and immunosuppression. ●Risk factors for hepatic ischemia, including hypotension, cardiac failure, a hypercoagulable disorder, oral contraceptive use, or malignancy. ●Family history of liver disease, such as Wilson disease. Physical examination • • • • • Physical examination findings may help identify a cause of a patient's acute liver failure, but in many cases the findings, such as jaundice or hepatomegaly, are nonspecific. The physical examination may also help identify complications of acute liver failure, such as cerebral edema and infection. All patients should have a routine physical examination, including a complete skin examination. In addition, patients suspected of having Wilson disease should undergo an ocular examination. Physical examination findings that may point to a specific cause of acute liver failure include: ●Vesicular skin lesions (herpes simplex virus) ●Kayser-Fleisher rings (Wilson disease) ●Features of preeclampsia, such as hypertension (HELLP syndrome) DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS • — The primary entity in the differential diagnosis of acute liver failure is severe acute hepatitis. • Patients with severe acute hepatitis have jaundice and coagulopathy but lack signs of hepatic encephalopathy. Distinguishing the two is important because patients with severe acute hepatitis generally have a good prognosis, whereas those who progress to acute liver failure have a high mortality rate and often require liver transplantation. • Patients with severe acute alcoholic hepatitis may present with liver failure that appears to have developed over the course of weeks to months . However, patients with alcoholic hepatitis typically have a history of heavy drinking for many years and are thus thought to have acute-on-chronic liver failure. • Differentiating alcoholic hepatitis from acute liver failure is important because the two entities are managed differently (eg, there is a role for corticosteroids in the treatment of alcoholic hepatitis, but not in acute liver failure). • Alcoholic hepatitis should be considered in patients with a history of heavy alcohol use or who have an aspartate aminotransferase to alanine aminotransferase ratio of approximately 2:1. Neurologic examination • The presence of hepatic encephalopathy is one of the defining characteristics of acute liver failure. Findings in patients with hepatic encephalopathy are variable, ranging from changes in behavior to coma. Hepatic encephalopathy is graded from I to IV. • Patients with grade I encephalopathy may have mild asterixis, whereas pronounced asterixis is typically seen in patients with grade II or III encephalopathy • Asterixis is typically absent in patients with grade IV encephalopathy, who instead may demonstrate decorticate or decerebrate posturing. Encephalopathy • • • • major complication precise mechanism remains unclear Hypothesis: Ammonia production Treatment toward reducing ammonia production • Watch out airway, prevent aspiration Encephalopathy Predisposing factor of hepatic encephalopathy: GI bleeding, increased protein intake, hypokalemic alkalosis, hyponatremia, infection, constipation, hypoxia, infection, sedatives and tranquilizers Encephalopathy TX upon ammonia hypothesis • Correction of hypokalemia • Reduction in ammoniagenic substrates: cleansing enemas and dietary protein restriction. • Lactulose: improved encephalopathy, but not improved outcome. Dose 2-3 soft stools per day • Cerebral edema may develop in patients with acute liver failure leading to increased intracranial pressure • Cerebral edema is uncommon in patients with grade I or II encephalopathy, but it is present in 25 to 35 percent of those with grade III encephalopathy and in approximately 75 percent of those with grade IV encephalopathy • Pupillary changes are one sign of increased intracranial pressure. The pupils may progress from having a normal response (typical with grade Iencephalopathy), to being hyperresponsive (grade II to III encephalopathy), to being slowly responsive (grade III to IV encephalopathy). • As the coma worsens, the pupils may become fixed and dilated (a sign typically associated with brainstem herniation). • After appropriate resuscitation and treatment, the patient is more stable. The family approaches you for more information. They want to know whether she is going to need liver transplant. • What do you tell them and how do you know? Acetaminophen-induced disease Arterial pH <7.3 (irrespective of the grade of encephalopathy) OR Grade III or IV encephalopathy AND Prothrombin time >100 seconds AND Serum creatinine >3.4mg/dL (301 µmol/L) All other causes of fulminant hepatic failure Prothrombin time >100 seconds (irrespective of the grade of encephalopathy) OR Any three of the following variables (irrespective of the grade of encephalopathy) 1. Age <10 years or >40 years 2. Etiology: non-A, non-B hepatitis, halothane hepatitis, idiosyncratic drug reactions 3. Duration of jaundice before onset of encephalopathy >7 days 4. Prothrombin time >50 seconds 5. Serum bilirubin >18 mg/dL (308 µmol/L) Treatment • Monitor PT,pH,glucose level,liver enzymes,cultures,fluıd balance • Enteral feeding,dextrose infusıon,thiamine • Prophlactic ab • PPİ • N-acetylcysteine for all causes,expeziaaly acetimonhen toxicity • Mechanical Ventilation • Transport to transplantotoin as soon as possible Collaborative Care Hepatic Encephalopathy • Goal: reduce NH3 formation – – – – Protein restriction (0-40g/day) Sterilization of GI tract with antibiotics (e.g., neomycin) lactulose (Cephulac) – traps NH3 in gut levodopa • Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) or portosystemic encephalopathy (PSE) is a reversible syndrome of impaired brain function occurring in patients with advanced liver failure • However, HE is not a single clinical entity. It may reflect either a reversible metabolic encephalopathy, brain atrophy, brain edema, or any combination of these conditions. • The mechanisms causing brain dysfunction in liver failure are still unknown. In advanced coma, the effects of brain swelling, impaired cerebral perfusion, and reversible impairment of neurotransmitter systems cannot be distinguished. Furthermore, these events overlap, at least in models of acute liver failure. • Many patients have elevated ammonia levels, but this is not sensitive or specifik for diagnosis……. Ammonia is the best characterized neurotoxin that precipitates HE. The gastrointestinal tract is the primary source of ammonia, which enters the circulation via the portal vein. Ammonia is produced by enterocytes from glutamine and by colonic bacterial catabolism of nitrogenous sources, such as ingested protein and secreted urea. The intact liver clears almost all of the portal vein ammonia, converting it into glutamine and preventing entry into the systemic circulation. However, glutamine is metabolized in mitochondria yielding glutamate and ammonia, and glutamine-derived ammonia may interfere with mitochondrial function leading to astrocyte dysfunction • • • • The various hypotheses of the pathogenesis of hepatic encephalopathy (HE) are not mutually exclusive. It seems likely that many of the described abnormalities may be present at the same time and may ultimately be responsible for the development of HE. The synergistic action of ammonia with other toxins may account for many of the abnormalities occurring in liver failure, such as the changes in blood-to-brain transport of neurotransmitter precursors, the metabolism of amino acid neurotransmitters, and cerebral glucose oxidation. These changes may lead to activation of inhibitory (GABA, serotonin) and impairment of excitatory (glutamate, catecholamines) neurotransmitter systems, resulting in enhanced neural inhibition. Sepsis, neuroinflammation, and alterations in gut flora appear to be additional factors in the development of altered brain function in advanced liver disease. • • • • • Hepatic encephalopathy describes a spectrum of potentially reversible neuropsychiatric abnormalities seen in patients with liver dysfunction and/or portosystemic shunting. Overt hepatic encephalopathy develops in 30 to 45 percent of patients with cirrhosis and in 10 to 50 percent of patients with transjugular intrahepatic portal-systemic shunts The International Society for Hepatic Encephalopathy and Nitrogen Metabolism consensus defines the onset of disorientation or asterixis as the onset of overt hepatic encephalopathy. Some patients with hepatic encephalopathy have subtle findings that may only be detected using specialized tests, a condition known as minimal hepatic encephalopathy Minimal hepatic encephalopathy is seen in up to 80 percent of patients with cirrhosis • In addition, it may be difficult to differentiate mild (grade I) hepatic encephalopathy from minimal hepatic encephalopathy. The International Society for Hepatic Encephalopathy and Nitrogen Metabolism consensus suggests that the term "covert hepatic encephalopathy" be used for both minimal and mild (grade I) hepatic encephalopathy, and that the term "overt hepatic encephalopathy" be used for more severe hepatic encephalopathy (grades II-IV). • Hepatic encephalopathy is often easy to detect in patients presenting with overt neuropsychiatric symptoms. • It may be more difficult to detect in patients with chronic liver diseases who have mild signs of altered brain function, particularly if the underlying cause of the liver disease may be associated with neurologic manifestations (such as alcoholic liver disease or Wilson's disease). • • • • Patients with grade I encephalopathy may have mild asterixis, whereas pronounced asterixis is seen in patients with grade II or III encephalopathy . Asterixis is typically absent in patients with grade IV encephalopathy, who instead may demonstrate decorticate or decerebrate posturing. However, this grading system does not take into account patients with minimal hepatic encephalopathy who may have very subtle signs and symptoms that may only be detected using specialized psychometric tests]. In addition, it may be difficult to differentiate mild (grade I) hepatic encephalopathy from minimal hepatic encephalopathy. The International Society for Hepatic Encephalopathy and Nitrogen Metabolism consensus suggests that the term "covert hepatic encephalopathy" be used for both minimal and mild (grade I) hepatic encephalopathy, and that the term "overt hepatic encephalopathy" be used for more severe hepatic encephalopathy (grades II-IV). • Hepatic encephalopathy is characterized by cognitive deficits and impaired neuromuscular Patients with minimal hepatic encephalopathy have subtle cognitive deficits, often appear to be asymptomatic, and may only be detected with psychomotor or electrophysiologic testing. • Patients with overt hepatic encephalopathy have signs and symptoms that can be detected clinically, without the use of psychomotor testing (though psychomotor testing may be helpful in evaluating patients with mild encephalopathy). Liver CIRRHOSIS Doç.Dr.Atakan Yeşil Yeditepe Unıversıty Department of Gastroenterology • Consequence of chronic liver disease characterized by replacement of liver tissue by fibrosis, scar tissue and regenerative nodules leading to progressive loss of liver function • Hepatic fibrosis is a reversible wound healing response characterized by accumulution of extracelüler matrix made up collagen fibrils. • Cirrhosis is defined by global hepatic fibrosis and reduced hepatic synthetic function etiology • • • • Alcohol Chronic hepatitis B Chronic hepatitis C Other: Haemochromatosis Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease Primary biliary cirrhosis Sclerosing cholangitis Autoimmune hepatitis Cystic fibrosis... The answer is C. • Unlike some other causes of cirrhosis, pathologically it is characterized by small, fine scarring and small regenerative nodules. • Therefore, it sometimes is referred to as micronodular cirrhosis. There is clear evidence that excessive alcohol use in the setting of chronic hepatitis C strongly increases the risk of development of cirrhosis; therefore, screening and appropriate counseling are essential. • Ethanol results in proportionally greater inhibition of ALT synthesis than AST synthesis. Therefore, serum AST is usually disproportionately elevated relative to ALT, resulting in a ratio greater than 2 • Hemochromatosis is a common disorder of iron storage in which inappropriate increases in intestinal iron absorption result in excessive deposition in multiple organs but predominantly in the liver. • There are two forms: hereditary hemochromatosis, in which the majority of cases are associated with mutations of the HFE gene, and secondary iron overload, which usually is associated with iron-loading anemias such as thalassemia and sideroblastic anemia. • Serum ferritin testing and plasma iron studies can be very suggestive of the diagnosis, with the ferritin often >500 μg/L and transferrin saturation of 50 to 100%. • However, these tests are not conclusive, and further testing is still required for the diagnosis. • Although liver biopsy and evaluation for iron deposition or a hepatic iron index (μg/g dry weight)/56 × age > 2 is the definitive diagnosis, genetic testing is widely available today, and because of the high prevalence of HFE gene mutations associated with hereditary hemochromatosis, it is recommended for diagnostic evaluation. • If the genetic testing is inconclusive, the invasive liver biopsy evaluation may be indicated. • The presence of cirrhosis in an elderly woman with no prior risk factors for viral or alcoholic cirrhosis should raise the possibility of primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC). • It is characterized by chronic inflammation and fibrous obliteration of intrahepatic ductules. The cause is unknown, but autoimmunity is assumed as there is an association with other autoimmune disorders, such as autoimmune thyroiditis, CREST syndrome, and the sicca syndrome. • The vast majority of patients with symptomatic disease are women. AMA is positive in over 90% of patients with PBC and only rarely is positive in other conditions. This makes it the most useful initial test in the diagnosis of PBC. • Since there are false-positives, if AMA is positive, a liver biopsy is performed to confirm the diagnosis. Pathology MICRONODULAR CIRRHOSIS • Uniform, small nodules up to 3 mm in diameter • Often caused by alcohol damage Pathology MACRONODULAR CIRRHOSIS • Large nodules • Often seen following hepatitis B infection • Cirrhosis with complicatons of encephalopathy, ascites or variceal haemorrhage – DECOMPENSATED CIRRHOSIS • Cirrhosis without any of these complications – COMPENSATED CIRRHOSIS Manifestations of Liver Cirrhosis Fig. 42-5 Clinical Manifestations Early Manifestations • Onset usually insidious • GI disturbances: – – – – Anorexia Dyspepsia Flatulence N-V, change in bowel habits Clinical Manifestations Early Manifestations • • • • Abdominal pain Fever Weight loss Enlarged liver or spleen Clinical Manifestations Late Manifestations • Two causative mechanisms – Hepatocellular failure – Portal hypertension Clinical Manifestations Jaundice • Occurs because of insufficient conjugation of bilirubin by the liver cells, and local obstruction of biliary ducts by scarring and regenerating tissue Clinical Manifestations Jaundice • Intermittent jaundice is characteristic of biliary cirrhosis • Late stages of cirrhosis the patient will usually be jaundiced Clinical Manifestations Skin • Spider angiomas (telangiectasia, spider nevi) • Palmar erythema Clinical Manifestations Endocrine Disturbances • Steroid hormones of the adrenal cortex (aldosterone), testes, and ovaries are metabolized and inactivated by the normal liver Clinical Manifestations Endocrine Disturbances • Alteration in hair distribution – Decreased amount of pubic hair – Axillary and pectoral alopecia Clinical Manifestations Hematologic Disorders • Bleeding tendencies as a result of decreased production of hepatic clotting factors (II, VII, IX, and X) Clinical Manifestations Hematologic Disorders • Anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia are believed to be result of hypersplenism Clinical Manifestations Peripheral Neuropathy • Dietary deficiencies of thiamine, folic acid, and vitamin B12 Complications • • • • Portal hypertension and esophageal varices Peripheral edema and ascites Hepatic encephalopathy Fetor hepaticus • Complications of portal hypertension begin to devolop when portal pressure reahes values>=12 mmHG normal<7 mmHg Complications Portal Hypertension • Characterized by: – – – – Increased venous pressure in portal circulation Splenomegaly Esophageal varices Systemic hypertension Complications Portal Hypertension • Primary mechanism is the increased resistance to blood flow through the liver Complications Portal Hypertension Splenomegaly • Back pressure caused by portal hypertension chronic passive congestion as a result of increased pressure in the splenic vein Complications Portal Hypertension Esophageal Varices •Increased blood flow through the portal system results in dilation and enlargement of the plexus veins of the esophagus and produces varices Complications Portal Hypertension Esophageal Varices •Varices have fragile vessel walls which bleed easily Complications Portal Hypertension Internal Hemorrhoids • Occurs because of the dilation of the mesenteric veins and rectal veins Complications Portal Hypertension Caput Medusae • Collateral circulation involves the superficial veins of the abdominal wall leading to the development of dilated veins around the umbilicus Complications Peripheral Edema and Ascites • Ascites: - Intraperitoneal accumulation of watery fluid containing small amounts of protein ASCITES • Presence of fluid in the peritoneal cavity • Therapy: diuretics paracentesis Complications Peripheral Edema and Ascites • Factors involved in the pathogenesis of ascites: - Hypoalbuminemia - Levels of aldosterone - Portal hypertension Complications Hepatic Encephalopathy • Liver damage causes blood to enter systemic circulation without liver detoxification Complications Hepatic Encephalopathy • Main pathogenic toxin is NH3 although other etiological factors have been identified • Frequently a terminal complication Stage 4coma personality 1- Frank 23Mild Drowsiness, Somnolence confusion, , disorientation, decreased changes, attention, marked intermittent irritability, confusion, reversedspeech disorientation slurred sleep pattern. Complications Fetor Hepaticus • Musty, sweetish odor detected on the patient’s breath • From accumulation of digested by-products Development of Ascites Fig. 42- Diagnostic Studies • • • • Liver function tests Liver biopsy Liver scan Liver ultrasound Diagnostic Studies • Esophagogastroduodenoscopy • Prothrombin time • Testing of stool for occult blood Collaborative Care • Rest • Avoidance of alcohol and anticoagulants • Management of ascites Collaborative Care • Prevention and management of esophageal variceal bleeding • Management of encephalopathy Collaborative Care Ascites • High carbohydrate, low protein, low Na+ diet • Diuretics • Paracentesis • SAAG: serum ascites albumin- ascitic ascites albumin • >1.1:portal hipertansiyon • <1.1 exculuda cirrosis and portal hypertension • Ascitic total protein levels greater than 3.5 and asitic albumin levels greater than 2.5 suggest a cardiac cause Collaborative Care Ascites • Peritoneovenous shunt – Provides for continuous reinfusion of ascitic fluid from the abdomen to the vena cava Collaborative Care Esophageal Varices • Avoid alcohol, aspirin, and irritating foods • If bleeding occurs, stabilize patient and manage the airway, administer vasopressin (Pitressin) •Patients with cirrhosis should be screened for varices every year with UEG Collaborative Care Esophageal Varices • Endoscopic sclerotherapy or ligation • Balloon tamponade • Surgical shunting procedures (e.g., portacaval shunt, TIPS) Collaborative Care Hepatic Encephalopathy • Goal: reduce NH3 formation – – – – Protein restriction (0-40g/day) Sterilization of GI tract with antibiotics (e.g., neomycin) lactulose (Cephulac) – traps NH3 in gut levodopa • Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) or portosystemic encephalopathy (PSE) is a reversible syndrome of impaired brain function occurring in patients with advanced liver failure Patients with grade I encephalopathy may have mild asterixis, whereas pronounced asterixis is seen in patients with grade II or III encephalopathy . Asterixis is typically absent in patients with grade IV encephalopathy, who instead may demonstrate decorticate or decerebrate posturing. However, this grading system does not take into account patients with minimal hepatic encephalopathy who may have very subtle signs and symptoms that may only be detected using specialized psychometric tests]. In addition, it may be difficult to differentiate mild (grade I) hepatic encephalopathy from minimal hepatic encephalopathy. The International Society for Hepatic Encephalopathy and Nitrogen Metabolism consensus suggests that the term "covert hepatic encephalopathy" be used for both minimal and mild (grade I) hepatic encephalopathy, and that the term "overt hepatic encephalopathy" be used for more severe hepatic encephalopathy (grades II-IV). • However, HE is not a single clinical entity. It may reflect either a reversible metabolic encephalopathy, brain atrophy, brain edema, or any combination of these conditions. • The mechanisms causing brain dysfunction in liver failure are still unknown. In advanced coma, the effects of brain swelling, impaired cerebral perfusion, and reversible impairment of neurotransmitter systems cannot be distinguished. Furthermore, these events overlap, at least in models of acute liver failure. •Many patients have elevated ammonia levels, but this is not sensitive or specifik for diagnosis……. • The various hypotheses of the pathogenesis of hepatic encephalopathy (HE) are not mutually exclusive. It seems likely that many of the described abnormalities may be present at the same time and may ultimately be responsible for the development of HE. • The synergistic action of ammonia with other toxins may account for many of the abnormalities occurring in liver failure, such as the changes in blood-to-brain transport of neurotransmitter precursors, the metabolism of amino acid neurotransmitters, and cerebral glucose oxidation. • These changes may lead to activation of inhibitory (GABA, serotonin) and impairment of excitatory (glutamate, catecholamines) neurotransmitter systems, resulting in enhanced neural inhibition. • Sepsis, neuroinflammation, and alterations in gut flora appear to be additional factors in the development of altered brain function in advanced liver disease. Hepatic encephalopathy describes a spectrum of potentially reversible neuropsychiatric abnormalities seen in patients with liver dysfunction and/or portosystemic shunting. Overt hepatic encephalopathy develops in 30 to 45 percent of patients with cirrhosis and in 10 to 50 percent of patients with transjugular intrahepatic portal-systemic shunts The International Society for Hepatic Encephalopathy and Nitrogen Metabolism consensus defines the onset of disorientation or asterixis as the onset of overt hepatic encephalopathy. Some patients with hepatic encephalopathy have subtle findings that may only be detected using specialized tests, a condition known as minimal hepatic encephalopathy Minimal hepatic encephalopathy is seen in up to 80 percent of patients with cirrhosis In addition, it may be difficult to differentiate mild (grade I) hepatic encephalopathy from minimal hepatic encephalopathy. The International Society for Hepatic Encephalopathy and Nitrogen Metabolism consensus suggests that the term "covert hepatic encephalopathy" be used for both minimal and mild (grade I) hepatic encephalopathy, and that the term "overt hepatic encephalopathy" be used for more severe hepatic encephalopathy (grades II-IV). • Hepatic encephalopathy is often easy to detect in patients presenting with overt neuropsychiatric symptoms. • It may be more difficult to detect in patients with chronic liver diseases who have mild signs of altered brain function, particularly if the underlying cause of the liver disease may be associated with neurologic manifestations (such as alcoholic liver disease or Wilson's disease). 1.Lactulose: • Thanks……