English I PAP - Connally High School

Pre-AP and AP Summer Reading Assignments 2015
To help prepare Pre-AP and AP students for the academic rigor that is required for an advanced
studies course, summer reading assignments for each grade level are listed below. These
assignments are to be completed by the first day of school. The classes will discuss these works
in class beginning on the first day of class.
All students are expected to create and complete the vocabulary and reading charts for the novel
they are reading. You will use your own paper for these charts so you will need to follow the
format on the charts below.
PAP English I
 Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury
PAP English II
 The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien – You will need 2 quotes per chapter
AP English III
 The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
AP English IV
 Students will sign up for a book that they will analyze for their research paper
Vocabulary Charts
Find 2 words in each chapter that you need defined. Write down each word and the page number
it is found on in the book. Then look the words up in the dictionary. Write the dictionary
definition and then use the word in a sentence. Your paper should not be identical to someone
else’s paper.
Page number in Dictionary Definition
Use the word in a
Ch. 1
Ch. 1
Reading Charts
Your analysis should go beyond just summarizing – this could include, but is not limited to
the following: symbols, allusions, foreshadowing, inference, irony, prediction. You will
need 1 quote per chapter.
Quote; Page Number
Chapter 7
Page 64 The first object that Pearl seemed to
This is ironic since Pearl and the scarlet letter
become aware of was the scarlet letter on
are both symbols of Hester’s sin of adultery
Hester's bosom.