Symmetry-restored coupled cluster theory One strategy to tackle near-degenerate and open-shell systems: I. Break symmetries II. Restore symmetries Thomas Duguet CEA/IRFU/SPhN, Saclay, France IKS, KU Leuven, Belgium NSCL, Michigan State University, USA FUSTIPEN Workshop on New Directions for Nuclear Structure and Reaction Theories March 16th – 20th 2015, GANIL, Caen 1/18 Outline I. Introduction II. Angular-momentum-restored coupled cluster formalism [T. Duguet, J. Phys. G42, 025107 (2015)] III. Preliminary results in the doubly-open shell 24Mg nucleus [S. Binder, T. Duguet, G. Hagen, T. Papenbrock, unpublished] 2/18 Part I Introduction 3/18 Towards ab-initio methods for open-shell nuclei 1. Design methods to study complete isotopic/isotonic chains, i.e. singly open-shell nuclei 2. Further extend methods to tackle doubly open-shell nuclei Many 100s of nuclei eventually Nuclear structure at/far from b stability Magic numbers and their evolution? Limits of stability beyond Z=8? Mechanisms for nuclear superfluidity? Evolution of quadrupole collectivity? Role and validation of AN forces? ASn ANi ACa Option 1: single-reference methods Gorkov-SCGF AO [V. Somà, T. Duguet, C. Barbieri, PRC 84, 064317 (2011)] Bogoliubov CC [A. Signoracci, T. Duguet, G. Hagen, G. R. Jansen, arXiv:1412.2696] Option 2: multi-reference methods MR-IMSRG [H. Hergert et al., PRL 110, 242501 (2013)] IMSRG-based valence shell model [S. K. Bogner et al., PRL 113, 142501 (2014)] CC-based valence shell model [G. R. Jansen et al., PRL 113 142502 (2014)] NCSM-based valence shell model [E. Dikmen et al., arXiv:1502.00700] 4/18 Breaking and restoring symmetries Expansion around a single reference state Target state Wave operator Reference state Expand A-body ground state Size extensive Ground-state energy Closed shell Singly/doubly open shell Singly/doubly open shell RHF reference UHF(B) reference UHF(B) manyfold conserves A, J2, M breaks A / J2 and M restores A / J2 and M Dy-SCGF CC Go-SCGF BCC First implementation Breaks down for open-shell nuclei PNR-BCC/AMR-CC New formalism SCGF: to be done Symmetry contaminants Multi-reference character ph degeneracy <-> Zero mode Finite inertia <-> Resolve zero mode 5/18 Part II Symmetry-restored coupled-cluster theory Angular-momentum-restored coupled-cluster formalism [T. Duguet, J. Phys. G42, 025107 (2015)] Particle-number-restored Bogoliubov coupled-cluster formalism [T. Duguet, A. Signoracci, in preparation (2015)] 6/18 Master equations (1) Symmetry group of H includes SU(2) = non abelian compact Lie group – Lie algebra labeled by J and spanned by M and IRREPs are Wigner D functions Eigen-states of H 1) UHF reference state leads to 2) Rotated reference states Imaginary-time dependent scheme Evolution operator Time-evolved state Thouless transformation Non-pert. sum of p-h excitations R(W) Standard many-body methods Off-diagonal kernels Diagonal kernels (W = 0) Dynamical equation Reduced kernels Intermediate normalization at W = 0 7/18 Master equations (2) Expansion of off-diagonal kernels over IRREPs of SU(2) Time propagation selects the proper IRREP Straight ratio Schrödinger equation for G.S. Truncating kernels expanded around a symmetry-breaking reference IRREPs still mixed as t -> ∞ <=> The good symmetry is lost Standard many-body methods Symmetry-restored energy Superfluous in exact limit but not after truncation No fingerprint of mixing left to be used Benefit of inserting rotation operator in kernels 8/18 Angular-momentum-restored CC theory Objective: extend symmetry restoration techniques beyond PHF to any order in CC such that 1. It keeps the simplicity of a single-reference-like CC theory 2. It is valid for any symmetry (spontaneously) broken by the reference state 3. It is valid for any system, i.e. closed shell, near degenerate and open shell 4. It accesses not only the ground state but also the lowest state of each IRREP 1) Static correlations from integral over SU(2) 2) Dynamic correlations from CC expansions of kernels + consistent interference Technical points of importance • Wick Theorem for off-diagonal matrix element of strings of operators [R. Balian, E. Brezin, NC 64, 37 (1969)] • Care must be taken of both the rotated energy and norm kernels Expansion and truncation must be consistent Problematic to find a naturally terminating expansion Does not stay normalized when W varies 9/18 Expansion of the operator kernels All kernels are reduced ones at t = ∞ only one Euler angle b Expanding the kernel of an operator The norm kernel factorizes exactly This is proved via the MBPT expansions of and is the connected/linked kernel to operator Generalized diagrammatic b-dependent unperturbed line Possess generalized expansions 1. MBPT expansion 2. Naturally terminating CC expansion b-dependent part connects holes and particles Signals the symmetry breaking Diagonal density matrix of UHF reference state Standard methods recovered at b = 0 In the exact limit After truncation 10/18 Coupled cluster energy kernel Algebraic expressions 1) Same formal structure as in standard CC 2) Natural termination of an exponential 3) No use of Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff 4) Expand with off diagonal Wick theorem Cumbersome expressions Very rich content in b Transformed operators Bi-orthogonal system -Exact same expressions as in standard CC -Similar CPU cost at a given truncation level Same extension for CC amplitudes equations CC expansion of the off-diagonal energy kernel 11/18 Norm kernel Energy of the yrast states Two key questions about 1. No naturally terminating expansion 2. Consistent expansion with operator kernels ? Solution: apply the symmetry-restored scheme to and require exact symmetry restoration This leads to the ODE satisfied by Displays a naturally terminating CC expansion Initial conditions This ensures that the symmetry is exactly/consistently restored at any truncation order of Alternatively one can solve a first-order ODE invoking Note: Extends to any CC order a known result of projected HF e.g. [K. Enami et al., PRC59 (1999) 135] 12/18 Limits of interest 1. Standard SR-CC theory recovered at b = 0 or if does not break the symmetry 2. First order = Projected Hartree-Fock approximation ODE where 3. Second-order MBPT Recover standard MBPT2 at b = 0 Perturbative cluster amplitudes ODE Cannot be factorized in terms of a projected state 13/18 Part III Preliminary results for 24Mg Set up NNLOopt 2NF (L = 500 MeV/c) [A. Ekstrom et al., PRL110, 192502 (2013)] No 3NF yet HO basis emax = 3,4,5 hw = 22 MeV m-scheme code S. Binder, T. Duguet, G. Hagen, T. Papenbrock, unpublished 14/18 Off-diagonal kernels ODE Hartree Fock (n=1) MBPT2 (n=2) emax=5 (not converged yet) combined with Scalar/vector operator’s kernel is symmetric/antisymmetric with respect to p/2 Deformed HF Deformed MBPT2 Integrate over b Integrate over b First (1) ab initio (2) beyond PHF such calculations 15/18 Angular momentum restoration MBPT2 Hartree Fock Hartree Fock Sym. Unr. Sym. Rest. DE (Sym. Rest.) HF -66.4 -71.0 4.6 MBPT2 -162.9 -167.8 4.9 GS E (MeV) MBPT2 Dynamic & non-dynamic correlations weakly interfere (DE ↗ 6%) N2LOopt is not perturbative: MBPT & Emax = 5 not enough Perfect restoration of J2 16/18 Ground-state rotational band State-of-the-art MR-EDF: PNR & AMR + GCM - SLy4 + DDDI [M. Bender, P.-H. Heenen, PRC78 (2008) 024309] Quite converged with respect to emax Moment of inertia significantly impacted by dynamic correlations (have to look at PES) Certainly look very reasonable and encouraging No 3N interaction yet + non-perturbative CC needed for realistic Hamiltonians (in progress) Present low-order MBPT could be the basis of a “better controlled” nuclear EDF method [T. Duguet, M. Bender, J.-P. Ebran, T. Lesinski, V. Somà, arXiv:1502.03672] Future Angular-momentum-restored potential energy surfaces, EOM-like extension for non-yrast states, 17/18 Use of triaxial/cranked reference states… Conclusions and perspectives First consistent symmetry-restoration MBPT/CC theory beyond PHF [T. Duguet, J. Phys. G42, 025107 (2015)] Conclusions Main features Applies to any symmetry and any system Includes standard single-reference CC theory as a particular case Reduces to Projected Hartree-Fock theory at lowest order Accesses yrast spectroscopy Denotes a multi-reference scheme amenable to parallelization Ab initio calculations of doubly open-shell nuclei in progress (encouraging) [S. Binder, T. Duguet, T. Papenbrock, G. Hagen, unpublished] Particle-number Bogoliubov CC formalism [T. D., A. Signoracci, in preparation] Future Develop a similar formalism to extend Go-SCGF [T. D. V. Somà, C. Barbieri, work in progress] Ab-initio-driven nuclear energy density functional method [T. Duguet, M. Bender, J.-P. Ebran, T. Lesinski, V. Somà, arXiv:1502.03672] 18/18 Appendix Complementary slides 19/18 AMR-CC scheme in one slide 1. Off-diagonal operator kernels Recovers single-reference CC at W = 0 Recovers Projected HF at lowest order with 2. Off-diagonal connected kernels 6. Symmetry-restored energy 3. Transformed matrix elements where Bi-orthogonal system 5. Norm kernel 4. Amplitude CC equations Set of SR-CC calculations for Nsym~(10)angles values of W 20/18 Non-perturbative ab-initio many-body theories Comp data Input Ab-initio many-body theories Effective structure-less nucleons 2N + 3N + … inter-nucleon interactions Solve A-body Schrödinger equation Thorough assessment of errors needed High predictive power Limited applicability domain 100Sn 56Ni 40Ca 48Ca 2003-2014 CC, Dy-SCGF, IMSRG Near doubly-magic nuclei A<132 Inter-nucleon interactions Link to QCD – cEFT [E. Epelbaum, PPNP67, 343 (2012)] Soften through RG [S.K. Bogner et al., PPNP65, 94 (2010)] 132Sn 16O 22,24O [Dean, Hjorth-Jensen, Piecuch, Hagen, Papenbrock, Roth] [Barbieri, Dickhoff] [Tsukiyama, Bogner, Schwenk, Hergert] 1980-2014 FY, GFMC, NCSM All nuclei A<12 [Carlson, Pieper, Wiringa] [Barrett, Vary, Navratil, Ormand] Based on expansion scheme Systematic error Cross-benchmarks needed 21/18 Symmetry and symmetry breaking Some symmetries of H Symmetry breaking and associated physics Group | YX > Invariance DE Correlations Excitation All nuclei… Gap but doubly magic Spatial trans. T(1) 𝑷 Pairing <2MeV Gauge rot. U(1) N,Z Angular loc. <20MeV Rot. band Spatial rot. SO(3) J,M Dealt with by decoupling internal and CM motions Restoration of symmetries | YX > DE One way is to enforce the symmetry throughout the description Another way is to let symmetry break in low order description Symmetry restricted description particle-hole (quasi)degeneracy Spectro N,Z ~1MeV Pairing rot. J,M ~2MeV Rot. band Crucial for specific observables but singly magic Good symmetry Hard to get DE Symmetry restored description Finite inertia <-> Resolve Goldstone mode Symmetry breaking description ph degeneracy <-> Zero mode Account of DE Order parameter Symmetry lost Fictitious in nuclei! Extra DE Good symmetry 22/18 Many-body perturbation theory (1) Symmetry-breaking unperturbed system Such that where and with Rotated state with and where Off diagonal unperturbed one-body density matrix W-dependent part couples p and h spaces Density matrix of sym. unrest. reference state 23/18 Many-body perturbation theory (2) Off-diagonal unperturbed propagator = basic contraction for Wick Theorem Couples p and h Off-diagonal operator kernel (e.g. O=H) Off-diagonal Wick theorem Evolution operator [R. Balian, E. Brezin, NC 64, 37 (1969)] Factorization of the norm kernel = connected vacuum-to-vacuum diagrams linked to at time 0 Expansion in Feynman diagrams Usual rules but off-diagonal propagators 24/18 Many-body perturbation theory (3) Potential energy diagrams – example at zero order = standard symmetry unrestricted MBPT-0 contribution Genuinely W -dependent part Signals the symmetry breaking Larget limit In the exact limit After truncation 25/18 Coupled cluster energy kernel t- and W-dependent cluster operators (or rather their hermitian conjuguate…) Kinetic energy kernel = connected diagrams linked to T CC MBPT-0 Time integration MBPT-1,2…∞ … Similar for the potential energy kernel All connected diagrams with one ph pair leaving down 26/18 Account of single-reference CC method (1) Nuclear Hamiltonian Wave-function ansatz Anti-symmetrized matrix elements Product state of reference Particle states a,b,c… Hole states i,j,k… Cluster operator N-tuple connected component Norm kernel in intermediate normalization Only non-zero ph matrix elements Exponential generates connected + disconnected n-tuple excitations Size extensive 27/18 Account of single-reference CC method (2) Time-independent Schrödinger equation xe-T Similarity-transformed Hamiltonian Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff + Wick theorem Exponential naturally terminates Energy equation Variant without xe-T first Amplitude equation to determine Tn Define energy and norm kernels Obtain algebraic expressions via Wick theorem Approx <-> truncate T beyond a certain Tn Exemple: retaining T1 and T2 defines CCSD 28/18 Issues with near degenerate systems Problematic reference states MBPT fails because of ea - ei -> 0 High-order CC based on RHF or ROHF -CCSDT or CR-CC(2,3) for single bond breaking [J. Noga, R.J. Bartlett, JCP 86, 7041 (1987)] [P. Piecuch, M. Wloch, JCP 123, 224105 (2005)] -CCSDTQ or CR-CC(2,4) for double bond breaking [J. Olsen et al., JCP 104, 8007 (1996)] -EOM-CC for states near closed shell reference [J.F. Stanton, R. J. Bartlett, JCP 98, 7029 (1993)] [G. Jansen et al., PRC 83, 054306 (2011)] -Spin-adapted CC theory for high spin states [M. Heckert et al., JCP 124, 124105 (2006)] Near degenerate Multi reference Open shell MBPT and CC based on UHF [R. J. Bartlett, ARPC 32, 359 (1981)] CC and SCGF based on HFB [V. Somà, T. Duguet, C. Barbieri, PRC 84, 064317 (2011)] [A. Signoracci, T. Duguet, G. Hagen, G. R. Jansen, arXiv:1412.2696] Error from CI for H2O symmetric stretch (bond angle fixed at 110.6°) MR-MBPT MR-CC MR-IMSRG Large spin contamination near 2Re ->very slow convergence ->need non-perturbative step [A.G. Taube, MP 108, 2951 (2010)] Good at equilibrium/dissociation29/18 Symmetry breaking reference state Purpose of symmetry breaking reference state • • • • Breaking Opens the gap at eF Non degenerate reference Diagrammatic methods well behaved Incorporates non-perturbative physics symmetry Open shell Near degenerate Non degenerate Lowdin operator in low-order MBPT based on UHF [P.-O. Lowdin, PR 97, 1509 (1955)] [H.B. Schlegel, JCP 92, 3075 (1988)] [P.J. Knowles, N.C. Hardy, JCP 88, 6991 (1988)] No generic and consistent symmetry broken & restored CC theory… 30/18