Microfinance, health and well-being

Self-Funded PhD Research Project
Yunus Centre for Social Business and Health
Project Reference Number: Added by Research Administrators
Project Title: Microfinance, health and well-being
Self-funded research applications are invited for the following PhD project at Glasgow Caledonian
University. Please note that as this project is not funded by a university studentship, the successful
candidate will be required to source external funding for the research degree fees and living expenses
while studying at the university.
Research Discipline areas
Social sciences, health economics, public health research
Research Theme(s)
Healthy Lives – Public Health
Inclusive Societies – Social Innovation
Inclusive Societies –Equalities and Justice
Research Supervisor Contact
Candidates are encouraged to contact the following researcher for further details on the proposed
research project area.
Dr Olga Biosca, Lecturer in Social Business and Microfinance, Yunus Centre: olga.biosca@gcu.ac.uk ,
Research Project Summary
There are deep associations between poverty, health and wellbeing. In the UK, this relationship persists,
despite the existence of the National Health Service. Microcredit is a tool that could potentially benefit the
health of poor. However, little is known about the role government can play in supporting microfinance
institutions or in the perceptions of the public with respect to how microfinance might improve their
immediate and longer-term wellbeing. These are the issues to be explored in this research opportunity,
with a focus on the empirical work on disadvantaged communities both in the UK and other countries at
various stages of economic development.
This project has an overall aim of researching the potential for microcredit to act as a health creator and
generator of wellbeing. This brings a new ‘determinants of health’ perspective to the microcredit
research field. The project may explore: public perceptions on the relationship between microcredit and
health; the sustainability, incentives and impact of microcredit initiatives that have the potential to affect
health and wellbeing; or a combination of these.
This research will contribute to the future design, implementation and evaluation of microcredit
initiatives and public health policies.
Mode(s) of Study
This project is available as a:
 PhD: 3 years full-time
 PhD: 4.5 years part-time
 1 + 3 route to PhD: Undertaking MRes [1 year full-time or 2 years part-time] + PhD as above
Institute/Research Groups (if applicable)
Yunus Centre for Social Business and Health
Applicants will normally hold a UK honours degree 2:1 (or equivalent); or a Masters degree in a subject
relevant to the research project. Equivalent professional qualifications and any appropriate research
experience may be considered. A minimum English language level of IELTS score of 6.5 (or equivalent)
with no element below 6.0 is required. Some research disciplines may require higher levels.
How to Apply
Candidates are encouraged to contact the research supervisor contact for the project before applying.
Applicants should complete the GCU Research Application Form (available from:
http://www.gcu.ac.uk/research/phdresearchopportunities/) stating the project title and reference
number and attaching a research proposal.
The form should be sent with copies of academic qualifications (including IELTS if required), 2 references
and any other relevant documentation to: researchapplications@gcu.ac.uk. Applicants shortlisted for a
PhD will be contacted for an interview.
Application Deadlines
The PhD programmes commence in 01 October, 01 February or 01 May of each year. The application
deadlines for 2015-16 are as follows:
October 2015 Start - 30 June 2015
February 2016 Start - 1 December 2015
May 2016 Start - 1 March 2016
Research Degree Fees
Current fee information: http://www.gcu.ac.uk/study/postgraduate/feesfinance/researchfees/