West Linn High School Spanish 3 2015-2016 Teacher: Sra. Gretchen Hughey Classroom: D201 Office Hours: After school and before school by appointment Email: hugheyg@wlwv.k12.or.us Phone: TBD Website: http://www.wlhs.wlwv.k12.or.us/Page/8519 → Check me often! Course Description Spanish 3 is a course conducted mostly in Spanish with a limited use of English for clarification of concepts. It continues the development of students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Students will be able to speak and write about numerous topics, express opinions, narrate past events and request information using increasingly advanced vocabulary and grammar, using grammatical concepts such as ser vs estar, future and conditional tenses, present and pluperfect tenses, present and present perfect subjunctive, object pronouns, por vs para. Vocabulary will focus on outdoor activities, art and Hispanic artists, health and nutrition, professions, the community, and history and geography of Spain. Students will be expected to ask and answer questions in Spanish as much as possible. Course Objectives & Goals In Spanish 3 we will… Further develop vocabulary and grammar base for success in intermediate communication in Spanish. Solidify language-learning strategies and skill building techniques. Use communicative / cooperative learning during activities with partners and small groups. Interact almost exclusively in the target language with the instructor and classmates. Participate in class activities designed to enhance cultural understanding and language mastery. Maintain a cooperative and respectful learning environment. Class Materials Required: 3-ring spiral notebook or binder specifically dedicated to Spanish 3 pencils/pens dry erase marker, eraser (can be an old sock or other piece of fabric) Suggested: Spanish/English dictionary – I will have a few available for you to use in class when necessary. Verb conjugation reference book (like 501 Spanish Verbs or similar) Course Evaluation Classwork and Homework Attendance and Participation Tests and quizzes Semester exam 30% 15% 40% 15% A = 92-100% A- = 90-91% B+ = 88-89% B = 82-27% B- = 80-81% C+ = 78-79% C = 72-77% C- = 70-71% D+ = 68-69% D = 62-67% D- = 60-61% F = 0-59% Classwork and Homework (30%) In class we prepare you for the work you will do outside of class. There will be homework assigned daily. All assignments are to be completed on time and in hand when you walk into class. Assignments turned in one (1) day late will receive half credit, unless due to an excused absence, in which you have 2 weeks to submit make up work. No exceptions. For each day in class, you should plan to spend 30-60 minutes of studying outside of class. Attendance and Participation (15%) Participation is an important part of your grade in the class. Participation happens by speaking in the target language through questions and answers, and pair-share activities. Participation points (Puntos por Hablar may also be gained through one-on-one speaking practice with the teacher outside of class, by special arrangement and with the instructor’s agreement.) Attendance is mandatory for participation. Tests and quizzes (40%) There will be a variety of exams and quizzes during the year, testing a variety of skills and knowledge. If there is an unexcused absence on the day of a test or quiz, it cannot be made up. Students are allowed a maximum of 2 weeks to make up tests and quizzes following an excused absence. No test retakes. Semester exam (15%) The semester exam will include material studied during the entire semester. I highly recommend you keep all work, packets, flashcards, etc. throughout the semester to use as study materials for the exams. Remind Text Would you (or your parents!) like to receive text message reminders on your cell phone about important class events and deadlines? All you have to do is enroll yourself in our class by texting @ghughey to 81010 to receive mobile text reminders! If this is your first time using Remind, the first response text will prompt you to text back your name. Please give your first and last name as you would like to be called in class. Make-Up Work In the case of an excused absence, you are able to make up any missed work. This includes homework assignments, in-class activities (as appropriate, or substitute activities at the teacher’s discretion), and tests/quizzes that you may have missed while you were gone. You have a maximum of 2 weeks from when you return from your absence to make up the missing work. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO COMMUNICATE WITH ME REGARDING YOUR MISSING ASSIGNMENTS – NOT MINE! If you know in advance you are going to be gone from class, check with me beforehand and plan ahead. Class Expectations 1. Attend class every day and be in your seat when the bell rings. 2. Come prepared to class every day. You will not be allowed to run to your locker for forgotten materials after the bell rings. 3. We will work “bell to bell.” This means we will start working as soon as the bell rings and will continue working until the bell rings at the end of the period. Be prepared to spend the entire time period working for this class. You will not have time to work on assignments from other classes or other outside work. 4. Respect others. This includes respecting their personal property, listening when someone else is speaking, and being supportive of your peers as they learn a new language. 5. NO GUM OR FOOD IN CLASS. Drinks in closed containers are okay. 6. Give your best effort and take responsibility for YOUR learning. 7. NO ELECTRONIC DEVICES, unless authorized by the teacher. This includes, but is not limited to, cell phones, iPods and tablets. Extra Resources Academic Center – Open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 3:30pm – 5:00pm in G202 www.quizlet.com www.verbix.com Barron’s 501 Spanish Verbs www.wordreference.com (Be careful! Plugging in whole bodies of text often come out incorrect and I will be able to tell when I read your writing if it’s not your own work!) Academic Integrity Working together is absolutely encouraged and can be a very helpful way to learn. However, copying another person’s work is unethical and will not be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, copying materials from classmates, books, the Internet, online translators, etc. Specific instances of academic dishonesty will be dealt with at the instructor’s discretion, but consequences may include loss of credit for the assignment as well as intervention by school administers and the student’s/s’ parents. ***Students/Parents/Guardians: Please fill out, sign and return by Friday, 9/4.*** Parents, by signing you are acknowledging that you have read through this syllabus and understand its contents. Student Printed Name: ____________________________________________ Date: _____________________ Student Signature: ____________________________________________________ Parent Contact Parents’ preferred method of contact (please mark all that apply) ___ E-mail my/our e-mail address is: _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ___Phone you can reach me/us at: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ___A note home with the student Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________________________________________________________________________