Andrew Luck – Folgers

Executive Summary
 Folgers will sponsor
quarterback Andrew Luck.
 Folgers will increase sales
among the growing market
of college students as well as
change its image among
 Luck will be featured in a
series of commercials
targeting college students.
Situational Analysis
 Luck does not have many other sponsors.
 Folgers has no other sports related sponsorships.
 Luck is emerging as one of the league’s top quarterback
despite his rookie status.
 Luck’s affiliation with Stanford, as well as the Colts and NFL,
will create an implied relationship between Folgers and these
entities without there actually being any relationship.
Potential External Factors
 The NFL is the most
popular sport and its
popularity is still rising .
 College enrollment is rising.
 Coffee is seen as a
“necessity” among daily
 No legal or political
Objectives for Sponsorship
Objectives for Sponsorship
 Change Image
 Increase Sales in Target Market
 Providing Content for Website
 Increase Participation in a Current Promotion
 Building a Database of Qualified Prospect in Target Market
Sponsorship Recommendation
 Andrew Luck
 Top Pick in 2012 NFL
 Stanford Graduate
 3.48 GPA in Stanford’s
prestigious architectural
design program
 Well spoken, caring,
tough, smart, consistent
 Popular throughout the
league, not just
Change Image
 Folgers has always promoted their coffee as “the best part of
waking up”
 This is great for the older demographic (35+)
 This sponsorship will help Folgers coffee to be seen as the
drink that keeps college kids going, either waking up for that
8 am class or staying up to study for that big midterm.
 Folgers will use Andrew Luck to change the way students and
even those beginning their careers see Folgers.
 Folgers is seen as a way to keep going, as well as “the best
part of waking up”.
Increase Sales in Target Market
 This sponsorship will increase sales, specifically among two
target markets:
 College students
 Avid NFL fans
 Increase sales by 5% among adult males ages 18-24 by the
end of 2013.
 Increase sales by 7% among adult males ages 18-34 (targeting
avid NFL fans) by the end of 2013.
Provide Content for Website
 He will attract fans and potential customers to the Folgers
website to see exclusive web content.
 Increase web page “hits” by 10% throughout the term of the
advertising campaign.
Increase Participation in a Current
 Folgers currently has a promotion to see who can make the
best jingle using their slogan “the best part of waking up”.
 Folgers’ would help produce a jingle video starring Luck, and
invite others to make one as well.
 This is a yearly promotion that could use some new
 Receive over 5000 original videos entered into the contest in
 3000 were received in 2011
Building a Database of Qualified
Prospect in Target Market
 Each Folgers’ product will offer customers the chance to win
Luck’s autograph, with many, many winners.
 In order to enter for a chance to win, you must provide a name,
email address, and zip code.
 Although this won’t build a very in-depth database, it will give
Folgers a way to offer special deals and coupons to current and
potential customers without discouraging fans to sign up
because of how much information is wanted.
 Build a database of at least 5000 prospects within 6 months.
Strategic Filters
Brand Positioning
Brand Character
 Folgers strives to make the
 Reliable
best value when choosing
 21.60% Market share with
$419M in sales.
 “The best part of waking
 Consistent
 Simple
Andrew Luck
 Andrew Luck is a good AllAmerican man. He
conquers grades, football,
and life.
Competitive Analysis
 Coffee brands do not tend to explore sponsorships in sports, with a few
exceptions, Dunkin Donuts.
 Folgers competes directly with Maxwell House, who is number 2 in sales with
$283.7M, and indirectly with Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts.
 Folgers and Maxwell House produce coffee to be brewed at home, while Starbucks
and Dunkin Donuts are coffee shops that customers visit to get their coffee rather
than brewing it themselves.
 Dunkin Donuts has affiliations with several teams on the east coast, including
the Red Sox, Patriots, Mets,Yankees, Rays, and Cowboys. It is the only large
and active coffee brand when it comes to sport sponsorship.
 Tim Hortons also sponsors Sidney Crosby and now Ohio State.
 Luck has over 100,000 likes on his facebook page and doesn’t
have a twitter account (although multiple Andrew Luck fan
accounts add up to over 30,000 followers).
First overall pick in the 2012 NFL Draft
Two-time All American at Stanford
Three-time Pepsi NFL Rookie of the Week
Heisman Trophy Runner-up in 2011 and 2012
Target Audience
Ages 18-24
Ages 45+
 College age
 End of working career to
 Busy schedules
 Relaxation
 See coffee as a part of their
morning routine
 Consistently high coffee
 Need to “keep going”
 Growing market
College Target Market
 Demographics
 Ages 18-24
 9% increase in daily coffee consumption in 2012
 Enrollment in college by people under 25 increased by 34%
from 2000-2010
 Psychographics
 Always busy
 Live with and among other students
 Juggle class, work, and friends
 Andrew Luck worked hard to
be drafted number 1, while
earning an architecture degree
with a high GPA.
 Folgers will present coffee as
the source that kept him going.
 Luck matches the description
of the typical college coffee
drinker with multiple
obligations and responsibilities.
Activation Potential
 Interview Style
 Jingle featuring Luck
 (Shaq Dove commercial)
 Luck talks about the struggle
with football and class at
 Highlights Folgers
 Scripted
 More available online at
 Being the first pick
 2nd in Heisman twice
 How is first season went
 Funny
 Shows his less serious side
 Invites fans and potential
customers to submit their
videos online