BIOLOGY 12 COURSE OUTLINE SEMESTER 1 - SEPT 2014 Mr. A. Ferguson Biology 12 is an introductory Human Biology course designed for students who are interested in pursuing studies in Life Sciences, such as Nursing, Medicine and Physical Education. The course builds on the units of life science covered in junior sciences, with a focus on cell chemistry, cell biology and human biological systems. One of the key ideas that runs through the entire course is the theme of homeostasis, or balance. While not a specific topic, this will be a continual thread in the curriculum. While the subject matter is inherently interesting, this is a demanding course that presumes students who are taking it are prepared to put in a regular and significant amount of time to learning the content. COURSE EXPECTATIONS The course material conceptually is not overly difficult, unlike chemistry or physics; it is more the volume of detail and the interconnections between the whole subjects. The further along we get, the more the content connects back to other topics. It is very much like doing a jigsaw puzzle where you don’t have a master picture to work from. Your master picture is the course outlines. Pre- reading of the upcoming lectures is a required part of the course expectations NOTES Students will be expected to generate their own set of class lecture notes. These can be done in several ways; - Students can ‘copy notes’ during class - Students can use a tablet or laptop to take notes Students can access the class lecture notes posted to the website as a pdf file. If students are going to use the web notes as their source, they are still expected to generate and bring to class their ongoing notebooks. The notes will be done on the SMARTBOARD™ and the notes will be saved and exported to the web as pdf. Files. These notes will form the basis of the unit summary PLO s that all students will be required to create HOMEWORK As required or helpful, students will be given assigned questions and chapter reviews. These will be marked in class for COMPLETION ONLY. As these are completed, students will receive a mark for that task. This will make up what is part of your FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT (FA) Other tasks (tests, formal assignments and the final exam) will be part of the SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT (SA) PLO’s The course is built on a set of Prescribed Learning Outcomes (or PLOs) See link attached to the PLO site: pg. 27 -28 (document page number 19) As we cover the materials, you will be putting together your own set of these PLOs. These will be very helpful as you study for the quizzes and tests and will be essential to studying for the final exam that makes up 30% of your final mark. The entire package will be due the morning of the final exam and the complete set of PLO`s are worth 10% of the course. TEXTBOOK AND WEBSITE The textbook for the course is new this year BC Biology 12 and is adapted to meet the course prescribed learning objectives (PLO’s) This resource also comes with internet support that we will be using significantly as part of the lesson and homework. Please see the link attached for more information. TESTS and QUIZZES There will be two unit( midterm) tests (20%) There will be biweekly quizzes. (10%) These will typically happen on a Friday, but the may be rescheduled as needed. The structure of the quizzes is modelled on the tests and exams to prepare you for these. These quizzes (along with homework and the PLOs will be part of your formative assessment. This means that, provided you take advantage of this, you are able to resubmit / redo these assessment tasks until you get a mark that you are satisfied with. Tests, assignments and the final exam will be assessed summatively to preclude the possibility of copying or plagiarism. There will be a final summary of the PLO’s to be submitted before the final exam. This package is mandatory. PLO packages will be submitted at intervals during the semester by emailing them. They are marked for COMPLETION ONLY SINCE WE ARE USING A NEW TEXT AND NEW PLO STRUCTURE, PREVIOUS PLOS WILL NO LONGER BE PERTINENT, EXCEPT AS A RESOURCE FOR MEDIA Please sign below to indicate you have read and accept these expectations Signed ____________________________________ student Signed ___________________________________ parent COURSE OVERVIEW UNIT Chemistry of life Cell biology DNA and Protein Synthesis CHAPTER PLO 2 3 4 TOPIC B1 Cell Structure & Function (S & F) Cell Organelles B2 B3 B4 Water Acids and bases Biological molecules B9 The cell membrane Transport across the membrane Cell tonicity B10 Limitations to cell size B5 DNA S&F DNA RNA B6 Recombinant DNA DNA Technology Cloning and Gene Therapy B8 Mutations B7 Protein Synthesis Enzymes 5 B11 Metabolic pathways Enzymes Factors affecting rates of enzymes Digestion 9 C1 Digestion S & F Digestive tract C2 Digestive enzymes Digestive juices TIMELINE SEPT OCT Circulation Respiration Nervous system 10 11 12 C5 Circulation S & F Arteries and Veins Pulmonary and Systemic circuits C6 Blood and blood cells C4 Blood pressure and heart rate C3 The heart S & F The cardiac cycle C7 The lymphatic system Immunity and antibodies C8 Respiration S & F Lung Capacity C9 Mechanics of breathing C10 External and Internal respiration The 3 equations C11 Nerves S & F Nerve impulse transmission Transmission across the synapse C12 Reflex arc CNS and PNS The sympathetic NS The brain NS disorders Urinary system 13 C13 Urinary tract S & F Formation of Urine Reproduction 14 C14 Male anatomy and reproduction C15 Female anatomy and reproduction Fertilization and development NOV DEC JAN Course Evaluation Evaluation task Homework ( FA) Tests (SA) Quizzes ( FA) Assignments ( SA) PLO’s ( FA) Final Exam (SA) Weight 15% 20% 10% 15% 10% 30%