Fadoua EL BRIHI Arnaud LAURENT AN INTERNATIONAL OVERVIEW 2) BEL’S STRATEGIC FIELD OF ACTION « Bel specializes in developing and manufacturing quality, brand name cheeses enjoyed around the world and affordable to all » Source: www.goupe-bel.com Suppliers 350 strategic suppliers Milk Packaging Other 40% in value 45% in value 15% in value 1,7 B/L in 2008. From GAEC or independant structures Customer Supermarkets (Auchan, Carrefour..) Specialized shops (Viktor, cheese shops) Fast-foods International Hotels Institutionnal organisations KEY FACTORS Over 30 brands Strong notoriety Market adaptability Playful concepts COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES The festive nature of the product no protocol accessibility 3) CHINESE FEATURES Educate Accustom the consumer Develop loyalty BEL’S COMPETITIVE STRUCTURE Level of protocol Taste accessibility BEL’S DIRECT COMPETITORS Range of distribution - Price CHINA AND THE CHEESE CULTURE Population study: 30 chinese people/English speaking/20 -25 yearsolds, 10 beingmore than25years old/November2010 CHINA AND THE CHEESE CULTURE What kind of cheese do you usually eat ? Parmesan gruyere Greek cheese Sliced cheese Cheese consumption: 1 to 2 times /month BEL stakes in the Chinese market - Cultural issue - Chopsticks vs. flatware - Strong taste - logistics concern - Weak competition - Booming market - Low labor costs - Milk industry expansion - Government support Adapt BEL products to the Chinese market New components Appropriate formats, flavors & tastes Dairy & soft goods Adapt BEL products to the Chinese market Alliance with the government Awareness to health Education R&D Adapt BEL products to the Chinese market Marketing Advice & demonstration Design & Visual marks French product made in China BONGRAIN MODEL Soft cheese leaders Distribution channels 12 years in China PIKIFOU BONGRAIN DISTRIBUTION NETWORK BONGRAIN MODEL MILKANA Thank you for attention!!