Earl Grey Credit Union Limited 2014 Annual Meeting 2014 Annual Report March 30, 2015 Proposed Agenda Contents Page Proposed Annual Membership Meeting Agenda ………………… 1 1) Call to Order and Welcome 2014 Annual Membership Meeting Minutes……………………………… 3 2) Adoption of Agenda and Notice of Meeting Message from the Board…………… 5 3) Minutes of Last Annual Meeting About Earl Grey Credit Union ……. 6 4) Business Arising from Minutes Corporate Social Responsibility…… 9 5) Adoption of Minutes Corporate Governance…………....... Credit Committee Report…………. Nominations Committee Report…... Audit Committee Report…………... 10 14 15 16 6) Message from the Board 7) Management Discussion & Analysis 8) Credit Committee Report Code of Conduct & Market Code…… 17 9) Governance Committee Report Management Discussion/Analysis…... Balanced Scorecard……………….. Enterprise Risk Management…….. Capital Management………………. Financial Performance…………….. Asset Growth Since 1953…………... 18 21 22 24 25 26 10) Audit Committee Report 11) Auditor’s Report and Presentation of Financial Statements 12) Appointment of Auditors for 2015 Consolidated Financial Statements Management Responsibility Auditor’s Report 13) Adoption of Reports 14) Service Awards 15) New Business/Questions 16) Door Prize Draw 17) Adjournment 1 MINUTES OF THE EARL GREY CREDIT UNION LIMITED ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING March 25, 2014 108 individuals attended the supper catered by the Community Hall ladies. The meeting was called to order by President of the Board, Ivy Kiel at 7:05 p.m. 64 members were in attendance at the meeting. President, Ivy Kiel asked for adoption of the proposed agenda. Debbie Kothlow/Alison Smith Moved the agenda be approved as presented. Carried. President, Ivy Kiel welcomed all members and guests and thanked them for their attendance. President, Ivy Kiel presented the minutes of the Annual Membership Meeting held March 29, 2012. Richard Fyfe/Sharon Wilde Moved the minutes of the 2013 Annual General Meeting held April 10, 2013 be adopted as presented. Carried. The following reports were presented, these reports dealt with all areas of the credit union operation for the year: Message from the Board – by Ivy Kiel, President Management Discussion & Analysis – by Lynnette Houston, General Manager Credit Committee Report - by Gary Schaffer Nominations Committee Report – by Dawn Butz on behalf of Kristen Butz Audit Committee Report – by Nadene Perry External Auditor’s Message & comments –Tennille Wilde, VIRTUS Group - Ms. Wilde provided an overview of what is included in the Credit Union Annual Report Financials. She reviewed the roles and responsibilities. She complemented the management and staff team on the extremely high quality of work as well as, the Board’s hard work and commitment to the credit union. Robin Wagner/Ingeborg Schmidt Moved the appointment VIRTUS Group as Auditors for 2014. Carried. Alison Smith/Dawn Butz Moved the reports be adopted as presented. Carried 2 Service Award Presentations: Board members recognized for their service to the Organization and presented with gifts as tokens of appreciation: Glen Ritter – 3 years Ivy Kiel – 6 years Kim McDougall – 8 Years Nadene Perry –12 years Lynnette Houston was recognized for her 40 years of employment service in the credit union system , eighteen of which are with Earl Grey Credit Union and was presented with a gift as token of appreciation. Door Prizes: Gladys Johnson – 20,000 Choice Rewards Richard Myer – $100.00 Earl Grey Credit Union Term Deposit Birney Nixon – VIRTUS Group Door Prize Package Guest Comments: Scott Flavel, on behalf of the SaskCentral Board of Directors, congratulated the Earl Grey Credit Union on another successful year. Pam Scherle _____________________________ PRESIDENT Motion to adjourn at 7:50 pm ____________________________ SECRETARY 3 Message from the Board 2014 followed the trend of the past few years with low interest rates and volatile markets, but the Earl Grey Credit Union still managed to make a profit and continues to grow. We saw growth in our loan portfolio and continue to monitor other areas. The growth in our loans came from increased business from our members as well as an increase in the loans we purchased from other financial institutions. Our assets are at over 30 million and $2,477,647 in reserves. Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation continues to increase credit union standards because of past problems in the financial services industry, and increasing our capital continues to be a very important step to Earl Grey Credit Union. We have invested in the future of Earl Grey Credit Union with the renovation to our building and continue to retain our profits to build our capital. We are in the process of reviewing our technology plan and monitor the new products being offered in the credit union system to address what is important to our members and financially viable for Earl Grey Credit Union. In 2014, we welcomed Alison Smith and Debbie Kothlow to our board which resulted in a full board compliment. The board and General Manager would like to thank Deb Fiessel for her years of service on the board. The board and General Manager hosted their annual "Role of the board information night" and it has proven successful in educating members about our role and helping to fill vacancies on our board. On behalf of the board I would like to thank the credit union members for their continued support, our professional staff for their continued hard work and our dedicated board members. Earl Grey Credit Union is proud to continue to be your member owned financial services organization and thank you for your continued business. As a board, we continue to look for member feedback. If you, as a member have any ideas, thoughts or suggestions for the board, please do not hesitate to contact any one of us. Respectfully submitted, Ivy Kiel, President On behalf of the Board of Directors 4 About the Earl Grey Credit Union Limited Earl Grey Credit Union Limited is an independent Saskatchewan credit union owned by our members. As at December 31, 2014 Earl Grey Credit Union Limited had 869 members. Our credit union serves the communities of Earl Grey and surrounding area through one branch, an ATM and internet banking. We provide a range of financial services including: deposit and cash, financial, agricultural, commercial, personal, mortgages, on-line banking & card services. Earl Grey Credit Union Limited is established under legislation of the Province of Saskatchewan, and is regulated by The Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation of Saskatchewan. We must comply with The Credit Union Act, 1998; The Credit Union Regulations 1999; The Standards of Sound Business Practice; credit union bylaws and policy; and other applicable provincial and federal laws. We provide regular reporting to The Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation and are subject to periodic risk-based examinations. CREDIT UNION DEPOSIT GUARANTEE CORPORATION ANNUAL REPORT MESSAGE 2014 January 2015 Deposits Fully Guaranteed Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation is the primary regulator for Saskatchewan credit unions. The Corporation is given its mandate through provincial legislation, The Credit Union Act, 1998, for the main purpose of guaranteeing the full repayment of deposits held in Saskatchewan credit unions. The Corporation has successfully guaranteed the repayment of deposits held in Saskatchewan credit unions for over 60 years. By guaranteeing deposits and promoting responsible governance, the Corporation contributes to confidence in Saskatchewan credit unions. The Corporation will continue research and development to respond to regulatory changes at the international and federal levels such as those for liquidity and capital requirements, and accounting standards changes. We will engage with stakeholders and inter-jurisdictional regulators to promote and advocate for common approaches to liquidity in support of a strong and stable provincial credit union system. In 2014 the Corporation completed a multi-year project to revise its supervisory framework. The revised framework aligns with industry best practices and regulatory expectations, including methodology to assess a credit union’s risks, risk management practices and corporate governance. In 2015 credit unions will see the Supervisory Framework implemented along with re-designed tools that correspond with the revised framework and methodology. The Corporation acknowledges that Saskatchewan credit unions have a long history of holding themselves to high standards, and have demonstrated their willingness to adopt credible, industry-based standards. This helps to ensure Saskatchewan credit unions can successfully meet the challenges of a rapidly changing financial services industry and increasing regulatory requirements. For more information about deposit protection, the Corporation’s regulatory responsibilities and its role in promoting the strength and stability of Saskatchewan credit unions, talk to a representative at the credit union or visit the Corporation’s web site at www.cudgc.sk.ca. 5 Co-operative Principles As a true co-operative financial institution, Earl Grey Credit Union Limited acts in accordance with internationally recognized principles of co-operation: Voluntary and Open Membership Co-operatives are voluntary organizations, open to all persons able to use their services and willing to accept the responsibilities of membership, without gender, social, racial, political or religious discrimination. Democratic Member Control Co-operatives are democratic organizations controlled by their members, who actively participate in setting their policies and making decisions. Men and women serving as elected representatives are accountable to the membership. In primary cooperatives members have equal voting rights (one member, one vote) and co-operatives at other levels are also organized in a democratic manner. Member Economic Participation Members contribute equitably to, and democratically control, the capital of their co-operative. At least part of that capital is usually the common property of the co-operative. Members usually receive limited compensation, if any, on capital subscribed as a condition of membership. Members allocate surpluses for any or all of the following purposes: developing their cooperative, possibly by setting up reserves, part of which at least would be indivisible; benefiting members in proportion to their transactions with the co-operative; and supporting other activities approved by the membership. Autonomy and Independence Co-operatives are autonomous, self-help organizations controlled by their members. If they enter to agreements with other organizations, including governments, or raise capital from external sources, they do so on terms that ensure democratic control by their members and maintain their co-operative autonomy. Education, Training and Information Co-operatives provide education and training for their members, elected representatives, managers, and employees so they can contribute effectively to the development of their co-operatives. They inform the general public - particularly young people and opinion leaders - about the nature and benefits of co-operation. Co-operation among Co-operatives Co-operatives serve their members most effectively and strengthen the co-operative movement by working together through local, national, regional and international structures. Concern for Community Co-operatives work for the sustainable development of their communities through policies approved by their members. 6 Our Mission As an independent credit union We strive to excel at satisfying the financial needs of our members on a fair and equal basis We strive to play a major role in the community Our Values Co-operative Principles Our independent credit union is member owned and controlled. We believe all members have the right to fair and equal treatment. Financial Strength We are a financially sound organization with the flexibility to deal with change and ensure long-term service to our community. We provide reasonable financial returns to members and the credit union as a whole. Product and Service Excellence Our credit union is committed to providing access to a broad range of products and services that best meet members’ financial requirements. We focus on personal, face-to-face service, while also offering technological solutions to ensure our members can access our services in a seamless manner. Professional Conduct We communicate in an open, effective and timely manner. Members’ financial affairs are conducted with integrity and in a professional manner. Confidentiality is integral to the way we do business. We manage our risk with compliance to the Standards of Sound Business Practices as prescribed by Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation. Satisfaction We have a positive working environment where we recognize and reward our employees and Board for dedication and creativity that contributes to our success. We support development, providing educational training, enhancing cooperation and teamwork to achieve objectives. We respect the need to balance personal and professional lives. Leadership We take a leadership role in actively supporting community projects. 7 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Earl Grey Credit Union has always been committed to socially responsible leadership maintaining a long standing commitment to improving the well-being of our community beyond the financial and economic role that financial institutions play. The Earl Grey Credit Union Limited annual budget includes provision for a donations budget of 5% of budgeted net income, for 2014 - $8,600.The following list is not a complete list, but rather just some examples of community events, organizations and charities supported by the Earl Grey Credit Union Limited in 2014: Earl Grey Fire Volunteer Department - $2,000.00 re: Truck Grade Twelve Scholarship $750.00 – Robert Southey High School Southey Spray Park - $1,500 Carlton Trail Regional College Scholarship - $250.00 Eddy Golf Club Earl Grey Ball Park Earl Grey Community Hall Earl Grey Community Curling and Skating Rink Earl Grey Parkland Regional Library Last Mountain District Music Festival Southey Community Rink Snow Leopard’s Snowmobile Races Legion Remembrance Day Loon Creek Wildlife Federation Duval Optimist Club Cupar and District Nursing Home Robert Southey School S.A.D.D. Chapter The Hospital Activity Book for Children partners with Make a Wish If community investment funding is the fuel that helps Earl Grey Credit Union Limited support and sustain the community then our employees and board of directors, who volunteer in the community, are the heart and soul that give meaning and substance to our community investment activities. In 2014 their spent several hours of personal time to support community based initiatives. 8