2011 Development of Absolute Monarchy in France Lesson Dates:

2011 Development of Absolute
Monarchy in France Lesson
Reminder: Absolute Monarchy Metaphorical Representation Due on Thursday,
September 15, 2011
Date your papers:
Friday, September 9, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Friday, September 16, 2011
Monday, September 19, 2011
Tuesday, September 20,2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Essential and Guiding Questions:
What is Absolutism?
Why do people submit to the power of a government?
What is Divine Right?
What are the characteristics of Absolute rule?
What effect would the exercise of Absolute rule have
on a nation?
How did Absolutism differ in the various nations in
which it existed?
What was the structure of power beneath an absolute
How did absolute rulers maintain their power?
Why might the new ideas of the Renaissance
challenge Absolutism?
How did the lives of commoners differ from that of
upper class citizens?
Friday, September 9, 2011
• Introduction: Quiet Question---Type Two Prompt: Write a Diamante
Poem contrasting the two types of monarchies we examined in the
previous lesson.
• line 1 – Absolute Monarchs (subject #1)
line 2 - two adjectives (describing subject #1)
line 3 - three participles ( verbs ending in -ing, telling about the subject #1)
line 4 - four nouns (first two related to the subject #1, second two related
to subject #2)
line 5 - three participles (verbs ending in -ing, telling about subject #2)
line 6 - two adjectives (describing subject #2)
line 7 – Enlightened Despots (subject #2)
• Adjectives are descriptive words expanding on nouns like devious, fair,
selfish, etc….
• Participles are verbs ending in “ing” that describe what the noun does like
controlling, censoring, freeing, etc…
• Nouns are objects such as person, place, or thing like God, power, nobles,
• Let’s brainstorm as a class to give everyone a starting point. This will be
recorded on the Smartboard. Below is space to write down some of the
words from the brainstorm.
Class Brainstorm
• Adjectives:
– Absolute Monarchs: powerful, selfish, divine, protective,
paranoid, stupid, careless, greedy, mean, cruel, childish,
arrogant, ignorant, fearful, Godly, God-like, artistic, strong,
absolute, conceited, controlling, unfair, inhumane, reactive,
ungrateful, undeserving, strict, forceful, power-hungry,
clever, power-crazed, egotistical, spoiled, reckless, corrupt,
opulent, degrading, unjust, unkind,
– Enlightened Despots: caring, respectful, thoughtful, lovable,
helpful, considerate, powerful, protective, fair, mature, nice,
understanding, giving, charitable, rich, humane, smart,
unselfish, democratic, generous, proactive, kind, tolerant,
endearing, respectable, altruistic, aware, responsible, just,
wise, patriotic, worthy, reliable, fearless,
Class Brainstorm
• Participles:
– Absolute Monarchs: fighting, limiting, controlling, losing,
spending, taxing, hoarding, restricting, censoring, stabilizing,
manipulating, deceiving, destroying, procrastinating,
instigating, building, killing, torturing, conflicting, expanding,
subjugating, oppressing, dehabilitating, neglecting,
squandering, untrusting, ostracizing, stealing, murdering,
isolating, dividing, abusing, stereotyping, orchestrating,
militarizing, favoring
– Enlightened Despots: liberating, abolishing, accepting,
changing, reforming, educating, expanding, building,
improving, giving, modernizing, helping, equalizing,
rehabilitating, revamping, creating, serving, protecting,
relieving, saving, trying, understanding, trusting, caring,
revitalizing, fortifying, communicating, listening,
developing, unifying, uplifting, renewing
• Nouns:
Class Brainstorm
– Absolute Monarchs: court, war, warfare, kings, Gods, France,
Pope, Catholic, taxes, vault, colonies, mercantilism, armies,
military, dictatorship, Europe, corruption, queen, Divine
Right, England, Louis XIV, King Henry IV, Bishop Bossuet,
Cardinal Richelieu, Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan, palaces,
Versailles, tyrants, nobles, serfdom, debt, loans, bankruptcy,
art, propaganda, architecture, culture, farmers, peasants,
serfs, divinity, church, religion, order
– Enlightened Despots: Catherine II or Great, Maria Therese,
Joseph II, Frederick II or Great, Parliament, religions, serfs,
servant, freedom, liberty, justice, palaces, philosophes,
Voltaire, reforms, schools, education, press, jury, Russia,
Austria, Prussia, Bill of Rights, tolerance, diversity,
Enlightenment, wealth, peasants, progress, ideas, prosperity
Friday, September 9, 2011
• Space for Diamante Poem:
• Absolute Monarchs
• Enlightened Despots
Friday, September 9, 2011
• Pair-Share: Turn to your partner, and share your Diamante
Poems. Fill in any blanks and make any corrections.
– Then with your partner, answer the following review question:
“Based upon what we learned in the previous lesson, what do
you think are the BEST three reasons for having an Absolute
Monarchy and explain why?” Do this in the space below.
Friday, September 9, 2011
• Homework:
– Absolute Monarchy Metaphorical Representation
– Finish Sequence Chart Graphic Organizer
Friday, September 9, 2011
• Class: Ms. Barben is going to read aloud the
supplemental reading, “Laying the Foundations for
Absolutism in France and Europe”, and you are to
highlight the key events in the development of
Absolute Monarchy in France to use to complete
the Sequence Chart Graphic Organizer on.
• Monday, September 12, 2011: Pick Up Here
• Groups: Turn to your group members and work
together to complete the Sequence Chart Graphic
Tuesday, Sept 13, , 2011
• Class: Ms. Barben is going to continue to present
37 Powerpoint slides as review of Henry IV and
Louis XIII, and you are to add information to your
Sequence Chart Graphic Organizer to make sure
there are no gaps or areas of confusion.
• Individual: Type Two Prompt--- As review of how
Absolute Monarchy was created in France under
King Henry IV and King Louis XIII and his chief
minister Richelieu, you are going to read the
following magazine article and then use it and your
notes to respond to one of the two quotes from
Cardinal Richelieu.
Tuesday, Sept 13, 2011
“Secrecy is the first essential in affairs of state. Deception is the knowledge of kings. We may employ artifice
to deceive a rival, anything against our enemies.”
“Harshness towards individuals who flout the laws and commands of state is for the public good; no greater
crime against the public interest is possible than to show leniency to those who violate it.”
Type Two Prompt: Select one of the two quotes above and provide THREE different examples from your notes
and the above reading on how Cardinal Richelieu achieved this belief in the creation of an absolute monarchy
in France.
Tuesday, Sept 13, 2011
• Class: Have students share their examples and use this to
serve as a review of the French absolute monarchy thus far.
Have the students make predictions about what they think
King Louis XIV will do next to establish an even stronger
absolute monarchy and why they think this? Create on the
• Wednesday, Sept 14, 2011
• Class: We are going to begin to watch the DVD “Louis XIV,
the Sun King”, and as we watch the video, take notes in the
Character Map Graphic Organizer to help you process the
new historical information.
• Homework: Work on your Metaphorical Representation.
Thursday Sept 15, 2011
• Staple the Grade Sheet to the Front of the Art Part
of the Metaphorical Representation.
• Order: Grade Sheet on Top, Behind that Art Part,
Behind that Typed Part
• Pass them up
• Class: We are going to finish watching the DVD
and you will finish taking notes in the Character
Map Graphic Organizer.
• Pair-Share: Turn to your partner and share your
Louis XIV Character Map Notes. Add and revise.
Thursday, Sept 15, 2011
• Quiet Question: Type Two Prompt Review--- Over the last
few days, we watched a biography to introduce us to the
epitome of absolute monarchs, Louis XIV or the “Sun King”.
• You are going to use the historical information you learned
from the DVD to help you make decisions in the Choose
Your Fate Story: “The Time of King Louis XIV-1690”, and
complete the KWS Chart.
• Pair-Share: Turn to your partner. Share your fates in the
story and what you both wrote in the KWS.
• Class: Ms. Barben is going to ask the class to share what
they know thus far about King Louis XIV and create a list on
the Smartboard. She will then have you share what you
want to learn about King Louis XIV and record this on the
Smartboard as well.
Thursday, Sept 15, 2011
• Class: Ms. Barben is going to begin her Interactive
Lecture on the Absolute Monarchy of King Louis
XIV, and you are to do the Interactive Notebook
Method in response to the provided teacher notes.
METHODS on the Left Side.
Ms. Barben’s Interactive Notebook
Left SideMethod
of theHandout
*Paraphrase or clarify items
*Enter a drawing, photo, sketch, or magazine picture that illustrates the
concept, ideas, or facts
*Pose questions about the information
*Form and express an opinion
*Predict outcomes or next steps
*Create a metaphor that captures the essence of the information/issue
*Formulate and record a contradictory perspective
*Write a reflection on the information or experience
*Find a quote that connects to the concept; record it and explain your
*Make connections between the information/text and your own life,
another text, and/or the world
*Create a mind map that captures the main topic and key concepts and
supportive detail
*Create an acronym that will help you to remember the information
*Make connections to the content/processes of other courses
*Sketch a political cartoon expressing a historical viewpoint or your
views on the historical concepts.
*Record important primary source quotes that capture the essence of
the historical idea.
*Do the activities Ms. Barben has built into her powerpoints.
*Write out questions that the content has raised for you to ask Ms.
*Venn Diagrams
*Metaphors or analogies
*Top ten lists
*SOAL---sum of all learned at the end
Right Side of the Notebook
Teacher directed:
*notes on a mini-lesson
* notes on a lecture
*notes on a hands on learning lab
*notes on an assigned reading
*notes/story map on a video
*notes/story map on a read aloud
*notes from a small group or large group discussion
*collaborative group process
a copied excerpt of a text
*notes and assignments from an Internet Web Quest
*notes on an historical reenactment
*notes from a fieldtrip
*Worksheet/or textbook assignment copied or glued into the notebook
---You highlight key terms, dates, events.
---Add historical information to provided teacher notes.
----Use underlining and stars.
---Draw arrows from the terms to your Left Side thought processing.
Thursday, Sept 15, 2011
Finish up your Metaphorical Representation. It is due tomorrow.
Read pages 465-466 and 470-471 in your textbook, and take notes on the provided Post-its.
Then you are to read and Talk to the Text on the photocopied supplemental reading,
Chapter 21: Louis XIV Comes to Power”.
This means that you write in the margins. Be sure you expand and explain!
Connections to current events, classroom learning, movies, tv shows, literature, etc…
Mark anything that is unfamiliar and keep going.
Make predictions
Formulate opinions
Make connections
Ask questions
Analyze the author's craft
Write reflections/reactions/comments
Look for patterns/repetitions
Reflecting on content or the reading process
THIS IS DUE ON Monday, Sept 19, 2011!
Friday, Sept 16, 2011
• Class: Ms. Barben is going to continue her
Interactive Lecture, and you are to continue with
your Interactive Notes.
• Homework: Do your assigned reading and Talking
to the Text. This is due on Monday, September 19,
Monday, Sept 19, 2011
• Class: Ms. Barben is going to finish her Interactive
Lecture, and you are to finish your Interactive
• Groups: Using all the materials for this lesson,
you are as a group going to create a Report Card
evaluating the achievements and mistakes made
by King Louis XIV as an absolute monarch in the
following areas of political, economic, social, and
Historical Report Card Group Project Grade Sheet
Group Members:
Historians and political analysts use the format of a Report Card to critically evaluate and summarize the main aspects of leaders.
Using your knowledge of successful and unsuccessful leaders, you will create a Report Card that evaluates and judges the reign of King Louis XIV.
________1. The assignment followed the correct format.
________2. The students provided correct examples for each aspect. And each historical example explained the given grade. No information was repeated.
Worth 25 points.
________3. Each subject is worth 25 points.
Years He Reigned:
Detailed Comments Supporting Grade
Report Card Continued
• Overall Evaluation: Based upon all four
categories, describe your group’s views on
Louis XIV’s legacy on France and on Europe
and why.
Tuesday, Sept 20, 2011
• Ms. Barben is going to go over the Louis XIV Historical
Postcard Homework. It is due on Wednesday, October 5,
• Chunking the Assignment:
• Tuesday and Wednesday: Pre-Write and gather notes and
• Thursday and Weekend: Create Art Part of the Postcard
• Monday and Tuesday: Write Letter Part of the Postcard
• Wednesday and Thursday: Edit Rough Drafts of Art and
Written Part
• Friday and Weekend: Make Revisions
• Monday: Come in for Conference. Make Final Revisions.
• Due Wednesday!
• Homework: Create a historical postcard reflecting on
life under King Louis XIV’s rule.
• Plan to Practice Seven Element Writing Assignment
Subject: Louis XIV and Versailles
Date: Due Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Modern World History
• Assignment Summary and Rationale: This
assignment is to act as a historical review of the
absolute monarchy created by Louis XIV in France
and its impact on the people of France. It is to
practice synthesizing knowledge from primary and
secondary historical sources into a well-integrated
creative writing piece. It is also to explore historical
perspectives through a social class lens.
• Writer’s Purposes: The student is to create a
Historical Postcard from a historical viewpoint to
examine and reflect on the reign of Louis XIV
examining the changes he made politically, socially,
culturally, and economically.
• Writer’s Role: You have a choice between four
different historical roles. They are:
a) King Louis XIV, who supports the changes as he
establishes an absolute monarchy and thinks only of
his goals and power.
b) One of the nobles living at Versailles who are
dependent upon King Louis XIV due to the changes
he has made.
c) A Huguenot, a middle class French Protestant, who
has not benefitted from many of King Louis XIV’s
reforms due to his religious policies.
d) A poor peasant who bears the financial weight of
King Louis’s spending without reaping benefits.
• Audience: You are writing to a family member or
friend living outside of France.
• Form: Type Three---This means a genuine self-edited
rough draft with final draft.
• Three FCAs:
• FCA: There is a clever slogan that captures life at Versailles and
the nature of Louis’ reign and a picture(s) done in color and
neatly that captures one or more aspects of life at Versailles.
YOU MUST USE HISTORICAL IMAGES! It may be in support of
Louis or use sarcasm to poke fun at him and his ways. This
depends on your historical perspective.---25 points
• FCA: The letter is written in first person from a chosen historical
perspective and this voice is captured in the personalized
detailed accounts of life at Versailles.---15 points
• FCA: The letter addresses a minimum of THREE different aspects
of Louis’ reign and life at Versailles that directly impact your
life…politically, economically, socially, and culturally with specific
historical details But your three aspects need to come from
three of the four aspects.---30 points
• No Excuses: Historical images were appropriately used, in color,
and neat and the letter was typed, spell-checked, and grammarchecked. And the rough draft of your letter with self-editing
comments is attached.---15 points
• Procedures:
• Use your Textbook Post-It Notes and Talking to the
Text Notes on the Supplemental Louis XIV Reading
• Use your DVD Notes
• Use the notes from the PowerPoint Presentation
on Louis XIV
• Use your Group Report Cards on Louis XIV
• Use resources from Ms. Barben’s teacher page or
in her classroom
• See the student models hanging in Ms. Barben’s
• Remember you must write a rough draft of your
letter and self-edit it before your final draft.
• Picture Side:
• On the blank side of the index card, you will have a clever slogan that captures
life at Versailles and the nature of Louis XIV.
• On the blank side of the index card, there should be a picture(s) done in color and
neatly that captures one or more aspects of life at Versailles. I recommend using
historical images from the computer.
• It may be in support of Louis or use sarcasm to poke fun at him and his ways.
• It must be done in color, be neat, and historically appropriate.
• Letter Side:
• You are to write from either one of two different perspectives:
• On the lined side of the index card, you will write a letter in first person.
• You will provide detailed accounts of life at Versailles under King Louis XIV.
• You will show how the changes are affecting you and those around you.
• You must address THREE different aspects from three different areas of his reign--political, social, cultural, and economic that directly corresponds with the
designated historical perspective.
• It must be written in first person and be embellished with stories, personal
reactions, experiences based upon the historical sources provided.
• Do not put the address on the card.
• This should be typed in size 10 font. It should fill the complete back of the index
• This is due on: