Welcome to AP US History

Could the settlement of the west been accomplished
X statement formula WHY?
Using the formula will help you craft a sophisticated
thesis with a controlling idea. This becomes the
framework for your essay.
X statement
or more opposing viewpoints
However A, B, and C
 Your
3 strongest arguments from your side
 Your
controlling idea
For Example:
“Teaching is the most important profession and
should be considered as a possible career choice”.
Emotionally satisfying
Demanding - stressful
Make a difference
Low pay
Summers off
Long hours
Need only a bachelors degree
Requires certification
For Example :
Teaching is an emotionally satisfying profession and
teachers have the summers off. However, teachers
rank consistently at the bottom of the pay scale,
work at home without compensation and receive a
lack of respect in society. Therefore, teaching
would not be the most important profession and
should be considered and unwise career choice.
Analyze the prompt
 “Could
the settlement of the West been accomplished
 What is the question asking me to do?
 What are the essential elements to the question?
Pre – Write #2
Content Frame
 Create
a content frame that represents the essential
elements of the question.
List all proof for peaceful from
notes and class discussions
List all proof for peaceful from
notes and class discussions
Pre-Write #3
 Check
your graphic organizer
 Put
a check mark on top of the side with the most
 Place an “X” on top of the side with the least information.
 The
check mark side is the side you will prove or argue.
 Circle 2 reasons from the “X” side
 These
are the two arguments from the opposing side you will
 Circle
your 3 strongest arguments from the checked
side. These are the arguments you will use to prove
your side.
X. However, A,B,C. Therefore____
X statement
or more opposing viewpoints
However A, B, and C
 Your
3 strongest arguments from your side
 Your
controlling idea
 The
West could have been settled peacefully
 The West could not have been settled peacefully.
This is your opening paragraph!!!