Science AHSGE Numbered Flash Cards Created by Lauderdale County School District By Stephen Phillips, Paul Crawford, and Pam Tanner 1. SI Units of Volume Liters, millileters, and cubic centimeters 2. SI units of distance Kilometers, meters, centimeters, and millimeters 3. SI units of mass Kilograms, grams milligrams 4. Lab safety review When combining an acid or base with water, always pour the acid or base into the water. When lighting a Bunsen burner, hold a lighted match next to the barrel and turn on gas Never smell a chemical directly from a container. Always use your hand to wave (waft) some of the odors toward your nose. Never pour any unused chemical back into its original container. In case of an accident in a lab, always tell the teacher first. Always point a heated test tube or bottle away from yourself and others. 5. Steps of the scientific method a. b. c. d. e. Observe/state the problem/ask a question Form a hypothesis Test the hypothesis (perform an experiment) Analyze and record data Form a conclusion 6. Phrases that describe a hypothesis A preliminary conclusion, a suggested answer, a possible solution 7. Compare control (control setup) and variables: Control: part of the experiment that does not change during the experiment (no change) Variables : part of the experiment that changes during the experiment 8. Compare autotrophs and heterotrophs: Autotrophs: organisms that have the ability to produce their own food Heterotrophs: organisms that depend on other organisms for a source of food; they can not make their own food 9. Producers Autotrophs that are eaten by heterotrophs 10. Consumers Heterotrophs that eat other organisms such as Herbivores – plant eaters Carnivores – animal eaters Omnivores – eat both plants and animals Parasites – live in or on other organisms and do harm 11. Decomposers Heterotrophs that decompose organic material; can be called saprophytes; best examples – fungi and bacteria 12. Water cycle Evaporation, condensation, and precipitation 13. Nitrogen cycle a. b. c. Aided by decomposers Animals and humans get nitrogen from eating protein Nitrogen from atmosphere fixed by lightning, bacteria, or the roots of plants. 14. Transpiration Evaporation of water out of plants; when water is pulled out of plants into the environment; 90% of evaporation from terrestrial environments is caused by transpiration 15. Compare aerobic and anerobic. Aerobic processes require oxygen while anerobic processes do not require oxygen 16. Photosynthesis Sunlight + CO2 + H2O C6H2O6 +O2 17. Cellular respiration (anerobic respiration) C6H12O6 + O2 CO2 + H2O + ATP 18. Define food chain and list an example that includes at least 5 organisms. A food chain is a simple or single line feeding relationship; example – grass->grasshopper->small bird->snake->hawk 19. Define food web and diagram an example. A food web is a series of complex interconnecting food chains 20. Draw and label an ecological (energy) pyramid. Ecological pyramid (also called an energy pyramid) 4th 3rd order consumer 2nd order consumer 1st order consumer Autotrophs/Producers AAAAA Number of organisms and Amount of energy decreases from the bottom to the top Each level receives approximately 10% of the energy that the previous level used 21. Define and draw an example of the molecules in a solid. Particles are packed together tightly; has a definite shape and volume 22. Define liquid and draw an example of the molecules in a liquid. Particles are not held together as tightly as a solid; has a definite volume but not a definite shape 23. Define gas and draw an example of the molecules in a gas. Particles in a gas move around; has no definite shape nor volume 24. Factors that affect the rates of change. a. b. c. d. e. f. Increasing the surface or contact area (breaking materials down into smaller pieces) Increasing concentration Stirring Adding a catalyst (increases the reaction rate by lowering the amount of activation energy which is the energy needed to start a chemical reaction) Adding biological catalyst (enzymes) – which are usually proteins that speed up chemical reactions in living things Increasing temperature 25. Kinetic energy Energy of a moving object 26. List the seven order system of classification in order from the largest (most inclusive; least specific) to the smallest (least inclusive; most specific). Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species 27. Define binomial nomenclature and correctly write 3 scientific names using the rules for binomial nomenclature. A two part scientific name Scientific name examples – Homo sapiens, Acer rubrum, Panthera leo 28. Kingdom Monera (Eubacteria and Archaebacteria) Only prokaryotic kingdom All unicellular Example – bacteria and cyanobacteria (also called bluegreen algae) 29. Kingdom Protista Eukaryotes Mostly unicellular Examples include amoeba, paramecium, and euglena 30. Kingdom Fungi Multicellular, eukaryotic heterotrophs that have cell walls that contain a tough carbohydrate called chitin 31. Kingdom Plantae Multicellular, eukaryotic heterotrophs that have cell walls that contain a tough carbohydrate called chitin 32. Kingdom Animalia Multicellular, eukaryotic heterotrophs that have no cell walls 33. Amoeba 34. Paramecium 35. Euglena 36. Compare the following structures used in locomotion (movement). a. b. c. Pseudopods – “false foot” used by amoebas for movement; produced by changing shapes of the cell membrane and cytoplasm Cilia – short hair-like or thread-like structure; found on paramecium Flagella – long whip-like, hair-like, or threadlike structure; found on euglenas 37. Saprophytes Organisms that feed on dead organic material; includes species of fungi and bacteria 38. Draw and label the parts of a typical flower. 39. Define stamen and its parts (anther, filament, and pollen). a. b. c. d. stamen – the entire male part of a flower anther – the topmost part of the flower that produces pollen filament – the stalk of the stamen that supports the anther pollen – contains the sperm cells of plants 40. Define pistil and its parts (stigma, style, ovary, and ovule). a. b. c. d. e. Pistil – the entire female part of a flower Stigma – the topmost sticky surface of the pistil that receives the pollen Style – the tube through which pollen descend from the stigma to the ovary Ovary – the bulb shaped structure at the bottom of the pistil that contains the ovules Ovules – egg cells of plants 41. Compare sepals and petals. Sepals – leaves under the petals; outermost whorl of leaves on the flower that protect the bud Petals – the leaves of the flower that are typically brightly colored to attract pollinators 42. Nonvascular plants Simple plants that lack vascular tissues Are considered to have no true roots, stems, or leaves Example – Bryophytes (mosses, liverworts, and hornworts) 43. Vascular plants Complex plants that have vascular tissues Have true roots, stems, and leaves Examples – ferns and fern like plant, gymnosperms, and angiosperms 44. Compare xylem and phloem. Xylem – vascular tissue that carries water and minerals upward in plants Phloem – vascular tissue that carries sugars made by the plant during photosynthesis either upward or downward in the plant 45. Gymnosperms Vascular plants that produce seeds that are not covered by a fruit Sometimes called the “naked – seed” plants Mainly pollinated by the wind Mainly cone-bearing evergreens that have needlelike leaves Examples – pines, cedars, spruce, fir 46. Angiosperms Vascular plants that produce seeds that are protected by a fruit (ripened ovary that surrounds and protects the seeds) Produce reproductive structures called flowers Largest group in the plant kingdom 47. Ferns Vascular, spore-producing plants Spores are typically found on the underside of the leaves fronds – leaves of a fern Have creeping underground stems called rhizomes 48. Prop plants Plants that have root systems that are at least partly exposed to the air such as some types of plants that live in swamps and corn 49. Tropical rainforest plants Have wide leaves to help them absorb as much sunlight as possible because of thick vegetation growth Upper layers of the trees in the rainforests are called canopy 50. Tundra plants Small plants that grow rapidly during their short growing seasons Have to be able to reproduce quickly because of short growing seasons Able to survive extreme cold during winter because of blankets of snow on them 51. Desert plants Have leaves that are modified into spines in order to help them to reduce water loss Have shallow root systems that branch out in order to absorb as much water as possible Have stomata that open only at night in order to slow water loss 52. Stomata and guard cells Stomata are tiny openings typically on the underside of leaves that allow for gas exchange Guard cells are the cells that surround the stomata that cause the stomata to open and close 53. Mimicry A harmless animal resembles one that is harmful such as a scarlet kingsnake (harmless) resembling the poisonous coral snake 54. Protective coloration A form of camouflage that helps an animal to blend in with their surroundings in order to make it more difficult for predators to get them 55. Warning Coloration Coloration on animals that “warns” other animals to stay away 56. Compare radial and bilateral symmetry. symmetry – animals with central point with structures that radiate out from the center Bilateral symmetry – animals that can be divided into two basically equal sides Radial 57. Compare vertebrates and invertebrates Invertebrates are animals that lack a backbone (they make up 95-99% of all animal species) Vertebrates are animals that have a backbone 58. Phylum Porifera Sponges Simplest Animal group Cells and tissus – No organs or organ systems Filter feeders – means that they get food by filtering water Sessile as adults – means that they move very little if any at all Asymmetrical – means that they have no particular shape 59. Phylum Cnidaria Animals with stinging cells on tentacles that surround their mouths Includes jellyfish, corals and sea anemones Considered to have radial symmetry 60. Phylum Platyhelminthes Flatworms No true body segments Mostly parasites 61. Phylum Nematoda Roundworms Many are parasites Unsegmented 62. Phylum Annelida Segmented worms Include earthworms, leeches and marine worms Closed circulation – blood is contained within vessels 63. Phylum Mollusca Described as soft-bodies animals with a shell 64. Gastropods Mollusks that include slugs and snails 65. Bivalves Mollusks that include clams, oysters, and mussels Bivalves are important as biological indicators because they are filter feeders 66. Cephalopods Mollusks that include squid and octopi Considered to be the smartest invertebrates 67. Phylum Arthropoda Jointed appendages animals with segmentation and exoskeletons Largest animal phylum 68. Arachnida Arthropods that include spiders, mites, ticks, scorpions Eight legs Body regions – cephalothorax and abdomen 69. Crustaceans Arthropods that include shrimp, lobsters, crayfish, barnacles Mostly aquatic with many of them livng in marine (ocean) environments Two pairs of antennae 70. Millipedes and centipedes (types of arthropods) – two pairs of legs per body segment Millipedes • Herbivores – one pair of legs per body segment Centipedes • Carnivores with poison claws 71. Class Insecta (Types of arthropods) The largest class in the animal kingdom 6 legs Many with two pairs of wings 3 body regions – head, thorax, and abdomen Many use pheromones which are chemicals used to attract other insects in order to mate of find food 72. Phylum Echinodermata Spiny-skinned animals Radial symmetry Includes starfish, sea urchins, sand dollars Have a water vascular system with tube feet 73. Phylum Chordata and Subphylum Vertebrata Includes all of the animals with a backbone – fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals 74. Class Agnatha Jawless fishes Include hagfish and lampreys (many of which are parasites) 75. Class Chondichthyes Cartilage fishes Includes sharks, rays, and skates Ectotherms 2 chambered hearts – an atrium and a ventricle Most use external fertilization 76. Class Osteichthyes Bony fishes Largest vertebrate animal group Ectotherms 2 chambered hearts – an atrium and a ventricle Most use external fertilization Have a gill covering called an operculum 77. Class Amphibia Frogs, toads, and salamanders Amphibian refers to double life – begin life as a larva in water and are able to move on land as adults Ecotherms 3 chambered hearts – two atria and one ventricle External fertilization 78. Class Reptilia Snakes, lizards, and turtles Lay eggs on land Most have 3 chambered hearts except for crocidilians which have 4 heart chambers Ectotherms Internal fertilization 79. Class Aves Birds 4 chambered hearts – two atria and two ventricles Endotherms – basically means warm-blooded Many have hhollow bones that help them to fly Have air sacs associated with lungs Internal fertilization 80. Class Mammalia) Vertebrates that have hair or fur and give their young mile Include monotremes, marsupials, and placentals 81. Monotremes Egg-laying mammals Includes the duck-billed platypus and the spiny anteater (also known as the echidna) 82. Marsupials Pouched mammals Includes kangaroos, koalas, Virginia opossum (only native North American marsupial) 83. Placentals Females in this group have a placenta (which is an organ of exchange between the mother and the unborn offspring) Most mammals are included in this category such as bats, dogs, rodents, marine mammals, humans 84. Compare chromosomes, DNA, and genes. Chromosomes – rod-shaped structures that contain DNA that is tightly wrapped around proteins DNA – stands for deoxyribonucleic acid; contains the genetic code that is responsible for controlling cell functions Genes – segments of DNA that code for proteins 85. Compare germ and somatic mutations. Germ mutations – mutations that affect reproductive cells that can be passed on from parent to offspring Somatic mutations – mutations that affect somatic (body) cells that are not passed on to offspring 86. Chromosomal mutations Mutations that affect chromosomes such as Inversions – reversal of chromosome parts Duplications – chromosome parts are duplicated Deletions – chromosome parts are deleted Translocation – nonhomologous chromosomes exchange parts Polyploidy – extra sets of chromosomes; almost always fatal in humans and animals but usually beneficial in plants 87. Nondisjunction Type of chromosal mutation Failure of chromosomes to separate during meiosis Causes Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21) 88. Gene mutations Gene mutations are mutations that affect segments of DNA Point mutations – mutations that affect specific nucleotides on chromosomes; sickle cell anemia is a disorder caused by a point mutation Frameshift mutations – misreading of the genetic code during translation 89. Define pedigree and draw an example. A family record that shows how traits are inherited over generations 90. Compare genotype and phenotype. – the genetic makeup of an organism Phenotype – the physical appearance of an organism based upon the genotype Genotype 91. Compare homozygous dominant, heterozygous, and homozygous recessive. Homozygous dominant – 2 dominant forms of a gene are paired Heterozygous – 2 different forms of a gene are paired Homozygous recessive – 2 recessive forms of a gene are paired 92. Use a Punnett square to show a cross between heterozygous organisms. List the genotypic and phenotypic ratios for the cross. 93. Use a Punnett square to show a cross between a heterozygous and homozygous recessive organism. List the genotypic and phenotypic ratios for the cross. 94. Mutagens An agent of mutation (causes mutations) such as chemicals, ultraviolet radiation 95. Describe the structure and function of DNA Contains the genetic code that controls cell function Made up of repeating units of nucleotides; each nucleotide consists of a sugar called deoxyribose, a phosphate group, and a nitrogen containing bases In DNA there are 4 nitrogen containing bases – adenine pairs with thymine and guanine pairs with cytosine DNA’s shape is called a double helix which can also be described as a twisted ladder 96. Compare dominance and recessive genetic characteristics. Dominant characteristics can cover up or mask out other forms of the same trait Recessive characteristics are traits that are covered up or masked out by dominant traits 97. Compare Codominance and Incomplete Dominance. Codominance – traits are expressed at the same time such as AB blood types Incomplete dominance – there is a blend of traits because neither trait is dominant like in 4 o’clock flowers 98. Compare diploid and haploid. Diploid – a complete set of chromosomes; abbreviated (2n); somatic cells (body cells) are diploid Haploid – half of the complete set of chromosomes; abbreviated (n); germ cells (reproductive cells ) are haploid 99. Terms used to describe reproductive cells Sex cells, germ cells, gamete cells meiotic cells In animals and humans these cells are the egg and sperm cells In plants these cells are pollen (sperm) and ovules (egg) 100. Compare a zygote and an embryo. Zygote – an egg cell that has been fertilized by a sperm cell Embryo – a ball of cells that is produced when a zygote begins to grow by producing more cells through cell division called mitosis 101. Compare prokaryote and eukaryote. Prokaryote – unicellular organisms that do not have a well-defined nucleus; include bacteria and cyanobacteria Eukaryote – organisms that possess a well-defined nucleus and membrane-bound organelles 102. Compare passive and active transport. a. b. Passive transport – cell transport that involves little or no energy (moves materials from a high to low concentration) Active transport – cell transport that requires energy use (moves materials from a low to a high concentration) 103. Types of passive transport a. b. c. Diffusion – movement of materials from a higher to a lower concentration; attempt to move toward equilibrium Osmosis – diffusion of water across a semi permeable membrane Facilitated diffusion – involves movement of materials that uses a carrier molecule which is usually a protein carrier 104. Define hypotonic and draw an example Higher concentration of a solute on the inside of a cell Water will enter cell 105. Define hypertonic and draw an example. Higher concentration of a solute outside of the cell membrane Water will leave cell 106. Define isotonic and draw an example. Equal amounts of solute on either side of the cell membrane 107. Define turgor pressure and draw an example. Osmotic pressure on the inside of a plant cell due to the water inside the plant cell’s vacuoles 108. Types of active transport a. b. Endocytosis – movement of materials into a cell that requires energy; can be described as transporting into, cell eating, engulfing Exocytosis – movement of materials out of a cell that requires energy; can be described as transported out of, discharged, gotten rid of , expelled 109. Compare the multicellular levels of organization from the simplest to the most complex. a. b. c. d. e. Cell –simplest level of organization Tissue – made of cells working together Organ – made of tissues working together Organ system– organs working together Multicellular organism – many celled living thing 110. Nucleus (of a cell) Control center of the cell DNA is located in the nucleus 111. Golgi apparatus Cell organelle that distributes, packages, and modifies materials needed by the cell 112. Lysosome Cell organelle that distributes, packages and modifies materials needed by the cell 113. Vacuole Area of the cell where materials such as water, proteins, and salts are stored 114. Mitochondrion Cell organelle that obtains energy from food by combining (typically sugars) with oxygen “Powerhouse of the cell” Particularly active cells have a lot of mitochondrion 115. Plastid Cell organelles in plant and plant-like cells that are used to help obtain energy (chloroplasts) plus store food and pigment 116. Chloroplast Green disk-shaped cell organells found in plant and plant-like cells that absorb energy from sunlight to jump start the process of photosynthesis 117. Endoplasmic reticulum Cell organelle responsible for cell transportation 118. Ribosomes Cell organelles where proteins are made 119. In what ways are plant cells different from animal cells? a. b. c. d. Plant cells have cell walls containing cellulose; animal cells have no cell walls Plant cells have plastids such as chloroplasts; animal cells have no chloroplasts Plant cells have vacuoles that tend to be larger than the vacuoles of animal cells Plant cells tend to be more squared in shape while animal cells tend to be more rounded in shape 120. Exotic species (also called introduced or non-native) Species that are introduced into an area where they were not present before 121. Dynamic equilibrium Organisms must deal with changing environments Also can be described as organisms remaining fairly balanced in their habits even though the environment around them is constantly changing 122. Compare abiotic and biotic factors. Abiotic factors are nonliving factors in ecosystems such as rocks, dirt, and water Biotic factors are living factors which include any living organism in the ecosystem 123. Describe symbiosis and the main types of symbiosis. Symbiosis – a relationship between 2 different species • Parasitism – one organism lives in or on another and does • • • harm Mutualism – 2 different species live together and both benefit Commensalism – 2 different species live together; one benefits and the other neither benefits nor is harmed Competition – the struggle between more than one species to obtain materials needed for survival 124. Compare densitydependent and densityindependent limiting factors. a. b. Density-dependent limiting factors – factors that affect a population that are caused by the population size such as disease being spread, lack of water and food, not enough shelter Density-independent limiting factors – factors that affect a population that are caused by nature such as hurricanes, wild fires, tornadoes 125. Question Answer 126. Question Answer 127. Question Answer