Transparency Master - Vocabulary Definitions

Transparency Master – Vocabulary Definitions
Autotrophs – organisms that produce their own food
Binary fission – reproductive method used by bacteria
Chlorophyll – green pigment in autotrophs that is used to manufacture
Decomposer – heterotrophs that break down dead matter to release
Dicot – plants with 2 cotyledons, and petals in groups of 4 or 5
Eukaryote – organisms with a distinct nucleus
Heterotrophs – organisms that cannot produce their own food
Hyphae – thread-like branching filaments that are the basic structure in
a fungus
Monocot – plants with 1 cotyledon and petals in groups of 3
Motile – capable of motion
Multicellular – composed of more than one cell
Mycelium – mass of hyphae that grows into the food source and forms
the body of the fungus
Parasitic – an organism that lives off another to the detriment of its host
Prokaryote – organisms without a distinct nucleus
Unicellular – organisms composed of only 1 cell
Vascular tissue – tissue used in plants to transport food and water