Progress and Challenges in Engineering

Faculty of Engineering
Report for
© August 2009, Faculty of Engineering
Mission: To be the provider of a world class quality education in Engineering,
Geoinformatics and Geosciences and Research and Development programmes in support
of Caribbean business, industry and infrastructure, with its graduates, staff and facilities
being at the forefront, propelling growth, development and innovation in the Region.
1. Priority Areas and Objectives
1. Curriculum and Pedagogical Reform (CPR)
at all levels, i.e., UG as well as PG.
2. Effective Research and Innovation
3. Support Systems
a. Well defined, efficient and effective support
and enabling processes
b. Infrastructure that supports educational thrust
c. Environment that provokes creative thought
2. Actions 2K8
CPR Strategy completed in 3 Departments at UG & PG.
Execution started. Completion by end 2009.
Faculty regulations overhauled.
All UG programmes in Surveying & Land Information reengineered.
Progress at different rates, wide variations in objectives .
Use the Flying Geese approach
R&I : Strategy completed. Some stakeholder
engagement – positive. Faculty presentation on
Graduate School: CPR strategies in 1 Department –
proposed. Review required
2. Actions 2K8
R&I : Strategy completed. Some stakeholder
engagement – positive. Faculty presentation on
Graduate School: CPR strategies in 1 Department –
proposed. Review required.
Moving to establish a Caribbean-based Accreditation
system with assistance from IEEE
3. Actions 2K9
Staff on Courses/workshops on T&L
New/market responsive
Inter-campus course accessibility
Cross campus collaboration
With online/elearning component
With OC
= 28
= 5
= 10
= 0*
= 4*
= 58
= 1*
3. Actions 2K9
Significant CPR Highlights:
1. UG Seminars: scholarly research, report writing, time
management and delivery of professional oral
presentations to support project work
2. Orientation to Learning workshop, Mathematics Level 1
Support Programme
3. DECE Math syllabus redesigned - more closely reflect DECE
& IET requirements & previously identified deficiencies.
Courses removed, courses added. HR Requirements
4. Engineering practice overhauled to relate more with
industrial practice: protocol, industry standards, codes of
practice, IP control, planning & design, team dynamics,
3. Actions 2K9
Significant CPR Highlights:
5. Faculty-wide transition to LO centric course structures
6. Foundation Programme in Engineering* geared for those
deficient in qualifications for entry.
1. Mathematics (core), Technical Drawing and Communication
2. Self-contained vocational training component for a Caribbean
Vocational Qualification (CVQ) certificate award at Level 1 at
least. This component aims at lifting the technical competence of
candidates for acceptability into the core engineering
programme and uses the vocational component to facilitate
academic learning through practical application.
3. Dual certification
3. Actions 2K9
Significant CPR Highlights:
7. Caribbean Accreditation Council for Engineering &
Technology (CACET)
1. Draft Charter and Operations Manual completed
2. Accreditation Manual and The Financial Manual in process
3. November 2009 launch with a training session for the CACET
4. CACET on CARICOM agenda for formal acceptance as for CAAMS
!! BSc Petroleum Geoscience reaccredited to 2016
9. Engineering Expansion to Mona campus through the
Department of Physics
3. Actions 2K9
Towards the ideal grad…
1. Critical thinker: dedicated modules in CHNG 1008, ENGR
1001 and ECNG 1012
2. Problem solving: embedded. Poster presentations ,
redesigned lab & proj design suite
3. Comm Skills: Specialised courses, communication “across
the curriculum”
4. Knowledgeable & informed: Student chapters/IEEE &
STLE, new tutor/tutee structure in DECE, sponsored int’l
seminars for UG & PG*
5. Competence: continuous accreditation, math curriculum
overhaul (staff allocations needed!!!)
3. Actions 2K9
Towards the ideal grad…
1. Leadership: team activity (Belbin test to assign roles), CSL
2. IT skills: always embedded. Some Depts need to improve
a bit
3. Socially and culturally responsive: Engineering Practice
Stream/DECE, FoE backed CSL
4. Ethics: module in Y1 course, Engineering Practice Stream,
strict adherence to plagiarism/collusion rules
5. Innovative/entrepreneurial: FoE Mission statement, DECE
Engineering Practice Stream, modules in selected crses
6. Lifelong, self-motivated, self-directed learners: Group &
individual projects, Online student centre (DECE)
3. Actions 2K9
1. UG Enrolment Target:400 intake, no increase due
to limited academic staff and lab resources.
2. Taught Master’s programme intake (enrolment) for
= 253 (636)
3. Projected programme intake for 2009/2010:
≈ 253 +30 = 283
4. Research methodology adopted by all depts
5. Int’l collaborations re PG supervision
6. 7 research grants*
3. Actions 2K9
7. PG Intake
MPhil programme intake
PhD programme intake (enrolment)
5 (17)
8. International research collaboration with McGill
University, Trinity College/Dublin, University of
Calgary, Lund Universitet
3. Actions 2K9
Cross campus or Int’l University Research
1. Transport Mechanism & Thermodynamics in biofilms
2. Sediment Transport in rivers/ McGill University
3. School of Architecture at MIT: development of new building
blocks for home construction.
4. Trinity College: Semantic Presentation and Access for Cricket
5. Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks
6. Developing a Contemporary Casebook for the Teaching of
Industrial Engineering (City University of Hong Kong)
7. Brain/Computer Interface research and laboratory
4. Outstanding issues of note
1. Clustering for an effective research portfolio:
Research cluster development across the Faculty still grossly
premature … stymied by the traditional academic paradigm
where everyone seeks to explore his/her own interest.
DO Have clusters (¿units/centres?) at FoE level (Eng. Institute
(e.g. Steelpan Dev Centre), and at Department level.
HOWEVER, overall R&D output remains low and little
collaborative effort across the FoE.
4. Outstanding issues of note
2. Increasing calls for 4-Year UG – e.g. comments
from Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
QA review. NB: Step 1 in providing a good basis for
FoE research portfolio & PG is strengthening the
UG programmes.
3. A&P policy for FoE – penultimate stage at staff
meeting of August determine and agree
upon the Faculty role model a la Arreola.
5. Activities and achievements of note
Broadening student experience:
The FoE has been actively supporting UG
international conferences and symposia.
STAN April 2009
 E.g. Year 3 DECE student Purdy
Mohammed, won the 2009 Clayton
Griffin Student paper award sponsored
by the Georgia Power Company.
Presented her paper, a summary of her
final year project work, at the 2009
Georgia Tech Protective Relaying
Conference .
5. Activities and achievements of note
Community Service Learning experience:
1. Online Tutorials - St. Mary’s Home
2. Installation of an Intercom System - Curepe Presbyterian School
3. Promoting Eco-Tourism in the Valencia Area Through WebBased Technology
4. Web Based Skills Database Application: Skill Joy – Penal
5. Replacement of Lighting System - Arunodai Presbyterian Church,
6. Lights of Hope – St. Dominic’s Children Home
7. Installation of an Emergency Light Backup System at the St.
Vincent DePaul Home for the Aged.
8. The SMS Based Community Messaging System - Chaguanas
5. Activities and achievements of note
“It was one of my proudest
moments in life thus far..."
Mr. Yohan Seepersad –
Year 2 student and former
representative for Trinidad and
Tobago at the Mathematics
Olympiad in Mexico and Viet
5. Activities and achievements of note
Internal CSL: FoE employed‘09
graduates Jayanatee Ramkissoon and
Avinash Gookool to conduct acoustic
tests and speaker placement studies
on the Engineering Auditorium
5. Activities and achievements of note
One PHI plays bass on the road at the St
James We Beat Festival 2009
PHI: Working with the Community
Security Programme of Min of
National Security – working with
youth in high risk areas of TnT
Project status: written GORTT for
commercialization capital.
Shareholdings with UWI, GORTT
“Like a bolt of lightning …rocket man from
the Caribbean” Edwin “Crazy” Ayoung,