
AP Biology Syllabus Year 2011-2012
Teacher: Ms. Heather Exum
Room Number: B-5
Phone Number: (678) 904-5091 ext.
Course Title: AP Biology
Tutoring: Tuesdays and by appointment
Twitter: @exums_classroom
Course Description
Prerequisite: Physical Science ; Biology
Length: One Year
Course Description: During this semester we will concentrate on the:
7 Science Practices for AP Biology
Practice 1: use representations and models to communicate scientific phenomena and solve scientific problems
Practice 2: use mathematics appropriately
Practice 3: engage in scientific questioning to extend thinking or to guide investigations within the context of the
AP course
Practice 4: plan and implement data collection
strategies appropriate to a particular scientific question
Practice 5: perform data analysis and evaluation of evidence
Practice 6: work with scientific explanations and theories
Practice 7: connect and relate knowledge across various scales, concepts, and representations in and across
4 Big Ideas
Big Idea 1: The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life
Big Idea 2: Biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to grow, to reproduce
and to maintain dynamic homeostasis
Big Idea 3: Living systems store, retrieve, transmit, and respond to information essential to life
Big Idea 4: Biological systems interact, and these systems and their interactions possess complex
Grading System
Labs and Project
Daily work/quizzes
Independent Project
Independent Project
Students will be required to do an independent project that is completed mostly at home or after school. The
projects will be considered for submission to the local science fair competitions. Further discussion about the
project will happened in September. The project is 20% of the student’s overall grade.
Progress Reports/Report Cards
For this class, Progress Reports will be issued every 2 weeks. At the end of each semester a report card is mailed
home which will show the permanent grade earned for each course.
Conferences (Parent-Teacher)
Parent-teacher conferences will be scheduled for students not meeting standards or needing improvement.
Materials Needed
2 inch three ring binder/ 1
set of 10 dividers
College ruled notebook
Pens and Pencils
Composition note book
Color markers/pencils
School attendance is directly linked to academic achievement; therefore, students are expected to attend school
daily. Attendance will be recorded daily. However, illness and emergencies do occur. In such cases, students
should notify the teacher prior to the absence (if possible) or upon return of the reason for the absence and turn
in the proper excuse to the main office.
Make-Up Work Procedure for Absences
It is the practice of Tech High School that students are provided an opportunity to make up missed assignments
and/or tests regardless of the reason for absence. However, it is the student’s responsibility to make
arrangements and/or complete all missed work. If a student is absent, he or she is allowed to complete the
missed work for credit (usually) within 3 days. There is no make up for labs.
· It is the student’s responsibility to obtain the make-up work or missed assignments and class work from the
Homework Notebook.
· Make-up tests will be scheduled on Tuesdays from 3:45 to 4.30 p. m
· Students will present the make-up work to the teacher for grading or a grade of “0” will be given.
Late Work
If a student fails to turn in an assignment by the due date, that student will be given until the next school day to
turn it in. The maximum point allotment for late assignments is a 71. I reserve the right to not let a student
make up homework because the answers have been given in class.
Classroom Rules
1. Follow all directions the first time they are given.
2. Be in your seat and working on the warm-up when the bell rings (otherwise you will be tardy).
3. Bring all your materials to class (pen, pencil, notebook, textbook, calculator) and take them with you
when you leave.
4. Treat each person on the room with dignity and respect.
5. Follow all procedures outlined in the Tech High Student Handbook
Consequences for Misbehavior
For any violation of classroom rules: 3-step process
1st Offense – Warning and Infraction Notice
2nd Offense – parental contact and 30 minute Tuesday detention
3rd Offense – Office Referral
Serious Offense – Immediate Office Referral
Each student is expected to complete his or her own work. Cheating will not be tolerated. Cheating consists of:
Looking on someone else’s paper during a test or quiz
Accepting credit for any work that is not your own
Knowingly accepting or giving information concerning the contents of a test or quiz
Any student found to be in violation of this code on any assignment will receive a grade of a zero on the
assignment in question.
Contact Information
Parents, guardians, and students should feel free to contact Ms. Exum questions of any kind. The best way to
contact Ms. Exum is through email at
Parent Contact Information
Student’s Name:__________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian’s Name:__________________________________________
Mailing address:___________________________________________________
(please print)
Home Phone:______________________________Best time to call:___________
Cell Phone:______________________________Best time to call:___________
Work Phone:______________________________Best time to call:____________
Parent’s email address (please print clearly): __________________________________
Do you have a computer?_______Do you have access to the internet?_________
Do you have text messaging?__________________________________________
Preferred way to contact you? (circle one) Text message phone call email letter
Anything special I should know about your child or how you would like to be involved
in the classroom?
I have received, reviewed and understand the discipline plan and course syllabus.
Student’s Signature
Parent’s Signature
Student Information Sheet
Your Full Name:______________________________________________________
What is the name you like to be called?___________________________________
Your Schedule:
1st period Teacher_________________________Class:_______________________
Advisory Teacher______________________________________________________
2nd period Teacher_________________________Class:_______________________
3rd period Teacher_________________________Class:_______________________
4th period Teacher_________________________Class:_______________________
5th period Teacher_________________________Class:_______________________
6th period Teacher_________________________Class:_______________________
Cell Phone:__________________________________________________________
Favorite Candy:_______________________________________________________
Favorite Color:________________________________________________________
Favorite music or artisit:________________________________________________
List any extracurricular activities you will be involved with this year (sports, work, clubs,
ect…): _________________________________________________________
Your top three college choices as of today:
List your greatest strengths as a student:___________________________________
List your greatest weaknesses as a student:___________________________________
List any concerns you have about this course:________________________________
What is the one thing you wish a teacher would do just once?
Dear Parents and students,
We are about to embark on an exciting journey into the world of biology. This is my first year
here at Tech High School, but I have taught all over the state of Georgia before now. I’m excited to be
here teaching and I know that we will have a fantastic year together!
There are however a few things that we will need to be successful. The most important
requirement this year is you and your drive to succeed. I, and Tech High School, will do our best to
provide a powerful learning experience. To help facilitate this process I have attached a parent contact
sheet to be filled out and signed. I want to keep the lines of communication as open as possible, so in
that regard please let me know if there is a best and or worst way to contact you.
The emphasis this year is going to be on the scientific method and science as a process. We will
be working with hands on activities, watching relevant videos online, and hopefully traveling outside the
classroom. If there is anything that you would like to help with (fieldtrips, supplies, guest speakers)
please let me know and we can work something out. Whether you are taking AP biology or general
biology, we will be stretching our knowledge base and critical thinking skills. This will include work
outside of the classroom, via homework, take home quizzes, online work or independent projects.
Therefore we will be using the Tech High sites such as Study Island, USAtestprep, GADOE,
AFLS, and various other sites to assist us outside the classroom. To help you keep up with what is
happening in the classroom you can follow the class twitter account: @exums_classroom or on the class
website .
This year is going to be filled with fun and excitement and I cannot wait to see you in the classroom!
Heather Exum
Tech High School
Biology Teacher
Brief Description of Course
This course is designed to be an equivalent to an introductory biology course for science majors at the freshman
university level. At least twenty five percent of course work is spent in a laboratory setting. Students should have
many opportunities to incorporate technology into a laboratory setting. Students will have many opportunities to
integrate technology into their classroom and learning process through online resources.
Overall the emphasis will be placed on scientific process and applying science to everyday life. Students will be doing
an independent project, looking closely at the evolution and Darwin's journey through Song of the Dodo, reading and
analyzing current research and guiding their own interests.
Unit Information
Unit Name or Timeframe:
Molcules and Cells
Content and/or Skills Taught:
A. Chemistry of Life 7%
Organic molecules in organisms
Free energy changes
B. Cells 10%
Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
Subcellular organization
Cell cycle
C. Cellular Energetics 8%
Coupled reactions
Fermentation and cellular respiration
Major Assignments and/or Assessments:
Cell City- Students make a model of a city and relate the different functions of a cell with the city.
Lab #1
Lab #2
Lab #5
Three major tests
Shared Activity: macromolecule presentation done by each student
Unit Name or Timeframe:
Heredity and Evolution
Content and/or Skills Taught:
A. Heredity
Meiosis and gametogenesis
Eukaryotic chromosomes
Inheritance patterns
B. Molecular Genetics 9%
RNA and DNA structure and function
Gene regulation
Viral structure and replication
Nucleic acid technology and applications
C. Evolutionary Biology 8%
Early evolution of life
Evidence for evolution
Mechanisms of evolution
Major Assignments and/or Assessments:
Lab #7
Lab #3
Lab #6
Dragon genetic online
genetic survey of the class (ability to taste certain chemicals)
Class feild trip to GA Tech for lab experiance
Two major tests
Unit Name or Timeframe:
Orgamisms and Populations (50%)
Content and/or Skills Taught:
A. Diversity of organisms 8%
Evolutionary patterns
Survey of the diversity of life
Phylogenetic classification
Evolutionary relationships
B. Structure and Function of Plants and Animals 32%
Reproduction, growth, and development
Structural, physiological, and behavior adaptations
Response to the environment
C. Ecology 10%
Population dynamics
Communities and ecosystems
Global issues
Major Assignments and/or Assessments:
Lab #11
Lab #12
Lab #8
Lab #9
Lab #4
Lab #2
Lab #10
Study of Galapagos Islands
Current issues in Gobal Climate Change: truth and misconceptions
4 major tests
Alternate Approaches
Textbooks/Course Materials Edit
Author:Campbell, Neil
Second Author:Reece, Jane
Published Date:2008
Description:8th edition of the AP version of Campbell's Biology textbook.
Other Course Materials
Material Type:Other
Description:National Geographic
older and current issues for trends and changes in science through the years
Material Type:Software
Description:Human body software
detailed body systems broken down and projected in various forms.
Material Type:Other
Description:Galapagos Diary by Herman Heinzel and Barnaby Hall
Material Type:Other
Description:Song of the Dodo by David Quammen
Material Type:Other
Description:The Galapagos Islands: Exploring, Enjoying, and Understanding Darwin'sEnchanted Islands by Marylee
Material Type:Other
Description:The Evolving World: Evolution in Everyday Life by David P. Mindell
Description:Interactive look at genetics; autosomal and sex linked, multiple genes affecting phenotype, dominant
and recessive. Also detailed 3-D modles of cells and cell function.
Description:Online simulations of the AP Labs, students can run through the lab online as part of pre-lab.
Description:Plant leaf anatomy and physiology
Description:A real scientific supply site for students to see cutting edge technology.
Additional Information Edit
Requirement:Scientific Literacy
How Course Meets Requirement:The students are required to read a work of fiction and pick three ideas or facts and
compare the true science statements from fiction. Example: The iron heart tree serves a unique function on the
planet of Sola. When there are lighting storms it channels the energy from the lighting strike to prevent fires and
used the energy to break nitrogen bonds. (Robert Asprin) Students would talk about the parts of that which are
related to science (lighting as part of the nitrogen cycle, metal as a lightning rod) and the parts that are false, the
actual tree, being on another planet and so on. The purpose of this assignment is to help students critically evaluate
the information they are told by the media. The finished product should be at least three pages. This also has the
students reading and writing in the core content which is very important.
Requirement:Science as a Process
How Course Meets Requirement:All students who take the AP Biology course are required to do an independent
research project outside of class time. I assign this in September and it is due at the beginning of March. Students
do most of the work on it independently and at home. This is the first year for our school to do a science fair and
also for our AP Biology course. I anticipate a wide range of projects and intrests being studied.