Bio 27
Human Sexuality
Chapter 1
Perspectives on
Why study human sexuality?
• Some possibilities
– Learn about our bodies--reproductive & sexual
anatomy & physiology
– Improve interpersonal communication
– Become better educated about contraception,
STDs, pregnancy, birth, sexual functioning…
– Remember, the final expert on your sexuality is
What is Sexual Intelligence?
• Four components of sexual intelligence
– Self-understanding
– Interpersonal sexual skills
– Scientific knowledge [1.Understanding 2.
Predicting and 3. Controlling] No truths!!!
– Critical considerations of the cultural, political
and legal contexts of sexual issues. [Role
Controversy and Diversity within the USA
- Students represent diversity of ages, ethnic and
religious backgrounds, life experiences, liberal and
conservative attitudes.
- Sexual experiences vary, but, there are no universal
sexual attitudes and experiences.
- US made of many ethnic and religious groups, thus, a
wide range of sexual values and behaviors.
- Note these differences are generalities not universal
Acculturation - replacing traditional beliefs and behavior
patterns with those of the dominant subculture.
Biopsychosocial orientation
Human sexuality is governed mostly by:
1) Psychological factors.
- emotions, attitudes, motivations
2) Social conditioning.
- the process by which we learn society’s expectations
and norms
3) Biological factors
- hormones, experiences (that which we have learnt)
What we regard as “natural” is all relative!
How Important is Sex in Your Life?
Global Perspectives
Cross-Cultural Perspectives:
Islamic Middle East
• Based on beliefs of Muhammad
• Sex enjoyed by both sexes
• Women inherently more sexual than men; this
power contained by veils, segregation, female
• Oppression of women and many sexually
related restrictions stem from patriarchal cultural
traditions and fundamentalist sects, not from
religion and the teaching of the Qur’an.
Cross-Cultural Perspectives: China
• Ancient history promoted sexual activity
(Taoism) but with Confucianism came stricter
sexual attitudes.
• Sexual conservatism with communist rule (1949)
– Lack of basic information about sexuality
– Sex outside of marriage and frequent sex
within marriage discouraged
– Almost no STDS
• Current trends: increasing rates of pre-marital
sex; increasing STDs; slightly more open to
homosexuality; still lack of sexual knowledge
and safe-sex skills.
Our cultural legacy
Western culture:
– Highly influenced by Judeo-Christian tradition
– Affects you whether you belong to those
religions or not.
Let’s examine 2 these of our cultural legacy
more closely:
Discussion question:
If you heard someone say “I had sex last
night,” what specific behaviors would you
think happened?
In other words, what does it mean to
“have sex” specifically?
Sex for procreation
• Reproduction is the only “legitimate” and “moral” reason for
• “Sex” becomes synonymous with penile-vaginal intercourse.
– If you heard someone say “I had sex last night,” what specific
behaviors would you think happened?
• What are the consequences of this thinking?
 Penile-vaginal intercourse is primary source of satisfaction
Sexual response and organism are supposed to occur during penetration
Places tremendous and unrealistic expectations on coitus itself
Devalues nonintercourse sexual intimacy (eg. ‘What do they do during sex?’)
Rigid Gender Role Legacy
• Creates different expectations for males and
females. EX: Is a “slut” thought of usually as a
male or as a female?
• Limits sexual experience for both men and women.-HOW?
– Males:
– Females:
• There are biological differences between the sexes-but socialization is what shapes the idea of
“gender” and exaggerates differences between the
Sexuality in the Western World:
Judeo-Christian Perspective
• Ancient Hebrews
– Rigid gender roles but sex as a profound
physical and emotional experience.
• Christianity
– Spirituality through celibacy; sex as sinful
– Contradictory images of women emerged
• Virgin Mary: compassionate, pure, &
• Eve: temptress
Cross-cultural Perspectives
on Sexuality
• Different societies have different rules.
• Within societies, there is further variation
within groups.
• Major influences on attitudes & behaviors:
– Socioeconomic status
– Education level
– Religion
– Ethnicity and/or nationality
– Gender
Two most significant
influences are:
Sexuality in the Western World:
a historical perspective
• Judeo-Christian history:
– Many religious sexual prohibitions (not just Judeo-Christian)
had more to do with historical political and economic
factors than direct interpretations of religious texts.
• Paul of Tarsus associated spirituality with celibacy; emphasized
overcoming “desires of the flesh.”
• Bishop Augustine: lust was original sin of Adam and Eve;
intercourse w/in marriage for procreation was only acceptable
form of sexuality; female subordination was intrinsic to God’s
creation (therefore, only “man-on-top” position was “natural”).
– Control of people’s sex lives concentrated power in the
hands of the church.
– Economic issues: controlling women’s sexuality assured
that inheritance went to biological heirs (increased value of
virginity, sex for any reason other than procreation within marriage is
sinful, etc.)
Sex-Positive Shift
• Protestant Reformation
– Enlightenment; scientific rationalism
– Temporary increase in respect for women
– Value of sex in marriage, functions beyond
Western World historical legacy, cont.:
• Sex is sinful
– Sex was only for conceiving children--sexual pleasure was
sinful, could send you to hell
• Eve vs. Mary: 2 contradictory roles for women
– Eve: evil temptress
– Mary: a virgin mother
– increasing emphasis on Eve’s sin fostered antagonism
toward women--climaxed in the witch hunts (1450-1700)
• The Madonna/whore dichotomy
– The idea that women can either be maternal/nurturing or
sexual, but not both
Western World historical legacy, cont.:
• The Victorian era (1800s):
– rigid gender roles; women restrained and constrained
– Emotional & physical distance btwn. husband and wife
– sexual repression in the home while prostitution fluorished
• The 20th century:
– suffrage movement; women's right to vote; temperance
movement; abolition of slavery
– unfortunately sexuality myths still persist and play a role in
contemporary racial tensions.
– right to own property & attend university
– World War II: roles were expanded & more flexible
– postwar return to stricter roles: repressive sexuality,
women that continued to work outside home were
considered “neurotic”
– 1960s movement for gender equality
– 1980s and AIDS
Changing attitudes continue
• Expanding, less restrictive gender roles
– 1960s: “sexual revolution” and movement for
gender equality
• Increased access to information about sex, birth
control, etc.
• Women’s sexuality began to be researched and better
• Increased openness and some increased
tolerance of homosexuality
p. 17
The Media and Sexuality
• Television; News, advice and education
programs, increased access to sexual
material, cable and music videos
• Advertising
• Magazines
• The Internet
The Media and Sexuality
Fig1.2 The Evolution of Broken Taboos on TV.
Discussion question:
What are some advantages &
disadvantages to increased exposure to
sexuality through the media?
Where the personal is political
We face controversies about social policies, laws and ethics in
almost every area related to human sexuality. For example:
• Should public schools provide abstinence-only or comprehensive
sex education?
• Should same sex couples be able to legally marry?
• Should health insurance be required to cover costs for
• Should state and federal laws limit access to abortion?
• Should teens obtain contraceptive services without parental
• Should a person’s HIV status be part of the public record?
• Should prostitution be legal?