Classification of tourism Plan Introduction 1. Definition, classification

Classification of tourism
1. Definition, classification and types of international tourism
1.1 Evolution of Tourism
1.2 Classification of tourism
1.3 Types of international tourism
2 International tourism and its role in the world economy.
2.1 Organization of international tourism business
2.2 World Tourism Organization
2.3 Global financial crisis and its impact on the international tourism
3. Tourism in Tajikistan
3.1 International experience: France, Greece and the United States in the
tourism sector
3.2 The tourism potential in Tajikistan
List of References
Tourism - the phenomenon known to everyone. At all times our planet crossed numerous travelers
and explorers . But only recently tourism has emerged as a specific form of human activity. Each of us
imagine tourism as an industry is more or less known , as we all went somewhere and spend their
holidays away from home. Tourism - a relatively new phenomenon that has , however, roots in
ancient times. We have entered a market economy in the period when the international market has
been significant changes in relation to tourism . Travel around the world has become one of the most
important economic sectors , and for some developing countries - the foundation of their existence (
Thailand, Cyprus, Malaysia, etc. ) . Tourism is now one of the most dynamic sectors of both Ukrainian
and world economy . Tourism - it is also a tourist enterprises , primarily activities of travel organizers
and intermediaries. Today, the number of travel agencies has increased dramatically , and the fierce
competition forces them to occupy their niche in the market. There are firms engaged in individual
countries or areas , there are firms that work only on the reception of tourists . There are those that
work with groups , and those that organize trips customized . There are tour operators who organize
trips completely and offer a discount to other tour companies ready routes , and there are travel
agents , acting as intermediaries between the tour operator and the client. To tour agents
accumulating information about the various tours , from which they select the desired client and the
most affordable . Currently, the tourism industry is one of the fastest growing forms of international
trade in services. In the past 20 years the average growth in the number of arrivals of foreign tourists
in the world amounted to 5.1% of foreign exchange earnings , 14%. So, if in 1950 the number of
tourists worldwide was 25 million and the turnover - tour industry 2.1 billion U.S. dollars , according
to the World tourism Organization (WTO) in 1995, there was zaregistrirovano576 million tourist
arrivals , international tourism receipts reached 372 billion dollars). Total volume of foreign exchange
earnings from tourism for the period from 1950 to 1995 increased 144 times . The importance of
tourism in the world is constantly growing due to the increasing influence of tourism on the economy
of a country. In economics, individual countries , international tourism has a number of important
functions : International tourism - source of foreign exchange for the country and the means for
providing employment. International tourism expands contributions to the balance of payments and
the country's GNP . International tourism contributes to the diversification of the economy , creating
the industry serving tourism. With the growth of employment in the tourism sector growing incomes
and increases the welfare of the nation. International tourism is one of the three largest export
industries , giving the oil industry and the automotive industry , whose share in global exports of 11%
and 8.6 %, respectively. In 1991 the total income countries from international tourism amounted to
7% of total world exports and 3 % of the world exports of services . International tourism in the world
is extremely uneven , which is primarily due to the different levels of socio-economic development of
countries and regions . The greatest development of international tourism has in Western European
countries . The share of this region accounts for over 70 % of the global tourism market and about
60% of foreign exchange earnings . Primerno20 % from America, less than 10 % - in Asia, Africa and
Australia combined. Such a development of international tourism ties entailed the creation of
numerous international organizations , promoting a better work of this international trade . Many
highly developed Western countries , such as Switzerland, Austria , France , a significant share of its
prosperity built on revenues from tourism. In the postwar years was a powerful research base and
vocational training system in the field of tourism. Thus , international tourism, which is characterized
by the fact that a significant part of the services performed with minimal on-site plays an increasingly
important role in the global economy . Tourist industry is one of the economic strikers , giving an
impressive value added .
Much success world tourism has reached the last 30 years , the number of international tourists has
quadrupled , and foreign exchange earnings increased by 25 times. For this sector accounts for over
10 % of global gross domestic product , more than 6% of global investment , every 10th workplace,
12% of global consumer spending .
Tourism has a huge impact on key sectors such as transportation, hotel and restaurant services ,
trade, construction , consumer goods , and many others , acting as catalysts for social and economic
The tourism industry - is a branch of economics which has a noble goal - the development of culture
and education , organizing communication and recreation , recuperation person
1. Definition, classification and types of international tourism.
1.1 Evolution of Tourism
Tourism plays a significant role in international relations. About 500 million people annually visit
foreign countries for tourism purposes. International tourism is not only a popular form of recreation,
but also to actively develop the world economy.
However, information on the development of international tourism is not entirely accurate, as is
quite difficult to measure the tourist flows . Because no single method of accounting is considerably
complicated comparing statistics between countries.
Furthermore, the concept of "tourism" has a few vague. First, tourism is considered temporary
movement of people from places where they normally live and work in other places. By " temporary
relocation " conditional mean period of one year . Secondly, according to international statistics,
foreign tourists are persons who are visiting another country ( with at least one overnight ) for any
purpose other than professional work , paid in this country.
In position on licensing tourist activity ( from 12.12.95 № 1222 ) found that under international
tourism activity means the reception of foreign tourists to the territory of the Russian Federation and
the direction of tourists abroad . Federal Law "On the basis of tourist activity in the Russian
Federation" states that " tourism - a temporary visits ( travel ) Russian citizens , foreign citizens and
stateless persons with permanent residence in the health , educational , sports , religious,
professional , business and other purposes without taking a remunerated activity in the country
(place ) of temporary stay . "
Now tourism is classified :
Targets : route- cognitive ; fitness ; amateur , including the active means of conveyance ; Business
and congress tourism; resort , therapeutic ; ski ; festival ; hunting ; Environment ; shopping tourism ;
religious ; training , etc.;
according to the degree of mobility: mobile ; stationary ; mixed ;
form of participation : individual ; group ; family ;
by age: mature ; youth ; children ; mixed ;
duration : one day ; multi-day ; transit ;
on the use of vehicles: car ; Amtrak ; Aviation ; water ; cycling ; horse ; combined;
By Season : active tourist season , off-season ( mid season ) , not a season ;
geography : Intercontinental ; international ( inter-regional ); regional ; local ; border ;
by the method of transportation: pedestrian ; using traditional means of transport; using exotic
species transport ( lift , funicular , airship, balloon, glider ) .
International tourism has an impact on the development of both individual countries and the world
economy as a whole. With the expansion of international trade and other forms of international
economic relations , increasing the level of culture and education , international tourism will grow.
Despite the fact that many segments of the market preference for international tourism, the latter
remains inaccessible to most people . In many countries in Western Europe or North America ,
actively receiving foreign guests , the demand for domestic and international tourism compete with
each other and complement each other simultaneously . Domestic tourism is very important for the
world of tourism , as it is more than 80 % of all tourist flows , and , according to rough estimates , the
cost of domestic tourism worldwide exceed the costs of international travel 10 times.
1.2 Development of international tourism
International tourism began to flourish around the world in the postwar period (Table 1) .
Table 1. Dynamics of the number of tourist arrivals and tourism receipts worldwide for 1950-2008
The number of
arrivals million
Average annual
Proceeds *
Bln. U.S.
Average annual
* Figures do not include
funds from international
A special role was played by population growth in the industrialized countries , the increase in paid
holidays and rising incomes . In response to the increased demand for tourism and recreation
proposals were developed mainly in the form of a standard mass pakedzh tour ( tour package ),
which , in turn, made possible by the inclusion of his flights on jet airliners since 1958 and cheap
combustible . In addition, the development of international tourism contributed substantial growth
business travel. Over the entire period , international tourism has shown himself healthy and reliable
view of the economy despite many negative factors , such as political and economic instability in
many parts of the world , increased terrorism , etc. Typically, during a recession, demand or remained
unchanged , or shortly after " recovery " of the economy back to its previous level . However, this
global process is not spread evenly among all tourist centers . Many of them have disappeared
because became unfashionable or could not provide sufficient security for tourists. Starting 80s
marked downturn in the world economy, which has caused the reduction in international travel up to
1984 This and the next - in 1985 became a banner for the European tourist centers . However, the
accident at Chernobyl in the Soviet Union in 1986 and the terrorist attacks of Libyan extremists ,
weakening of the U.S. dollar against the currencies of other countries have led to a reduction in
tourist flows in the world. In the second half of the 80s the situation was normalized. During this
period, some Pacific countries (Australia , Hong Kong, Thailand and China ) , as well as European
countries ( Portugal and Turkey) have experienced rapid growth , while others , on the contrary , the
decline - such as the once prosperous and famous for its tourism industry in Lebanon . The nineties
also began badly for the development of international tourism. This starring the war in Iraq , called
"Desert Storm ." Shortly after the outbreak of war were stopped traveling to the region , as well as
the eastern Mediterranean and North Africa , thereby slowing the growth of international tourism.
Subsequent economic recession that gripped many industrialized countries , has further aggravated
the situation . Annual flow of funds from international tourism (not including revenues from
transport) began to grow in the 80s and in 1996 reached 423 billion dollars ( Figure 1).
Tourism receipts grow faster and more regular than the number of tourists traveling to the world, but
it has less to do with inflationary processes in the world , but with an increase in efficiency of the
industry . Western Europe lags behind the U.S. in international tourism receipts for funds from
tourism. Europe more than other regions attracts tourists , but their number is growing slowly.
European countries take 60% of visitors from all over the world, and only 50% of all revenues from
tourism in the world falls to their lot. Europe's success is attributable to the following factors:
o a large segment of the population has a large real incomes ;
o most of the population of some European countries , such as Germany, France , Great Britain,
prefer to spend their holidays abroad , but not very far from his country ;
o the presence of many cultural and historical monuments , created by nature and man;
o demand for international travel is satisfied large tourism industry and the necessary infrastructure.
Some of these factors are inherent and North America. Most of the tourists from the U.S. and Canada
also prefer to travel in the region. However, a significant part of the population in these countries still
holds its annual holiday in the remote regions of the globe.
Analysis of the development of world tourism , by the WTO , highlights significant changes that have
occurred in the arrivals and international tourism receipts . If the proportion of tourists arriving in
Europe in 1985-1996 year. decreased from 65 to 59% , while the share of income - from 53 to 51% ,
over the same period, East Asia and Pacific ( EAP) significantly increased their share from 9 to 15 %
and from 11 to 19.5 %, respectively, the number of tourists and revenues from nih.V 1950-1960 year.
this region's share in total world arrivals was only 1%, in 1970 it reached 3% , in 1980 - 7% , in 1990 11% and in 1996 - 15%. Share of international tourism receipts in the region also grew steadily in
1950 - 1.4%, in 1960 - 2.8 , in 1970 - 6.2 , in 1980 - 7.3 in 1990 - 14.4 , in 1996 - 19.5%. It shows the
growth occurring in the highly competitive environment in countries such as Australia, Hong Kong,
Indonesia , Korea, Singapore , Thailand. Shares of Africa, the Middle East and South Asia in the
international tourism with 50 's to 90 's were small, but underwent considerable fluctuations . These
regions can not compete with Europe , North America and BAT nor in arrivals of foreign visitors , not
on receipts from international tourism . The reason for this lies in economic problems . Tourist
centers in these regions are specific markets for many turistogeneriruyuschih countries. Although
there often occur negative for the international tourism sector acts of terrorism and acts of war, but
in general they are suffering because of the downturn in the respective generating countries. Table .
2.3 is a list of the leading countries - the tourist centers of the six regions , designated the WTO , as
well as major countries in these countries generating tourist flows .
Table 2. International tourism in regions of the world
Major countries - tourist centers in the region
Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, South Africa,
Botswana, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Swaziland
United States, Puerto Rico, Canada,
Dominican Republic, Mexico, Bahamas,
Argentina, Brazil
China, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Japan, Thailand,
Main generating countries for the regions
France, Germany, UK, Italy, USA, Spain,
Switzerland, The Netherlands
U.S., UK, Canada, Germany, Mexico,
France, Japan, the Scandinavian countries
Japan, UK, USA, Germany, Korea,
Korea, Singapore, Australia
France, Austria, Spain, UK, Italy, Germany,
Hungary, Switzerland
Near East
Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Syria,
South Asia
India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Maldives,
Bangladesh, Iran
Thailand, Australia, New Zealand
Germany, Netherlands, United Kingdom,
France, Italy, Scandinavia, the U.S.,
Egypt, Jordan, the U.S., Germany, UK,
Britain, India, the U.S., Germany, France,
Japan, Italy
The main tourist flows in the world are concentrated in Europe ( from the UK to France , from
Germany to Spain ) , America ( the U.S. and Canada ) and the region of BAT ( from Japan to Thailand) .
With regard to tourism flows between regions , there is lead flows between Europe and America .
This championship is the result of an increase proposals flights across the Atlantic and the
corresponding reduction of tariffs for a large segment of the market . Other leading Destinations of
Europe - vVAT , the Middle East and Africa ; of BAT - in America and Europe.
1.3 Types of international tourism
Economic efficiency of tourism is largely determined by the classification of its forms .
Under the classification of forms of tourism should understand their grouping of homogeneous
characteristics , depending on the specific practical purposes.
Each form of tourism is characterized by peculiar needs that ¬ Ristov and suggests an appropriate set
of services to meet these needs .
In the process of production and serving tourism allocate:
form of tourism ;
type of tourism ;
variety of tourism.
Form of tourism due to the fact whether the traveler crosses the state border of the country, ie the
basis of the division of tourism on the form is geographical basis .
On this basis identified two forms of tourism : internal and between ¬ folk .
Domestic tourism - domestic tourism within their own country , traveling within the Russian
Federation persons permanently residing in the Russian Federation ¬ ing .
International tourism - tourism is in another country , ie ¬ s foreign tourism. He is outgoing and
inbound . Outbound tourism - this way ¬ processions persons permanently residing in the Russian
Federation , in another country . Inbound tourism - it travels within the Russian Federa ¬ tion of
persons not domiciled in the Russian Federation . Between ¬ national tourism is developing under the
influence of many factors, which ¬ rye can be summarized in three groups: demographic, economic,
social .
By demographic factors are: world population growth , urbanization , resulting in a concentration of
population and form ¬ mining rolling stereotype life. Residents of large cities acutely feel the need to
change the situation for the recovery of costs of physical and spiritual strength . Increasing interest in
each other peoples times ¬ personal countries sharing related language that is primarily associated
with all the absence of a language barrier , common history and culture.
Economic factors associated with the development of the global economy , where there is a steady
increase in production services ¬ properties compared to the production of goods and , as a
consequence, increase the share of consumption of services (including tourism services ) in the total
consumption of the population. The economic factors include the acceleration of scientific and
technical progress in the tourism industry , an increase in income ¬ villages . Development of material
and technical base of foreign tourism , the creation of new forms of reception and service of tourists
contribute to the Institute ¬ intensification of tourist movements , involvement in the recreational
area of new places .
Social factors - the factors related to living conditions and human activities . Direct impact on the
development of international tourism has ¬ native extension of paid leave and holiday trend division
into two parts , allowing for a year to make two trips ( summer and winter) . Development of tourism
¬ ma also contributes to lowering the retirement age , taking into account that ¬ is to increase life
expectancy has led to tourists so-called third age.
Type of tourism associated with the specific presentation of financial results in the budget or its
region. On this basis in the forms of tourism are two types of tourism: active and passive.
Arrival of foreign tourists to the country or domestic tourists to this region of the country is an active
tourism. Active tourism case ¬ INH import factor of money ( currency ) in a given country or region.
Travel citizens of one country to other countries or leaving Turis ¬ Comrade from this region of the
country is a passive tourism. Passive ¬ ism that is a factor in the export of money ( currency ) from a
given country or region.
Forms of tourism on the most characteristic features are divided into separate ¬ WIDE variety. These
characteristics include : the main purpose of travel , the nature of the organization of travel , the
intensity of the tourist flow , pro ¬ duration of the tour ( travel ) , a sign of age , used trucks , form of
cooperation .
Depending on the main purpose of the trip are the following time -sighted ¬ tourism : recreational ,
educational , scientific, business .
Recreational tourism - tourism is the purpose of leisure, recreation and treatment. It should be borne
in mind that the presence of citizens in special sanatoria ( as in the presence of sick leave , and in its
absence ) does not apply to tourism , as in this case, the resort - a kind of hospital. Movement of
people in the output ¬ nye days for recreation , entertainment , sports tourism ¬ IOM called "the end
of the week."
Educational , or cultural , tourism - a journey in order to get acquainted with the historical and places
of cultural ¬ sion and unique natural objects to a particular program .
In the scientific tourism prevails visit congresses , sim ¬ poziumov etc. , usually followed by a
sightseeing trip .
Business ( business trip for business purposes ) is the most dynamic and profitable type of tourism.
By the nature of the organization of travel isolated individual, group , organized and amateur (
unorganized ) sta. ¬ onarny tourism and traveling .
The journey of one man on his own schedule, including deter ¬ division areas visit, duration of stops ,
accommodation conditions , etc. , is called personal journey as a group of people ( including family)
on the same terms or on a plan of tourist business entity called group tourism.
Journey of a tourist or group of tourists on the exact routes that ¬ and regulations established tourist
business entity called organized tourism. These tourists and tourist entity linked to mutual friction ¬
ments and commitments.
Guided tourists provided tourist complex con ¬ ing on acquiring tickets in advance for a specified
period ( rest on camp , sanatoriums , rest homes, on kursovkam ) . It organized tour also includes
those who bought for a certain period only part of tourist services (eg kursovku only for food ) .
Travel individual traveler or group of travelers not associated with any mutual obligations of tourist
facilities subjects ¬ is called amateur ( unorganized ) tourism. Amateur tourism - is traveling with the
use of active modes of transportation organized by the tourists .
Regular tourism associated with permanent size ¬ tion tourist for the duration of tourist trips . Mobile
tourism - tourism is associated with travel ( cruises, tours ) .
Social tourism - travel is subsidized from funds allocated by the government for social needs .
According to the intensity of tourist vouchers distinguish permanent and fam ¬ tourism zone . Yearround and relatively uniform ¬ visits of tourist regions called permanent tourism. This is typical
especially for the most famous centers ¬ ditch civilization, culture , recreation : famous cities in the
world , spa stay slim figure -ing , places, has a unique mineral waters and mud .
Some regions attract tourists mainly in the definition ¬ preset time of the year. Such tourism is
seasonal . Tourist areas frequented only at certain times of the year ( summer or winter) ,
characterized as Monogrades tourist regions . Regi ¬ ones , visited at any time of the year ( summer
and winter) , two ¬ called seasonal. Seasons , depending on the intensity of tourists visit this tourist
region divided napikovy (ie busiest ), quiet (medium load ) and dead ( nezagru ¬ adjoint , hardly
visited by tourists ) seasons.
For the duration of stay of tourists traveling emit short and long turizm.Kratkovremenny tourism tourism that when the duration of stay does not exceed ¬ is three days.
Continuous tourism - is tourism , where the term of stay more than three days . Depending on the
length of stay in the way of the procession ¬ significantly changed tourism needs .
Reduction in travel time at a certain ( constant ) March ¬ Shruti leads to an increase in the share of
transport costs tourist guide compiled ¬ (ie, its costs of transportation ) . Depending on the age of the
tourists recovered children , youth , mature tourism.
Based on the vehicles used for the movement of Turism ¬ Comrade distinguish tourism using
personal transport and tourist public transport ¬ trevely , i.e. Transport , owned or leased by that ¬
rist skim economic entity . These varieties include tourism ¬ Xia caravanning , caravan cruise , sea and
river cruises , etc.
In form of cooperation can be distinguished currency-free currency exchange and tourist groups .
without Currency exchange is a mutual visits of tourist groups on the basis of equality ¬ trolled
providing services for a specified number of days. Cooperation with partner tourist business entities
on the basis of the currency involves payment of services provided payments in the currency th ¬
Vorenus partners : usually defined in bilateral agreements ¬ it possible monetary value of a complex
of the day of service.
Classification of forms of tourism can be represented as follows (Fig. 4.5).
Fig . 4.5. Classification of forms of tourism
In the postwar years in the practice of international tourism began to develop rapidly and paradores
timeshare .
P apa d o p e s ( Eng. parade - flaunt ) is the use of old castles and palaces for tourist hotels and
sightseeing purposes , to preserve national architectural heritage of the country.
Timeshare (born timeshare - time-sharing ) - a joint possession of ¬ estate in the tourism business
with the ability to use it for some time , in proportion to cash contributions. Usage time is measured
in weeks, which are grouped in three colors (red - the most expensive , white and blue ) and reflect
the dynamics ¬ ku seasonal demand .
The owner, or rather co-owner , condominium (ie joint ownership ) can relax in suites acquired in
"their" week or change the place of ¬ Vacation similar under "color" .
In 1971 , a global system of RCI (Recort Condominiums International), ie is a system of acquiring longterm lease ( 25-30 years) and exchange houses at the famous resorts all around the world (2400
hotels and resorts.
2 International tourism and its role in the world economy.
2.1Organizatsiya international tourism business
Travel services constitute a significant portion consumed by the population and services have a
specific social and health in nature, ie vacation, personal development opportunity, knowledge of
historical and cultural values, exercise, participation in cultural events, etc. Thus, tourism combines
economic, social, humanitarian, educational, and aesthetic factors.
Tourists are the main consumers, and other related services.
Major tourist services are regulated by contract and a trip to the tourist service. These services
usually include accommodation; nutrition; transportation services, including transfers; excursions.
Additional services have a very wide range and occupy a developed tourism infrastructure to 50% of
the total income. These include optional excursions not included in the list of essential services;
sports and recreation services; medical services; cultural and entertainment and gaming activities and
related services, etc. To include: ensuring souvenirs, tourist symbols; trade, monetary and credit,
information and other services; special types of communication services, providing individual safes
and others [6, 8]. Between additional and related services there is no clear boundary. In high bit
number of additional hotels and related services reaches 500. As a result, the development of trade
in tourism services emerged tourism industry, which is based on the company organizing guided
tours and selling tours and tours that provide services for accommodation and food tourists, their
movement in the country, and also controls, information, advertising, enterprises producing and
selling goods of tourism demand. International tourism as an economic activity has the following
features: * Unlike foreign trade is not based on the exchange of goods and services, and tourists, ie,
human beings; * Travel services are not mobile, they can not follow the buyer and should not be
stored; * In offers no flexibility. Tourism depends on the political and economic situation, as well as
fashion and advertising, which, acting on the needs and interests of the people, their mood
determine the demand. At the same time the proposal is strictly defined as the number of hotel
rooms or food service is relatively stable. As a result of a mismatch between supply and demand.
Host country for tourists, usually has no effective methods to influence the demand; * Has a seasonal
nature; * is among the most capital-and labor-intensive industries. Tourism is a major landholder,
quite sensitive to the quality of natural and other resources; * Offer services, ie the number of
countries, mostly tourists taking far exceeds the demand for tourist trips, ie number of countries suppliers of tourists. In other words, the market for international tourism is a buyer's market.
Firms providing travel services can be grouped into two groups: the sellers of services (service
providers) and mediators [6, 30]. Sellers services provide the bulk of their (hotels, restaurants, cruise
lines and other recreational businesses). Main mediators are scheduled and charter airlines, tours
operators, travel agencies and firms.
2.2 World Tourism Organization
The World Tourism Organization (WorldTourismOrganization, WTO) was founded in 1975 as the
successor to the International Union of Official Travel Organizations.
The UN General Assembly with the consent of the ECOSOC recognized for WTO membership of the
intergovernmental organization.
Location - Madrid (Spain). The main objectives of the WTO are: support of tourism as a tool for
economic development and international understanding for peace, prosperity, respect for and
observance of human rights regardless of race, sex, language or religion; the interests of developing
countries in the field of tourism. All members of the WTO subdivided into three groups:
full members (sovereign states);
associate members;
acceded members.
Associate members of the WTO can be any state territory or group of territories which do not carry
self-responsibility for its foreign policy, and acceded WTO members - any state intergovernmental
organizations active in the area of interest for tourism and commercial organizations associations
whose activities are linked to the objectives of the WTO or authority (eg airlines, hotels, banks,
research institutes, publishing groups, etc.) of the WTO has the following structure:
The General Assembly;
Executive Board;
The General Assembly, composed of representatives of the full members, is the supreme body of the
WTO. Regular sessions are collected every two years, in special circumstances, may also be convened
in extraordinary session. Assembly may discuss any matter within the scope of the WTO.
State - WTO members are distributed in six regional commissions: Africa, America, East Asia and the
Pacific, Europe, Middle East, South Asia.
The Executive Board is elected by the General Assembly in compliance with equitable geographical
representation, so that the five full members, there is one member of the Board. Spain is on the
Board as the country location of the WTO. In addition, the Board consists of one representative from
associate and affiliate members without the right to vote. The Executive Board shall meet at least
twice a year. Together with the Secretary General, he shall take all necessary measures to implement
the decisions and recommendations of the Assembly and report to her and their implementation. In
his career, he relies on a number of committees. At the head of the secretariat worth Secretary
General, elected by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Executive Council for a
term of four years with the possibility of re-election. He is the legal representative of the WTO and is
supported in its work to support the deputy coordinator and general topics. The Secretary-General is
responsible to the
Assembly and the Council, obey the instructions of both bodies report to the Council on the activities
of the WTO, and the draft program and budget. Secretary-General appoints regional representatives
who are entrusted to maintain relations with the Associate and Affiliate Members. WTO adopted a
number of declarations on tourism, among which are: the Manila Declaration on tourism and the
world (1980);
Document Acapulco (1982); Tourism Charter and Code of Conduct tourist (Sofia, 1985);
Hague Declaration of Tourism (1989). General Assembly every two years takes the program of
activities of the WTO. WTO publishes books but also offers information databanks.
2.3 Global financial crisis and its impact on the international
The global financial crisis has not bypassed and the tourism industry . In this spirit, came to London
about 50 thousand participants of the annual industrial fair World Travel Market. According to the
World Tourism Organization , a slowdown in the tourism market began in the summer of 2008 , when
the rate fell three times . Organization predicts that in 2009 the number of tourists in the world will
grow by only 2 % ( 2000-2007 average annual growth rate of 7.2%). While only attractive in this sense
is the Middle East region . Here was traveling in August than in previous months.
Hardest by the crisis , according to experts , has developed countries. Thus , the study of the
consulting company Deloitte, commissioned by the British agency VisitBritain, predicts decline of the
British tourism industry during 2009-2010 . Estimated Deloitte, currently tourism generates about $
83 billion of value added , or 3.7% of UK GDP . Taking into account the indirect effect , he is
responsible for creating $ 182 billion cost ( 8.2% of GDP ) . But the downturn in the industry by 2010
would reduce spending by consumers and companies to travel approximately 20% . As a result, one
of Britain will be lost 114 thousand jobs and $ 17 billion GDP. [ 9.335s ]
In a situation of global financial crisis, the tourism industry can significantly change. Small travel
agencies will close or join the larger , ie may decrease the tourist market . On the other hand the
financial crisis in the tourism industry - possible reduction in tourist flows . While representatives of
tour operators hope to intensify sales permits for the New Year in October and November 2009 ,
because the banking crisis has not affected the welfare of Russian tourists. "The banking crisis in
Russia has begun recently and for tour coincided with the off-season , when sales are quite sluggish .
As for inbound tourism , given the events taking place in the market, which are associated with the
global financial crisis also affected and Hospitality . Russia may suffer from the effects of the crisis
stronger than any other country either as outbound tourism will fall , and the financial crisis at that
time will contribute to the development of two - three-star hotels . Therefore , according to experts
of the hotel market in the current financial crisis the most attractive investment projects will be 2 -3star hotels.
Experts believe that some of the middle segment of the hotel's clients now and in the near future,
opt for cheaper options . Tourists staying at the hotel 3-4 star categories , will be placed in a 2- 3 star hotels. Statistics showed that in September load factor of 4- 5 - star hotels fell from 72% to 68%.
Since a number of major Russian companies have already announced that the "freeze" of their
projects , most likely in the near future this trend will continue , and most hotels will simply not built.
Impact of the global financial crisis , the slow pace of market development , the preservation of
shortage of hotel beds . Events that occur in the global financial markets will undoubtedly affect the
commercial real estate market , including on the hotel segment . Many companies "freeze" or sell
their projects , which include hotel space . In this regard , we should expect that the timing of the
opening of the many hotels can be transferred , which will affect the growth rate of the capital fund
license . As a result of the development of the hotel market in Russia , which is not characterized by
high dynamics in favorable economic conditions in the current situation even more complicated .
Thus , due to the slow pace of construction and commissioning of new hotel space in the coming
years, the deficit of hotel rooms remain, primarily in "higher " segment, which in times of crisis has
become even less attractive to investors as high risk .
Direction of the influence of the crisis on the tourism industry affected as follows:
1.Snizhenie solvency of potential users of tourist services and, consequently, reduced demand .
- By reducing income people start to save on everything . In case of monetary collapse, all available
savings try to invest in products that do not lose their value . And the first thing that they exclude
from the list of expenses , an organization of their leisure . Also, unemployment is rising , that just
leaves without incomes of the population and makes it impossible to pay for their stay.
2 . Negative impact of the crisis on the scale of business tourism.
- Many business travel associated with or visiting specific places, and it is financed from the
company's advertising budget . In a crisis, reduced advertising budgets of companies , thus
decreasing the number of business trips. Also observed reduction in primary production and
operation of companies that too often associated with travel, hence the need for them disappears.
3 . Reducing frames & C / n in travel agencies .
- Agencies are usually small companies with few employees. The functioning of these organizations is
not associated with larger loans from banks and, consequently , the banking crisis unfolded not
paralyze their work. In such a situation is much more difficult to larger organizations . Here we have
to reduce some workers or wages. Also lost the possibility of the firm , scaling , opening new offices .
If the demand for travel services , more and more will fall , it will entail the closure of small firms.
4 . Economic crisis entails political, military strength , which reduces the flow of international tourists
- Due to the unstable economic situation , declining living standards , increasing aggression of people.
This can even lead to armed uprisings , clashes. In this situation, tourists are afraid to leave their
country and move into another , afraid to get into the epicenter of the conflict , worrying about their
physical safety and security . [18]
Tourism among other non-production sphere of the economy more susceptible to external factors .
In this sense, the impact of the global financial crisis on the global tourism industry is no exception,
and, of course , most experts say the negative consequences of instability in the world economy for
the further development of tourist business .
According to the World Tourism Organization , most regions of the world in the second half of 2008
showed a decline in growth of international tourism. This is especially true of exotic countries , longhaul destinations ( South-East Asia , the Caribbean ) and luxurious resorts . In this tourist market has
entered the crisis earlier than other industries. Already in June 2008 and started stagnating , and in
some areas there was a decline in tourist traffic . In this situation, most tour operators were not able
to pay the charters and blocks of rooms in hotels since the financial crisis, banks have denied loans to
those areas of the economy that are low-yield and risky . In connection with these prices for
accommodation and flights are growing , and the number of charters is reduced. Decline in demand
for organized recreation and increased costs of tour operators has led to the bankruptcy of several
major travel companies.
In the medium term is also expected to significantly reduce the volume of business and corporate
tourism , which suffer from the global economic downturn to a greater extent than traveling for the
purpose of rest and recuperation. This is primarily due to massive layoffs at large companies .
The tourism industry is undergoing profound changes . Many customers have tightened their belts
and cut their holiday budgets. Return to the "golden years" of tourism is more than incredible. We
are in a phase when completely changed framework conditions for tourism development . It is
important to recognize these changes , recognize them as a challenge of time and find new ways to
solve these problems.
Consider, to begin two key structural factor. Level tourist demand essentially depends on the holiday
budget, that is at the disposal of the income for each family member , and the number of tourists .
Both factors influence are now in the process of radical change. [16]
Of course, the crisis situation is very influenced by the tourism industry and business . But according
to many experts in the tourism industry will change both negative and positive. Since many people in
the course of the year will still plan your holiday , which is very necessary in terms of stress and hectic
lifestyle. Tourists will choose closer , cheap destinations, preferring routes of their own country or
neighboring countries , using more fuel efficient vehicles . Decrease the duration of trips , their
frequency , the cost of traveling to decrease the number of package tours , including beach resorts .
Simultaneously increase the number of trips bookable alone , mostly with accommodation with
friends or relatives . Demand will be greatest travel to those countries , the exchange rate which
would be most advantageous for tourists. It is believed that the financial crisis is unlikely to affect
individual tourism . Consumers with high income will not abandon travel. The risk here is low because
of the direct booking flights on regular flights . Expected positive trends in the market of educational
tourism. Possibility to combine a trip abroad with education, language learning , professional
development , consumers will be considered as a profitable investment to improve their own level
for successful employment , career promotion . Choosing between an ordinary leisure and
educational programs abroad, in terms of economic instability , consumers will prefer it training
programs. Some representatives of the tourism industry also believe that the positive effects of the
crisis may be incompetent care players from the market, and retention of professionals in the
Basically, the current economic situation is only made to revise the forecasts for the development of
tourism , but with all the correction of numbers they are still with the "plus" sign instead of a 10%
growth expected 5-7 % increase in tourist traffic . And if in 2007 was recorded about 900 million
international tourist arrivals , by 2010 is projected to rise to 1.1 billion by 2020 - up to 1.6 billion.
3 Tourism in Tajikistan.
3.1 International experience : France, Greece and the United States
in the tourism sector
Tourism in France is an important aspect of the economy. Since 90 -ies. , France tops the list
of most popular places in the world . Only a small proportion of tourists is on the French territory of
travel (eg , health-resort and holidaymakers from northern Europe , heading to Spain ), most of it
coming on a vacation to France. They need to add that part of the French population , who prefer to
spend their holidays in France.
Tourist attraction in France due to the large number of attractions to suit all tastes , varied
landscapes , rich historical and artistic heritage , a temperate climate and easy vehicle access, and
proper maintenance of tourists (hotels , amusement parks ) and transport infrastructures . Thus, each
French department is a tourist - with many of its own attractions.
In the main tourist structures (hotels , cafes , restaurants , camping , travel , mountain lifts, thermal
spas ) involved 700,000 employees.
List of the most visited places in France in 2006
1. Notre Dame ( Paris) , 13.5 million visitors.
2 . Forest of Fontainebleau , 13 million .
3 . Disneyland 12.8 million .
4 . Flea Market in St. priparizhskom Uen , 11000000 .
5 . Sacre Coeur (Paris), 10 500 000 .
6. Rouen naval armada ( September -Maritime ) , 10 million in 2003 ( held every 5 years in July , the
next in 2013 ) .
7. Louvre (Paris), 8.3 million .
8. Park Palace of Versailles ( Yvelines ) 7000000 .
9. Eiffel Tower (Paris), 6719200 .
10 . Centre Pompidou (Paris), 6.6 million .
French government tourist offices
• « National Tourist Board » (ConseilnationalduTourisme), an advisory body to the Minister of
• « Maison de la France » (MaisondelaFrance) engaged in advertising tourism in France abroad
• « National Agency for vacationers checks » (Agencenationalepourleschèques-vacances), a public
institution of industrial and commercial character , engaged checks vacationers
• « National Council of flourishing towns and villages » (Conseilnationaldesvillesetvillagesfleuris)
Greece - the sun and the sea , the mountains and the rest, of course, steeped in history and culture of
the country , stretching back five millennia.
The most favorable time for a trip to Greece - it's the end of March - mid June or early September end of October. Summer in Greece is very hot.
Tourist services and legal support.
Range of services provided by the travel company , involves the allocation of basic ( core ) of tourist
services and support services to ensure proper conduct of the tour.
The basic ( core ) services travel agencies include:
choice of the type of tourism and travel routes ( destinations );
clarification of the number of days of the tour ;
catering ;
cultural program ;
clarification of the tour price , taking into account the system of discounts.
It should be noted some features of rendering specialized tourist services.
The number of days tours can be in three categories:
short-term (2- 5days );
medium-term ( 6-14 days );
long (over 14 days).
The most popular tours medium . When choosing accommodation tourists usually cater for 3, 4, 5 ,
inexpensive hotels that are chosen depending on the price and customer's creditworthiness .
Catering on the tour involves the following options :
- One meal a day (usually breakfast) ;
- Half board ( two meals a day, usually breakfast and dinner) ;
- Board (breakfast , lunch and dinner ) .
The main route of transport tourists to the resort of international tours is usually a ticket , at least travel by sea or rail.
In domestic tours as a transfer is usually used trains and planes ; rarely practiced river and sea cruises
, vehicles .
When organizing cultural programs tailored to specific country ( region, city ) tour in historical,
cultural , national, religious terms , as well as the duration and type of tour , the host and the
possibility , of course, the client's solvency . There is also a group tourism by purpose of travel (see
Table . 3.1. ) .
Table 3.1 .
Group Travel Tourism Targets distributed as follows:
Holidays and Tours 60,1%
Shopping Tour
Any tour abroad can be arranged with proper visas and passports for each group member . Pre- make
sure you have passports for all members of the tour group
United States of America - one of the main tourist countries they occupy in the world ranking third in
the number of foreign visitors ( 44.7 million in 1995 ) , first place in the income from tourism (58.4
billion dollars) and the power of exit flow ( 53.4 million ) . In addition, the U.S. are the largest market
for recreational demand in Europe and Asia Pacific. Major indicators of development tour U.S.
industry largely determines the growth of the industry of the entire U.S. region. States have great
potential for recreational tourism because of its geographical , geopolitical situation , climate
diversity and , therefore , biodiversity of flora and fauna . Many countries have great recreational
potential , but due to lack of development of social infrastructure , may not realize it. This applies , in
particular, our Primorsky Krai , the Asia-Pacific region. United States in this respect - an example of
how you can use the most is that the State has already given the nature and history of development.
It is a country which attracts people from around the globe . Someone is going to work, someone is
looking for his destiny , someone just does not sit in one place, but all united by one thing - the desire
for something new and interesting .
Features of development and tourism organization
Tourism as a leisure activity has spread to the United States in the early twentieth century. In 1950 he
created the Federal Communications Commission for the Study of tourism resources and recreation ,
as well as the Federal Bureau of tourism and recreation , which should promote the development of
tourism in the country. In international tourism has become a significant U.S. role only in the postwar
years .
3.2 The tourism potential in Tajikistan
Tajikistan is a unique tourist attraction of today , since it has great cultural and historical heritage and
unique culture , favorable geographical location , a variety of natural landscapes, recreational areas,
flora and fauna
Tajikistan - the edge of the highest peaks , powerful glaciers , swift rushing rivers , breathtaking in its
beauty, lakes, unique flora and rare animals. That mountain , floor landscape defines a specific and
unique nature of Tajikistan , the richness of its forms , brought to life by a variety of climates . The
republic and a half hour flight from the sultry heat of Vakhsh valley you can get into the arctic cold of
eternal snows of the Pamirs.
On the basis of the existing 13 state nature reserves and conservation " Zorkul ", " Romit ", " Mozkul
", " Dashtijum " and Tajik National Park preserved in its original form the unique ecology , landscapes
and natural monuments . Preserved and rare endangered species of plants and animals listed in the
Red Book , including Markhor ( morhur ) mountain argali ( Marco Polo ) , Bukhara urial ( urea ) ,
spotted the Bukhara deer , snow leopard, Tien Shan brown bear , striped hyena, Indian mountain
goose . On the territory of the republic are 84 species of mammals, over 365 species of birds , 49
species of reptiles, about 52 species of fish and more than 10,000 species of insects. Flora Tajikistan
has more than 5,000 species of higher plants , including many endemics . The territory of the Tajik
National Park covers 2.6 million hectares , which covers 18 percent of the country and 60 percent of
the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region of the Republic. Over recent years the National Park
Directorate actively implemented measures to promote ecotourism infrastructure and environmental
improvement in the High Pamir .
One of the unique parts of nature in the upper Amu Darya , is called " Tiger bar ." It is home to
pristine natural conditions animals such as deer , hangul , desert antelope gazelle, leopard, jungle cat
, hyena , black-golden Tajik pheasant, partridge - Chil , zmeeed eagle , wild boar , badger , porcupine .
Reptiles valuable for science and medicine Asian cobra , viper , ffs and numerous group of other nonpoisonous snakes . The rivers and lakes are found fish such as trout , Marina, catfish, snakehead , carp
, grass carp , and in the lower reaches of the river Vakhsh preserved ancient relic fish - skafiringus .
The country operates 125 of tourist and health resort destinations , including 51 hotel 9 sanatoriums,
rest up at home and recreational areas , tourist centers , health camps . Most hotels are located in
Dushanbe, Khujand , Kurgan-Tube , Kulob and Khorog .
Tajikistan has three international airports in Dushanbe , Khujand and Kulob . Territory of the country
from west to east cross the 3 branches of the railways that connect the central , northern and
southern regions of the country through the territory of neighboring states of Turkmenistan and
Natural and recreational resources in the country , the presence of historical and cultural monuments
predetermine features formed national tourist product , promotion and implementation of which the
world markets of tourist services , provides a stream of foreign tourists in Tajikistan . In this regard,
priority modes of international tourism in the country are considered :
- Climbing , mountain sports and ecotourism ;
- Rafting, para-gliding , skiing ;
- International hunting ;
- Historical and cognitive and ethnographic tourism ;
- Spa treatment and rest.
On the territory of Tajikistan is the majestic Pamir - one of the famous highlands globe with altitudes
from 2800 to 7495 m above sea level , known worldwide as the " roof of the world ." Here tourist
resources are climbing routes on the highest mountain peaks - and IsmoiliSomoni Korzhenevskoy
located at an altitude of over 7,000 meters, hunting farms , natural landscapes , caves and thermal
springs and cold , carbonate and silicate waters. Annually in Tajikistan hosts international climbing
expeditions , during which climbers from around the world to climb the highest mountain peaks of
the country. IsmoilaSomoni conquer peak ( 7,495 meters) - high-rise pole Pamir - eager climbers from
all over the world . Unique topography of the region favors the development of hiking trails and
trekking different complexity , engage special sports such as climbing, hiking , skiing , mountaineering
, combined with hunting and photo hunting, rafting , paragliding , snowboarding , caving and other
forms of extreme tourism .
Organizational and administrative infrastructure of tourism in Tajikistan :
• State Committee of the Republic of Tajikistan for Youth, Sport and Tourism - government body
designed to carry a single state policy in the field of tourism;
• liability , private companies, unitary enterprises leading commercial tourist activities ;
• tourist organizations belonging to trade unions and engaged in both commercial and social tourism.
Conclusion .
International tourism was in its development a long way and today is one of the most successful
sectors of the world economy . Like any other sphere of economic activity , the tourism industry is a
very complex system , development of which depends on the degree of development of the economy
as a whole. Currently, the industrialized countries account for over 60% of all arrivals of foreign
tourists and 70-75 % of the global foreign trips. The share of the countries included in the EU
accounts for about 40 % of tourist arrivals and foreign exchange earnings .
In Russia tourism - a growing industry . In all areas of tourism, both at the level of state structures,
and in the emerging field of tour business, the search for new forms of work , expanding the scope of
its proposal and deepening specialization. Russian tourist companies still have a lot of work on quality
and rates for services offered. To date, there are many classifications in tourism. You may notice that
each type of tourism in their own unique, has its own peculiarities . It should also be noted that each
type of tourism must be carefully planned , designed and organized. Must take into account the
needs, interests and characteristics of the participants tourist trip . Demand for travel and tourism is
defined both by market forces ( demand for travel , sightseeing and other services , the supply of
those services and their distribution ) , and exogenous variables , ie factors not directly related to
tourism and travel, but have a significant influence on the degree and form of demand for tourist
activities . It should be noted that not all the features customers can determine the existence of the
relevant type of tourism. But on the other hand account of such features , it is possible will reveal
new forms of tourism . An important feature of the present stage of development of tourism and
changing its organizational forms is the penetration in the tourist transport business , commercial,
industrial, banking, insurance and other companies. Intensive development of international tourism
relations entailed the creation of numerous international organizations , promote better organization
of this sphere of international economic relations .
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