Figures of Speech: Simile, Metaphor, Irony & More

•compares two things to another
using the words “like” or “as”.
•She is as sweet as pie.
•He can run like the wind.
METAPHOR• compares two things without using the
words like or as. A metaphor states that
something IS something else. (is, are, was,
• The fluffy clouds are
marshmallows floating in the sky.
• The mall is a zoo on Saturdays.
• The noisy cardinals were an orchestra
• giving human characteristics or abilities
to something that is not human, such as
animals, plants, or inanimate objects.
Example: The tree branches groaned in
the wind.
• The flowers bowed down to the rain.
• Her eyes smiled at me.
• expresses an obvious exaggeration.
-She bores me to death.
-The waves were so high they touched
the sky.
- St. Agnes is the best school in the
(A fact, not Hyperbole!!!!!!)
• the use of words that make sounds.
-The bullet whistled in the still air.
-The flies buzzed around his head.
Irony: several types
1. Situational Irony: when the outcome of a situation is
totally unexpected or surprising
For example: A champion swimmer drowns, or
a firehouse burns down.
2. Verbal Irony: When someone says something different
from what they really mean…
For example: Sarcasm
3. Dramatic Irony: When the audience or reader knows
something that the characters do not, something which
adds suspense or humor.
For example: In Toy Story, the toys move when the
people are not there. Also, Buzz thinks he is a real space
ranger, but we know he is not.
a group of words established by use to have a particular meaning,
on their own; however, they are meaningless
Example: its “raining cats and dogs”, that was a “piece of cake”
creates a relationship based on parallels or connections
between two ideas. By establishing this relationship, the new
idea is introduced through a familiar comparison, thus making
the new concept easier to grasp.
Example: Just as a sword is the weapon of a warrior, a pencil is
the weapon of a writer. Both need to be sharpened at
The pun is a play on words using words that sound
similar or that have multiple meanings.
•A horse is a very stable animal.
•An elephant’s opinion carries a lot of weight.
•What is the difference between a conductor and a teacher?
The conductor minds the train and a teacher trains the mind.