What do researchers do with IT?What do they want from ITS? Heidi Fraser-Krauss University of York Context • Central ITS had traditionally done nothing to support research • York, as part of the N8, had acquired access to the joint HPC facility – But wasn’t using its share – Compsci were the gateway to the N8 and the gateway was hidden ! • I saw an opportunity What we did • With the support of the Dean of Science we formed a working group of researchers chaired by an academic from Physics • I freed up a member of staff to focus on technical research support • Initial focus of the WG was HPC but: – Group felt that the issue was wider – And instigated a questionnaire to investigate training and software needs Software and training needs questionnaire • Biographical data – Department – Research Group • • • • Software use and importance to research Software needs Training needs and preferences Level of expertise in use of software Software and training needs questionnaire • 328 responses in total • 27/28 Academic departments responded. • The sciences (59%) and social sciences (30%) were the biggest participants. • Over 260 different applications are actively used in York. Top 20 pieces of software Applica on name Ar cG la s. ig in Te X Or La Ap e e us r EE G do op to EK A st ra W Ha Ill u ac h ob Pl iN ux Lw M M Lin IS Ga us ob sia e Ph n ot os ho p Ad Ad + SP SS C+ ta th on iv o St a At R LA B NV AT Py M Number of responses Most wanted pieces of software Note the overlap! 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Exper se level of applica ons used at UOY Not Stated 19% Beginner 19% Expert 19% Intermediate 43% . Preferred method of training. 1% 4% Classroom training 4% 3% 42% 20% Reference material (books, on-line documenta on, etc) On-line training (videos, courses, etc) None Specified Other No training Drop In with Expert 26% How we used this information • We bought a site license for Matlab • We brought a site license for Qualtrics • We have established classroom based training courses for Matlab, R, Python and Linux and now have a wiki for advertising courses that others provide • We’ve got a dialogue going with researchers • We’ve installed the major pieces of software on our mini HPC cluster Infrastructure Questionnaire • Biographical data • Hardware. – Type of research done with computers. – Operating systems – Computer specs • Storage – Do you backup your research data? – Where? • Wi-Fi. • Training courses and information. • General Comments. Infrastructure Questionnaire • 244 responses in total. • 34 separate departments • 50 research institutes Responses by department 40 Number of responses 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 l l ) ) t t s s s s s s s s s r s s c y y e e e log sic nc die stry ork en nic ce logy nc oo ic on IEE logy c on tory MS i c Ar oo tur die usi phy log sion die the icience c Bio Pheyr Scieed StuChemicial Wironmlectroh Sciesnycho c Scient SchconoEmducaa on c(haeothemeamina Hisol (HY Polory oaf w ScLhiteraal Stu MhilosoSocioTelevi 's Stu O conom S l t v e E E n a E alt o P P uis em lth So En put elat HisYork Llated ediev duc Ar Mad Diss lth li c and ome Sch nd He Ling anagr Hea n Heand Po ve E Comand R cal ilm W Re M a i cy a d F i d d s l c , n o M e f n a s o w a ic Effe i al atre ge a ork tre vie ia l P rk M is h nom for Soc gua e Y Cen The r Re ngl Soc -Yo l E o l f E co ute u Lan Th t H tre Ins Cen Departments What do you use your computer for? Simula on/ modelling 15% Programming tasks (e.g. Matlab, C++, Python.) 22% Mainly for word processing, spreadsheets, presenta ons. 34% Data analysis (e.g. R or STATA) 29% Operating system use Use computers mainly for word processing, spread sheets, presentations Data analysis Programming tasks Simulations/modelling Other 1% Other 1% Apple 19% Apple 22% Linux/ Unix 5% Windows 72% Linux/ Unix 37% Windows 43% Where is research done? 2% 10% Office desktop Laptop 31% 57% Department machine/cluster Other Would more powerful hardware help? • Do researchers think their research would be significantly improved if they had access to larger/faster machines? (93 responses) • Yes 33% • Not sure 13% • No 54% • Percentage of researchers who said yes or not sure who would be interested in receiving help to run computing jobs on larger/faster machines. • Yes 42% • Not sure 44% • No 6% Storage • Are you storing your research data in a facility that is not part of, or located at the University of York (196 people responded)? – Yes 67 % – No 33 % • Do you have colleagues from other institutions that access data stored at the University of York (196 people)? – Yes 20 % – No 80 % • Would you be interested in using the data storage facilities provided by the University of York and IT services (196 people)? – Yes 54% – No 14% – I am already using these facilities. 32% Do you backup your research? • 91 % of those who responded claim to backup their research. • There seems to be no correlation between department or job title from those who do not back-up their research. Professor/Reader 11% Lecturer/Senior Lecturer 26% Teaching Fellow/ Senior Teaching Fellow 5% Economics and Related Studies Electronics Health Sciences Responses The York Management School Physics Research Fellow/ Senior Research Fellow 26% Other 5% Masters Student 0% PhD Student 11% Centre for Reviews and Dissemina on Educa on Ins tute for Effec ve Educa on (IEE) Biology Chemistry Computer Science Mathema cs Social Policy and Social Work 0 1 2 Department 3 4 Post-doctoral Research Associate 16% 5 Where are research data stored? Data Storage Type • 49 % of researches report backing up their data on personal external hard disks, 44% on departmental storage and 20% using storage provided by IT Services. • It also seems that many people are using Dropbox, Google cloud and Apple iCloud to store their data. 140 Other 120 Cloud 100 Google Drive/Dropbox Other storage services Stored in a loca on away from the University of York. Stored using storage provided by central IT Services. 80 60 Stored on departmental storage. 40 External hard disk a ached to your computer. 20 DVD, USB s ck. 0 0 10 20 30 Responses 40 50 60 Dropbox. Google Cloud Apple iCloud Amazon Web Microso (e.g. Drive, (e.g. find my Services (e.g. OneDrive Forms, groups iPhone, EC2, storage). etc.) Backup). Responses Windows Cloud UoY dropoff Other. Comments • “The availability of cores and memory limits research questions that I can address. More of both would help. But another barrier is the time needed to train, program and interface with distributed systems. A more desktop-like experience would help. “ • “I use Dropbox for everything because it is reliable and accessible and (apparently) free. But I'd prefer this to be a UoY service. I guess I could use the Google based services for this, but they're nothing like as easy as Dropbox.” Comments • “I do think a central storage facility for raw research data would be very useful. Backing-up data seems like an individual endeavor for unsupported machines. Other Universities seem more proactive about this. “ • “No additional storage space given for PhD students by the university. When I have enquired about obtaining extra filespace, I have been informed by the IT Support Office that it is not possible to increase my filestore quota. “ Questions? Thanks to Dr Emma Barnes and Dr Andrew Smith