Search for temporal variation of a in RF transitions of atomic

A Search for Temporal and
Gravitational Variation of a in Atomic
Arman Cingöz
University of California
at Berkeley
Variation of Constants & Violation of Symmetries, 24 July 2010
Partial support by:
Dmitry Budker, Nathan Leefer
Physics Department, University of California, Berkeley
Steve Lamoreaux
Yale University
Alain Lapierre
TRIUMF, Canada
A.-T. Nguyen
University of Pittsburgh
Justin Torgerson
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Valeriy Yashchuk and Sarah Ferrell
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Overview & motivation
Nearly degenerate levels in dysprosium
Experimental technique
Variation Results/ Status Update
Laser Cooling of Dy
Variation of a would signify physics beyond the Standard Model and
General Relativity.
• Violates Local Position Invariance (a component of Equivalence
Principle), which states that results of non-gravitational experiments
are independent of where and when they are performed
WHEN: Temporal variation of fundamental constants:
V. Dzuba et. al., Phys. Rev A 68, 022506 (2003)
V. Dzuba and V. V. Flambaum, Phys. Rev A 77, 012515 (2008)
• WHERE: Null gravitational redshift experiment: compare two different clocks
side by side at the same location
• Recast species dependent shift in terms of gravitational variation of a
V. V. Flambaum, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A22, 4937 (2007)
Search in Atomic Dy
D3 MHz – 1 GHz
in 5 isotopes
dD/dt ~2.0 x 1015 Hz |a/a|
V. Dzuba et al, Phys. Rev A 77, 012515 (2008)
•Atomic dysprosium (Dy, Z=66) has two nearly degenerate levels that
are highly sensitive to a.
•For |a/a|
~ 10-15 /yr  dD/dt ~ 2 Hz/yr
Self-heterodyning Optical Comparison
• Opposite parity levels  can induce direct electric dipole transitions
between levels
DE ~ 3-1000 MHz  can induce transitions with an rf electric field
• Direct frequency counting  relaxed requirements on reference
clock [DE=1 GHz
requires Dn/n~10-12 for a mHz measurement (|a/a| ~ 10-18 /yr )]
• Essentially independent of other fundamental constants
n1 - n 2
Statistical Sensitivity
• Transition linewidth, g, is determined by the lifetime of
state A (t =7.9 ms)  g~20 kHz
• Counting rate ~ 109 s-1
• Statistical sensitivity:
dn ~ g/N1/2 ~ 0.6 Hz s1/2
After 1 hour of integration time, dn ~10 mHz which corresponds
to a sensitivity of:
|a/a| ~ 5 x 10-18 yr-1
Additional Correlations
w1 + w2 insensitive to a variation
w1 - w2 a variation is twice as large
Currently we monitor:
3.1-MHz transition in 163Dy
235-MHz transition in 162Dy
Parity Nonconservation in Dy
• Degeneracy between levels A and B useful for enhancing mixing
due to the weak interactions
Detect quantum interference beat between Stark and PNC mixing
|Hw|=|2.3 ± 2.9 (stat) ± 0.7 (sys)| Hz
A. T. Nguyen et al., PRA 56, 3453 (1997)
• Theoretical calculations are difficult since dominant configurations do
not mix; effect due to configuration mixing and core polarization
Hw=70 (40) Hz
V. A. Dzuba et al., PRA 50, 3812 (1994)
Recently, improved calculations suggest Hw ~ 2-6 Hz
V. A. Dzuba and V. V. Flambaum, PRA 81, 052515 (2010)
Stay tuned for CW PNC experiment with improved statistical sensitivity
3 step population scheme:
Step 1 and 2: cw laser excitation
Step 3: spontaneous decay with b.r. ~30%
1397 nm
669 nm
833 nm
• FM modulated rf field transfers population to state A
• State A decays to the ground state in two steps
• 564-nm light is detected
4829 nm
564 nm
First Generation Apparatus Results
a/a= (-2.4 ± 2.3) x 10-15 yr-1 A.Cingöz et al., PRL 98, 040801 (2007)
ka=(-8.7 ± 6.6) x 10-6 S. Ferrell et al., PRA 76, 062104 (2007)
2nd Generation Apparatus
Differentially pumped
1. Oven chamber
2. Gate valve
3. Interaction chamber
A. Dy effusive oven
B. Collimator
C. Laser access port
D. Two-layer magnetic shield
E. 4p Optical collection system
F. PMT viewport
G. Rf electrodes
Current Status
• Operational for the past two years
• Collisional shifts reduced to ~ 10 mHz
• Shifts due to rf inhomogeneities
consistent with 0 at the 10 mHz level
• However there were unexpected
• DC Stark shifts due to stray
charge accumulation: problem
mostly for 3.1 MHz transition
• Zeeman shifts:
Dn/B=DgABmomFmax~2 kHz/1mG
• Zeeman shifts under control at the ~0.1
Hz level
• Stray electric fields mostly stabilized but
need further investigation
(-0.8 ± 2.1) x 10-15 yr-1
Future: Residual Amplitude Modulation
• RAM on top of FM creates
asymmetric sideband amplitudes
which leads to apparent shift of
zero crossing for 1st harmonic
• Due to the large linewidth, RAM is
a serious problem
 ~450 Hz/% RAM
• Measured value in our system
 ~1 x 10-4  4 Hz shifts
•Various ways to control:
• Choose proper phase angle
•Active stabilization
Laser Cooling of Dy
• Increase beam brightness
• A better control of beam density
 Study self collisions
 Reduce systematics due to
spatial inhomogeneities
•A strong cycling transition exists
 421 nm (t = 4.6 ns)
• However, many decay channels
• Calculations suggested B.R. of <10-4
V. A. Dzuba and V. V. Flambaum, PRA 81, 052515
Laser Cooling of Dy
• 421 nm source: 1cm PPKTP in a bow tie cavity
90 mW out with 335 mW IR, 27% c.e.
• Transverse cooling experiment:
421 nm
• 3 cm interaction region: ~5000 cycles
• Probe velocity distribution w/ 658 nm
658 nm
Rec. vel.
0.6 cm/s
Doppler limit 20 cm/s
Doppler temp. 0.8 mK
•Fit to Voigt Profile:
• Gaussian width of 0.8(5) MHz
• Lorentzian width of 4.2 (7) MHz
• Limit on branching ratio: < 5 x 10-4
• More stringent limit from MOT experiment
in Urbana-Champaign: 7 x 10-6
M. Lu et al., PRL 104, 063001 (2010)
N. Leefer et al., PRA 81, 043427 (2010)
• The nearly degenerate levels in dysprosium are highly
sensitive to a variation. Direct frequency counting
techniques allow for measurements without state-of-the-art
atomic clocks.
• First generation apparatus sensitivity is ~10-15 yr-1
• Second generation apparatus sensitivity is expected to be
~10 -17 yr-1. Actual data taking will commence soon.
• Transverse cooling of Dy to the Doppler limit has been
demonstrated for all isotopes with large abundance.
• XUV Frequency Combs: Monday Poster Session (Mo 89)
Systematic Effects
A.- T. Nguyen et al. PRA Phys. Rev. A 69, 022105 (2004)
• However, it is not the size but the stability of these effects that is important
 preliminary analysis showed that systematic effects may be controlled to
a level corresponding to |a/a| ~ 5 x 10-18 /yr
Search in Atomic Dy
Lock-in Detection Technique
• rf field is frequency modulated at 10 kHz with a modulation index
of 1
• Reduces asymmetries in the line shape caused by drifts (laser
and atomic beam fluctuations)
• Currently use the ratio of these two harmonics
First Harmonic
Second Harmonic
Laser Cooling of Dy
Stray B-fields
• If unresolved Zeeman sublevels are:
sym. populated  leads to broadening , but no shifts
asym. populated  leads to broadening and shifts
Dn/B=DgABmomFmax~2 kHz/1mG
• Nominal config.: linearly polarized pop. beams  aligned state; no shifts
• Systematic due to: spatially varying stress-induced birefringence on optics.
 run-to-run variations due to laser pointing variations.
RF Interaction Region
 Standing Wave
 Small radiative losses
(closed wave guide)
 Impedance matched
 Transparent to light
 Transparent to the atomic
 Homogeneous electric
field (no phase shifts)
 Broadband: 3 MHz to 1
RF Interaction Region